tlines Reasons or Supporting rank P. Graham OlilinUMS JrOfli nother's program. 3ecause of what he has done op communism and because best able to contribute some of value in the struggle be n communism and democ Since 1931. when most of i/iih less information, and er minds and interests wore lotely unaware of any dang rank Graham was raising his i voice against communism and die-1 ! tat: j-s. No one with any sense of j | [aii ness and honesty would deny this fact without checking the published accounts of his utter I ances for the past 20 years. As ho I has fought all his life for the wol .. mmrnmm -. i ' : ■ ot the p-' i-t his' s;Hie He | will extend this same fight in this j broader sphere of work for the j people of the .nation and the world. 7. Because of the pride I can take in being represented by a man of such prestige, won by a life long adherence to lofty ideals, and by zealous work for a broad er application of the principles of | democracy and Christianity among our people. Such descrip tive words of him as: "loyal as any j American whc walks (his earth " “his work was a diplomatic mir-! acle,” "most Christ-like man I know." "his speech on Atlantic Pact is the greatest 1 have heard; in U. S. Senate," "lifts the level j ■li : h •-> -a-s>?." ■• 4v «* -few with those who knew Inn best. Yes. we should have pride and confidence in having a statesman of international status represent us in these days of the greatest challenge our democracy has ever had. A fish is an underwater crea ture that grows fastest between the time it is caught and the ■ time the fisherman describes it to 'his friends. Shn/t AI BtitttUSk'S lletMlquart ASK US WHAT THE GRADS LIKE Il‘» part of our jolt lo know, and we do know, so drop in today and we'll lu-lp you m-Ih-I a fiift dial In- will In- proud of . . . Iiiy from BULLLCK'S . . . flu* store M'lioro In* buys I is own rlol lies ... o NELSON-PAIGE SHIRTS • COPLAN TIES (A Rraulifnl AsHorliuonl) • STYLE-MART SUITS • LONG-LIFE SOX • PIONEER BELTS & JEWELRY • \1)AM SPORTSWEAR • FREEMAN SHOES • HIGGINS SLACKS • PLEETWAY PAJAMAS • AETNEA SPOR'I'-SIIIRTS & POLOS BULLUCK’S For Exclusive Men's anti 11 tty s' Hear FARM LIFE 8. EVERETTS 6 Farm Lift- scored its third vic tory of the year Sunday afternoon in Everetts as they came from be hind to take an 8-6 victory over tlie hapless Cubs. After tvine the score in the 6th the visitors went the top of the eighth and added i another in the 9tn. Bill Sweel. catcher foi the Farm Life team, was the heavy hitter for his side with two doubles and a single in three times up for a perfect day at the plate. R Williford, the starting hurler for the Cubs got a double and single in three times up and Bobby Fleming hit a hom e, for the Cubs in the eighth with no one on. Leggett, who relieved J. M. Stalls in right field in the ;8th, and manager Morris Stalls who pinch hit for Williford in the 8th each had perfect days at bat with 1 for 1 each. White pitched the ninth inning for Everetts. The box: Farm Life Ab R H E Peele, H„ If 4 0 10 Hardison, Staton, lb 2 0 0 1 Hardison, Stnc., lb (5) 2 110 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 5 111 4 0 0 0 10 0C 2 2 2 2 1 ( 2 3 ( 0 1 ( Tice, T„ cf Ward, cf (8) Hardison. S.. ss Tice. G , rf Tice, O.. if (8) Price, D.. 2b i Griffin, F.. 3b Sweel, c Ricks, p 4 3 3 3 j Totals Everetts Wynne, R., 2b Taylor, D., lb ! Keel, J , c Stalls, Jr.. 3b Stalls, J. A., If Fleming, B.. cf j Bullock, B., ss Williford, R . p White, p (9) xStalls, Morris, Leggett, if (8) 36 8 10 t Ab R H 1 4 11 5 0 2 1 4 111 5 0 2 4 0 0 1 5 12 1 4 0 0 1 3 2 2 i 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Totals 35 6 12 | xbatted for Williford in 8th. Score by innings: Farm Life 020 011 031 — Everetts 120 100 020— REAR GRASS 10 JAMESVILLE 0 While Bedriy Peele was limitin the Jamesville team to 2 lone hi1 his Bear Grass mates .lumped o Jamesville hurling for 10 hits an ! ;1 10-0 decision Wednesday aftri ! noon at Bear Grass. The fourth inning was the hi ! one for Bear Grass as the score five runs in that frame althoug they had won the ball game wil I two tallies in the second inning. A. Holliday, hurling for Janie 1 ville. got one of bis team’s hits, We’re In The Fight And Will Support ! i I Buck Holloman for Sheriff of Martin County The laie Sheriff Roebuck had enough confidence in him lo make him his deputy, and recommended his appointment for the office. The Martin County Commissioners followed the re commendation. We have observed Buck Holloman while he was deputy and later as sheriff, and we find him a capable and hard-working . officer, one who is interested in the county, its people, justice and fairness for all. We need Buck Holloman and Buck Holloman needs us. Let's not fail him and the cause at stake on Saturday, May 27 «f.HKDlLK Wednesday, May 24 Bear Grass at Washington Jamesville at Robersonville Everetts at Farm Life Oak City at Williamstnn —~ ■ ■■V~1 s’, ay. 4i 1 a»i ' Bear Grass at Everetts Saturday, May t" •Jamesville at Washington Sunday, May 28 Robersonville at Farm Life Everetts at Jamesville Oak City at Washington Bear Grass at Williamstnn double Smith. Peaks and liford each got a double Bears. The box: Jamesville All Davenport. B . 