At Morehcad Sunday Misses Julia Luughinjihoust- and Lilyfoet Must and C. MeLaw j*o’’n ar ' B; ' S,"!h\ spent Rundnv a! Mol Visit In Greenville Mis Paulino Leteh worth and Mrs. A. O. Rouse and children vis ited Mrs, D B Lanier in Green ville Sunday kVVIA/VWVWVVWWVVtftfl/WMA Reported Recovering Mrs T. C Cooke, patient in a , Washington hospital, is reported to t«- rloinu nicely following an operation performed last F'. iday to remove a cataract — In Rocky Mount Sundat Mi and Mrs. James Bulluck and children visited in Rocky Mount Sunday. ., -♦ Spend Day At Morehead Misses Elizabeth Griffin and Rhoda Faye Peele and LindeJJ Ward and Jerry Forehand visited Morehead Sunday. -• Home For Few Day* Mr. Reginald Manning, medical student at Carolina, is spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Manning, before returning for the summer session. -• At Nags Head Mis. Velnla Coburn and Miss | Mary Taylor are spending a few days at Nags Head this week. ItmAMMMIAAMlWMMMMMf BRANCH SERVICE IS ALL FOR YOU — I sr nil of it that von ran Branch Bank facilities have hern maile a- complete as pos sible for your benefit. \\ li«*n confronted villi am financial load or problem voiir first tlioiiL’Iil -lionld he to conic to tin- Branch Bank. \\ c vcleomr ni‘ri opportunity lo In* of srr \ ire !o \ oil. Aeiinuilti i.heching It HIIIS So rings Irrinints Travelers' Cheques Branch banking & Trust Co, DRINK MILK The Mosl Refreshing Of All Hot-Weather Beverages! your refrigerator well .»lorke«l will) milk at ull time* tliis "Kcrnmier;' ■. Chiei Source of Nourishment! \ <|iiarl of milk Mi|t|>lii‘.* llm daily nil* tritiou* r(‘i|iiirt‘iii<‘iil» of any man. Monian anil <*liil<l. (.all lor «leli\«*ry to*la\ — order our other noitn*liiiii!. Mifia^iiurili‘<l ilairy produrl*. Use Our Delicious Ice Cream -7h- homily'* Fuvorile Summer Dettori! Dill 3ltt TAYLOR’S DAIRY S&IRK , > * 'mtom Spending Summer Here Richard Margolis. medical stud ent at Wt stern Reserve in Cleve land. Ohio, is spending the sum mer here with his parents. Mr. and Mis Frank Margolis. -.< ... Attend Graduation Exercises Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Watts at > tended the graduation exercises at U. N. C. and visited Miss Eliza beth Lyons, member of the gradu ating class, during the week-end Miss' Lyons is a niece of Mrs. Watts. -» Announce Birth of Son Mr. and Mrs. Pete Rejune.v, of Washington. D ,C„ announce the birth of a son, Edward Augusta, on Saturday. June 3. at a Wash ington hospital. Mrs. Rejune.v is the former Miss Ruby Malone of Williamston. -- Here For Vacation Mrs. G. P. Hall and Mrs. Walter Mizelle visited in Norfolk Wed nesday and Thursday. Miss Anne Mizelle, student nurse at Norfolk General Hospital, returned with them to spend a ten day vacation. in Durham Sunday Mrs. Mary Coltrain and Mrs. Ira Harrison visited Mrs. Harrison's brother, patient in Duke Hospital, in Durham Sunday. Visiting Mother Here Mrs. David Armstrong and chil dren of Troy are spending some time here with her mother. Mrs. C. A. Harrison. Visit In Henderson Saturday Mrs C. J. Bradv. Mrs. W. H. Blessing and Miss Marjorie Brady visited in Henderson Saturday. --o . — Visits Sister in Raleigh Mrs. Oscar Davenport of James ville spent Friday and Saturday in Raleigh visiting her sister. Mrs. Martin Hcptenstald. Expected Home Thursday Mrs. L. Bruce Wynne, patient in a Richmond hospital, is ex pected to return to her home here Thursday. Mr. Wynne visited her in Richmond during the week end. Spending Some Time Here Mis. L. C. Ballance of Charles ton. S. C„ is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Died Darden. Moving To New Home Mr. and Mrs. John Hatton Gur ganus and children’ ^Judy and Johnny, are moving*into their new home on Liberty Street this week. Spend