Rain Washes Oul All Games Sunday w Bear Grass Kas Tsp Spoi Wish One Game Lead !v\c><‘f! - (lull Plan? cialinii viirlil I’rocraiii For W With all bail r- •- n tlv Mai tin County Lt: guc rumni out on Sunday afternoon the- Boar Grass victory ovei Willtanislon Friday night of last week sent the Bears out front in the standings by a full game over the Farm Lite club which is holding to second place. All teams are scheduled to get back into action tomorrow after noon or night and the weather man has indicated th<- action may be resumed on county diamonds without interference from rain. Farm Life is due to play at Jamesville in the afternoon. Wil liamston at Washington at night. Oak City at Bear Grass in the af ternoon and K ibersonville at K\ G&W William Penn Blended Whiskey 86 Proot tetall Price *1.95 Pints *3.15 Fifths f*| tWAtOHT WHISKFYJ IN THU MOOUtt in 4 YEARS OR MORE OLD 35V SfRAIOHT ••OMSY, U% NEUTRAL S'lRUS. 5MSTH.LRD FROM OR AIN. i wit uwra. nn STANDINGS I---> MARTIN ( «M NTY league (Games through June 5) \\ Beat Grass Farm Life •> Washington 4 Robers inville 5 Oak City „ 4 Everett, J James vi He I Wilhamston 1 eretts in the Wilhamston park at night Robersonville and Ever etts m e, possibly play in the af ternoon at Robersonville but no decision on that make-good game 1 had been reached at press time. The night game in Wilhamston between Robersonville and Ever etts is to be celebrated by the Cubs as Appreciation Night’ and it has been announced that vari ous prizes will be given away dur ing the game, Manager Morris Stalls stating that it is likely that a prize will be awarded at the close of each inning. BEAK GRASS 5 WILLIAMSTON 2 Bear Grass strengthened its hold on first place in the Martin County League last Friday night and the Wilhamston Martins, the real hard-luck team of the loop so far this season dug deeper into the cellar as errors accounted for most of the scoring in the 5-2 de cision Bear Grass got over the Martins. Then- was no fault to be found with the pitching. Belli\ Peel and Bill Williford combined to limit the Martins to three hits while Wallace Warren and Jack Sullivan held the Bears to five hits. Except for the first inning when the Martins got their two runs and the sixtli and sev enth during which Bear Grass won the game, there wore only goose eggs for the scoreboard and observers noted it was a good ball garni1. J l Rawls and Jodie Peaks got a double apiece for Bear Grass but , no hitter on either team got more than one safety. L. Pet. 1 .875 2 .714 2 .8(17 3 (125 3 .571 5 .375 5 .1CC 8 .111 r on the FARM SAVE US, DINOp SAVE US! j HAVE COURAGE. SINCLAIR 25% VDT \( WHAT’LL CONCENTRATE WILL SAVE YOU. I'LL MIX j\ HAPPEN? IT WITH WATER*... AND THEN WATCH, LOOK, THIS ONE SPRAYING WILL BEI EFFECTIVE FOR SEVERAL WEEKS . AND SINCLAIR 25% DDT CONCENTRATE NAS 1 MANY OTHER USES. TOO. BETTER GET I SOME. IT'LL SAVE YOJLMONEY I YOU 8ETI I’LL PHONE MY SINCLAIR \A6ENT NOW -1 •XwmMi fwmulat lx mixing oppm' an Mck cwMatnar. We DELIVER DIRECT TO FARMS - RHONE OR WRITS US FOR arircwyari^ , ii Si# 25* DDT C0NCENT1ATI N. C. GREEN Agent — — W illiauihluu, IN. II. TEEN-AGER HELD IN HOLDUP DEATH ONE OF TWO schoolgirl* arrested in connection with the holdup slaying or a Long Beach, Calif., liquor store dealer, Muriel Downs, 17, is with a high-powered air pistol said to have been used by a girl lookout. Also held are Peggy Byrnes, 15, Junior High school student, and Thomas Cook Jr., 17. Questioning Muriel is Juvenile Officer J. S. Terry. The vic tim, Dominic Calarco, was kUled for $50. (International Soundphoto) r SCHEDULE ) Tuesday, June t» ♦Bear Grass at Robersonville Wednesday, June 7 Farm Life at Jamesville ’ Williamston at Washington "Robersonville at Everetts Oak City at Bear Grass Saturday. June 10 Bear Grass at Washington "“Everetts vs. Oak City, at Wil liamston. "“Denotes night games. The box: Williamstun Ab It H E Perry, T., 3b Whitehurst, 2b Perry, Jr., cf Wynne, H., e Davenport, rf Wynne, Geo., lb Whitfield, If xPeele, Manning, ss xxHedspeth, Warren, p Sullivan, p 2 10 0 4 0 0 0 4 110 3 0 10 3 0 10 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 2 0 0 2 10 0 0 2 0 0 ' l 0 0 0 0 Totals xhit for Whitfield xxhit for Manning 29 2 3 3 Bear Grass Smith, H„ rf Rawls, J. C„ ss Wobbleton, V., e Roebuek, lb Harris, If Roberson, J., 3b Peaks, 2b Perkins, ef Peel, B.. p Williford, Bill, p Ab It II E 4 110 4 0 12 4 0 10 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0! ,3 1 0 0 “'2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 110 Totals 30 5 5 2 Air Terror Heroine STEWARDESS Joan Heron, 22, .'