Construction To Get Under Way on Project June 15 (Continued from page one) lowed slowly at this point, possi bly because of a tremendous ex pansion program the company was advancing in other sections of the nation. It was announced that the ter minal w ill be separate and apart from the Harrison Oil Company bulk plant adjoining the Texas Company s property Program Listed For Band Drill, Concert Tuesday (Continued from page one) yesterdin blit they get back to the job again today Tht appeal anee in the ball park on Tuesday. night will be the first one under the lights since last fall when the band attracted wide at tention with its half-time shows at the football games here and in neighboring towns It will be the first open air drill and concert the band has undertaken on a big iWAMUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUI n I SI) \Y June 13 il Day Only) <:ak\k<;ii; u m.l Sponsored by Kobersonville Music ( lub. A brilliantly re corded picture sure to re ceive immediate applause from any music lover. With Marslu Hunt, William Prince, Frank McHugh, Martha O'Driscoll, Vaughn Monroe and Orchestra, Har ry Janies & llis Horn and practically every top name in the music field, symphony conductors, singers, violin ists, appears in this tilm as a soloist. Adm. Hie and 40c Matinee and Night iMMWUVUWWWWWWVWUWWWMfi 1 scale and will be a full-dress a ; fair. C. T. Roberson has agreed ♦ operate the refreshment conces sion at the ball park with half th profits going to the Lions' Clu "On To Charlotte" fund. Acheson Reports To Congress On Foreign Meeting - • --- (Continued from Page One) tions and who hold the confi dence of the people by the high calibre of the daily performance ot then duties Evvrvltx Hurilotis Enjoy A lltuhrcuv Su/i/jor A barbecue suppei sponsored by the Everetts Ruritan Club was served to over 200 members and friends Tuesday evening, May 30, in tile Everetts school lunch morn. Over S200 was made from the supper which was given for the benefit of the Everetts Ball Club. After the supper a meeting of the Ruritan members was held, file newly organized club's char ier- had been received and thirty Members signed it Visitors at the meeting were wo Ruritan members from the ’uetolus club and five members if the Jamesville Ruritan club. Regular- meetings of the club cere set to be held the last Tues iav of each month. Main’s I Iran's l.isl At t.ollrfir l.ast /'rrunl Billy Myers, local young man who is accepting a job with the Wachovia Bank following his re cent graduation from Duke Uni versity, was listed among those making the Dean's last at the institution last term To make the Dean's List, a student must make a scholastic average of "13" or more, the young man making three A s and a B. He is to report for duty with the bank next Monday in Win idon -Salem. hrr ion rist t»uiilrs \on iiHiilablr Locally Tourists planning an automo bile trip will find the American Motel Association's tourist guide | an excellent and most helpful traveling companion. Free copies I of the guide are available on re ' quest at Conway's Tourist Court near Williamstun on Highway 17. WantS PAKKKKS Si l l s i: It V I ( i: Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday Try us lor ' a quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf FOR SALK: 1938 FORD TRl'CK. Good engine. See Mrs. J. L Holliday or telephone 2-9414 jH 31 FOR R K NT: 4-ROOM APART 1'ieiit in Bn mine ham Apart - melds. See R. L. Coburn. j 8 tf FUR STORAGE ! at LEDER RROS. Marco Theatre NX illiuiii.«loii. \. ( SUNDAY-MONDAY THAT ERNEST HEMINGWAY WALLOP! — U m,«mi t> JEAN NEGULISot' , CASEY RO6JNS0N wwwwwwwwwywww BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gp? Co. Elioue 2050 14(» Maiu Si. W. J. MILLER & SON . Officer WESTERN AUTO IVVWVlAAAA/ir^nnA S.ibu and I'.il.i lerreira, Brazilian actress, who enact the principal roles in "laid of tin River,” a Prestige Picture, releas ed through I'n i versa I-International. Starts at the Marco Theatre Tuesday. The Corn War Is On Again By It. McK. Edwards Negro County Agent Are we using all the available ammunition that we have to beat Virginia in this Corn War. I.el's do