News As Reported In The Enterprise Forty Years Ago June 1C. 1910 The home of Mrs. Joseph Henry Peele on Haughton Street, was the scene of an early morning mar riage Tuesday at 7:45 o’clock, when Mr Grover Washington Hardison and Miss Annie May Belie Peele plighted then troth. The hall and parlor of the resi dence had been rendered most attractive by vases of roses end sweet peas Evergreens decorated the parlor door, horse shoes of ivy completing the pretty design. While the guests were waiting Miss Carrie Biggs softly played, •*0 Promise Me." Then the sweet familar strains of Mendelshon’s Wedding March were heard, and the bride unattended, came down the stairway, joining the groom, who awaited her there. They stood within the decorated door way while Elder Sylvester Has sell, uncle of the bride, gave the vows in beautiful solemn words. The bride was attractively gown ed in ashes of roses cloth with hat and gloves to match, and re ceived main expressions of friendship and good will from every one present. Attended by a host of friends and relatives, Mi ami Mrs Hardison drove to the A. C. L. station where they board ed the ears for Washington City and other points of interest. The popularity of both the bride and groom, who are prominently con nected besides having a wide cir cle of friends and aquaintances. was attested by the many hand some gifts received, which were on display for the pleasure of the guests. On their return to Wil liamston, tho\ will make their home with the bride's mothci on Haughton Street. Mr Harry A Biggs entertained mi Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Winifred Nicholson, of Washington, who is a very pop ular visitor to Williamston. Those present were Misses Winifred Nicholson, of Washington, Miss Janie Wood, of New York City, Miss Mildred Purvis, of Martin County, Mrs. Asa T. Crawford, Mr Harry M Stubbs, Wheeler Martin, Jr.. Mr. Asa T. Craw ford and Mr. Frank F. Fagan. A marriage was solemnized in Kinston in the parlors of Hotel Tull at three o'clock Tuesday afternoon, when Charlie M. Hurst, of Oak City, Martin county, and Miss Mary E. Beverly, of Bethel, i’itt county, were united in wed lock by Rev J. R. Roundtree in the presence of few friends, it is understood to be a runaway match, but the reason for this how happy you will be! |_^ TOUR CLOTHIS EASY TO SE£ IN A STORAGE l TRAVEL BAG PLASTIC—TRANSPARENT 2 When Your Garments are Dry Cleaned Here* V/« know youII lilt* our quoldy work prempl Itnin . , . ond ik« "Joo tc's Slsi-sgt los Itiol ;» ik* Modoro W«7 to prof* cl your gormrrli afemst rc*hs. «u«* dir*. You olwoyi 5K how SAkf thoy or* koeavs* th* ko*i oro «*en>l>cr*«) lo-usaM* loo AH Mu* of o HipM additional eh or;*. MOTH PROTECTION Alpha Cleaners An amazed KJi/.abeth Taylor finds her boy friend. Van John son. suffering under llie delusion that his dog is talking to him. It's one of the uproarious sequences from "The 15ig Hangover,” w hich teams the popular stars for the first time. Starts Sunday and plays through Tuesday at the Watts Theatre. was not learned. The couple will remain an guests of Hotel Tull until in me morning when they will make their departure for their home. Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Lovet B. Harrison entertained in honor of Miss Annie Peele, whose mar riage to M Grover Hardison took place Tuesday morning. Miss Essie Peele greeted the guests at the hall door and ushered them into the parlor, where they were re ceived by the hostess assisted by Mrs F. L. Minna, of Petersburg, Mrs. W. P. MeCraw. of Tarboro, Mrs. Louis C Harrison. After the guests had assembled, the bride elect, blindfolded and escorted by the hostess, came in and passed beneath a parasol, which was emptied of its freight of bundles on her head. Then the pleasure of unwrapping began Each guest had brought some useful an at tractive article for her who was soon to begin life anew. Those present were: Misses Sallie Dunn, of Scotland Neck: Louise Powell, of Alexandria, Va.. Nannie and Pennie Biggs, Irene, Mary and Nannie Smith, Mary Hassell, Deborah Fleming, Daisy Wynn, Katie Blount, Delha Lanier, Clyde Hassell, May Bennett, Carrie Biggs,^Let tie Critcher. Eva Wolfe. Louise Fowden, Pattie Dowell, Hattie and Annie Kate Thrower, and Mrs. Arthur Anderson. While suffering with neuralgia Sunday afternoon, Mrs. D. F. Roberson, thinking she was tak ing morphine, took strychnine. It was at one time thought that she would be compelled to leave her many friends and loved ones, but by the skill and faithful ser vice of Drs. Nelson and Ward, she was at least relieved from the deadly poison of which she had taken through mistake Miss Annie Mooring, of Kober sonville, entertained a number of