Complete Stock SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Hardware for Every Need WOOLARP HARPW VRK L.O. ftvsl Steaks and Seafood Central Cafe special In Every Department Always At Martin Supply COMPANY a «csr - For Quirk. Dependable SERVICE SINCLAIR SKKVICK STATION TO DARDEN'S Dept. Store Quality Wearing: Appare Reasonable Prices From J. Lawrence Peele Yi>«r Pepemlable Jeweler GROCERIES A Sl'ujilo ami Fancy (iroorrios Feed • Seed - Fertiliser Moore Grocery USED CARS ft ‘ — Cadillac Distributor Buick - Pontiac - Oldsniobiie CH VS. II. JKNK1NS & OIMI'WV Dollar and Plymouth Snips & Service Dixie Motor COMPANY IJRANCH KVNKINC \\J) TUI S I CO. Vouv Safe E.vri'utuf Don't horrmr from your \oi^lihor. Subscribe Today Enterprise I’t Bl lSillx; CO. Electrical Contractors Ayers Electric COMPANY _ If* _ \\ isc To < Slum \| ZKMON'S Krndy-ln-WViir Hearing Apparel fur The l-'umily ^fiios l ’ . t • i •> \vmvumi \\\ l 'inn ‘rm // I I ! II III f: 11-1 / / / niiii//'//////////// ///''/ /'/////'// ' ’///////// /7// '/////; Rfilily Kilowatt Your l''.leclric Servant Virginia lllwlrie ami I'ower Company GUARANTY BANK AND s TRUST company! Yotir Patronage ihruyx i fiprrrialeti Building Supplies and Material o & ii buii i)i:rs SimY COMPANY Top Prices Always Paid Here WILUAMSTON PKANIIT CO. The ligh» that shine* in a proud mother’s eyes is more beautiful than the gleam of the rarest jewel or the radiance of the brightest star. It mirrors the mystery and glory of life, the hopes and faith and dreams of parenthood. It suffuses her face with the joy of possession and the consciousness of being part of the great unbroken chain of human existence. All true parents want their children to make the best of life: to avoid its pitfalls, to master its obstacles, to achieve its successes. They want them to be good citizens and just and honorable men and women. The little baby boy in the picture will be reared with the tenderest care, and will be taught knowledges and skills as he grows in years and in understanding. But the great truths of religion and spiritual living must be made the ground work of his training if he is to attain life’s highest possibilities. So this beautiful mother must turn to God and the Church and the Scriptures for gu' ce in training her child to live. THE CHURCH FOR ALL . n. FOR ™E CHURCH build”: **» <« 11 18 « storehouse of spiritual T°d c"i,ef**h‘P strong Church neither h values. Without a can survive. There are 7"°'facy nor civilisation «very person should attendrOCISOn8 whT and support the Church The rvlc*s regularly Own sake (2) For his l i7 7 are (l) for his soke of hi, communh; ' n?n * 'r,k» f3> For the sak« ol the Church it^lf w) T°" M> For '*>• and material support pian ,"C ' ne#c|s hi« '"oral larly and read your HibJe daily Church r*9u Sund.y ®ook Monday . Proverb. Tuasday Haorf,,, Wednaaday Matthew Thursday Matthew Friday •*.''>«» Saturday J Thasaalonlana . fcaodua Chapter Veraaa 10-31 Utww'WWW^ Slut/) trill) ( imfitlrtirr anil HVfir With 1‘riilr ItfNt (Quality Coal And U’oiiil l{. I.. VS artl ( ionl anil VS imhI (!u. if FEED Feed Completely Kalaneed and Mineralized >i vim in n:i:n mii i s Fred and Seeds of all Kind. Also Paint and Farm Nr cess I tie* Martin F. C. X. Building Supplies Dressed Lumber Williamston Supply Co. Bring Your Ford Home For Service WILLIAMSTON MOTOR COMPANY Fur Witte Buyers Heilig-Meyers FURNITURE CO. WllllMBsten, N. C. RAKKK OIL CO For Quick Service Dial 2323 Alpha Cleaners •"SiflMGl INSURED All Accounts Insured Up To $5,000.00 M. C. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Martin County’s Leading: Furniture Store WOOLARD ini' Amoco and American Gas Amoco Automotive and Industrial Lubricants WII.UAMSTON Oil. COMPANY SPECIALTY SHOP Williumslon Specializing In Fine Quality Luilies’ Apparel Suit** ami Service John Deere Tractors & Agricultural Implements Lindsley Ice Company Car and Truck. Genuine Chevrolet Paris KOANOki: CHKYROLKT CO. (iasoline — Motor Oils (i reuses Harrison Oil COMPANY I sr it for#* CRO-MORK Product* Standard Fertilizer Co. Insurance Is The Best Policy Dial 2118 W. G. Peele The Store of Better Values Belk-Tyler's