Edward L. Early Claims Killing Was Result Of Accident (Continued rrom page one) “reasonable" figure. Justice John son, while denying bond at the time, announced he would con • fer with the defense attorneys. Peel and Peel, today and discuss the possibility of allowing bond in the case. , The State offered comparatively little evidence at the preliminary hearing, and the defense claimed that it did not bring out premedi tation. and went on to explain that the defendant did not flee from the scene of the crime. Officer Arthur Perry, making the arrest with Officer Verble Jones, told about hi.-, visit to the doctor's office-home, and explain ed the position the victim was lying in when found, adding that Early was resting on the bed, a few feet away, with his head resting in his hand. The woman, j about 25 years old, was lying with ! her feet a step from the foot of the bed on the floor. The pistol was found on a night table at the head of the bed. the officer said, explaining what action was taken to get a doctor there and to get the victim to a hospital. Officer Jones said that when he reached the scene of the fatal attack, he saw the woman lying on the floor and that Early jump ed up and said, "It looks like I'm going to Raleigh," The officer declared that Early repeated the statement two or three times. He I further quoted the doctor as say ing that he (Early) was in a tussle i with the girl and did not know who had a hand on the trigger when the gun fired. The officer said the girl was unconscious and made no statement. Dr. Early, according to the officer, called i Dr. J. T. Llewellyn but could not get him, and that E. S. Peel, Jr., called another doctor, that Dr. C. I. Harris made a hurried exami nation and advised the removal of the woman to a hospital. Taking the stand, Sheriff M. W. Holloman said Early made a state ment to him in jail Sunday night, a short time after the shooting. Early, according to the sheriff, j said he was lying on the bed i when Odessa came in and started an argument about some shorten ing. Early also said that he had ' his hand on the pistol under a pillow, that the girl grabbed the! pillow and when she saw the pis- j tol. told him to shoot her. "Kill j me, kill me, go on and Rill me," I isuiiy, in his statement, uuotod , the girl as saying. Early said she had her hand on the barrel when the weapon fired. A second statement was made by the defendant yesterday, and Sheriff Holloman read it as fol lows: • "I went in there and lay down on the bed, long ways the bed, with my head on one pillow and the gun in my hand under the other pillow, and Dessia canto in there, arguing with me about some shortening So 1 said, shucks, we been talking about that all day. I said I don't want to talk about it any more, just let it drop j And she proceeded to beat on me j with her fist; she didn't have any- : thing else. 1 was turning around ; and trying to avoid her, and she snatched the pillow from of,!' my hand. I had the gun in my hand, and she grabbed the gun and said, 'kill me, please kill me; eome on and kill me,’ like a person would do. I don’t suppose it was exact ly a dare. It's just, I guess, testing out, or something. I don't know j what it was. Next thing I knew, the thing went off, and her hand | i around the gun, she had the gun barrel. She was holding the gun by the barrel. 