NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES I, M. L. Peel, Tax Collector of Martin County, State of North Carolina, have this day, levied on the following tracts of land, and will sell same at public auction for cash at the Court House door in the Town of Williamston, North Carolina, on Monday, June 5, 1950 at 12:00 Noon, for taxes due and unpaid for the year 1949, unless said taxes, penalty, and cost are paid before the above date. M. L. Peel, Martin County Tax Collector. JAMESVILLE TOWNSHIP, White W, M Beacham, Est . 103 a. Frcezar, a a. Newton-Hardison 35.85 ♦ SEVEN _ STAR i iitmltl whiskey. •'Tht straight whiskies are 4 fMn ar mere •Id. J7WK Straight whiskey. «(« Wilrtl spirits dUtllt* jlrata fraij'.. IS% straight iwhlskey 4 years eld. T»»% straight whiskey • 'years aid. 7ViH straight larhlskay 4 years eld.** OOODIRHAM A WORTS IIMITIO, RIORIA, ILLINOIS Miss Anderson Feted | At party in Wilson: Mist. Isabelle Anderson of Wil liamston. bride-elect of the early summer, was honored at a morn ing party Saturday by Miss Jennie j ► Martin at the home of Mrs. Wade Anderson on West Nash Street. The living room was decorated with arrangements of pink roses, and in the dining room the tjible was arranged with a centerpiece of red roses. Sandwiches, iced drinks, cornets, mints and nuts were served. The hostess presented a gift of sliver in her pattern to the hon uree. Guests were the honoree. Mrs. Clarence Rowe, Mrs. L. D. Tom linson, Mrs. Bruce Riley, Mrs. J. E. Jordan, Mrs. Janies Rowland. Miss Grace Rass, Miss Hazel Spell, Miss Lucille Credit. Miss Adair Perry, Miss Jonnie Smith, Miss Gene Tomlinson, Miss Jewel Cooke, Miss Inez Rowe, Miss Lou ise Rowe and Miss Charlotte Hogge. APPRECIATE SUPPORT The members of the John W. Hassell No. 163 American Legion Auxiliary wish tb express their sincere appreciation to the people of Martin County who’s generous support in the Poppy Day sales, made it possible to render aid to those less fortunate than otheis. * The proceeds from this sale will be used for child welfare and re habilitation in Martin County. USE T*4*t FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT BECAUSE_ _ It h» PENETRATING With *0% undiluWd alcohol b»»., It carries the active medication DEEPLY, to kill the ferm on contact. Get happy relief IN ONE HOUR or your 40« ko«k at any drug atoro. Today at Sold in Williamston by Clark’s Drug Store and DaVis Pharmacy; HAMILTON BAPTIST j E. K. Stewart, Pastor. 10 a. m„ Bible school. H. S. Johnson. Supt. 11 a. m„ morning worship. 7:00 p. in.. Baptist Training Un ion. 8:00 p. m„ Evening worship. 7:30 p. m., Monday, Boy Scout meeting. 8:00 p. m.. Wednesday, prayer j services. Daily Vacation Bible school, j June 5 to iti from 9 to 11:30 each i morning. All children from age j 4 through 16 are welcomed to at-> tend. The bus will run each day. j -_» EVERETTS BAPTIST E. R. Stewart, Pastor. 10 a. nr. Bible school. G. H. j Forbes, Supt. 8 p. m„ Baptist Training Union. Paul Bailey, Director. 