Day at Beach Mr. and Mrs Talmadge Selby, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White. Miss Marie Mobley and Mr. Smittv Smith spent Sunday at Nags Head, -* Home For Holidays Miss Eva Pcelc, teacher in the Weldon schools, is spending the summer holidays here. ■■ • To Be Moved To Duke Miss Kitty Gurganus, who en tered the local hospital Thursday for treatment, is reported to be feeling better. She will be re moved to Duke Hospital the latter part of the week. I BUFFET SUPPER HONORS ! BRIDE-ELECT OF JULY ■ • ■ | Mrs. Henry K. Elliott, the form ! er Miss Alberta Swain, was hos : toss on Saturday evening at her j home in Colonial Place, Norfolk. Virginia, at a buffet supper hon l oring Miss Isabelle Anderson, bride-elect of July. The home was decorated throughout with summer flowers and burning white tapers. The table, covered with a white linen doth, was centered with a minia ture bride and groom under a crystal dome with white candles burning on each side. The buffet menu consisted of iced coca-cola, chicken salad,-open face sandwiches, cold sliced toma toes, Della Robbia mints, salted ! nuts and bridal white squares, i Hor d'ouevres were served from , a large crystal tray which was centered with a purple orchid. j Guests included the honoree of Williamston and Mesdames W. H. Montague, J. R Jones, Jack Long. J. E. Gatling, W. D. Truitt and Miss Virginia Reynolds of Nor folk. Mrs. Elliott presented Miss An derson a corsage of white and Talisman roses and a gift of silver in her chosen pattern. Business Visitor in Goldsboro Attorney Robert H. Cowen is at tending to business in Goldsboro today. —■ a— - Visit In Port Lock, Va. Mr. und Mis. John F. Earl and Misses Johnnie Mae Sawyer and Esta Martin of Jamesville and Mrs. J. T. Askew of Plymouth at tended the Vesper Service of the 1950 graduating class of Port Lock, Va., and visited Miss Mar garet Joyce Warrington, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Warrington, formerly of Jamesville, who was a member of the graduating class. Spending Week at Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Burras Critcher, Jr., are spending this week at Nags Head. --• Spend Day at Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. Prince Purdy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K D. Worrell at their cottage op Pamlico Beach Here Friday Mr. Joseph Butterworth of j Bethel was a business visitor here Friday. -• Graduates Mr. and Mrs. Bill Myers, Miss Jeannette Myers and Jimmy My ers attended the graduation exer cises of tljaif son and., brothei1, Billy, at Duke University in Dur ham over the week-end. ■-# Visiting in Richlands Mrs. G. H. Harrison will leave [ today to spend some, time in Rich lands. -• In Virginia Last Week Mrs. John £>. Biggs spent last week with friends and relatives in Scotland Neck. Spends Day in Ahoskie Mrs. Jack Manning spent Tues day of last week wth relatives in Ahoskie. ■-♦ j In Enfield Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kimball and daughter, Martha Dunn, spent Sunday with relatives in Enfield. Here Yesterday Mrs. Alton Grimes of Rober sonville visited friends here yes terday. DANCE FHIDAY, June <) — 9 til 2 Jamesville, N. C. Muaic By John Piland & Orch. Scotland Neck Sponsor'd by Woman's Club of Jamesville HURLED UNDER CAR IN CRASH ■ FOUOWINS A COLLISION at,a Loa'Angles street corner, in which she was catapulted from her cer by the force of the impact, Mrs. Anna Hilkey lief pinned under the bumper of another auto. She .was found to have suffered broken arms and legs, plus a skull fracture. (International) Mrs. Edith Marlin Weds Mr. M. L. • Tarkinglon In Evereils May 31si REV. J. M. PERRY OFFI CIATES AT RITES IN HOME OF BRIDE ■ ■ o —■ - The marriage of Mrs. Edith Martin, daughter