Recipes Of The. Week I5> Miss I VI I ^ N HANCOCK Home Service Director Virginia Electric and Power Company Sale Housekeeping Considering that one person dies every 15 minute? due to a home accident ask yourself as you co about ' oil!' spring house l isit llt‘ili<£ and rrs VTilliainHlou for the “/fesf lUiys In bn millin'' i cleaning; "Am I a salt- housekeep er?" As you clean check your self on these points: 1 Db you keep stairways and fir-..-.-: •• free of articles such as tovs. hjrooms;' over persons mifiht fall? 2 Do you own and use a ladder stool or other sturdy support when reaching for things about the home'1 .1 Are flat irons table lamps, pets and pans on the range kept - an inquisitive child cannot ,m!v overturn them on himself? 4, Are your walkways free at all times front slippery substances such as grease, ice, etc., or furni ture . are all scatter rugs well an chored? 5 Ah poisons well labeled and kept out of the reach of children? (i Arc you careful to keep matches, firearms, pins, knives, nails, etc., out of the reach of children? 7 Do you always disconnect the electric iron and other heating appliances before leaving the room? !i. Do you smoke in bed or when Vote For HUGH G. HORTON \\ illiam-lon, V 4»4 ww.k#r.' #flglit whUkiM «r» < fHn tr w*r* »M. 47V4H Hwiflil whlik*y. ilHk wviril tplrlu 4Utlflgi trwn 9 rain. 1 •% •tralfk# vhl»k«r 4 y««r» *H* 11% itmlykl whUtoy » y«m *14. 7H% vfcltkvy 4 y««r* »I4.** OOODSKKAM A WOSTt tmtTIB* IUINOII Your Vole And Support For G. (Andy) ANDERSON Candidate For Representative From Martin County In The 1951 GENERAL ASSEMBLY It ill lie GREATLY APPRECIATED Mr Anderson was born and reared on a farm in Edgecombe County. Moving to Marlin County and locating in Roberson ville 28 years ago, he has continued closely associated with agricultural pursuits, lending every effort possible lor an im proved farm program and practices looking toward a better life for all. In addition to farming interests, it has been his pri vilege to serve the farmers as a tobacco buyer, warehouseman and representative for the purchase and storing of peanuts. We humbly solicit the support of the people with the pledged assur ance that if nominated and elected, he will serve all the people to the very best of his ability, cosidering all business that may come before him with an open mind. » This Sfun r Conlribulrtl lly Andy Anderson's Hobersonville Friend* Vote- ?or Martin County s Own Hon,-> Johnson was bred. horn and reared m n farm in Martin County, tin* -on of an old und respected family in tin- Connlv. a family that helped make Martin Comity what it if* now. Ilo i* a mail that has spout his adult lift- in helpful service to the Democratic Party and to his County. Hi* is a man that knows every inch of the noil of Martin County and knows nearly every person, white and oolored, in the County, and a good many of their various problems, and knows how to deal with the public fairly and in a satisfacloiy manner, lie is a law abiding citizen and a capable and well ipialified man for the High office of Sheriff of the County. Having worked all his adult life for his Party and for bis County, and never having asked for any office before, be is entitled to the active support of the voters of the Coun ty for the office he now seeks. If nominated and elected. Henry Johnson, will perform the duties of the office of Sheriff of Marlin County in a well ordered and highly efficient manner, without fear or favor, and be a true and loyal friend to all the people. Your Active Support For Henry Johnson Will Be Highly Ap preciated By Him And His Many Friends and Supporters who Hake This Sheet Available. VOTE FOR HENRY JOHNSON FOR SHERIFF This Advertisement Paid for By JIN GRAY