■its beside the window broken by John O'Reilly, who terrorized 25 persons in a plane flying over central Cali fornia. Passengers declared that the girj's coolness in the face of a gun held by the war veteran averted a possible tragedy. O'Reilly was ar rested when the transport made an emergency landing in Fresno, Cali fornia. (International Hound photo) Score by innings: Williamston 200 000 000—2 Bear Grass 000 003 20x—5 Investigate our MMrral plans for enab ling >oil lo have what you Hunt ohm you vwmt it through regular maviiigei. Free souvenirs for (hose opening new Aeeouut*. Ofjirv in liranch Hanking & Trust Co. Martin County Building & Loan Association Weather Bnreau Head Recognizes Observers' Work (Continued from Page One) communities willing to operate a | weather station Their duties as i a weather observer include meas uring the rainfall and snowfall, and recording the highest and lowest temperatures. Throughout the month the weather observer records his readings carefully and | at the end of the month he sends his report to Raleigh. At the pre sent time there are 176 coopera tive observers in North Carolina ! reporting to the Weatoei Bureau, The equipment at 149 of t1-? sta tions is owned by the Weather Bureau. The monthly reports from the voluntary observers have been summarized and published in a series of monthly and annual bul letins. Many of the long records have been used in computing long-time averages. From these data, for instance, we know the average January temperatures or July temperatures, the average monthly annual precipitation. In other words, almost all the facts and figures that define our clima tology come from the reports of the voluntary weather observers. The volunteer weather observ ers come from all walks of life. Many of them are farmers or own small business establishments and others are employed by muni cipal and state governments. A large number in the past and also today are professional people. In some families the work is handed down from father to son yr daugh ter. Many people' ask "why should these people do all of this work without receiving any monetary compensation." One cooperative observer who served continuously for thirty years had this to say. "Yes, it is a lot of work and daily bother, but we like it. After 30 years of the habit, there is a sort of unexplainable attraction or fascination about it. Yes, we like j to answer questions about the I weather, though occasionally | some of them are called in at very Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY'S For FURNITURE rOKTO RICAN Potato Plants $2.50 per M For Immediate Saif From Fine Treated Stock Excellent Color. Mayo Hardison 6 Milos on Hamilton Highway Phone 29842 ll Tula's "Know Hon'’’'’ AND WE HAVE IT HEATING — and — Sheet Metal Work LENNOX AIR CONDITIONING Approved JOHN S-M AN VILLF/ Roofing Coulraelot* WHITE'S HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORKS P. O. Box 604 W1LI.IAMSTON. N. C. PHONE 2220 r RESULTSI \-.-■-> Friday, June 2 Bear Grass 5, Williamston 2. Series Of Wrecks On County Roads In Past Few Days (Continued Iron" page one) the county during rcccr.t *wceks. . Other sa.fr- - obbenes were report ed recently in surrounding coun ties. Visit Sister in Norfolk Mr:- Chester Hollis and Mrs Jesse Ben Rawls spent the week end with their sister, Mrs. Lock wood Casper and family in Nor folk. They were accompanied by Mrs. Marion Leggett. inopportune times. But let ’em come! We are here to be useful and nothing affords us greater pleasure than to ad<j| in some small degree to the pleasure and satisfaction of others.” CLEANUP DAY PLANNED AT THE TICE CEMETERYj It wy- announced yesterday by George C. Griffin that a clean-up day at the Tice Community Ceme tery will be held on Saturday of this week starting at 7:00 o’clock. All persons interested in the proper maintenance of the ceme tery are urged to contribute what-, ever help they can to the project. RETURNS TO HOSPITAL, After spending the week-end f at home, Mr. Henry Handy re turned to Duke Hospital yes terday for fulhcr treatment. He is expected home on Thursday of 1 fits week. Spend Week In Washington City Mr. and Mrs. Archie Coltrain -pent last week in Washington. D. C. Your Car Deserves The Best! . . . Anil Unit's what it will sift right here! Hegular check i*n radi ator, battery, oil, tires at no extra charge! AUTOS THRIVE ON OUR SERVICE! 4 Sinclair Service Station oooofioooooooceo 0 CHOOSE THE TIRE OF CHAMPIONS... WINS AGAIN i CONSECUTIVE VICTORIES AT INDIANAPOLIS PROVE FIRESTONE HERE'S WHY ALL THE DRIVERS IN THIS YEAR'S RACE BOUGHT FIRESTONE TIRES FOR THEIR CARS GREATER BLOWOUT v PROTECTION . . . . Exclusive new Resinous Plastic Gum-Dipping in sulates against internal heat. ' f STRONGER CORO BODY . . Exclusive Safti-Surcrt Construction provides ex tra body strength — Tire flexes as unit. « SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY TO CELEBRATE OUR VICTORY YOU GET AN EXTRA BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE ON FAMOUS FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPION TIRES 0 LONGER WEAR... Exclusive Firestone Plus Mileage Tread Rubber. .. Tougher . . . 15% greater mileage. DON'T TAKE CH ANCES . . . GET THIS SAME SAFETY IN THE , TIRES ^ON YOUR.CAR Always Buy Tristan* DELUXE CHAMPIONS Firestone Home & Auto Supply |). V. Cluytou, Prop. — Johuuy Cherry, Mgr. ««>—_:__

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