of Mrs. J. S. \yers, Sr.. and the lute J. S. Ay ;rs, Sr., of Everetts, to Mr. M. L. rarkington, son of Mr. and Mrs. 3ob Tarkington of Windsor, was solemnized at the home of the iride Wednesday, May 31. at 4:00 j’clock. The Rev. J. M. Perry of Robersonville officiated at the louble ring ceremony. The vows were spoken before rin arrangement of greenery, bas sets of white gladioli and cundel ibras holding pink tapers. The risle was marked with pink satin' ribbon tied from single candel abra at the ultai to baskets of white gladioli. The program of wedding music was presented by Mrs. J. W. Peel if Everetts, pianist, and Mrs. Wheeler Manning and Miss Ida Privette of Williamston. vocalists. The ushers were Mr. H. M. Ay ers of Everetts, brother of the bride, and Mr. Wallace Tarking ton of Williamston. brother of the bridegroom. The bride and bridegroom en tered together. The bride wore a street length dress of imported blue lace with tight fitted bodice and full skirt. Her hat was pillbox of matching lace with net of matching color. Her only orna ment was a string of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. Her gloves were blue lace and she carried a bridal bouquet of white sweet peas centered with pink roses and showered with pink satin ribbon and tube roses. The mother of ,the bride wore a black street length dress and her corsage was American beauty ros es. For travel the bride wore a white tropical worsted dress and long fitted eoat of the same mat erial with brown and white ac cessories and the roses litted from her bridal bouquet. Following a wedding trip north thy couple will make their hoiru in Everetts. Mrk. Tarkington is a teacher o music in Martin County School: and Mr. Tarkington is engaged it farming in Bertie County. Honored at Bridge Honoring Mrs. Edith 'Martin bride-elect, Mrs. J. W. Peel o Everetts entertained at a bridg party-including her club and in vited guests Friday night,- May' 26 at her home in Everetts, whicl was decorated for the occasioi with mixed spring flowers. The honoree was presented witl a corsage of sweetpeus and Mis Martha Whitehurst, bride-elect o July, was presented a corsage c carnations. After two progressions of plaj the guests were served iced drink and potato strips. At the concluision of play, th hostess, assisted by Mrs. H. M. Ay ers and Mrs. Dillon Peel, serve ice cream and party cakes-mint carrying out .a color scheme c pink and white. Mrs. Martin was presented crys tal in her chosen pattern. Mis Whitehurst was presented a dis of milk glass. High score for club was presem ed Mrs. A. P. Barnhill of Robei sonville, guest high to Miss Mat tha Whitehurst of Williamston. ! Low score to Mis. Dillon Pet and traveling to Mrs. Waite Bailey. Miscellaneous Shower Mrs. J. S. Ayers, Jr., and Mr Roland Bunting were joint hot leases honoring Mis. Edith Mai tin, May bride-elect, with a mb ccllar.eous shower at the home o Dutch Treat IT'* TULIP TIMI in Las Vegas, Nev., as well as Holland, so Kathy Libby causes pair of Dutch wooden ihoes and goes tripping through the blos soms. Tfie bulbs were imported from Amsterdam, (international) Mrs. Avers in Williamston. The home was beautifully de corated with mixed spring flow ers. The honoree was presented upon arrival a corsage of roses. After the guests assembled they were engaged in two contests. The winners wgre Mrs. Dennis Rober son of Robersonville and Mrs. Le roy Harrison of Bear Grass. ' The lrostesses presented Mrs. Martin with a trunk filled with gifts from guests and china in her 1 chosen pattern was presented by the hostesses. Music was render ed at this time. Mesdames Ayers and Bunting served 'ice ereahi, part#' cakes, mints and nuts, carrying out color scheme of green and white. Around-. 