8 p. m., Thursday night. Prayer services followed by choir prac tice. The vacation bible school will give its program Friday evening. School hours are from two to five. CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my many friends both white and eol i ored for their kindness shown to my family and me during my Stay in the hospital. I also want to thank you for the cards and fruit you sent me. May the Lord bless you all. Mr. Jim H. Coltrain. CARD OF THANKS We are sincerely grateful to all those who were so kind, thought ful and helpful during our recent bereavement The kind deeds and j expressions of sympathy shall long be cherished by us. S. C. Ray and Children. Mrs. W. J Davis. 41! a. Downing Camille Fleming 33 a. Hardison & Stores Farmville-Woodward, 2155 a. Hazel M, Hardison, garage, 2 vao. lots. Quinlcy Lot, L. W. Hardison, 20 a. Marnner, Brick Store Hardison & Williams, Stoic. J. Brown Holliday. 180 a. Z Z. Brown David Mizelle, 5 a. Esau Johnson J. D. Price, 77 a. Z. Z. Price Vance Price. 60 a. Z Z. Price Kader Simpson, 1-2 a. Hinson Ella Mae Vick. 1-4 a. Res. Roy Williams and Hazel Hardison. Res. Colored Etu Barnes. Est., 5 a. Barnes Melvin Biggs. 1-2 a. Talkie Nock, Bal. Maudio Boston, 18 a. A. L. Cordan Martha E. Boston, 2-10 a. Res.. -- -- Sarah Boston, Est.. 1-4 a. Res. Willie D Boston. 9 a. Geo. Brooks, 2. a. Geo. Brooks Edward & Lona Garrett, 2 1-2 a. Tarkle Neck Emma Gray, Res. — George L. Hardison,_l-2 a. School House. .. Gertrude Harris. 4-5 a. James, R. D. Hopkins, Est.. 100 a. Stallings King Hyman. 1 a. Mary Jones Arthur James, 18 a. A. L. Cordan, Elvira James, Est., 1 a. Smith Jethro James. 34 a. Lucre*.ia Boston Naomi James, 4-5 a. James Vcrner James. 4-5 a. James W. R. James, Est.. 58 a. James Joe Jefferson, 14 a. Brooks Minnie Johnson, Est., 58 a. Janies Andrew Jones, Est., 15 a. Roberson C' C Keys Est.. 00 a. Schultz. 20 a. Res. ifl a. S. Williams, 50 a. Ellis Griffin Elijah Kevs, 75 a. Brick Boston Estelle Keys, 2 1-2 a. Tarkle Neck Marnel Kevs, 2 1 2 a. Tarkle Neck S. W. R. Kevs. 2 1-2 a. Coburn Wilbert Keys. 2 a. Res. Joe Lamb. Est., 1 Vac. Lot Geo. F. Marriner, 1 1-2 a. Wallace John Northern, Est., 3-4 a. Moore Edmond Pierce. 1-2 a. Elijah Keys John H. Pierce. 3 a. Cordan Matthew Pierce. 27 a. Moore. 12 a 27 a. Butry, 17 „. J. H. Pierce Robert L. Pierce. 17 1-2 a. Moore Leon Powers, Res. Martha Roberson, 1 a. Woods William Roberson, Res. - James Rodgers, 1 a. Coburn Minnie Rodgers, One Plot Emanuel Ruffin, (i a. Dempsey Charlie Smith. 25 a. Johnnie James Mclvina Spencer. Est.. 1-2 a. Hassell, 7 a. Putnam Sarah Waters, Est.. 8 a. Moore Early Whitehurst, 1 a. Fagan Charlie Williams, 6 a. Geo. Brooks Hattie B. Williams. 10 a. Lightfoot WILLIAMS TOWNSHIP, White Hubert Gardner, 20 a. Home Place Ben Lilley, 55 a. Home Place Mrs. Marv Stallings, 2 a. Creek Wells-Oates Lbr. Co., Bowen Timber Rights Colored S L. Andrews, 24 a. Mose Andrews Della Griffin, Est., 6 a. Home Place, 8 a. Glovine, Hi a. 10 a. Woods Cordan, 23 a. Browning Perry, 5 a. Stumpy Field Stumpy Field, 3 a. Reddick, 5 Anthony Lanier, 12 a. Patsy Jharlotte Slade, 40 a. Slade _ W. R. Slade, 50 a. Slade GRIFFINS TOWNSHIP, White John W. Corey. 