Reported Quite III Millard Lille-v. former local man who has been in declining health for several months, is now con fined to his bed at his home m Ahoskie, late reports stating that he IS QUltc ill. f ailed To Birmingham Rev Ja- 1 Lowry wa- called to Birmingham ' esterday to in* with his father who was taken ill sud denlv ut his home there Mrs Lowry and children accompanied him as far as Rock Hill. South Carolina, to visit her parents. Attend I iincral Here Mrs John Vanek of Hastings. N.Y.. and Mr. Sol Bergman of New York City attended the fun eral of Mis Stella Ward Bergman here yesterday afternoon. !n Durham Wednesday Mr. Iverson Skinner was in Durham yesterdav visiting Mr. J E. Kmg who is responding to treatment there Here from Wilson Mr H D. Bateman of Wilson vas here yesterday attending to business. Kye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. IVele's — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 FUR STORAGE at LEDER BROS. _ Here For Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ward arid1 daughter of New Bern and Mr.! Evan Ward of Richmond attended the funeral ol Mrs. Stella Ward Bergman hen yesterday after-: upon. -« Visiting Here Miss Peggy Flanders of Newark, ; N ,!. is visiting in the home of I Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Myers here j this week. - Visit In Greenville Mrs. Tom Skinner and son, John, and Miss Lilybet Muse visit-1 cd in Greenville Tuesday after noon. In Raleigh Today Mr.1-. Ben F. Roberson Is in Ra- | leigh today for a physical check-j up in a hospital there. In Raleigh Hospital Mrs. Jesse Lilley, suffering a broken leg in an automobile acci dent. several weeks ago left today for Raleigh where she’ll have a change made in casts. She plans' to return home Sunday or Mon day. -<§, Visiting Here Mrs. Roy Yelverton and chil dren of Goldsboro are visiting Mrs. Yelverton's mother, Mrs. Daisy Pope, here. * , - Visits Father in Ahoskic Mrs. K. D Worrell visited her father in Ahoskic yesterday. .■ — Return from Goldsboro Mr Urbin Rogers spent Tues day in Goldsboro with friends and relatives Mrs. Rogers and son, Johnny, who had been visiting there for several days, returned home with him Tuesday night. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coltrain id Everetts announce the birth of a daughter, Helen Frances, on Wednesday, May 31. Mrs. Col I train is the former Miss Mary Lou Roberson. Returns Home Mis. J. R. Coltrain has returned to her home near here after spending a week with her sons, Mack and Spencer, in High Point and visiting her grandson, Wade. I who is recovering from a leg op eration, at his home in Gastonia. To Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Mann and son, Edwin, of Seaford, Delaware, will be guests of Mr. ard Mrs. Neil Ripley over the week-end. -« Spend Day In Edenton Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Brady and daughter, Jane, spent Sunday with Miss Mildred Byrum in Ed enton. -»—— Return Home Messrs. David Boyd and Bill Peel and J. H. Hopkins of Oak City returned Tuesday from a short stay at Old Point Comfort, Va. Return To Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. Elmer D. Lilley and daughters, Marian and Jane, have returned to their home in Atlanta, Ga., following a visit with Mr. Lilley’s mother, Mrs. Ludie Lilley. -« Visiting In Alabama Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martin and Miss Jackie Bowen of Jamesville are spending some time in Cotton dale, Alabama, where Mrs. Martin is visiting her mother and rela tives. -« Business Visitor Here Mr. B. E. Hood of Burlington was a business visitor here yester day. -A Spends Week-end Here Brownie Harrington of Fort Bragg spent the week-end here. -» Returns From Hospital Mr. L. Bruce Wynne visited in Richmond yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Wynne, who has been a pa tient m a Richmond hospital, re turned home with him last eve ning /ts He/e-See ft Today! NEW WILLYS STATION WAGON WITH HIGHER-COMPRESSION HURRICANE ENGINE OvcKi .ve, ir He guards and bumper extension op-...nal at extra co&t THE HURRICANE America's Only F-Head Engine You will like everything about this new Willys Station Wagon. It is more powerful, more economical, more beautiful ... with distinctive new styling, new color combinations. You will like the Hashing performance and fuel-saving economy of the sensational new III It UK i \ I. iingtne. This develops more power but uses less fuel. It has a compression ratio of 7A to 1 but does not require premium fuel. Vulve in head intake. Valve in block exhaust. Develops more power, uses la a gas. DRIVE THE NEW^feWM h s Amern »s lop spirts tar value . . , with III KKI(,A\l pnMei, improved ptiiuieuiiice, msp new st)ixug. Come in and Get the Good News About WILLYS’ NEW LOW PRICES! whu* tir**, *v«r4m« cn9 frill* «wflid> •pti*n«l «» •ftrs cm| AT YOUR NEW WILLYS DEALER Reddick Equipment Co. Opening Suturdny, June 10th m k Bride-Elect honored AT A CANASTA PARTY -» Wilson.