2b 4 Martin, E. L. ,1b 4 Harris. O.. 3b 3 Holliday, A., p 3 Brown. E., ss 3 Hardison, T., If 3 Williams, G„ e 3 Alexander, ef 2 Reason, ef 1 Brown, rf 1 Johnson 1 MeCaffity 1 B WTil for the RUE 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals Bear Grass Smith, ef Roberson, J., 3b Peaks, J„ 2b Wobbleton, V.. e Harris, E., If Williford, B„ p Terry, J., ss, J. B , rf Wynne, G., lb Peele, B., p 29 0 2 2 Ab K II E 4 110 5 0 1 11 5 0 3 C 5 0 0 C 2 2 0 t 4 2 3 ( 4 2 0 ( 4 2 2 ( 3 10 1 loot Totals 37 10 10 ( Score by innings: ; Jamesville Bear Gras 000 000 000— I 020 510 20x II CARO OF THANKS I wish to sincerely thank mt friends and loyal neighbors whi have been so kind and considerati ■ | of me during the past severa | months. During the past 1 past months I have been in Duke hos pital on five different occasion for treatment. All cards, gift were highly appreciated and am also very grateful to m neighbors who gave me tobacc plants making it possible for m to have <f tobacco crop. Robert Coltrain . CARD OF THANKS g d h h I 1 would like to take this oppoi tunity to thank the many frienr who were so nice and thoughtfi of me during my sickness in tf hospital and at home. 1 wish thank them for all the nice card flowers, and other gifts which received. I shall long rememb their kindness. 1 also want thank Dr. Brown and his staff f their kindness. May God ble you all always. Mrs. Hoyt Manning. SAM M. CAMPED Pamlico (bounty Farmei anil Merchant, In Seeking Re-election lo the NORTH CAROLINA S E IN A T E Since it is customary to give man a second term, Mr. C'ampe is offering himself once agai: to the Democratic voters of th second senatorial district. H stands on his record in the Ian senate—a recurd which show him a worker for better schooli more adequate hospitals for th mentally ill, and more efficleii government. A practical inan, Mr. Campe attended college, but his experl ence in farming and in busines and his understanding of th needs of our people combine t make him a candidate of th people. A fine progressive man, leader, and a proven servant < the people, Senator Cam pen asking for reelection. His man friends in Martin and adjoii ing counties will appreciate an help and support that you ma give. Hut most of all Sai Campen will be grateful f< your unselfish help and suppoi i k**w a iwvo there I Signed MARTIN COUNTY FRiKNDS OF SAM CAMPY Local Jaycees Gel Honors al Meeting The Willinmston Jaycees were doubly honored last Saturday. eve 'ing at-thu Ofr * Champer of Commerce State Con vention in Raleigh. Before more than seven hun dred Jaycees, their wives and dates in the Memorial Auditor ium, Past President Thad Ham son was recognized by the State President and praised for his out standing work as State Awards Chairman for 1949-50 and then was called upon to present to his flTm'M'Tlt'II rrT-rrrrTf Trirtri, r, T-v. • club two second place awards out of two entries in State competi tion. The Williamston Javcees enter i od twn scrapbooks for projects | performed by the local club last : year, one in the field of Money ► ".1 Si k o P . > ..; -- -frs j Christmas Activities. The Mor.ay i Making Project book entered was ! composed of a complete outlay from start to finish of the "Miss ; Williamston" Beauty Pageant and ; the Christmas Activities book was !a similar outlay of the Nativitv ! Scene on the Presbyterian Chun h law and that of the Christmas pur ! t> for the underprivileged ehil I dren This was the first time that the Williamston Javcees have entered projects in State competition and •were quite honored to receive a second place award out of both projects, selected from a field of many large and small clubs all j i+.'iimLiliwmijmi'' „ -|„ nanum* *"• Jaycees Thad—tlarriewn and Wilbur Jackson compiled the in formation and prepared the books j entered Reported. GRADUATES SAY . . . ‘MAKE MY CRADl ATION GIFT A WATCH FROM PEEEE'S JEVVKf.KR'S HHMHJHlHIMIRrtMH ■ * A- f 4 4 4- 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 4 4 4 1 4 4’ 4 4 4 4 4 A 4 I 4 A * GRADUATION GIFTS Y (Mi II \Y mil To Reward Miss and Ylr. We Arc Ready lo Help You Willi V Ilo^l of (dll-. CLOTHES HAKE THE GRADUATE A NAN Mar^olis Hros. have jn-l the Soil mill Accessories nece--ar\ lo com pletely imlliI I In* \onii" man uho will he fiiailnalini; from lii^h scliool lliis icur. j .t % jjtjtjt xxxjnza xi XX2-TZ-2ZA-ix&ijt-ra:jjj jx*m Suits Sport Coats Slacks Sport Shirts Neck Ties Colorful Socks Sweaters Tie Pins Collar Pins Key Chains Dress Gloves m»»iHmmm If youVr plaiiniiii! a "ill for him, you ran’l go wrong in <-hon*iug our at llii* Ktorr. Kxclusivr ftlrn’s Apparrl. “Be Considerate Please" :££Z2-XZ£U££Z££Z:'<-Z-2 HTflHIHIIllIHHimi If You're Giving To A GIRL Is She College Bound? (Give ilrcHWh a plenty. One never has enough. She'll love ever) one yon give her from onr stork. Al»o V.hooav From # Sweaters # Jaekels anil Skirts f Hlonses Is She To Vacation? Give I'lav (Hollies Shorts Play Suits Shirks Anklets Is She To Be Wed? Slips in Rayon Grepe in White anil Tea-Rose, I are anil Tail oreil Stv les. Gow ns Panties Pajamas Negligees II You Don’t Know! (live Werssories # Purses # Searves # llaniihags # Gostnme Jewelry r&U<Xt44 SCRAPS MARGOLIS ...v. . i • •

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