Swine Breeders Plan Fall Sale "’Ky »>. W. Hr idy Assistant C ounty Agent Martin ('minty Purebred Swim Breeders met at the ;igi ieultim building last Wednesday eyenini to discuss plans for holding theii fall sale of purebred hogs. Mi V. B 11 drr. vocational agricultun teacher of Jamesville. suggestec that the sale be held at Jamesvilli in conjunction with the eomniun itv fair to be held there in Oe tuber. This was agreed upon am nlans are going forward towarc preparation for the sale. Mr. Gil bert Ward joined the associatin' and is raising purebred Berk shires that will be represented 01 the fall sale. There are approximately 2 members in the Association witl the following officers: Wilbu Gardner, Jamesville, president Hosea Fagan, Dardens, vice presi dent; and Dallas Cox, Oak City secretary and treasurer Robert Bradshaw To Make Address ■•-IT" » fr—¥*• -ftST.if"' Ai School Finals (Continued rrorn page one) Forensic, Mr. Cox; Journalism, Mr. Smith; Band, Mr. Butler; Glee Club, Mrs. Patterson; Ath I letics, Mr. Maynard; Beta Club Tapping, Miss Peterson. Graduation Exercises May 29. 1950—8:00 P. M. 1 Processional. Miss Grace Tal I ton; Invocation, Rev. John L Goff; Song, “Amciiea”, audience i introduction ol guests. Mr. B. G Stewart; introduction of speaker i commencement address. Rev. Ro belt W. Bradshaw, First Method i ist Church, Wilson. N. C.; selec ijtions, band; presentation of di plomas, R. L. Coburn, chairmar ; of Williamston School hoard awards; valedictory, Elizubctl . Muse; benediction. Rev. John L | Goff. YOUR VOTE FOR A. C. BAILEY I OK CONSTABli: of, V\ iiliaiiislnn Township II ill Itr iftfntuiolftl. On Saturday, May 27 W «* know Mr, Itailry ami arc ronfidrnl In* ran ami will snpph*im*iit tin* rnforrmirnl of lln* law in onr rominnnitv. I.rt's \olr and work lor him al lln* poll* in \\ illianisloii No. I and No. 2 |ir<*rim*ls Salnrda\, I limits oj I,. Itiiilvy. f DRINK ON TYPHOID i Beginning next Monday, 1 Tsw anns-jssT tltffF ..-^v,..is: ty- j phoid fever will be resumeil in Martin County, Health Officer John W. Williams an nounced today. The health department head explained that while there was only one case of the fever in the coun ty last year, it is not .vet time to ignore safeguards. A schedule of the clinics is carried in the second section of this paper. Finals Program At Bear Grass Professor Milton N. Jenkins of Murfreesboro will deliver the commencement address in the Bear Grass High School audi torium next Monday evening at i!:00 o’clock, it was announced by Principal H. V. Parker, Jr. The first in the series of closing events was held last Sunday eve ning when Rev. John Goff preach ed the commencement sermon. Tonight, the seniors are holding their class exercises. Fred Mc Daniel, Jr., is delivering the val edietory address, and Miss Faye Jones, tlu1 salutatory address Others on the program are, Jack Wynne, historian; Hazel Mobley, and Nellie Stubbs, class poets; Hilda Bailey, prophet; David Hodges, hist will and testament; Wider Harrison, giftorian; pre sentation of senior superlatives, ; Lillie Ausbon At the commencement exer cises next Monday evening, Prin cipal Parker will present the di plomas, and awards will be pre sented by J. W. Sawyer. The marshalls serving the school during the finals are, lab j Cherry, chief; Gerald Elks, Kadcr | Ward and Grace Rogerson. Senior class officers are, Fred McDaniel, president; Faye Jones, vice president; Vader Harrison, secretary, and John Rogerson, treasurer Principal Parker says the school is closing one of its most success I fill terms. I j -° Approximately 250 agricultural | i leaders from foreign countries will come to this county during | 1050 to study United States farm ! progams and methods Ij I The "shot" in shot putting oiig ' inally was just that a cannon 1 hall » » * Mr. Smith MAKE UP YOUR MIND! "I believe in high wage scales for the American working man/' Willis Smith said in his formal 1950 platform. In 1947 when appearing before a legislative com mittee which was then considering a 4| cents-an hour minimum wage bill Mr. Smith sang a different tune with different words. On the proposal that the working men and women of North Carolina hava a minimum wage of 40 cent* an hour or $16 a weak