Time Is Running Short For V. (I. P. (J Driven -« Motor vehicle drivers whose last names begin with either of the letters N. O, P. or y have on thirty more days to get their new drivers' licenses. Most of those in the group have already got then- new licenses, but there is a sufficient number who have delayed getting them to cause a last-minute rush The examiner is m Williamston each Wednesday and Thursday, and there has been no rush in recent weeks. PORTO RICAN Potato Plants $2.50 per N For Immediate Stilt* 0 From I'im* rr«*n!«• .Miles on Hamilton Highway Phone 29842 | MARCO Children 15c Adults 20c Till RSIUY - FRIDAY "Slattery's Hurricane" With Richard W idmark Linda Darnell Also Cartoon SVTl RDAY DOl'KI.E FKATl’KE "Lone Star Pioneers" With N\ ild Rill Klliott "Wake oi the Red Witch" With John Wa\ ne Rail Russell Chapter No. 8 of Serial Cartoon SI NDAY • MONDAY "Blue Grass 01 Kentucky" With Itill W illianis Jane Ni*rh C art.Mill TlESDAY and WEDNESDAY "It Happens Every Spring" With Ka\ Nilland Paul Douglas and Joan Peters COMEDY Hetlv Lamarr and Victor Mature in one of (heir love scenes from 'Samson and Delilah." The I no pla.v (lie title r les in the film, a Cecil B. DeMille Technicolor product ion for Paramount which starts at the Watts Theatre Sunday, June 4, and runs through Wednesday, June 7. Band And Lions Concentrate On Charlotte Plan: (Continued from Page One) show and all assistance is wel coined ami appreciated. The tickets, $1.00 for adults ant 50c for children, may be had from any member ot the Lions' club o the band or band parent's rich In view of the fact that most o the bands in this section charge admission fees of $1.00 for then concerts alone, it is felt that thi combination drill show and con cert is a bargain at the price. Tht band here has never charged ovei 50c for its annual concerts. Swimming Pool To Open Monday Afternoon at 2:00 (Continued from page one) fective on and aftei Monday, June 19, The swimming pool was giver a new coat of paint only recently and was being put in shape this week f'oi the lug opening on Mon day. The pool has drawn patron age from all sections of the coun ty during tire past several seasons HAMILTON THEATRE SATURDAY, June 3 Shows 1 (il 11 Double Feature Program MISSISSIPPI RHYTHM With Jimmie Davis WESTW ARD ROUND With Bob Steele SERIAL SUNDAY - MONDAY June 4-5 Shows Sunday 3 and !) Shows Monday 7:15 and 9:15 THE OUTRIDERS With Joel McCrea and Barry Sullivan In Technieolor M-G-M’s Latest Western Hit Color Cartoon TUESDAY, June ti Shows 7:15 and 9:15 TH AT MIDNIGHT KISS With Dick llaymes and Kathryn Grayson Color Cartoon BRIGHT LEAF Coming June 11-12 MOVIES Are RETT Eli THAN EVER and it is being emphasized again this year that the facilities arc available to children from any where n Uie county who wish to use them. I The water safety course being offered by the Red Cross will run for 30 hours and is open to all . persons over 19 years of age who ■ are strong swimmers and whose constitution is such that it can I undertake the strenuous program. Eleven Marriage Licenses Issued In Month of May -§> (Continued trom page one) It* Ml Ml >11. Charlie Benson of Albany, Georgia, and Janie Raseoe of Winsor. Alton Roberts and Ester Jones, both of KFD 1, Williamston. John Best and Mugaline Spruiii, both of HU) 1, Bethel. Hear Twenty-Five Cases In County Court On Nonday (Continued from page one) Pleading guilty of speeding, Walter Brownluw LaRue, Mary K. Burroughs, Sidney I Sitomer, Hairy Keith Everett, Joseph F. Williams and Erast us A. Kaiser were required to pay the court costs. Pleading guilty of issuing a worthless cheek, J. Cl. Coltrain | was taxed with the costs and is ! to pay the check, BOV SCOUT CAKE SALE Working to raise funds