00 a. Callie H. Hodges M. T. Woolard, Est., 200 a. Woolard Land Colored L’harlcs Butler, 25 a. Res., 45 a. Thomas Kelly Corey, 13 a. W. D. Daniel Raymond Hodges, lo a. W. D. Daniel BEAR GRASS TOWNSHIP, Colored Li rad v James, 1-2 a. Res. WILLIAMSTON TOWNSHIP, While Robert Henry Beat-ham, Vac. Tyner Land Mis. Essie Beaeham, Res. R. J. Brock,-Res. Hi way No. 64 Lonnie S. Bullock, Res. Main St. Leslie Coltrain, lies. McGaskey Road J. D. Harrison, Res. Everetts Rd., Verble Jones, Vac. lot Ray St. Miss Addie Leggett, Vac. Warren St. Mrs. Naomi,Leggett, Vac. lot Beech St. J. C. Norris, Shop Smithwiek St. Curtis W. Whitaker, Res, Dennis Whitaker, lies. Tyner Land Palmer White, Res. beach St. Colored Brodie Anderson, 1 Vac. Lot Little St Joe Henry Andrews, Vac. lot Cherry St Lucy Bagley. Res. Rhodes St. Mack Baker, Res. Church St. Win. Earl Balance, Vac. Jordan Lougene Bell, Res. Sycamore St., Lcander Bowen, Bldg. Sycamore St. Eddie Biewington, Vac. Church St. James Bridges, Vac. Wash. Rd Bertie Mac- Brown, Vac. Lot & Res. White St. Clavon Brown. Vac. Church St. Dorothy & Myrtle Brown, Vac. Broad St. Eddie Watts Brown, Cafe & Barber Shop James A. Brown, iv.-,„ Church St., tenant, C’huich SI. Rev. R. B. Brown, res., Railroad St. Tamer Brown, res.. Perry St. Win Eimet brow i, I Vac. lot Church St. Wilmcr Brown, vacant lot, Highway l i George Bryant, stoic, Douglas land Louisa Bryant, 1 res., Railroad Street John Chance, Sr., res.. Sycamore Street Samuel Coffield, vacant, Melbourne Seth Council, res., Blount Street Walter Slade Cross, 2 acres Calvin Slade Curmon, vacant, Perry Street Arthur Davis, res., Sycamore Street Anna Donkins, vacant, Henderson Eborn, res,, West Main Street Kristine Everett,' Estate, vacant, Railroad Street lines E. Everett, res., Sycamore Street ji'oy Everett, vacant, Hill Street annie Finch, residence, Church Street mma Tyner Flowtis, res., Hyman Street >hn Gentry, res., Morrison snora Giles, Estate, vacant lot. Elm Street avin Hawkins, res., Center Street idie Hescoe, Estate, vacant lot, Sycamore Street illie Hcscoe, res.. Sycamore Street c HnggrO-H, filling station, Washington and Haugliton erman Johnson, res, Sycamore St., stoic, Sycamore Street falter Johnson, res., Church Street and cafe rthur Lee Jones, vacant, Sycamore Street illian Slade Jones, vacant, Church Street am and Liddie Latham, vacant lot, Hill Street avid, vacant, Peel avid Lee, vac. lot, E. Main Street :sse Lee, 2 acres Manson land allie Little, res. and tenant, Faulk Street aney Mabry. 2 vacant lots, K Main Street lolinc- Meeks, 1 res., White Street aura Moore, 2 Jones lots t acini Slade Moore, 2 acres Calvin Slade ngleton Moore, Jr., vacant lot, Washington Road • harlie Ormond, Res. and tenant, Sycamore St. ilia Ormond, Estate, 9 a. Rhodes, res.. Center St., Tenant Center St., ten. and vac-., White Street, tenant, Center St. uc-inda Ore Ormond, res., Broad Street lger Outterbridge, 1 res. adj. Belcher ora Perry, vacant, Roanoke Ave. times Roy Perry, vacant, Roanoke Ave. c-nner Respass, res., Elm St. t-v. Geo. Rice, res., Washington Street imes Ridley, res., Perry