r negro teachers Group Ends Year The Martin County Negro , Teachers' Association is ending' a very successful school year. Through the assistance of Supt. Uit’ O'. vt ii IrtiiM. itCiwUS strides have been made in stimu lating and integrating planned ac u\'ir\n jar suecessiui teaming. The association has sponsored a series of group meetings along the lines of workshops Demonstra tions of effective and proved methods were given. The film Tips for Teachers", for teaching cunscioushess and personal evalu ation was shown. , v,VQ'\ *r ^ 1 ‘^t(t ». ii»Cion Was host to lilt, aiilluai North Carolina Northeastern Dis trict Teachers’ Association. In \ our \ oh* ;m<! Support for E. G. (Andy) Anderson (fuullrfalr i'or R<r]>n>si>ntnlirr irnm \Sfirlin ( omilv in thr 1951 l'Vn‘>r(il is::nnt>lv H iU Rndrnnf / v ipfu cciuh'd. Barrymore ami Friends \ new personality has come to the screen! John Barrvmore, Jr., the 7-year-old son T>f the famous late "Great Profile,” makes his debut is an actor in the spectacular new Technicolor western drama, "The sundowners." which starts Wednesday at the Watt: Theatre. Young Barrymore is shown above, in this scene from the picture, with two >f his co-stars, Robert Preston and Chill Wills. Not included in this icene is Robert Sterling who also has a starring role in the film. J ht1 Sundowners , which thrillingly brings to the screen the story ; >t a classic Texas ranch war, is an Eagle Lion Films release, (injunction with this meeting ox obits of student classroom work vas displayed. The Martin County teachers had '('fore them a recognized author v of the Southeastern United; Hates m the field of audio-visual ids, A II Peeler, principal of J Price Elementary School, ireensboro. Through lecture and emonstration he vividly pointed ut the various means of "Making 'he Abstract Concrete!" The group meeting of April 20th ras confined mainly to reports of, he eight delegates to the annual forth Carolina State Teachers’ association which was held in K.i ?igh. Thorough coverage of pro fess made by the association was e ported. The annual field day, sponsored y the association for the youth of he county, was held on May 2k t the local Negro high school. The ii st place award was won by the teal school The second place ward was won by the Hamilton chool. Through thi' initiative of the u per visor, Dr Richard L Weav t'r of the Resource-Use Education j <■ Commission of North Carolina, I lectured and demonstrated to the teachers and parents on the even I ing of May 11 at the Wiltiamston I Negro High School. He forcefully j brought to the .croup the urgency of conserving aU resources. He I also emphasized points which the I ( superintendent of our schools, J ,. C Manning, has consistently stressed, making full use of things , at hand, and teaching the youth [■the need of living for the welfare I 1 of the community. The association learned with re gret the announced retirement of Mrs Mart' S. Gray, former super visor and teacher of this unit. Since 1910 she has conscientiously I served in educational, civic, and |- religious capacities, j The association closes its 1949 , 50 school year pointing with great , pride to the 100 percent eontribu , tion made bv this unit to the , Hammocks lleach Project, an un dertaking by the teachers of North ,1 Carolina. Officers for the year were as follows: President, John M. Slade; j i | vice president, Odessa McFadden; ( secretary, Indiana T. Whitley; as- j i I sistant secretary, Irene E Hargett; 1 I treasurer, Cymeru R Fagan, and I i ' parlii\mentarian, W C. Chance : ] Dm ipg the week ending Decent J I j her 17, gorth Carolina broiler pro- j I ducersi received an average price i ^ of 20 cents per pound. During thej comparable period in 1948, the average was 36 cents per pound | ll Tnl.rs "knoii lion ” AND HE IIAVi IT HEATING — anil — Sheet Metal Work i.knnon \|»pi l»> ClI JOHNS-M iNMI Lt: Itoofino < onlriii lor WHITE'S III \TIM; A Ml sill kt HI I