to I'i | nance a camping trip, local Boy Scouts will rattle oil' adehcious two tiered pound cake at Davis’ 'Pharmacy here next Monday eve ning at I,.00 o eloek Pile eake is being made ami donated by Mrs. K. II Clayton, Jr. More than 9.000 North Carolin ians lost then lives in World War 11. AustinQNicKols CLUB RESERVE til* Sluijtii Wkiikfyi In (hit priliNt in $ |«n w mil *H Sliflufcl Wlmk«Y. 40% (>•<• Nwtitl Spirits, M l proof. AustinQNicKols CCo.mri InC. Inc. •lOMlitfNM IOH BLENDED WHISKEY $2.10 pint BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. I’lioue 2050 W. J. MILLER & SON Utfuay. WLS1LKN ALIO 146 Main Si. Social News Mrs. Frank e. Wynne HOSTESS AT LUNCHEOl' -• Mrs. Prank Earle Wynne enter I tains d at a luncheon J uesday May 30th. at one o'clock, honor inj Mrs James A. Critcher and Mis: I Katie Leggett, bride-elect, j Mis Tito. S. Critcher introduc {. ,1 the guests to the honorees. Spring lh \v( rs were used in tin i hall, drawing room and dining room where places were laid lot ! i weniy-fonr guests. Mrs James i A. Critcher. Miss Katie Leggett i Miss Mary Gladys Long, Mrs. Ah i Brown, Mrs. Thomas W. Skin j tier. Mrs. William Coppage, Mrs T. W. Keat ing. Mrs. T. B. Brandon Jr. Mrs. Robert Newell, Miss An | no Be :slev. Mrs. Thomas W I Crockett, Mrs Thomas L. Has tings, Mrs. Billy Peel. Mrs. Frank j Saunders Weaver. Mrs. Titus S j Critcher, Miss Barbara Margolis Miss Joanne Peel, Miss Pearl New Bern. Mrs. Reginald Simpson Mrs. J. W. Andrews, Mrs. H. E Harrington, Mrs. C. B. Clark. Jr.. Mrs. J I). Bald roe and Mrs. D. C. j Sharpe. •»-1- • I receives award For | her work in home Ec j Miss Louise Griffin, daughter j of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Griffin, was presented the Barden award for being the most outstanding stud ent in the Home Economics de partment at Women's College, Greensboro, for the year 1949 1950. Miss Griffin is to be con gratulated for winning the $300 award. Entertains at Luncheon Mr. and Mrs. Otis Davis of Ply mouth entertained Elwood Ever ett of Hamilton at a luncheon at their home Sunday. The oldest university in th ■ Americas, San Marcos in Peru, was founded in 1551, according I to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. • linoleum • Asphalt Tile • Rubber Tile • Lino-Tile • Cabinet Tops a Specialty Factory Trained Mechanics No Job Too Large or Too Small Contract Prices to Contractors Hiuiuimitt Furniture Ci>. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 WWWVWVWtAAMWWWW TRIO Robersouville, N. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY June 1 anil 2 I NK YELLOW CAB MAN With Red Skelton and Gloria De Haven Cartoon and Short SATURDAY, June 3 SHERIFF OF WICHITA With Rocky Lane DEYII/S CARGO With John Calvert (The New. Falcon) Plus: Serial SUNDAY, June 4 HOUSE BY THE RIVER With Louis Hayward, Jane Wyatt, Lee Bowman and Dorothy Patrick Also Comedy MONDAY - TUESDAY June 3 and 6 (The Berlin Airlift vs. Russian Blockade) THE BIG LIFT With Montgomery Clift and Paul Douglas Latest News and Short BRIGHT LEAF June 11 & 12 BIG SOUTHLAN 1 PREMIERE By special selection of the ptoduc its, this theatie will he among tin vOO theatres chosen toi the na fWl f33 More than 10 percent of Nort Carolina’s population are vete ans of World War II. | WantS ; FOR SALE: MAPLE BABY CRI1 with inncrspring mattress, pla; j pen with floor, and a high c-haii | All in good condition. Price rea.s | unable. Cal! Mrs. W. M. Bakei ; phone 261,>. MR. FARMER: WE ARE SOM prepared to store your cure meat to protect it horn flies am skippers. Prices reasonable. Col onial Frozen Foods. j 1 2 NOW IS THE TIME TO FI LI your locker with fryers. TR surplus season is here. Store nov and save. We have an ampli supply. Colonial Frozen Foods Je 1 2 FOR SALE: SCARLET SAGI Plants. 