Report Series Of Road Wrecks In County Recently (Continued from page one) del- Smith pulled to the right vestigating the accident, Patrol man M. F. Powers said no charges were preferred. He quoted Smith as saying that it was just one of these things and could not be helped, adding that hr had been m a simihar predicament once himself. Tra veilin', west between Wil Iiamsten and Everetts on High way ti-i yesterday morning short ly aflei 7:00 "'clock. Mr. H. L Meador, driving a 1950 Plymouth, gave a signal for a left turn E\ - erett Buxton Baugham, Plymouth man. started to pass blit saw the hand signal too late He applied , his brakes but his 1950 Buick skidded into the rear of the Ply mouth. doing about $200 damage I isit 1 Irilip find Movers V illiunietnn for flit* ''Best Buys In 11! m i I ii re" I ; to each car, according to Patrol man John T. Rowe who made the investigation. No one was hurl and Baugham accepted the dam j ages, Patrolman Rowe said. -4 Speaks In Behalf Of Frank Graham Tor-KT SenaIS (Continued from page one) ton. Jr.. Mrs. T. W. Skinner, Mrs. J W. Watts, Miss Ruth Manning, and Mrs. Elbert S Peel. Seven Cases In Justices' Courts (Continued rrorn page one) James Long was taxed with $5.85 costs for operating a motor ve hicle with improper equipment. Charge with public drunken ness. Clarethea and Elree Will iams were each taxed with $5.85 ( AKI> OF THANKS We would like to take this op portunity to thank our many man;.- friends and neighbors who v. eer so kind to us during our re el nt bereavement. The many kind acts will long be remembered by We would also like to thank each and every one for the beau tiful floral offering. May the Lord bless all of you, MRS. E K. CHESSON AND CHILDREN Your Vole For 0. L. Williams ii yih; COUNTY'S ONLY (landiduU* fur NT ATi; SKIN ATE 2nd Senatorial IMa\ 27 W ill He \ITHK< IVILI) It's Strawberry Time! fresh Strawberry lee Cream, the kind that makes jour mouth water, is being featured all through the month by j our friendly drain , Ituv tlii* delightful Irral —~ TODAY ! It‘h taajrv— delirious flavor — will rail for More. Maola Ice Cream Co. Jaycee Officers Installed Friday The Woman's Club, elaborately decorated in blue and white crepe j paper, was the scene of the sixth 1 Junior Chamber of Commerce ;inrl Installation Nirrht last '♦ »- «% <•/»».• «■ Friday. The hall was filled with Jaycees wife and dates, the presidents of the other local civic clubs and their wives and out of town guests from Plymouth, Washington, Wil son, Rocky Mount and Wilming ton. The meeting was officially op-1 ened with the entire group recit-' ing the Jaycee Creed and singing God Bless Ameriea. Jaycee Charles Manning pronounced the 1 invocation. After a delicious turkey dinner the meeting was turned .over to ■ Jaycee Wheeler Manning who act- j ed as toastmaster for-the'evening, i After a recognition of the guests ' by the toastmaster, Jaycee John! Miller, in charge of the program [ for the evening, presented the en tertainment which brought un-, ' ccasihg laughter. After demon strating talent by the local Jay cee members, Miller introduced Smike Bones (Jimmy Page) and his Musical Nightmares (Joe Rob ertson, Raymond Robertson, Bob by Goff, Herbert Harrell and Don Reynolds), a minstrel band which kept the large crowd in stitches for the greater part of half an hour; At the close of this band concert "'ere jw^senterTlc? the ladies. The meeting was returned to President Thad Harrison who in troduced National Director Hal Love of Wilminglon, who install ed the new officers for the com ing year. At this point District Vice-President John Hackney was recognized to install Edgar Gur g-intis, the incoming president, who presided over the remainder of the meeting. After transacting a small amount of bUP'neKS the ocV.