Street cKinney Roberson, vacant lot, Cherry St. osa Roberson, res., and vacant, Broad Street co. Rodgers, res., Hatton Street c-o. II. Rodgers, store, res., and tenant, Roanoke Ave. onnic Rudgc-rs, res.. Sycamore, vacant lot, Sycamore St. jberta Rodgers, 2 vacant lots, Railroad Street falter Rodgers, vacant lot near colored school lliam M. Rodgers, re.;, and store, Main St., tenant. Cherry Mrt ■uey / in. Irs. Meo St., vacant lot, Cherry Street ‘a. Ben Ruffin, 1 res., Broad Street i 1 lit? J. Saunders, vacant. Church Street lia Sherrod, Est., Vac. lot Wash. St. ary Della Sherrod. Ten, Blount St., lilford Slade, 2 a. Calvin Slade ifferson D. Slade, 4 a. Calvin Slade _ o Sl«Je. Itfee. broad St. 6 72 ] 39.71 ] 86.16 , 29.32 65.23 : 73.88 , 71.79 ! 43.54 31.63 ; 82.35 , 16.87 ! 2.25 : 7.85 i 2.45 6.30 11.11 3.80 3.30 28.08 3.44 5.75 17.61 2.28 31.14 9.85 7.84 2.28 30.10 9.19 2.28 28.05 8.00 13.32 13.78 64.39 18.01 2.90 2.90 23.73 25.23 2.25 10.32 2.30 22 25 13.47 52.29 20.94 22.30 3.05 7.64 8.25 2.30 6.70 17.25 8.90 5.35 16.00 16.55 3.05 25.25 45.22 1.80 116.88 3.60 24.35 5.80 5.65 6.10 14.75 9.70 25.70 ! 4.25 9.60 22.75 6.15 4.70 94.15 24.58 34.25 16.85 9.57 4.40 3.10 25.30 21.20 10.35 18.15 2.10 3.10 11.05 8.10 5.15 9.60 42.90 5.15 5.15 19.10 3.90 3.10 65.57 29.75 17.15 11.00 2.30 15.00 11.95 3.10 13.06 4.40 0.80 3.10 2.75 13.14 3.10 5.45 3.10 9.96 5.15 9.45 6.27 10.83 3.90 11.24 3.10 7.90 45.35 40.43 27.90 6.05 4.70 4.90 6.40 5.95 10.15 13.10 3.70 3.10 2.30 3.10 5.97 17.90 23.00 8.77 12.85 2.25 5.00 26.04 11.10 13.95 3.10 8.15 4.50 36.76 18.15 3.90 7.95 49.70 12.10 5.12 3 10 3.95 14.60 3 10 1? OS jcula Slade, -1 a. Calvin Slade ’hillis Smith, Res. E. Main St. ’has. A. Spruill, Res. Peel St. - --- oseph Spruill, Res. Sycamore St. i’homas J. Stevenson. Res Andrew Ave. .’has. H. Stokes. Vae. lot near eolereu sehool Vm. & Anna Stoke... Res. Wash. St. I. M. Tvner, 2(1 a. T-ncr Land Villie H. Whitfield. Res. W. Main St. Carolina Williams. Est.. Vae. Harrell St. jouise Williams. R,s. R. R. St. Matilda Williams, Res. Hunter St. Dsborne Williams, Vae. Hill St. 3earlie D. Williams, Vae. Hvman St. (oseph Wilson. Res. Wiirrci St. Hal. 3co. W. Wvnne, 2 Vae. Perry St. CROSS ROADS TOWNSHIP, White foe B. Ayers. 14 a. Wynn, HO a. Fulfoid Bailey, Barnhill & Adkins. 30 a. Woods Land Champion Auto Co.. 22 a. Clemmons, Lai. tV. O. Donald, 40 a. Res Joseph G Hardison. I House & Lot, Everetts Colored John Griffin. Sr.. House A- Store Jesse James, 2 a. Woods. 1 Res. James E. Mizelle. till a. Res. Bruce Payton, 1 Sot Annie Bell Roberson. 47 a. Mizelle Land Leo Roberson. 47 a. Mizelle Land Judson Whitfield. 2 a. Woods Land ROBERSONVILLE TOWNSHIP, White E. Proctor Andrews, Vae. lot Partnele W. Byrd Ballard, Heirs, 13 a. Smith & Bunting Mrs. S. A. Bane. 1 vac. lot R. C. Bland. Heirs, 1 a. Woods Brown Heirs, J 1-2 a. Roberson R. B. & W. A. Brown, 4.7 a. Roberson-WhiMield Earl Caudill, Vae. Roberson St., L. L. Coburn. House & Lot Green St. L. C. Crisp. Vae. lot Partnele H. A. Gray, House & Lot Roberson St. Mrs. Beulah Gurganus, 12 a. Stevenson W. W. Harper, Heirs, 59 a. VanNortwick A. R. Johnson, Jr.. House and Lot Outterbridge St. Vae. lot 2nd St. Carrie C. Manning, House & Lot Pecan St. W. G. Matthews, House and Lot Pectin St. C .1-. Powell, House &.