1 don’t know wheth er she had her hand on the other part or not. but she was pulling on the barrel, tmd the gun fired, and she fell away. She didn’t say a thing. Anything at all. 1 jump ed up and hollered, Dessia. I put the gun over there on the table arid railed Dr. Llewellyn. He I wasn't there, then I though she was dead, and I called Mr. Peel. He told me to call the officers and I asked him to call the officers. And then I tried to get Dr. Llew ellyn again. Then Mr. Peel, Jr... ] who was sent by his father, camel and called Or. Harris. Anri Dr.1 Harris came, then the officers, and j then the ambulance came, and | then Dr Llewellyn got there as she was being put in the ambu- j lance. 1 helped put her on the stretcher. 1 was in the middle. I There were three of us helping, and I helped put her on. 1 told him not to bend her neck, to put his arm under her. "Early that day we had argu ments. We had arguments about the shortening. What she did, it i wfis like this, I passed by and she would dig her fingernails in un arm, one time about 11 o'clock, and another time about 3:00 o’ olook. Little inter, she complain ed about her jaw aching that aft ernoon. She had had her tooth pulled, and she fixed a hypo dermic with some morphine that Dr. Horton, the colored dentist that comes over here once a week, I gave her. She asked me to give | it to her, and 1 gave it to her | That was about 4:00 o'clock. She was killed (fatally shot) about j 8:00 o'clock. "She lay down over on the [ couch in another room, and 1 lay down in my room, except during j the time that 1 waited on those ! patients anti she helped me wail on the patients. j “1 wasn't angry with her. I j didn’t intend to. kill her. She had I slight temper tantrums and got ! over them, and gets mad at times I and cools down, and 1 was used to that. She was mad with me. She I wouldn't admit what she was mad about. She claimed it was the shortening. 1 feel it was jealousy, but she wouldn't admit it. She said that wasn't it. She said she hated for someone to go around in her stuff, her cooking stuff, like that. She cooks at the office. “A teacher came by there to Visit, and she started to cook. I asked her to cook, Imt when O dessa objected about the .-shorten ing, she (tin- teacher who mys teriously entered the case) didn't cook. I cut the girl's visit short and sent her away." Acting Coroner W. W. Biggs, stating that an autopsy had been performed, described the path of the bullet, stating there were no signs of powder burns, that it i impossible to always tell the dis tanee a gun is from a victim be cause of the type of powder used He said there was an inch-long scratch' on the woman's left arm and that the right temple was ex tended, possibly because of intern al bleeding The healing attracted a f.otly large number of colored citizens Joe Page chosen by writers as the outstanding series player. ~~jo V-^Prink j^paSna-OnoSlf] / r ww-ffu! / ' I'JhijTsk lusi... •-? "'j When feps's Best! 2. TOLL SEWIN6J fN™ EACH BIG IZoi BQTTIe! *~kt 3 Orion ~kch)- /: 25c tlTTJ “listen to 'Counter-Snv.' Tuesday and Thursday eveninqs, your ABC station’ I'ntler Appointment frftm Pepsl-Cola Co., N. V., Pepsi Cola Bottling Company of Greenville. * ANNOUNCING COREY FIXZIT SYSTEM k If' i* »k»Ci«Mr «<• WI«kAik«i t f ii „ k Mill jrytf • tarvicc, 41 • Mol* t *>• tr >wfc •••Jo; a«k tar It tij, n««. “fiuii mc^ARiCAi mutf COREY PLUMBING CO. Krigewoml Avenue Phone 2309 Williamson G*W SEVEtf STAR l litiHlid whltkay. "Dh •might whlaklaa nra 4 yaara tr mar* aid J7V4H ■might whltkay. 42VW aantral spirits dlttlNfcg ha* grain. 11H straight whltkay 41 yaara al4. lift atralght whlikay t yarn aid. 7HH atralght whlskay 4 yaara aid.