Mr. Smith said, "IT IS HARSH AND UNREASON ABLE. IT WOULD WRECK THE ECONOMY OF OUR STATE." What DOES Candidate Smith Consider a "HICH WAGE SCALE?" Then on April 20th of this year, for political reasons, Mr. Smith said he had changed his mind about what ha told tha legislative committee. He said his heart was not in it when he said that 40 cents an hour was "HARSH AND UNREA SONABLE" . . . that he was merely representing the views of a client, a single industry—for a fee. Make up your mind, MR. SMITH WHERE WOULD YOUR HEART BE IN WASHINGTON! Marlin County Commilte For Graham Sinatra Returns GREETED by casting director Frank Schuessler, crooner Frank Sinatra (left) returns to Hollywood. Dur ing his recent visit to Europe Sin atra’s name was linked romantic ally with lovely film actress Ava Curdner. (International) Precinct Voting Places Arranged Arrangements have been made for holding the primary election Saturday, May 27, in each of the thirteen precincts in this county. Board Chairman C. D. Carstar phen announces. Some changes were made, the board chairman explaining that the voting place in Williamston No. 1 was shifted from the courthouse to the agri cultural building because one of the candidates had an office with in so many feet of the regular polling place. The voting places Were listed as follows in each of the thirteen precincts: Town House, Jnmesville; Conn ty House, Williams; County House, Griffins; Leroy Harrison’s garage, Bear Grass; Agricultural Building, Williamston No I; City Hall, Williamston No. 2; George Taylor's Store, Cross Roads; Masonic Hall, Roberson ville; Powell’s garage, Gold Point; Ernest White’s store, Pop lar Point; Town House, Hassell; Town tdlicc, Hamilton; and .1 B. Whitifield building., Goose Nest Local Candidates For Graduation' Twenty-nine boys and girls are graduation candidates in the lo cal high school, but examination grades, new being determined, will fix the number of graduates. The graduating class is about evenly divided with fifteen girls and fourteen boys Their names are, * Shelton Bailey, Rush Rondur ant, Jr , Larry Bullock, Jr , Bobby Carter, Charles Carver, Russell Corey, Raymond Dsivis, Jerry Forehand, Warren fluff, Bobby Harrison, Hi, Asa Manning, David IVh La whom, Jr, Ben Moore and Frank Wynne. Sadie Banks, Elsie Bowen, June Bowen, Louise Corey, Madaline Chesson, Rachel Chesson, Edith Harris, Betty Lou Jones, Jessie Melson, Marv Elizabeth Mizelle, Elizabeth Muse, Mary Elizabeth Patterson, Nancy Robertson, Mary Ada Shuller, and Mary Ellen Ward. Commencement exercises will be held next Monday evening in the high schol auditorium at 11:0(1 o’clock. Let The Records Decide on May 27 When the voters go to the polls on Saturday of this week, the records of the candidates should be weighed carefully. After heading one of the great ed universities it, the nation for twenty years and after working diligently in every field for the betterment of mankind, Frank P. Graham is now pictured bv the opposition as a scoundrel. Willis Smith, after working foi the corporations for years and be ing markedly absent when work was to be done for education, for agriculture and the poor man, is now pictured by his own camp us a great savior. The sudden switch does not make sense except as a question able method to gain votes, m l d is beyond reason to believe that the people of this State will ig nore Frank Graham’s great and noble record, and switch to a dark horse with a corporation complex. Brannan orders cuts and rice plantings. in corn I BALLOT X Back To The People Of Martin County And Vote For MAY 27th It is lime for the people to vote their convictions and no! he led by the moneyed politicians. Don't you believe that any office handed down from father to son has gone far enough? And the people should be allowed to vote their convictions? The demonstration put on in the County May 24ih was a monu menl to the working people and the farmers of Martin County. And wont you agree that the backbone of our county cannot be wrong? Vote with these good people May 27th for HENRY JOHNSON. For they are the life blood of our county and let's don't break faith with our keepers. (Thin nil paid for by the funner Friend s of Henry Jtdmson in Martin ( ounty)