ioods, Valued Ai $800, Stolen From Four Stores Then (Continued trom page one) nside doors They ransarke he contents there and left wa Mn the fioot The raiders also ran lacked office desk drawers an labinets. hut nothing was missec [he robbers overlooking a silve foliar in full view Mi'. Ayer ,'aiued the stolen goods at he .ween $500 and SHOO The invaders ripped away vindow sash t<- enter Johnn; vloblev's Esso Station when ibout eighty cartons of cigarette Children 15e Adults 20c THl'RSim - FRIDAY "Outside the Wall" With Stirhard Itasrharl \tarvlin VIjixmcII S VH KI) \1 DOl'BCF. FKATt'RE Allan Lane In "Carson City Haiders" "Daredevils of the Clouds" With Knlirrl Lixingsloii Chapter No. tl of Serial ' I hr l udi i si a Kingdom' Ca rtoou SI M)\\ - MONDAY "Deputy Marshall" With Jon Mall I'ralli es Langford Cometh — Short — Cartoon Tl LSI) U and W KDNKSDAY "Captain China" With John Pay nr Caii IIii"ell < a rtoou were stolen along with variou other items. -aM-vrlyed a? betw<-c $100 and $125 About .'1:00 o'c lock. Mrs John 1 Wynne turned i>n a light to sei j how to get some ice for a sick per • son she was nursing in the Johnm Mobley home. The robbers, work mg on the Taylor Brothers Fillim ~ Station door at the time, appar ' ently became frightened, stopper their activities and drove awa\ 4hv u*n n(.'Mm. Tried Thirty-One Cases Monday In Recorder's Court (Continued from Page One) • the payment of the cost in the ease in which William Miller Reese of Louisville, Ky, was charged with speeding. Pleading guilty of bastardy, William Sheppard was sentenced to the roads for six months, the court suspending the road term upon the payment of the costs and on the further condition that he pays $3 a week for the support of his child. Pleading guilty of larceny, Steve McCady was sentenced to the county home where he is to work for six months. Willie Parker, carrying a con cealed weapon, was sentenced to the roads for four months. The road term was suspended upon tin1 payment of a $50 fine and the court costs. A motion for a directed verdict of not guilty was allowed at the close of the States evidence in tin ease in which Joseph Bullock was charged with violating the liquor laws. Joe Outterbridge was fined $10; ad taxed with the costs when he pleaded guilty of an assault with a deadly weapon. Ernest Bellamy was lined $50 and taxed with the costs for vio lating the liquor laws. William James and Ralph Bos-! ton, pleading guilty of operating! motor vehicles without drivers' ! j license, were each lined $25 and, taxed with the costs. Charged with careless and reek less driving, Leo Warren was; found guilty of driving on the wrong side of the road, and judg ment was suspended upon the payment of the costs. Judgment was suspended upon j the payment of the costs in the’ ease in which Ralph Cleveland Evans of Greenville was charged with speeding. Woodrow Taft, charged with operating a motor vehicle with • Linoleum • Asphalt Tile • Rubber Tile • Lino-Tile • Cabinet Tops a Specialty factory Trained Mechanics Ni) Job Too Large or Too Small Contract Prices to Contractors Hiinnieeiitt Furniture Co. Bethel. N. C. — Phone 2211 Paramount Presents BARBARA STANWYCK' Ki SANE com HoNlan Q^WerOjin i n» wwt* mxrrt. if note. oucm * MITCHELL LEISEN pr*6uc*4 tf IICHA0C MAHAl M • D.ftrM Kf MtVCMCll Sft^«»p(#r tj, 1 v *•<»$(* CMHfUNf Y VICCAR-Sunday, Monday & Tuesday .* • ■* A ., --v**—t .