• Lot Gold Point J. C. Roberson, Heirs, Vae. lot Guilford St. Mary C. Roberson, Heirs. 1,3 a. Taylor & Roberson B. L. Stevenson. 1(1 a. Taylor-Green, it a. Woods F, . C. Stevenson. 27 1-2 a Tavlor and Roberson Grover E. Thompson, Vac. Highway No. 903 Howard E. Whitehurst, House and Lot Parmele Mrs. Lelia Wynn, 1 Vae. Lot Colored Mary Mand.v Andrews, Heirs, 25 a. Perkins Rufus Andrews. Vat. Lot 3rd St. Vallie Andrews, Vae. Lot Parmele Slade Barnhill Hens, Vae. Lot Parmele William Bridges. Vae. Lot Parmele Clarence Briley, House & Lot Outterbridge, Pool Room Cullen Brown, Housi and Lot Parmele Hattie Brown, 1 Vae. Lot Parmele Sandy Brown, House and Lot It. R. St., Vac. Parmele F.. P. Chance, House and lu>t Parmele Mtiek Cherry, Heirs, 8:3 a. Mayo, Bal. Tom Clay, Store and Lot, Parmele, House & Lot, Vac. Lot Parmele Joe Coflield, Vae. Lot Gus Council, Est.. 3.3 a. Purvis Yaney Council. 20 1-2 a. Mayo Frank Crandall, Vac. Lot Peeaii SI. Nathan Cromwell. Heirs. House anil Lot Hi wav No 04 -3,10 j 11.86 21.20 17.40! 40.2:3 3.90 9.50 24.60 21.37 i 2 30 11.50 4.68 5.15 3.30 32.25 3 90 49.99 9.01 2.88 31.38 34,6.3 52.49 10.17 3:3.03 6.20 14.35 18.6,7 2.30 3.4:3 2.30 2.00 2.10 8.70 3.10 27.30 2.30 34.75 4.70 7.18 52.45 24.60 51.75 21.5.7 4.68 3.45 26.95 24.50 91.30 12.40 2.30 12.10 3.10 9.84 3.10 21.06 37.18 18.00 2.30 15.75 17.95 20.35 24.75 8.30 33.25 6.5.7 2.30 6.1,3 Dscar Daniel House and Lot and Vac. Lot Eveiett William Hardison, Vac. Lot Parmele Amandy Jenkins, House and Lot Parmele - - - L'laud Jenkins. Ifnuso and Lot Parmele Ernest Jenkins. House ;tnd Lot, Oolcf Point — Mack Jenkins. Heirs. 1 Vac. Lot Parmele Asa Jones. 1 1-2 a Matthews Mack Latham. 1 Vac. Lot Parmele Mary Lewis. House and Lot Parmele Buck Moore. House and Lot Parmele Ashley Moore, Ii -use and Lot E. End Ed Moore, Vac. Vick Ida Moore. 2 Houses and Lots 2nd St. Rufus N. Moore, House and Lot. Vac Parmeie J. I . S. Nelson. Heirs. Vac. Lot Parmele James Pitt. Vac. Lot Parmele John Pitt Heirs. House and Lot and Vac. Parmele W. M Powell, ! Vac Lot Parmele Robert Richardson. House and Lot Highway No. 04 Martha Ritllev, Heii . 1 Vw Lot Parmele Narcis Robe1.son, Vac. Parmele lassie Mav Scott. House and l.ot — Modica Simon Short. House and Lot. Pamiele Booker T Staton. 57 a. Carson-Highsmith Sam Stevenson. Vac Cochran John H. Taylor. 21 a. Gainer Alesandci Teel. Va 2nd S' Matilda Thomas. Vac Lot Highway No. 64 Mai v Whitfield. Hens. House and Lot Parmele Geo. V.’vnn, Vac. Lot Highway No. 64 POPEAlt POINT, White Mrs ,J A. Leggett. 1 Bee Yard HAMILTON TOWNSHIP. White Mrs. C. G. Gurganus. W. E. Little Res F. L. Haislip, Vac Lot Hassell, Vac. Lot Hamilton D. F. Johnson. 110 a. Mag. Johnson J. F. Purvis. Est.. 1 V«to Lot R. K. Hackles. House and Lot Johnson. Vac. Lot E. C. Stevenson 4711 a. Sherrod and Fleming Colored Lizzie Albritton, Vac. Lot John Bonds, Res. Dolphtis Brown, 4 a. Baker Land Oscar Paul Cherry. Vac. M. 1). Beach Johnny Council. Res. and Shop Wilson Council, 21 a. Res. Mark Huggins. Vac. Lot -R A. Edmondson Wiley Hilliard. 