friends Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Mattie Burnett of I lob good FAMILY TREAT. They'll all have fun in this roomy 4 door Syrian with generous lug gag* space for trips Shown here is the SHOAL. Sam* body type available also in the SUPER SURF, we know—a car is a "ne cessity” these days. A modern famiU "couldn't get along without one." Or so you tell yourself. Conic, conic, sir! \\ c know, and so do you, the real reason you got the new-car fever—and the kind of car you are hankering for. You want a car with some fun in it, don't you? A car you’ll gel a big hang out of every time you sec it parked in front ol your house—every time you slip into its front scat—every sweet and easy mile you travel in it. Well, come sec what this beauty does for you. bonnet snaps into purring life at your toe-touch. Amt then note — lion smooth!) you slip away from the curb—especially when Dvna llow ' is handling the power trans mission. I low firm and steady the whole ear feels. How it holds on curves, free oi "heel-over” and sway. How each coil-sprung wheel quicksteps over bumps and rough spots that mean jounce and jiggle on most ears—how buoyantly roud-frec a Huick is. * l>ynajl«w Ih'ivr i#t utandard on /ft M l)M A STICK, op tional at extra cost on SUP Eh and SPECIAL model*. How ii»o doors swing open in warm welcome *1 a thumb touch on a button. Mow the broad seals invite you to take il easy. Mow the big straight-eight under the i I MR. FOUR-WAY This ruggad front and (I) sats tha styla nota, « Tun? You bet it’s fun—too much fun to miss. Ami (here's no reason to miss it, really, for this strapping traveler is priced under many sixes. Starts at figures just an easy step above the so-called Lowest Price cars. \N hat’s keeping you from trying one,,when the nearest Kuick dealer is ready to demonstrate without obligation any time you want to call on him. / Tm / Only Buick hma Di$#U mnd with it go«i/ m«omm ,coMratsnot* valvt in hood powtr in thru engines. (N»w F 263 engine in SUHK models.) • NtW-PATTtBN STYLINO, with MULTI-OUAAD forefront, toper through tenders, "double bubble" laillights • WIDl-ANOLt VfSISfl. ITY, close-up road vitw both for ward and bock • TdAfflC-HANDY SIU, /mi over-all length for ootior parking and garaging, short turning radio, • IXTHA.WIOI ft ATS 11 ad led botwoon tho axle, • SOU BUICK Biot, from all coil tpringtng, Safety-Side rimt, lew-pressure lira$, "de steadying torgue-tubo • WlOt ***** Of Moons With tod, b, Mu, Chus. H. Jenkins & q0. Ot Willinmston, Inc. Highway 17 Phone 2117 WilliauiMon, IS. C. WHIN UTTER AUTOMO*'tr$ t R f MJ'IT SUICK Will IUUD TUIU Mrs vV T Riddick is spending some time in Robersonville with her mother, Mrs D. F, Roberson. Messrs. W. A. Roberson and J. I, Cr'oom, of Roberson viile, returned from Wilson Tuesday. , Mrs. Bessie Warren, of Rober s.inville, spent Sunday in Bethel. Julian Whitfield, of Gold Point, spent Monday in Roberson viile. Miss Le.yta Taylor of Gold 1 Point, spent Tuesday in Rober son viile. Mrs. F. S. Purvis, of near Has -'ll, spent Tuesday in Roberson - viile. The first annual commence ment exercises of Higgs Industrial h .dilute, Purmele, N. C. began Sunday afternoon, May 29th, at 2 o’clock. The young men of Oak City are having a bathing house built ■ n Sherrod's Mill pond, which will consist of two rooms, each I 10x10 feet, one for the ladies, and | the other for gentlemen, then 'Sherrod's Mill pond will be tum | ed into a summer resort. Tom Johnson, Robert Salsbury and Charlie Purvis, of Hassell, j spent Sunday in Oak City. I Miss Lila Philpot is visiting Miss Lizzie Harrel in Oak City this week. Miss Pirn Gladstone, of Hamil ; ton, spent Tuesday in Oak City. Mrs. John L. Hines, of Oak City, went to Scotland Neck Tuesday. The Wilhamston postoffice gets a raise of $100 in salary. The of fice now pays $1,600. Mr. Staton Bailey has been in town this week with his automo bile which for noise is not surpass ed in the world of autos. Bailey has been in town this week with his automobile which for noise is not surpassed in the world of autos. f-jafeMae TunJ GetlUnqs Done,! G& $ek KKI BouticJj^j^k MORE ZESTFUL 1WTE... /MORE SPARKLING 'PKK-UPl AND TWICE AS MUCH BESIDES! Getq carfon iockif!^ Ijg ' Tueiday and Thursday avaning', yawr ABC statian” Spoiling bee runs out of words, ends in first tie. State of North Carolina Department of State PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Presents May Come — Greeting: Whereas, it apears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated re cord of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my of ficc, that the Standard Fertilizer 'Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is sit uated in the t own of Williamston. County of Martin, State of North | Carolina