—Miss Isabelle Ander son, bride-elect of July, was hon oree at a canasta party given by Miss Grace Ross Tuesday even ing, June 6, at the home of Mrs. Wade Anderson on West Nash street. The guests were greeted by Miss Ross and invited into the living room, which was decorat ed with arrangements of spring flowers. Three tables were arranged for canasta, and a corsage of white carnations marked Miss An derson's place. The other guests were presented corsages of sweet peas. High score was won by Miss Edith Rideout; Miss Christine Smith won second prize, and Mrs. George Hinton received the consolation prize. At the conclusion of the party, Miss Ross presented the honorec a gift of china in her chosen pattern. The hostess served London Smoke, cheese straws, nuts and bridal cakes. Guests were Miss Anderson, the honoree, Mrs. James Row land, Mrs. U. R. Simpkins, Jr., Mrs. W. E. Jordan, Miss Jennie Martin, Mrs. George Hinton, Miss Lucille Credle, Miss Christine Smith, Miss Hazel Spell, Miss Edith Rideout, Miss E. C. Barbee, Miss Ola Mae Kearney and Miss Lela Aycock. ---« MISS ANDERSON HONORED AT PARTY IN WILSON Wilson.—A pink and white color scheme was used at the par ty given by Miss Marjorie Lamm Saturday afternoon, June 10, hon oring Miss Isabelle Anderson, bride-elect of July. Miss Lamm entertained from 4 until 6 o'clock at her home on North Goldsboro street. Pink and white sweetpeas banked the bowl on the punch table, and each guest was pre sented a miniature corsage of the same flowers. Miss Anderson, who was wearing a white crepe dress trimmed with lace, was remem bered with a corsage of white gardenias. She also was presented a gift of silver in her chosen pat tern. The maniei was oanaeu who magnolias and at either end were crystal candelabra with burning white tapers. Frozen angel food cake, stuff ed dates, rolled and open face sandwiches and ham biscuits were served buffet style from another j i table. Miss Lamm presided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Robert Burnett presided at the guest register. The guest list included Miss Jennie Martin, Miss Edith Rideout, Miss Verda lee Norris, Miss Hazel Spell, Miss Grace Ross, Miss Lela Aycock, Miss Elizabeth Peel, Miss Frances Brauff Miss Cornelia Brown, Miss E. C. Barbee, Miss Christine1 Smith, Miss Ola Mae Kearney, Mrs. C. B. Johnson, Mrs. J. W. Lee, Mrs. J. A. Batts, Mrs. Sudie Riley, Mrs. Irene Riley, Mrs. Blanche Jordan, Mrs. Ben R. Pecle, Mrs. James J. Rowland, Mrs. Holt Lamm, Mrs. E. H. Oak ley, Mrs. U. R. Simpkins, Mrs. U. R. Simpkins, Jr., Mrs. Peyton Royal, Mrs. A. A. Chappell, and Mrs. Graham and Miss Graham of Earl. Miss Dorothy manning Weds Dan.R. rogerson -# Miss Dorothy Brown Manning, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander Manning of Farm Life, and Danny Randolph Rogerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Rogerson of near here, were married Monday morning at 9:30 in Conway, South Carolina. They returned here this week following a short trip at Myrtle Beach and will make their home with the groom's parents. Mrs. Rogerson has been em ployed as a beautician at City Beauty Parlor for some time. Mr Rogerson is engaged in farming .-c ■ - — Announce Engagement —«— Mr. and Mrs. John Earnic Gard ner request the honour of yo.u presence at the marriage of theii daughter, VerneUe, to Mr. Lynr Alberti Young Sunday, the eigh teenth of June, at half after threi o'clock at the Jamesville Metho dist Church in Jamesville, N C. --« Visiting Relatives Here Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Peel am son, Michael, of Auburn, Ala bama, are spending some tint here with relatives. -• Here Tuesday Mrs. W. J. Starr of Plymout and Mis. W. D. Starr of Crcswe were business visitors here Tue: day. -• Spending Day in Richmond Mesdames Dean Speight, Hai com Grimes and'^ohn A. Mannin and Mr. Reg Manning are spenc . is* in J>;£.a.-.aiwi ... Represents Williamston In Beauty Pageant Pictured above is Miss Norma Fagan, “Miss Bright Leaf of Williamston” on the float sponsored bv Dr Victor Brown for the Bright Leaf parade in Raleigh recently. The lloat was entered in the parade along with floats sponsored by merchant associations of 18 North Carolina titles. As a par ticipant in the contest Miss Fagan received a number of gilts lrom Warner Bros, and irom the Ra leigh Merchant Association including pearls, perfume, a record player, an album of records, hand bag and luggage. The twelve girls participating in the local contest to select Miss Bright Leal of Williamston” were awarded Viccar Theatre movie passes ior the month of June. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand W. Hol liday announce the engagement j and approaching marriage of their daughter, Rachel Ruth, to Paul Williams, son of Mr .and Mrs. Herman Williams of Everetts. The wedding will be solemnized at the Cedar Branch Baptist Church on Sunday, June 18, 1950, at 9 o’clock in the morning. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mi. und Mrs. Roy T. Griffin an nounce the engagement ot their daughter, Frances Elizabeth, to Darreii Taylor, son of Mrs. George W. Taylor, Sr„ of Everetts and the late Mr. Taylor. The wedding will take place in July. Leaving For Japan June 18 Pl'e Joseph D. Hardison, station ed at Colorado Springs, is here spending some time with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Hardi son, before going overseas. He will leave June 18 for Japan. Attend Graduation Exercises Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Leggett. Miss Jean Moore and Mrs Ed Kittinger of New Bern attended the gradua tion of Jimmy Leggett in Chapel Hill Monday. TO SPONSOR SUPPER The Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal Church in Hamilton will sponsor a cold plate supper in the Hamilton School building Wednesday, June 14. Supper will be served beginning at 6 o’clock. Admission will be 50c and 75c. There will also be free bingo and a cake walk. MEETING OF CUB PARENTS All parents of Cub Scouts arc urged to attend the Cub Pack meeting which is scheduled to be held Friday night at 7:30 at the Williamston Grammar School building. Several speakers have been obtained for the meeting and the theme for the evening will be "Aviation.” Visits Brother In Hospital Mr. R. Vernon Bunting was in Rocky Mount yesterday, visiting his brother, Mr. Vance Bunting of Bethel, who has been quite ill in a hospital there with a heart con dition. Announce Birth of Son Mr. and Mrs. John Metz of Bos ton announce the birth of a son-in a hospital there on Tuesday, June ti. Mrs. Metz is the former Miss ' Ray Leggett of Williamston. SAVE us, moi \ SAVE US I J HAVE COURAGE. SINCLAIR 25% DOT \( WHATU CONCENTRATE WILL SAVE YOU. I'LL MIX ] K HAPPEN?_ IT WITH WATER*... AND THEN WATCH LOOK. THIS ONE SPRAYING WILL.BE EFFECTIVE. FOR, SEVERAL WEEKS .AND SINCLAIR 25%‘DDT CONCENTRATE NAS MANY OTHER, USES. TOO. BETTER SET SPIRE:.IT'LL SAVElYOj^MONEY YOU BET! I'LL PHONE MY SINCLAIR AGENT NOW <*wTo«m*,*o7«cf,7o FARMS - PHONE OK WKITK US FOI g N. C. GREEN Ageut — — Williamslou, N. C. ...... . — . Sturt Construction Work On New Home This Week Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brock, re cently of Rocky Mount, started construction work this week on a brick veneer home on East Franklin Street. He is associated with his father in building con- j struction. I Spending Day in Kalcigli Mrs. Margaret R. Revels, Miss Rachel Roberson and Mr. Ben F. Roberson are spending today in Raleigh. Visiting Sister Here Miss Janie Freeman of Golds boro is spending some time here with her sister. Mis. P. B. Cone. , uptgUSHlS WAIT VnOGOTHlM friends ^ for FATHER’S DAT Dad will boast how wonderful you are when your gif! is o hand some Gfuen watch! See our large selection soon. Salf'windfofl. luminous diol. FATHER’S DAY SELECTIONS Price* Include Federal Toe Ctrvti > Mwikdl / $4M| 9 b Pede's-Jeweiw ■ 11 Since 1899 j 121 Main Telephoue 2311 WILLIAMSTON, N. C. BE SURE to Attend the ”0\ TO CHARLOTTE" Band Concert and Drill at Ball Bark Tuesday at 8.0 ^ am''******™ < Boy Scouts Report] ) Their Activities —•— i1 . Troop 27 We started the meeting Tucs- I It j f day by having Enoch Crisp read S a complete chapter from Samuel- j ( Herbert Ward led the troop in 1 , * the Lord's Prayer. The troop was proud to wcl come into it Mr. Ben Bunting as assistant Scoutmaster. Mr. Bunt ing told us about a plan to go to the beach Friday through S#t day it nothing went wrong. Mr. Matthews, our Scoutmaster, '• informed us that the Colored , j Scouts had collected in their dis trict more paper for us. This was J very ticc of them and the troop i thanks them. | * j Enoch Crisp then took up our dues and we closed the meeting with the Scoutmaster’s Bonedic-jfj tion. James Pittman, Scribe 1j -^- g i Return From Beach Mrs. R. L. Coburn and son, Bob by, returned to their home this 1 week from Virginia Beach where | they visited Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Woodward for a few days. Bride’$ Note . . . 0 Our fine quality bride’s stationery, informals, railing ranis, announce incnls, invitations, etc., are all Genuine Plate En graved and are priced so reasonably that you ca^i affonl the best. \ We ask that you drop by and see samples before buying. We are sure you nill be pleased. Delivery time is approxi mately ten days. Peele’s -- Jewelers Since 1899 121 Main Williamslon