less planning and more! fertilizing. If you leave those corn roots alone and apply plenty of Nitro gen there will be more time to go fishing this summer, and more corn to go m the barn this fall Two or three cultivations are all that corn needs and they should I he very shallow. Under normal conditions, the a inount of Nitrogen will to a great extent determine the yield. He j member there are eight extra) I bushels of corn in each 11)0 lbs. ol i Nitrate of Soda; 10 bushels in each 100 lbs of Cal Nitrate, and 16 1-2 bushels in each 100 lbs. of Am monium Nitrate. The extra money that you spend for sidedressing now will pay a big dividend this fall. ARE THE CPS ANI) DOWNS getting you down? Farm with a minimum of effort.' With a new Oliver Hydra-Leeli le Tractor, you can adjust your implements with a flick of a linger, and electricity! does the rest' See the Hyrlra Leetric system at Reddick Equip- ' mint Company. June 10th. ,1 6 2t ONE I SM) 7 CUBIC FOOT HE frigerutor. Good condition. $75.00. Western Auto Store, W. J. Miller and Son. je 8 2t FOl'K USED GAS RANGES. Good condition. $50.00 to $125.00 Western Auto Store, W. J. Miller and Son. je 0 2t USED I.UMBER FOR SALE: Largo stock lumber and metal ! rooting trom removal of Birming ham warehouse on Watts Street.! See or call K. L. Coburn. jo 8 2t FOR SALE: THE T. W FEARING residence on Franklin Street, j Williamston. Will be shown by l appointment only. jo 8 2t1J West End and located on the old fair grounds. See or call Clar rnn- Griffin. jc a at • FOR SALE: ONF HOISE ANI) lot in West End. Lot 50 ft. x 509 ft. See O. S. Cowan or tele phone 2593. je 8 2t "F ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hal'd- I wood logs. Wells Oates Lulmber i f oinpany, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williainston. N. C je 8 tf ! FOR SALE: 1‘Hti DODGE Pl( K up truek in good condition. Col "ual f ro/e". foods Williainston. NOW IS THE TIME TO FILL your locker with fryers. The -ui plus season is hero. Store now and save. We have an ample sup ply • Colonial Frozen Foods. June 8 2t MR. FARMER: WE ARE NOW’ prepared to store your cured neat to protect it from flies and 'kippers. Prices reasonable. Coi mial Frozen Foods. jo 8 2t POTATO SLIPS FOR SALE— Now. any time See A L. Crisp. Hai Batts (. ross Roads, Washing l ALL MRS. HOKE ROBERSON or Mrs Joe Glenn for cakes, pies, chicken salad, mints, and j randies. Made to order. je 3 2t j ROOM I OR KENT: 518 WARREN Street. Mrs. G. F. Godard, j 6 2t LET PARKER’S SELF-SERVICE Laundry ease your washday worries. Nine pounds of clothes washed for 35c. We also wash blankets, small rugs, bed spreads, slip covers, etc. se 27 tf PAMLICO BEACH COTTAGES for rent, Moore's Beach section. Modern cement block cottage, new till conveniences, $50 a week. Smaller cottage, two bed rooms, running water in kitchen. $2,5 a week. Both well located among shade trees fronting sandy beach Vernon Ward, Breezy Banks, Ran somvillc, N. C. je 0 2t FOR SALE. THE MOST Eco nomical and best-looking mo tive power yet! Come see the brand-new Willys Jeepster—pow ered by the Hurricane engine giving sensational performance on a minimum ol gasoline- At Reddick Equipment Company June 10th. j6 2t W ANT TO CUT FARM COSTS? Look at the new Oliver Diesel fraetor. Saves 700 of fuel cost, i gives more power from a longer- j ived engine. See one at Reddick Equipment Company on June 10. je 0 2t| OK IMMEDIATE SALE FROM fine treated stock, excellent col >•', Porto Rican Potato Plants, (>2.50 per M. Mavo Hardison, 6 niles on Hamilton Highway, ■’hone 20842. je ti 2t j Visit Jleili" and Meyers William* ton for the “/!