%'presi3g(it adjourned the me*fuig inviting all to attend the dtnd'e jn-4he high school gym giv en irir honor of, the ladies. The of fieer£ install^ are: President, Ed gar,,‘Gurganias; 1st vice president, Bernard Harrison, 2nd vice presi dent,' E. S. Peel. Jr.; secretary, El ton Hardy; treasurer, Grady Luff smarter in every COOLER Pitch Pdeket Sport Mocfels with hind needled edgis COOLER All Worsted tropical fabrics COOLER Inside trim thit retains Smart lines COOtfl Cplorj. in many glorious new shades ( Lion's Club Holds Regular Meeting I The annual meeting for the | nomination of officers was held | by the Lions Club last Thursday jman; sergeant-at-arms, Joe Vann; .State director. NelsonLegeett; d; “WflWsi for two years term, Eh I Gurganus, A) Sweatt, and Hoke I Roberson. livening at the Woman’s Club. An j enjoyable dinner was served by | the ladies of the No. 2 circle of the | Methodist Church. Following the dinner, Lion Sec 1 retary Billy Griffin read the min I utes of the last meeting of the 1 Board of Directors. The meeting was then turned over to Lion A. J. Manning, chairman of the nomi nating committee, who read the There were some changes made, and the complete list will be pub lished at a later date. i The club voted to sponsor a con testant in the Beauty Contest to | be held by the Jaycccs at a later date. There were several guests for I the evening including, Francis ; Vaughn, J. M. Hopkins, Louis Morris and James Wallace. Lion Roy Ward presented Lion B. G. Stewart with the Fellowship ---•- t I Farm prices fall below parity for first time in eight years. Indignant Little George came home in a sad state. He had a black eye, many scratches, and his cloihes were a sight. His mother was horrified and, with tears in her eyes, said iebukmgly; “Oh, Geotge, George! How often have I told you not to play with that naughty Brown boy?” “PJa^^mswerecMi^tie^jgaj^. looking af his mothermdeepass gust. “Do I look as if I've oecn playing with somebody?" Now on Sale at Your Friendly Colonial Store Market! 4-H Club Show Beef From Williumston Fat Cattle Show Limited Quality — Regular Loir (colonial Prices! This Week your ColonialMarketis Featurin END CUT Lb. M'uncyj invent Tender PORK CHOPS H ^ I _ 59c CENTER CUT Lb. Tender 3ieuty Tiurorfnt PORK ROAST 73c RIB END Lb. 53c LOIN END Lb. 55c V Mb O n I /* 1* i l.l I, r ' “ FRANKS HEAVY WESTERN BEEF CHUCK ROAST ItAVr WESTERN BONELESS BEEF RIB STEAK lUCKD LIVER CHEESE SLICED OR BY T1IE PIECE—Al.l. MEAT BOLOGNA 1-Lb. C.llo Lb Lb. Lb Lb. 49c 61c 95c 55c 49c Shop at Colonial! T'resh Ground BEEF - 53c Ocean-Fresh Seafood Fresh Grey Trout Hi 25c L|t Speckle Trout Hi 45c Medium Hock. II). 59c Perch Fillet, pound 55c colonial STORES K 9 « C *»«■ FARMS GREEN AND WHITE LIMA BEANS '£■ 10 REDGATE DELIA IOCS WHITE OR GOLDEN CREAM CORN r 10 STANDARD RED RIPR TOMATOES 2 : 23 FEGGF YELLOW CLING SLICED OR HALVED PEACHES 2 v29 SIMMERED IN TOMATO SAUCE—REDGATE PORK & BEANS £ 9‘ MELLOW r IRE DELICIOUS WHITF.HOUSE APPLE SAUCE 2 = 27* FITE FRUITS HLF.NDED—LI2SB VS FRUIT COCKTAIL 'cfn 20c DEI. MONTE—M-OE. CAN 3#« P’APPLE juice “C*J 17* LI ETON *S ICE CREAM MIX * FROSTEE 2 »•> 27* FOR SALADS OR SANDWICHES—MOTHER'S MAYONNAISE 29* l.rSClOUS Id CRY.AM MIX TEN-BLOW Dairy Products MRS. FILBERT S COLORED Fancy Dried Beam dried pinto BEANS Lb 12c dried GREAT NORTHERN BEANS Lb 12c dried large lima BEANS Lb. 17c Dried Baby Lima beans It# c.iio KiA . ^F R l.| N(, Pi .AIN OR IODIZES SALT 26-ox. Piif. 9C NABISCO VANILLA WAFERS i2-o>. 32c LIBBY s HOMOGENIZED BABY FOOD j« 9c 'emwrwfm0110 Plir codfish CAKES 10-Ox. 21c IT^»NTER2l SALTED COCKTAIL PEANUTS • ox. 33c NESTLE S SEMI-SWEET MORSELS 19c SIOUX BEE STRAINEd HONEY .o. l«c northern pafer TOWELS Rail ISc northern toilet TISSUE 2 M 15, household cleanser ^ OLD DUTCH CAB 11c toilet soap—3 *4< IVOBY 3 r*9 23c IVORY La. pi, 25c SNOW l,. pi, 25c TOILET SOAP-BAT* CAMAY r.,im 7« aixL^li^Bk T—s rath -t. #C l SOAP R.a •„ 7c MRS. FILBERT 5 L.ULVt'tu ■ MARGARINE 1 CS RED TART PITTED PIE : 41* 1 CHERRIES WlSC. MEPI CM_SH ARF ^ FOOD 2-Lb Lo*i 77c KRAFT’S FH1I.V CRY AM KHAr i ^ __ _ CHEESE Colonials Fresh Produce u. S. NO. t NEW CROP WHITF POTATOES 5 - 25c °M >• wsrSet changes predict prices feed thru S»t.. May fANCY PUSH C.OI.DFN HEART *" . CRISP CELERY - 17c Tender Green Corn-on-lhe-Cob, 3 ears 21c TENDER GREEN SNAP r*ESH r,,M _ _ BEANS CABBACE 3 15c 2 w 27c x Faney Green Tup CARROTS 2 bucks 17c 3 Ox 16c EASY-TO-PREPARE JIFFY PIE CRUST BOTH FOR ONLY FRESH FIRM GREEN CABBAGE Fancy Western RED WINES A I* APPLES, 2 tbs 29e. FENDER cmOOKNRCK YELLOW 2 u. 15c SQUASH nibletswhole kerenfl COURT 2 >2 ox. 29e STOKKLY S riBNIF mb WW GREENS 2 H. 2 29* KRAI T S MACARONI A CHEESS DINNERS ». 13# factory packed granulated SUGAR 5-Lbi. 459 ECONOMICAL FRANCO-AMERICAN SPAGHETTI c» M« WHITE CANDY MARSHMALLOWS PURITAN • <» 17# WITH BIR-RL Q SAUCE—-OSCAR HATER WEINERS u <* 45# STALEY’S CREAM CORN STARCH % 12# PLAIN OR SELF-RISING FLOUR E x. « _ r.jLfi TRIANGLE 50-Lb. k 81* RED BAND 10-Lb. fea $J.02