\yi /sminM ♦, <• \4ft0 / Victor Mature appear; to be winning his battle to make an impres sion on Betty Grabli in a ■< ne Horn the Twentieth Century-Fox Technicolor musical ‘ Wabash Avenue" opening Sunday at the Watts Theatre Phil Harris, playing his first straight dramatic part, offers opposition in this song tilled, laugh-ridden story set in Chicago at the turn of tin cenlur; OUt a drivel' S hee...’C. Wus Soft - fenced 1 * the marls fur sixty days. The mad term was suspended up on the payment of a $25 fine and court costs. When Robert Purvis, Jr., color ed, said he did not know any thing when called as a state’s wit ness, explaining that he was not even sure about the identity of a defendant with whom he had been riding, the court issued a bench warrant, charging him u ith per jury. The eases is scheduled for trial next Monday. During the meantime, Purvis continues in jail, unable to raise the bond. Judge Manning said something had to be done to stop lying in the court. Judgment was suspended upon the payment of the costs in the eases in which Frederick H Mc Bride of Rochester. N. Y., and Vincent Rcggiani of Flushing, N. V.. Laurens Johannes Platted of Not folk. Tommy K. Youmans of Dorchester, Ga., Arnold Estel An thony of Markle, Indiana, and Theodore A. Hallman of Spring field, N. J , were charged with speeding. Mrs. Sam C. Ray Died ai Her Home Early Wednesday (Continued from page one) Mrs .1 A Leggett, Mrs Fannie Moore and Mrs Henry Oakley, all of Williamston: a-brother, K G Stiawbridge of Weldon; eight grandchildren, Mrs. John Met/.. Jr . ol Boston, Mrs Kd Kittniger of New Bern. Jimmy Leggett of Hie University, Chapel Hill, Henry Oakley, Jr, Anne Elizabeth Oak ley, Horace Ray, Jr. Miss Jean Carol Moore, Brenau College stu dent, Gainesville, Ga., and Judy Moore of Williamston; a great granddaughter, Marcia Metz of Hi is 11 m. Funeral services are being con ducted at the home tins after n win ;it 3:30 o’clock by her pastor, Rev. Stewart B. S’mnis, and burial will be in Woodland Ceme tery. FOR RENT: ROOM And BREAK last for working lady. Call 2029. my 16 2t FOR SAFE: SEVERAL USED oil stoves in good condition. B. S. Courtney and Son. my 16 lOt JOHN LFNI): "IF I TELL YOU my secret it means that I lose \ nu forever!" Barbara Stanwyck. "No Man of Her Own." Viccar Theatre, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. LYLE BETTGER: “ILL KILL you if you tell them my secret!” Barbara Stanwyck. "No Man of Her Own." Viccar Theatre, Sun day. Monday and Tuesday. SEE I S FOR SEED OGDEN SOY Beans. Priced right. Crow's Seed House, Washington, N. C. my 16 3t FOR SALE: GOOD MILK COW. Now fresh. See Noah R. Roger son, Bear Grass. WANTED TO BUY— GOOD CS ed automobile. Late model. Cash. Phone 2739. my 9 tf BARCLAY TILE BOARD in assorted colors for bath room and kitchens. We have all accessories for installing the above. Chrome, cap strips, baseboard, etc. This tile board is 3 10" thick. Our price 3ae per sq. ft. F. O. B. Bethel. lliinnieciilt Furniture Co. Bethel, N. ('. — Phone 2211 Watts Theatre Vi illiaitisloii, Sunday - Monday - Tuesday Wednesday - Thursday - Friday BARBARA STANWYCK: “I’Ll .wreck, your one...chance at .hap piness unless you pay me off!’ Lyle Bettger. “No Man of Hei Own.” Viccar Theatre, Sunday Monday and Tuesday. j DOES YOUR COAT. SUIT OH |£kiitfit? They dont! Then bring them to Bulluck's for expert alt erations. m 14 tl FOR-. YCmR.,,CTT!sTOML,,. MADlt Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. We hava the famous F'exalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in woexl Henry Harrison, Williama ton. au 26 tf | FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding arid polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rlent and - show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com | pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf WANTED TO BUY? A arehousr Lot oil Rail* roa«l. Size aronml 10.000 square feet. Conlael Wool aril Furniture Co. ill I 1 4l WANT TO Bt’Y CORN IN shuck at your farm. What kind and how much do you have? Write or call L. N. James Corn House, Bethel, N. C. ap 18 if FOR SALE: 6-ROOM HOUSE on Halifax Street. Julius War ren, Phono 3133. my 9 4t DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 tl Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. B i cy c les -T ricyc 1 es. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St.. Dial 2384 WATTS THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON THURSDAY • FRIDAY Tarzan and the Slave Girl" With Lex Barker Vancstiu Brown Sport Comedy Cartoon SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Whip Wilson In Rangeland n Blonde Bandit With Gerald Mohr Dorothy Patrick Chapter No. 6 of Serial "Radar Patrol Vs The SpykiiiR” All In a Nut Shell Cartoon If SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY Color By Technicolor "Wabash Avenue With Betty Grable Victor Mature Phil Harris News and Cartoon If WEDNESDAY THURSDAY . FRIDAY VufOr By Technicolor "The Sundowners" With Baskethull Headliners 1950 f. Sts » r LET PARKERS SELF-SERVICE Laundry ease your washday worries. Nine pounds of clothes washed for 35c. We also wash blankets, small rugs, bed spreads, slip covers, etc. se 27 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Loclier. no 8 tf - €L/- R K'S ••S^TOt.VTISS* COM pound for positive relief of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular aches and pains. Guaranteed re i lief or money back. Clark Phar ! Riacy. m 22 tf FOR RENT: ENTIRE 2nd FLOOR floor consisting of 3 nice offices in Bank of Robersonvillc building. Kobersonvillc, N. C. Phone 4293, I Greenville or write. Will rent all or separate offices. J. C. Young blood, Greenville, N. C. my 11 3t FOR SALE: TIIE JAMES STAT on Ayers house, corner Frank lin and Lee Streets. Chas H. Man nine. m 9 tf FOR SALE: IMPERIAL WASH able Wallpaper, 25 patterns ki stock, prices from 24c up. B. S. Courtney & Son. ja 12 tf TRIO Kobcrsonvillc, N. C. TONIGHT FRIDAY May 18-19 Miss Betty Grable—as you like her—the Grahle chassis —in A Technicolor Musical “WABASH AVENUE” With Victor Mature and Phil Harris Plus: Cartoon and Short SATURDAY, May 20 TRAIL OF RUSTLERS With Charles Starrett Smiley Burnette SEARCH FOR HANGER An Action Feature And Serial SUNDAY, May 21 NO MAN OF HER OWN With Barbara Stanwyck . and John Lund Plus: Comedy MONDAY - TUESDAY May 22-23 THE DAMNED DON’T CRY (The rise of Lorna Forbes from a drab housewife to a fashionable woman of gam bling and society circles) Starring Joan Crawford David Brian News and Short IVE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057, Williamston. no 8 tf HAMILTON THEATRE LAST TIMES FRIDAY May 19 Shows 7:15 and 9:15 FRANCIS With Donald O’Connor and Patricia Medina Latest News SATURDAY, May 20 Double Feature Program Shows Continuously 1 til 11 TRAILS ENI) With Johnny Mack Brown LUCKY LOSERS With East Side Kids SERIAL SUNDAY - MONDAY May 21-22 Sunday Shows 3 and 9 Shows Monday 7:15 and 9:15 TULSA In Technicolor With Susan Hayward and Robert Preston Color Cartoon TUESDAY. May 23 Shows 7:15 and 9:15 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS With Frederic March and Florence Eldridge Color Cartoon MON IES Art* BETTER THAN EVER VMAMMUIMMIUWWMMMVMl' GENUINE Youngstown kitchen Imagine! A nationally famous, genuine Youngstown Kitchen at this low price! Unbelievable, yes . . . but it’s true! This won derful value can be yours if you act soon. It’s your chance to replace your old-fashioned kitchen with a modern, work-saving kitchen beauty at a price that may not be equalled again in years. $ ONLY 239 95 PIUS INSTALLATION Made by the world’s largest makers of steel kitchens. An unequalled value! Don’t miss it! Come in soon, while this offer lasts. (Comp/ata with fittings) LIMITED TIME ONLY MmrtddfomiTiulc/ic/ii Q|q| 2309 * " 1Y MULLINS WWW Corey Plumbing Company biluraoud Avenue N\ illiiinisdoii. N. C -WTW 'WW St A IWITgl f>UPV - - A

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