vtlXTY — he wan ts ter know, Kf it *akes a feller fi am his pip dnys tn ther aue of 20 to git sum erfication, and then ho got jest frum 20 to 35 to render satisfac u.y sarvis to ther magnets of in dustry, and then gits laid-on ther IHsi. of l.sso I'rotliirls \\ illiamslon. V 27 W ill It, VITKIXIATFI) Ilv«!f t 'uiiiii; not iirni i,(i|iiTscnt(‘(i in tin* Senate* in nrail\ 2."> icarK. \itv a»*i*tun<‘e in tin* campaign will novrr 1*»* forgotten. be wutli sumthin after 35? Thar was one level-heded feller set-up a factry onet, that alius hired ther oldest nan that ey.d handle '?or job. Afiii ef hr dicf'ri'i last rfing, then he put ther next oldest in And did them oldsters turn out ther poods? Why thny jest gittin a show, raised thusiasm and vim twell hit jest knocked ther 50 agers rat down to 40, and that left 'em 10 to go fore thav ever got back to 50. Dont that prove them regy-mented brain-trusters needs to count ther goose-eggs ♦hay air a-hatehin fer thny selves, well as fer ther uther-feller? Ef you ever read ther Wash ington, N. C„ Daily Newses en durin ther times when Mr. Os born was Editor? Ef you did, then you mout a read ther fust Hixty Sige ar-tickle ever published. Hit runned siim thin lak this— "Hixty Sige he wants ter know— Ef Congresman Lindsay Warier of North Cnlin.v keeps hittin thei nail plum on ther head lak hei bin a-doin. aint he apt ter git i drived sumnms in due course o ther clock tick?” And now in these times he ha: growd to he ther biggest 4-Squari titer fer honesty in gov-merit ant j a-keerin fer Uncle Sams poeke I book that ever hit ther war pntl I ginst ther greed-grabbers. Am No Rearmament For the Germans Recently the western powers, Great Britain, France and the U nitod State's, issued a new law a gainst German ream ament The announcement said the regula tions are “designed to proven* 'German rearmament and to in sure the maintenance of disarma ment and demilitarization in the industrial field in Germany." The law. together with six supporting I regulations, was proclaimed in hit wuhin't sprise me ef ther wuth while citizens of this ole U S A. m all 4 quarters, aint apt to push ! im out front in 1952 to handle ther rudder-til of ther Old Ship O-State. And ef he ever grabs ther stick, hel prove es able es eny-body now in site to strak safe-harbor over ther rocks of here and yandcr. And tliar aint no at’em bummers bin bornd vit that cud skeer-im or twist 'ini frum his course. USI T-4-L FOft l ATHLETE'S FOOT I BECAUSE— It ha. yraatar PENETRATING Pa*»r. With »0“, undiluted alcohol baas, It carries tha aettva inadication Dl.tll*LY. I ta silt tha farm on contact. Cat happy relief IN ONE HOUR or your 40o booh nt any diug atora. Today at i Sold in IVilliamston by Clark’ I Drug Store and Davis Pharmacy the face of a longstanding debate over the role of Germany in any future war. It is aimed at put ting together in one law all ex isi.in.gregulations .-.tvi. --tv >•••• on control of German industry of potential significance in case of war. Under the law, which becomes effective within a few days, alio cation of the controlled steel al lotment to individual firms would be made through German-issued licenses. The German steel in- 1 riustry is limited by Allied agree ment to 11,1000,000 ingot tons production annually The law does not niter this limitation. The law provides for imprisonment up to life and fines "p to one mil lion mirks < ‘tiTi!! 000' for viola 4'vioiv-'" r..r Mannfaeture of weapons, tanks, poison fins or other items spec! finally designed for military use; mannfaeture of strategic materials such as primarv maknesiuin, sen thetic rubber and synthetic fuels; storage of bauxite and aluminum Shipbuilding and production of cholrie, ball and roller bearings, steel, synthetics, ammonia, beryl lium and mimary aluminum are limited. l'-llow ('iti'/.en: I am a candidate for the Martin fount) Itoard of Education subject to the Primary, May 27th. 1 have always been interested in schools. I am a former teacher and have been indi rectly connected \v i l h schools since I graduated from college. Your vote and support will be appre ciated. Howard It. (ia> lord. Fred: “Is she making him a good wife?’* Ned: “Not exactly, but she's Mlttkin* him st gOou 1; "i ■ ri Is i""‘ t Ili ad hunters believe that th3 heads of their victims contain their souls according to the En« \ tat tnifS. YOU CAN SHOOT A MOTH «r DONT SHOOT THAT MOTH! (Moths won't bother your clothing if you get ll*San-0 Insured Mothproof Cleaning. Ask for U-San-0 Mothproof protection now Where you see the shield of safety — Remember it costs you nothing extra Blue Star Cleaners W.isUmutoii Street Ullll \MSTON. N < Om oi the rarest satisfactions a 1950 C ailillac brings to its owner is serenity. Watch him briefly in the stream of traffic— and, d In is a normal Cadillac driver, you will quickly sense what we mean, lie drives as befits Ins mood and Ins requirements, and is quite content to let other people do the same. I'nless he happens to be in a hurry, it is all right with him if another driver wants the honors when the light turns green, lie knows that the surplus power in that eager, dynamic engine was put there lot bis safety and driving case ami not lor dramatic display on the get away. And soon the open road. It you wish to drive a little faster than he does, let him know. lie understands that his last two inches of throttle were not put there for the ungracious purpose of dominating the highway. They are there for an emergency—and for that lovely, floating, cruising ride which only a great reserve of power can provide. So roll along, if you’re in a hurry—and the top o’ the mornin’ to you ! It's a wonderful thing, this feeling of calm confidence in yur -motor ear. |r lessens the strain, and increases the pleasure, of every mile you drive. And we’re wondering if you realize how easily and practically it can be your own. I isten . . . . . . the lower priced models in the Cadillac line cost less to buy than the login I pined models of numerous other cat ! . . . t adillac’s great high compres inn engine is so efficient that a single tankful ol g,a oh.ie will suffice for a normal full day’s drive! . . . and when it comes to endurance, the Cadillac record stand, by it ,elf. / ///, />,/// „f 11 ( ihlil/ne