The Store of Quality Complete Stock SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Hardware for Every Need WOOLARI) HARDWARE CO. Best Steaks anil Sea foot I Central Cafe ■A * + * .«* * SPECIALS In Every Department Always At Martin Supply COMPANY Tor Quick, Dependable SERVICE SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION DARDEN'S Depi. Store Quality Wearing Apparel Reasonable Prices Prom J. Lawrence Peele Your Dependable Jeweler GROCERIES Fa I S3 leg Staph' and Fancy (Irooorios Vot'd - Seed - Fertilizer Moore Grocery USED CARS Cadillac Distributor Hoick - Pontiac - Oldsmobile CH VS. H. .n:\KINS & COMPANY Dotltio ami Plymouth Sales «Sfc Service Dixie Moior COMPANY Don't borroir from your \righltor. Suhs. Klcctrical Contractors Ayers Electric COMPANY .""" ■ i 1 - ■ _ Il\ _ Vi isc To \| ZKMON’S Kcailv'lo-Vi Vnr Wearing Apparel for The Family JEWELRY From Peele's Jewelers « Since 18M) Dial 2311 Reddy Kilowatt Your Electric Servant Virginia Eleetrie anil Power Company Yonr ValntM*%+ ilimytt Approciutvil Building Supplies and Material r. & ii iuiuilks SUPPLY COMPANY Top Prices Always Paid Here WILUAMSTON PEANUT CO. The giant Redwoods of California have breasted the storms of many centuries and stand today as marvels of the plant world for their endurance and longevity. For countless generations the birds have nested in their branches and beasts of the forests have roamed their trackless shades. They are the patriarchs of the world of trees. The Redwoods have lived on and on because their roots burrowed deep in the friendly soil and drank from earth’s hidden springs the waters of life and health. People are like trees. Some of them tower above their environment and possess unusual strength and endurance. They defy the storms of adversity and the chill winds of discouragement and sorrow. These are the Redwood people. Their lives are deep-rooted in the soil of faith, and they drink the strength of God from the hidden springs of spiritual experience. Go to Church on Sunday. Study the Scriptures. Try to be among men what the Redwood is among trees. SX? for au ■. Th. Church „ ,„OR mE CHURCH can survive Thl do™°c-racy nor Wl hou> a • very Mrl , 0 'our ,ouL C,v,U*°'>or, ^ >»zrth:h°cu'd rirr °vvn sake (2) fn C/,Urcfl They are mT°fly sake of hi* .J For h. Furl Oil — Kerosene Gasoline — Motor Oils Greases Harrison Oil COMPANY l *i' More CKO-MORE Prod net* Standard r s Uu. Fertilizerr' Insurance Is The Best Polk} Dial 2118 W. G. Peele