AI WOltkS I*. O. Box 604 YVIIX1AMSTON. N. C. PIIONIC ’220 Schedule Finals In Negro School The commencement program of the WiUiamston Colored High School was announced today hv Principal E. J. Hayes. • .ir^pw Pi rr:n, tvrrrrm. :;cir:fr a reception for beginners for 1950 51 at 1:30 in the afternoon. At 11:00 o'clock Friday evening the Grammar (Intermediate) grade pantomimes, dialogues, rhythmic and star-dance exercis es will be given. Sunday at 2 p. m. the Haccalau reate sermon will be preached by j < Rev. J. A Stringfield, minister . of Kadesh A. M. E. Zion Church.' ( Edenton. Monday at 11 p. m. the Grammar Graduation exercises will he held. Tuesday at I ill) n m., ('lass Day Exercises are planned by the sen ior class. 1’here will he two programs on ww. i r be*!# Anniversary of Clubs and at 11 in the evening will he a dramatic tvs hibition by the senior class in the from of three one-act plays. The final hand concert by the school band under the direction of C W. Clark '.t ill he presented at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon. u w lo Ml Our 1'iiniik ami (iusloiiirrs Vt o'tl Like l o Ssiv: THANK YOU . . . for your fine response lo our formal opening Friday. Your allemlanee made our opening llie sueeess we'd hoped for. WILLIAMSTON Office Supply Co. V graduation exercises will fellow it 8 o'clock that night. Dr. Helen »■ Edmonds, of the Social Science lepartment, Durham State Col ege for Negroes, Durham, will make the commencement address The students, faculty and prin cipal of the school have issued ar invitation to the public to attemj the various programs. mtMMWMMWUMMMMMMAM BRANCH SERVICE IS AH Ft)R YOU iri onnls ( i ( i ! ( s/> nil oi ii i hrrLing i llm! san ((in Itranrh It.mk fariliti**- ha>** Immmi mail** a- rompl**!** as pos silil** for your hcinl'il. WIh-ii «'oiifroiil<*d ivilh am finaiirial nr«*d or pi'olili'iu \oitr l‘ir-1 llioii"lil should hi* lo 1*01111* lo lli<* Itranrh Hank. \\ «• ml.oin** •*v«*r\ opporlimil\ lo h«* of »<*r \ i«*«* lo a oil. I mins < * i * * i i Sari nfis icdiiints 7 inirlrrs' ( lirijnes i i i i i * i * * * i I * _ 1 | < | Branch Banking & Trust Co, j tAAAA*U\AAA*W\A/W\nA/V\A/UUVUVUUlruuWUUUVUVUUUWWVWIIV SHOP ARY WWXl BOTTLE GAS SERVICE - It Cooks — It Ileats — It Makes Ice — ConrteeyGasno.,Inc. Dial 2572 Joan Crawford - David Brian Warner Bros: flaming stars of‘flamingo road-meet in scarlet shadows again! .1 -STEVE COCHRAN DIRECTED PRODUCED «Y kfntsmith VINCENT SHERMAN • JERRY WALD Screen play by Harold Medford and Jerome Weidman • Story by Gertrudo Walker MONDAY - TUESDAY, HAY 22 an) 23 . TRIO THEATRE - RobersonviUe T SALE BEGINS FRIDAY, J^AY 19 Keg. :')!!(■ ( hildrens MO\| |{ SIIOKIS Suitable for sportswear for hoys anil girls. Klas lie waist hand. (<ood colors. Sizes 2 I (I lteR. 35e rvi \ksiii\i vu.ow IM VM IS Tasty Banana flavored in circus si/e. (let a pound today. Ih. Sl’ICClAL! CIIIUHIKIVS SUINSUITS Neat prints in excellent *1 tialily percale flood eol ors. Si/es Regular SI.00 1*1.\snr w \ii:u 1*114 III IC Modern de si|tii, compact, red, yellow o’r green. Regular She Boxed Set of H—I1 I 2 oz. M Mill | |{S Dahlia, sail boat, or tulip time designs. \ssorted eol ors. Regular 2!>c DISH TOW I I S l!i x 2!). A real value at l int free, absorbent, size l.mlirs' 3 tor 37c 5"10 130 STORES SERVING 5 SOUTHERN STATES FANCY PANTIES Itliir, While niul Pink 49c CHCCKERSOAftP CHOCKIES - from Your Purina Dealer Ilf I', i-HI Jlii WHAT HAPPENED !TO MILK SALES? LET US VI show you WE CANT HELP IT, BOSS, ALL THE MOTHEftS ON OUR ROUTE ARE ON PURINA SOW e PIG CHOW ves,there's milk ENOUGH TOR ALL/j WE'RE I nl RUINED} nS PIG-BUILDER, MILK-MAKER— Tknt's PURINA SOW A PIG CHOW reed |or big Utters and lots of milk this year with Purina Sow & Pig Chow. Sow & Pig Chow helped pro duce 1/3 bigger litters, weighing 1/3 heavier at weaning than national average. Try Sow & P-n Chow Now. LIN l>S LEV ICE COMPANY ■

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