** $440 141* in. I OOOP1HHAM a WO*T»llMITI», HOKIA, UllNOII Wheeler Manning in Williamston has a complete In surance service. Let’s phone 242(5 and see if he has a pol icy that will guarantee us at least one hit when this guy pitches. I « OliR ANNUAL CAMPAIGN TO Prevent Typhoid Fever itepinning Monday. May 29//*. Regular Hours trill be kept at oar Health Departments for Three Weeks as foliates: Kvoiy Monday Mo>ning in Clinic Rnildinu al JaincMillc lo ] | K\«‘r> Wednesday Morning in Clinic Itnildiii" in Kobersnin illr. 15 to | | • | hvery 1'riday Morninu in Clinic llnildin<; al Hamilton _ <): l.i to 11:1 hvery Saturday Morning in Williaiuslon lor out-of-town citizen* 9: l.i to 11:1 Kvrry Monday Afternoon for citizens of Willianislnn I :.‘t0 to 1 :,*{(> wl vl -I Jl TIm* A hove Hours ill the Regular Health Departments, llu* followiii" this's are set for romrninirr of rili/eus. OM.Y <)M nSll Mill III )l tin Tuesday, May 30—KSON I,1IJ£V'S STOKE Wednesday, May 31—CROSS ROADS Thursday, June I—OAK. CITN SCHOOL Frdiay. June 2—FARM LIFF___ Tuesday, June (»—LUTHER CORDON'S STORF W ednesday, June 7—EVERETTS SCHOOL Thursday, June R—REAR CRASS SCHOOL Thursday, June »—COLD POINT_ Friday, June 9—SMITH BROS. STOKE Tuesday, June 13—HASSELLS SCHOOL Tuesday, June 13—COUNCIL'S STORE Wednesday, June LI—NO. 90 FILL1NC STATION rimrsday, June IS—KEDDAKD'S STORE Thursday, June IS—JORDAN'S STORE Friday, June l<>—I'ARMELE_ Resides the above special appointments >ve will »ladl\ least 30 any place in the county after June l(nh. 9: IS to I I: 13 a. 2:00 to 1:00 p. 9: IS to I I : IS a. 2:00 to >1:00 p. 9:IS to 11:13 a. 2:00 to 1:00 p. 9: IS to I I : IS a. -2:00 to 3:00 p. 2:00 to 3:00 p. 9:30 to 10:30 a. 10:30 to I I :30 a. 2:00 to 3:30 p. 9: IS to I I :00 iU 9: IS In I I a. 2:00 in 3:00 p. inert auv urnup nf I Nothin# hut Typhoid Vaccine will hr given at tlnse horns on these datrs so that |>arru!s will always remrmhrr what was administered. rlinie h is now Slatr^aw that rxny rhdd hr ..ted against Smallpox, |)ipl,. therm and Vi hooping Cough hrfore thr first vrar. Phis ran always hr srrured at our regular clinic hours from I to 3 evrrv Wednesday afternoon at Holier son v die, every Friday afternoon at Haiuillon, and after three week- every Sat "'da> morning at Williamslou or any afternoon from I hi .1 ;|| William-ton. All hahy, V. I). and Pre-natal eliuies will he held at the regular hours and days scheduled. These typhoid si.linies are extra hours we are working into ouV regular every tlay work. --wwwwwwwwwrwvvVWWWVWWWVVVWWWW Martin County Health Department WILLI AMSTOH> BOOSTERS a THURSDAY, FRIDAY uiul SATURDAY ONLY OISE m tsxasssz''* JLHESICAZ1Q2LJQ&_J. EHEE — With Each COMPLETE MOTOR TUNE-UP DIXIE MOTOR CO. /a r WILLfAMSTOH > , BOOSTERS w Special (hi GENERAL PUNCTURE-SEALING TUBES 700-760x15—Reg. Price $20.41, Now $12.95 7.70-020x15—Reg. Price $22.0J, Now $13.95 650-670x15—Reg. Price $19.60, Now $12.95 VENT, SHADES FOR GENERAL MOTORS CARS, ’41 thru ’47, regular 12.50, NOW $9.95 Chas. H. Jenkins & Co. WILLIAMSTOH > BOOSTERS S/tovial During IUututor Days MEN'S SHOES-10 OFF mUlL&Jmhrs' mu Dress Shoes and Sandals - $1.00 CHILDREN S SANDALS_$1.00 CRITCHEB SHOE CO. rWILLIAMSTONX BOOSTERS 101) llo xch A asocial STATIONERY I allies to $2.25. Boxes slielilly ttoilril. 39c Each PEELE'S-JEWELERS Since 1899 121 Mjiin Tel. 2311 Regular |t6.95 COTTOM DRESSES nim After Haunter Days Hack llirv gtt lo regular price. Zeraons Ready-To-Wear /WILLIAMSTOMy . BOOSTERS VISIT WILLIAHSTON Thursday, Friday, Saturday For SPECIAL BARE IIHS In WILLUMSTON STORKS Enterprise Publishing Co. f WILLI AM STON BOOSTERS BOOSTER SPECIAL tl TOMOItll.K MJZK l ils iny Mnliv of i.ar Kt-pilarlv lYicnl al $32.50 DI KING KOOSTKK DAYS — ONI A $26.50 GRIFFIN MOTOR CO.