30 guests were present. . Cake Cutting Mrs J. S. Ayers, Sr., and Mrs. H, M- Ayers entertained at a cake Cutting following the rehearsal of (he Mai'tin-Tarkin.gton wedding, including members of the bridal party and family and a few invit ed guests." The table was covered with blue table cloth, centered with ar rangements of pink carnations ' and fever few mStfc-isisal’Bni-lOT' baskets "’filled with snapdragons and sweet peas. I?aeh basket was 1 tied with pink and white ribbon with streamer connected to center arrangement. The three tiered bridal cake was placed at one end of the table and punch was served at the other end. Pink and white mints and nuts were also served. After Mrs. Martin and Mr. Tar kington cut the first slice, Mis. Dennis Roberson served the guests. Miss Edna Barnhill pre sided at the punch bowl. Misses Jane Martin and Judy Ayers as " ] sisted Mrs. H. M. Ayers in serv s i ing nuts and mints. Mrs. J. S. Ayers, Sr., bade the guests good bye. ■---— - Visits Here -! Mrs. Jack Whitman of Washing i tor,. D. C., visited her parents, 11 Mr. and Mrs, Bob Taylor, here last r I week. -« Visit Here Mr .and Mrs. George Sumara of Durham visited Mr. Sumara’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Mitch ell. Mr. Samara is a student in f i Duke University. ! Bride-Elect honored At Party Recently ! Mrs. J. L. Gurganus of Bethel | entertained last Thursday evening at a buffet supper and bridge par ty. honoring Miss Martha White hurst. bride-elect of July. Upon arrival the honoree was presented a corsage of pink roses. Arrangements of pink roses, snap-, dragons and sweet peas decorated the Gurganus home. A delicious,supper consisting of ham, creamed'.chicken in pastry j shells, congealed'salad, beans, re-, ilishes, rolls,-tea'-and strawberry | shortcake was served to thirty ; guests. , . Several progressions of bridge followed. High score and float- j ing prize Was jyon by Miss Mary Rogerson, and low score prize was 'awarded Miss,Martha Whitehurst. The hostess' presented Miss Whitehurst a gift ‘of silver in her pattern. • j ---p Visit In Spring Hope Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Jackson, Mrs. Wyoma Allsbrook and son, and Miss Barbara- Jackson and Mr. Wilbur Jackson visited in Spring Hope Sunday. I r .. i — ANNOUNCE tNCJACiEMLN 1 Announcement of the engage ment of Miss Marietta Harrison of Wadesboro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cushing Biggs Harrison of Rocky Mount, to Mr. Robert Ray mond Hickman of Wadesboro is made today. Mr. Hickman is the son of Mr. H. C. Hickman of San ford and the late Mrs. Nell Green Hickman. Miss Harrison is the grand-daughter-of Mr. and Mrs. J. E Harrison. Sr., of Williamston. * At present Miss Harrison is direc tor of Christian Education of the First Methodist Church in Wades boro and Mr. Hickman is a mem ber of the Wadesboro High School faculty and assistant coach. The wedding .vil! take place July 30 in the First Methodist Church, Rocky Mount. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical '■> service. Lens, temples _ and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 He says they mean “Have Liability Insurance and Be Safe.” Whefeler Manning in Williamston handles all of his insurance. I'm going to phone 2426 and tell Mr. Man ning to arrange a complete Insurance Program for me. >» READY FOR ROCKY MOUNT’S i JUNE GERMAN 9ih of June? d CIttMPUSTE MENTAL SERVICE (iiH'lmliiiff Shirt & A<w«iiori<*n) Live up to her expectation in FORM ALS that make the most of your looks. • Moderate Kates Also you can purchase a new tuxedo from S40.IM up. All sixes. I 131 8. Main St. Rocky Mount, N. C, Franciscans IM Open Slock lfcPiece Cjjl O QC *Starter Set IplMiVV MUSE JEWELBY CO.

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