25 cents a dozen. Mrs Joe Roebuck, West Main Street Wilhamston. m-30 je i POTATO SPROUTS FROM CER tified Porto Rican stock. $2.0( per 1000. Bedding potatoes wen treated with Semesan Bel. Johr Gurkin. Jr. Dial 29442. my 30 4 FOR SALE: SEVERAL USE! oil stoves in good condition. B S. Courtney and Son. my 16 10' W ANTED TO BUY— OOOlTl S ed automobile. Lute model Cash. Phone 2739. my 9 t: BARCLAY TILE BOARD in assorted colors for bath room and kitchens. We have all accessories for installing the above. Chrome, cap strips, baseboard, etc. This tile board is 3-16” thick. Our price 35c per sq. ft. F. O. B. Bethel. Hiinnienitt Fiirniliirt* Co. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 WATTS THEATRE — WILLI AMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY ii Mother Didn't Tell Me" With Dorothy McGuire William LnndiRun SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE Twilight in the Sierras With Roy Kogm Dale Evans Also "Blonde Dynamite" With Leo Goreey Hunt/. Hall ami llie Bowery Boys (hapler No. 7 of Serial CARTOON SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ADMISSIONS Matinee Children Adults Night Children Adults .25 .60 .25 $1.00 Samson and Delilah" With Heddy Lumurr Yielor Mature \\K WANT TO BUY CORN IN shuck at your farm. What kind and how much do you have? Write or call L. N. James Corn Houre, Bethel, N. C. ap 18 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 ti j CLARK'S RHEUMATISM COM . ! pound for positive relief of j rheumatism, snavr.a. lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular j aches and pains. Guaranteed re ; j lief nr money back. Clark Phar j macy. m 22 tf LET PARKER’S SELF-SERVICE Laundry ease your washday worries. Nine pounds of clothes washed for 35c We also wash blankets, small rugs, bed spreads, slip covers, etc. se 27 tf ! DOES YOUR COAT, SUIT OR ; skirt fit? They dont! Then bring them to Bulluck's for expert alt erations. m 14 tf FOR SALE: COCKER SPANIELS Have two males left. See or call me at once. Miss Mary Taylor, Williamston. my 30 2t FOR SALE: IMPERIAL WASH stock, prices from 24c up. B. S. able Wallpaper, 25 patterns in Courtney & Son. ja 12 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH I ine. Refinish your floors youi self and do a first class job of: sanding and polishing your worn! |dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma- j chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf 'USED DINING TABLE. SOLID mahogany, in good condition. B. S. Courtney & Son. my 23 4t WE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD oil lamps Bring us your lamps ; for estimate or to be wired. Wor i rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057, Williamston. no 8 tf j r UK 1UL-K u aium - *▼*/***» Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. Wr have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 26 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locker. no 8 tf Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicvclc-s-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUIN VS MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St.. Dial 2384 Watts Theatre Williamson, IN’. C. THURSDAY - FRIDAY GORILLA MEN SEIZE _ JUNGLE' IV PR1WCESS! \ <*** Trudy Morsholl • Suzonne Dalbert • OnsJow Stevens. w -•••*. ie* b» c1**1 • Pror SAM 1>>£MAM Watts Theatre — Williamston Sunday - Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday PRICES: Malinee, 25<* ami 60r — Nielli, 25<* ami SI.00 CpMjB. y)<0(7/ajtfatf&p/e{je Color by tJechmciolm m a _ I,, n , „ - Cecil B. DeMUles SAMSON AND DELILAH Hedy Lamarr-Victor MatureGeorge Sanders-Angela Lansburv Henry Wilcoxon • Produced and Directed by Cecil B DeMilie by J*M* l l* H*iy B