<**» Ruys In Furniture99 MWIWWWWWWWMWj VICCAR THEATRE WILLI AMSTON T1HRSDAY FRIDAY “FREE FOR ALL” Robert Cummings Ann Klytlie Cartoon and News SATURDAY E ! i;A ! I KK Hattie of Hit' Cowboys Gene Autry In "Cowboys and Indians" And Roy Rogers In "Under California Skies" Cartoon dnd Serial Sunday-Monday-Tuesday “YOUNG MAN WITH A HORN” Kirk Douglas Lauren Bacall Doris Day Cartoon — News ^AIWWWWWWIIWWWWWM SI MMER TIME! FAN TIME! Lei me re-condition your fans. Paul Jones. Everything in electrical repair service. jc 6 2t PEANUT HAY FOR SALE: 20# bales at 30c pci bale. Best qual ity. Hubert Biggs, Williamston RFD No. 2. je 6 2t HOUSE FOR RENT ON FARM of Hubert Biggs, Williamston RFD No. 2. Five rooms and in good condition. je 6 2t CLARK'S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of j rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, | neuritis, neuralgia and muscular I aches and pains. Guaranteed re-1 lief or money back. Clark Phar- ! macy. m 22 tf j WANT TO BUY CORN IN shuck at your farm. What kind and how much do you have? Write or call L. N. James Corn House, Bethel, N. C. ap 18 tf DOES YOUR COAT, SUIT OR skirt fit? They dont! Then bring them to Bulluck's for expert alt erations. m 14 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf FOR SALE: SEVERAL USED oil stoves in good condition. B. S. Courtney and Son. my 16 lot YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Loclter. no 8 tf WE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057. Williamston. no 8 tf FOR YOUR CUSTOM . MAD* Venetian blinds, awnings for th« home or store, see us. Wc have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in ' wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 26 tf Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 MARCO Children 15c Adults 20c THURSDAY . FRIDAY "Brimstone" With Rod Cameron Adrian Booth I ! i Cartoon SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE 'Outlaw Country' With CaRtic Fuzzy Si. John Also "Daughter of the Jungle" With Lois Hall Chapter No. 9 of Serial Cartoon SUNDAY - MONDAY ’Under My Skin' With John Garfield Mieheline Prelie Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EndoftheBiver' With Sahu Variety Cartoon | FOR SALE: ONE NICE II AMT shire male shoat. John H. Rob erson, Rt. 2, Williamston, N. C. je 6 2t APARTMENT FOR RENT — Lo cated behind Martin's Bakery, Four rooms, completely finished, shower bath, hot and cold water. Man and his wife only. J. M. Mitchell. Telephone 2204. je 6 2t BARCLAY TILE BOARD in assorted colors for bath room and kitchens. We have all accessories for installing the above. Chrome, cap strips, baseboard, etc. This tile board is 3-16" thick. Our price 35c per sq. ft. F. O. B. Bethel. Ifiiniiieciilt Furniture Co. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 • Asphalt Tile • Rubber Tile • Lino-Tile • Cabinet Tops a Specialty Factory Trained Mechanics No Job Too Large or Too Small Contract Prices to Contractors Huuniecutt Furniture (]«. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 I WATTS! THEATRE — WILLI AMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Mark oi the j Gorilla" ! With Johnny Weissmuller Trudy Marshall Cartoon SATURDAY ! DOUBLE FEATURE |! "The Wyoming Bandit" With Allan “Rocky'” Lane Also "Joe Palooka Meets Humphrey" With Jot* Kirkwood Leon Krrol Chapter No. 9 of Serial j __ . ' Cartoon SUNDAY - MONDAY ami TUESDAY "The Big Hangover" With Van Johnson Elizabeth Taylor News Cartoon WEDNESDAY "The Outlaw" With Jane Russell Walter Houston Cartoon POTATO SPROUTS FROM C ER tif'ied Porto Rican stock. $2.00 per 1000. Bedding potatoes were treated with Semesan Bel. John Gurkin. Jr. Dial 29442. my 30 4t DEAD AND DISABLED HOUSES '* Mules, Cows and hogs removed : promptly. No charge. Phone ! Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk {Tallow Company. no 8 ti Watts Theatre WilliuniMton, N. C. SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY It’s Happy! It's Romantic! VAN JOHNSON ELIZABETH TAYLOR 'nm/uureo™ >t i LEON AMES • FAY HOLDEN • PERCY WARAM SELENA ROYLE • GENE LOCKHART EDGAR BUCHANAN THEY HAD TO MEET! ITHADTOBEGREAT!rf*% KIRK ffc < LAUREN DORIS DOUGMS V BACALL DAY 7uw> PRODUCED BV JERRY WALD SCREEN PLAY BY CARL FOREMAN AND EDMUND H NORTH ARON YhC Nf'Vf t BY f' : 'nr, B**LB • K, AL D-’f B • BAY HftNOORF TW£S£ S0^6S- sndmorn /t>o / -Mc*r". lo*' ‘With A bnng In M* Hr.*rt *loc V.«we . r. for Wrudi' ‘Love for Satf'H « VICCAR-Sunday, Monday & Tuesday * IT STUM'S WHERE SEY APPEAL V(i with rercy KILBRIDE HAY COLLINS • MIKHAIL RASUMNf • DONALD WOODS Scwnp ay by ROBERT BUCKNER • Fiom , Slo., hy Herb.,. n. D rcctta by CHARLES T BARTON • Produced by ROBERT BUCKNER VICCAR — Thursday and Friday