"Young Nan With a Horn" at Viccar With the rapidly-rising Kirk Douglas in the title role, War ner Bros ' long-awaited film ver sion of the recent best-seller nov el, “Young Man With a Horn,” comes into the Viccar Theatre on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. The picture tells the story of a jazz trumperter who rises to the peak of his profession only to * topple when riches and a beauti iul girl nearly prove his undoing. Lauren Bacall plays the sultry woman in his life while Doris Day, as a band vocalist, is the othei woman. Hoagy Carmichael, tamed most prehaps as tunesmith for the now-classic "Stardust,’’ plays a featured role as does Juano Hernandez, Puerto Rican star from Broadway, who recent ly scored an impressive acting triumph as the negro in "Intruder in the Dust." Jaz.z and movie fans alike are in l'or both a musical and drama tic experience, for the film con tains a number of hit tunes sung by Doris Day and interpreted by famed musicians representing the bands of Harry James, the Dorseys, Duke Ellington, Charlie Barnett, Stan Kenton, Vaughn Monroe, Phil Harris and Spade Cooley. Among the songs Miss Day Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP G & W William - Penn ;r 0 ; Blended i« \ Whiskey t«t«a Price *1.95 86 Proot _ DflAMMT WHItKEYt IN THIS W ■ 4 VIAIS 01 MOM OLD. Ill »t* AJ f, MS NEUTRAL SPIRIT*. MOM MAIN. sings in the film are: "I May 3e Wrong,'' “The Very Thought of You” and “With A song in My Heart.” The film, which depicts the graphic behind-the-scenes lives of the popular music world, was directed by Michael Curtiz, one of the leading megaphoners in Hollywood today. Carl Foreman who scripted “Champion," the last film in which Kirk Douglas made such a large stride toward the top, also wrote the dialogue for “Young Man With a Horn." Bandsmen Needed ! By The Air Force Qualified 1950 High School Graduats who are musicians are now able to apply for an assign ment to an Air Force band prior to actual enlistment, according to M-Sgt. Nelson E. Thornton. He stated that there now exists a limited number of openings in the bands of the U. S. Air Force for musicians skilled in Piano, Oboe, Fassoon, Clarinet, Trumpet, Flute, French Horn, Saxaphone, Baritone, Trombone or Bass. Interested young bandsmen may apply through the recruit ing service, prior to enlisting, for an assignment to a particular Air Force Band. Current bands hav ing, for an assignment to a par ticular Air Force Band. Current I bands having vacanies are located in Mississippi, Illinois, Colorado, I Wyoming, Texas, Nevada, Okla homa and California. If the applicant successfully passes his audition, he will be assured of assignment to the par I titular band requested, as soon j as he would complete his thirteen ! week Basic Military Training in the Band Flight, Lackland Air i Force Base, San Antonio, Texas. ! The sergeant urged any musi jcian interested in entering the service as a bandsmen to contact USI T-44. POft ATHLETTS POOt •■CAUSE- v--r It ki> i>Mttr rWTMnN FP* With *0% u*4fluto4 «lMkol » ctrrht tho lltln ■i#i«tl»t DfXPLTI to kill tko f»rm M too hoot. Ctl k)|W roll.l IN ONE HOVE or row Ml BMP •t tni Ini itorok T«M| H Sold in Williamston by Ciark'i Drug Store and Davis Pharmacy! FUR STORAGE at LEDERBROS. J m- *r. “Brimstone", starring- Rod Cameron, Adrian Booth, Walter Brennan, Starts at the Marco Theatre Thursday. him who is at Post Office in ] Williamston every Monday and Friday for complete information, or contact the U. S. Army and | U. S. Air Force Recruiting Sta tion, Post office Building, Rocky Mount, North Carolina. --_—s A committee of churchwomen were being shown about an in sane aslyum. 'Coming to an in mate who was going through con tortions to,scratch different parts' of his body, one of the ladies ask ed him: "Why do you serateh yourself like that?” “Because, Madam," the man so- ; berly replied, "I happen to know where I itch." 1950 House Has Three Bedrooms What do today's home-building families want in a new home? A New York prefabricator who spent ahout $10,000 on design and who plans to produce 600 to 700 houses tins year nas studied ll (tends rinse! and come up with these answers. Today's family, he finds, .vants a one-story three bedroom house with plenty ol storage space. It wants a second bath, or a powder room with tile floor and a tiled dressing table. Today's tamily likes the friendli ness of a fireplace, and the open ness which large expanses ol glass provide. It prefers a dining area opening into the living room If SUMMER SCREENING! Galvanized Bronze and Aluminum SCREEN WIRE ALL WIDTHS — ALL LENGTHS fix those windows, doors and porches now MARTIN F. C. X. STORE W'illumislou, N. C. __ , ■■_■■ %-r • gT?i»»- •****&.• rather than a separate dining , | ! room. It wants a compact kitchen t with lots of cabinet spa :e and au tomatic equipment. You’ll see plenty ot homes planned with ' hese features and built through >ut the United States during 1950. Physical condition of most Americans called "pretty poor.'' *•»!»• itumbftrt don't chongo I t/ Some numbiri do BE SURE—check the Telephone Directory before making a call Telephone numbers, especially those recently learned or seldom used, have a way of getting mixed up in our minds. So why take chances on wrong numbers——you need only a second or so to check the telephone directory to make sure you are calling the right number. You'll Snd it always leads to better telephone service. m CAROLINA TKLKI'HOINK \\l> TKLKGK \I»H CO. # It may have been !>nt a decade ago, or it may have been far back in the “Twenties” I . < but sometime, some where, a young man stood in the soft light of a Junetime morning and repeated the words—“I do.” ^ Since that time, he has fought —with out interruption —for the place in the world he wants his family to occupy. J^And It‘wel! may be that, out of the Struggle, lie has lost just a bit of the «enUJHent^thabused.to abide in his heart —for success is a jealous master and exacts great servitude. But not when the Junetime comes — and, with it, that. anniversary ol another J une! i Then the work-a-day world, with its many tasks, is east abruptly aside; and sentiment—pure and simple—rules in his heart once more. f And, because there are so many thousands oi him, doorbells are ringing this June throughout America , , . and smiling hoys in uniform stand, hats In hand, to deliver the proofs of remem brance. And along with the beautiful flowers, and the boxes of candy, and the countless other gilts, some of those brides of other Junes will receive the titles to new Cadillacs. And, for them, there will be no other June like this—save one alone. As your Cadillac dealer in this com munity—we’ve had long practice in the art of keeping secrets. Why tint come sec us today? You can trust usiiot to tell! ' '-yt __~... . "*•+*(•**• ...-•■.-. ..■.......■.. - - -•-. -v-vi^,X.JL-~*»v, . v«**r* Chas. H. Jenkins & Company Of Williamston, Inc. Highway 17 PHOINE 2117 William*ton, N. C. v k I 1