Event In Months THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY - JUNE 1ST, 2ND and 3rd V alues-Speci als-Bargains Williumston Stores Offer More During The Great BOOSTER DAYS They've done il again; the stores oi Williamston have combin ed forces to give you another trade promotion you can't afford to miss. 2, and 3, the doors of Williamslon's stores will be open to YOU and YOU should get here early to take advantage of the many bargains being offered. Who and whai art the Boosters? They are the firms and individuals who be lieve in pulling together lor the hetlerment oi the community and the increas ed power which their cooperative eiforts produces. Consult the list of mem bers to the right of this page and when you're shopping for apparel, farm equipment, food, entertainment or other necessities, shop where you see this emblem: MEMBERS of the Williamston Boosters Incorporated .. \lplw — Ann's Speeially Simp Ayers Klee trie l!o. 15. uml W. Tire Co. Baker Oil Co. Belk-'l’yler Co. (Iraueli Banking & Trust Co. B. J. Broek Constrnetion Co. Bnlluek's Carolina Warehouse Central Cafe Citizen's Barker Shop Clark's INiarmaey, I nr. Colonial Frozen Foods of Williamson. Ine. i jj. FtDtaril Corey, V^jeiit * juiith-Dou^las- Fertilizers ^ \ Cotev IMninhiiii'Co., Ine. *. , * ■" Ik. S. Courtney «5C Son ~ -C V Critelier Shoe Co. '' Davis I’harniney * Dell-Mars Beauty Salon Dixie Motor < !o. Enterprise I'uhlishing Co. Farmers Supply Co. Farmers Warehouse (t. aiitl II. Ituihlerw Supply (in, N. C. Green, Agent, Sinclair Hrfiuiug Co. Griffin Motor Co. Guaranty Hank i\ Trust Co. Harrison Carslarphcn In?., Co. Harrison < til Co. Harrison Shoppe lk‘tliH*i\lcy(Tit Furniture (io. Chas. II. Jenkins & Co, Jenkins litpiipiiii ul (io. Letler Brow. Department Store Leggett's Iamlslcy Ire (io. Dr. J. T. Llewellyn MrCIces’ Cash Grocery MeLawhorn Furniture (io. Sinelair Service Station Clias. II. Manning, \ttny Wheeler M. Maiming Ins. \gciicy Margolis Brow. Marlin (ioiiuty Building anil Loan Assoeiation Marlin-Elliott (a*. Martin Supply Co. Mobley insurance Ajinicy Moore (initTi'y Co. Mum* Jewelry Co. Peel A IVel, Allays Cen. Peel's Store vV Market LL J.!ix.L*xl'^*di^Cov ...... . Pioneer Shoppe '* » Planter’s Warehouse \ * Proelor Shoppe Reddiek Equipment Co. ; Roanoke Chevrolet Co. \ j - Roanoke-Dixie Warehouse \ f Hohersou’s Cafe j[. Koyal Photographic Center \ J. Paul Simpson, Ins. \ ' Taylor’s Dairy \ Thrower Hardware & Appliance Company Virginia Eleetrie & Power Co. Watts Theutre \ Wcur Right Shop * f Wier Coffee Shop Willard Shoe Shop V Williamston Hardware Co.. Iue. Williamstou Lumber Co. v Williamstou Motor Co. Williaiuslon Office Supply ' Williamstou, Town of V P f Williamstou Supply Co. V Woolard Furniture Co, • Worrell Appliauee Co, \ Zemou’s Ready-to-Wear ,T: i