49a. Sherrod Aaron Howell. I Vac. Lot Gulina Lloyd, Woods Land Vergil Manning, 96 a. Ballard Mariah Peterson, Res Hugh Pitt. 17 a. Hugh Pitt Sabi a Raynor, Est., lies. Thelma Reaves, Res GOOSK NEST TOWNSHIP, White Paul Bellflower, Res., Abbie Edmondson, Est. 511 a.. 122 a. Cherry Bal. R. S. Edmondson, Iu s. F. L. Haislip, Jr.. 125 a. Cowon Thomas John Paul Harrell, 19 a. Harrell W. E Tyson, Res. Colored Sam Brown, Est.. 20 a. Mayo Louisa Bryant, Kl, Vac. Lot John Dolberry, Vac Lot Lizzie Hyman, 97 a. J. B. Hyman, 10 a. Home Place, Bal. Ruffins James, Est.. 51) a. Ruffin James W. W. Lanier, 47 a. P. L. Lynch Frank & Cleo Leathers, 125 a. Moore Prim Sherrod, Vac. Lot Flossie Taylor. Vac. Lot Rosa T Winchester. 12 a. Ward I John Wilson, Vac. Lot __ _ 16 74 3.55 6.27 10.30 16.50 2.00 4.03 3.45 3.50 7.60 10.75 7.75 37.55 20.25 5.45 12.80 12.92 2.30 5.50 2.30 3.50 7.85 11.16 68.61 4.15 12.00 3.97 3.10 3.10 5.12 2.52 6.70 26.73 37.10 2.00 13.45 206.70 3.70 7 55 2.40 5.93 32.67 17.90 13.67 54.27 3.80 4.95 53.95 9.75 25.35 3.25 6.70 11.45 57.75 44.50 126.90 4.60 28.35 7.17 6.35 7.75 26.75 9.00 25.17 82.46 11.08 2.55 3.88 2.9C # Hi ni; s where >ou come into your on n. # For this roomy six-passenger Sedanel is (he lowest-priced family model Huick and the easiest to buy. W""" H § ■m i Only ‘uick k». and vfith it gomnt HIOHIU COMPKHSION Fireball ^/vt ln. head power in three engine. IN.. f-M .ngin. in mod.U ) * NrW-MTTMN STYLING, with MULH-OUAHD lo,.Irani. ,ap„ through lenders, "doubl. bubbl. to,Mights • WIDf-ANGU V,S"'UrY’ do,, up road view both lorword end bock . TtMrric-HANDr Jtzr- <•» °’'«r ol1 ,.„g,h lo, .0,1., parking and goragmsb short turning radius * IXTBA-W jIATS eiadl.d between the o«l*i • BUICK mot, From all coil springing, Soltl/r Rid* rims, low pr.s.ur. tir.s. rid. torqu. tub. • WIDI AMAV Of MODUS with Body by Fi$h*r. Tin mm .-r ttr\ i Itut it has all the basic qualities that make every Ifuick a standout. Unmistakable smartness, for in stance, in its tapering fenders and money-saving Mulli-fluard lore front. A bonnet full of h'ircball straight eight power that spells thrills with reai thrift.. Matchless lluick ride compounded of coil springs on all four wheels, ride-steady ing torque-lube, low pressure tires and Safety-Hide rims. ^ ou can even hav e I )\ naflow I)rive* il you like —(he lirst non-shifting transmission in w hit’ll oil docs it n•* lint here’s the point: It doesn’t cost a cent —doesn’t obli gate you in any way —to check all this —to try this Hoick out. All you have to do is ask —and your Hoick dealer will sit you behind the wheel let you put this traveler through its paces —show you precisely how little it will cost you to step «/» to a Hoick. You’ll never know what you are missing until y ou try a Hoick. Come in, won’t you —right away r 1/ 1 a 1 WHATEVER YOUR PRICE RANGE H. Jenkins & Co. Willinmston, Inc. IMione 2117 Williuiustou. N. '•'C!!1'' .» rr r 1 •**T rtficr VIII bi.M'.D TH?M