Recipes Of The Week By Miss EVELYN HANCOCK Home Service Hiredor Virginia Electric and Power Company SOMETHING HOT SOMETHING COM) Slipper on the porch on a sum mer evening is as refreshing as a pool swim. Colorful f: osh vege tables and sun-ripened fruits need only a few special dishes to round out delightful easy t,.-pre pare meals. To avoid becoming involved in a flurry of prepara tions on hot lazy days plan simple menus which require refrigerator rather Hum range preparation whengvt r possible. Win a vote of approval from your family and friends with some of these hot weather specialties Tomato Juice Cocktail 3 cups (or 4 large tomatoes), 1-2 bay leaf. 1 tsp. salt. 1-8 tsp. pep per. 2 cloves. 1 t. chopped onion. 1 tsp. sugar. 1 cup water. Com bine all ingredients and simmer in covered saucepan for one hour. Strain and cool. Place in refrig- . erator to chill. Molded Salmon Salad 1 tablespoon gelatin. 1-4 cup; cold water, 1 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing. 1 cup flaked red ' salmon, 3-4 cup chopped celery, 1-4 cup chopped green pepper, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1-4 teaspoon salt. 1-8 teaspoon papri ka, 1 tablespoon lemon juice. I. Soak gelatin in cold water 5 min utes. Dissolve over hot water, and add to mayonnaise. 2. Add • ATHLETE'S FOOT tl« Alcohol — No Acid — No Sting Fof quick relief and good result* get Ifco fsunutu VICTORY OINTMENT. I)e for the hoy* In the Armv, now g1 the homo folks, del VICTORY—det Mnuta. Also for First Aid and Itching. •• Bcc on any part of the body, told by all Drug Stores CLARK'S PHARMACY, INC. ROYALTIX Morm than 3000 holding fmgori p»i f(># iWD PROTECTION NEVER POSSIBLE BEFORE \ 'f f " I f THEGEEAT/S6Z-<3*Zrt? 3. S. ROYALS jj^ m omr j4ul#u6l m m worn ■ Am, ^ I LOWEST COST PER SAFE MILE IN TIRE HISTORY! #, f * * I Ilf .**.•. •* ** i, .if#. ,i EVERLASTING WHITtWAUS! To maintain the spotless beauty of your tires! % PROTECTIVE CURBGUARD! To end all grinding curb scuff and abrasion—all cleaning nuisance and expense! *fH is e & x i ■■■ sKa :-f 25% SOFTER and SAFER RIDE! Absorb the road in silence, cushion and protect you at any speed! U. S. NYLON LIFE-TUBES! For Puncture and blowout protection never possible before!, Tire features never known before I UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY g&H % 3 g % X X X: f The extreme mileage economy of these great Mid-Century tire» was proven on the vast desert and mountain testing grounds where the tires were developed —confirmed now by endless safety and mileage reports from their owners and users. The Mid Century Master giees you, actu ally, THK1K LIVES IN ONE — with great Head depth to per mit its complete renewability at uny time, to maintain its fresh ness, newness and safety when other tires are ending their lives. This is your economy tire invest ment for years of utmost safety mileage at minimum cost. Ask far them an the neat car yeu buyl Put them an yaur eld car teday— far years te camel B. & W. Tire Company—Williamston, N. C. ‘•Daughter oi the Jungle," plays at the Marco Theatre Satur day, starring I,ois Hall and Janies Cardwell. remaining ingredients. Turn into ring mold which has been rinsed in rold water. (This fills a ring mold 6 1-2 inches in diameter. 2 1-2 inches deep.) 3. Chill in re frigerator until firm. 4. Unmold nn bed of lettuce Fill center of ring with tomato segments; sur-1 round with cucumber slices. Gar nish with radish roses or olives. (f! servings). Marbled Lettuce 1 head lettuce, 1 pkg. Philadel phia it'am cheese. 2 tbsp. grated j carrots. 1 tbsp. minced green pep- | per, 1-6 tsp Worcestershire sauce, 2 tbs]), diced tomatoes 1 tsp. mine- ! eel onion, 1-4 tsp. salt, 1-H tsp. pepper. Remove center of lettuce and press in filling. Wrap in damp cloth and chill in refrigera tor until ready to serve. Cut head of lettuce in fourths. Refrigerator Fruit Roll 1 cup Graham crackers (rolled), 1 pkg cream cheese. 1 cup pine apple (drained), .1-2 cup cherries, 1-4 lb. marshmallows, cream to mix. Mix all other ingredients , and then fold in Graham crackers. Shape into roll and place in re- j NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES I. Daniel C. Sharpe. Tax Collector of Williamston, State of North Carolina, have this day, levied on the following tracts of land, and will sell sartie at public auction for cash at the Court House door in the Town of Williamston, North Carolina, on Monday, June 12, 1000 at 12:00 Noon, for taxes -due and unpaid fin the year, 1949, unless said taxes, pehaltv and cost ate paid before the above date. DANIEL C, SHARPE, Town Tax Collector.. White L. S. Bullock, Res. Main St. . 44.40 Mrs. F. F. Catstarpiien, Re- Wtirri'n St. 42.30 Palmer White, Res. Beach St. . 23.10 Colored Brodie Anderson, vac. Little St. 2.20 Gus Andrews, vac. Little. St. , 2.20 Joe Henry Andrews, vac. Little St. 2.20 Henry Theo Armsti ung, Res. Washington Rd. 23.00 Mack Baker, Res. Church St. 7.70 William Ear! Balance, vac. Jordan & Hyman St. 3.20 Lugene Bell, Res. Sycamore St. 0.90 Leander Bowen, Cafe and Club, Sycamore St. 57.40 Eddie Brewington, vac. Church St. 5.20 James Bridges, vac. Washington St. 3.40 Bertha Mae Brown, vac. White, and Res. White St. 24.40 [.’lavon Brown, vac. Church St. 3.30 Dorothy & Myrtle Brown, vac. Broad St. 2.20 Guilford Brown, barbel shop Washington St., 2 ten. James ville Rd.. 2 ten. Griffin St. 29.00 James A. Brown, res. Church St., 3 ten., Church St.. 3 shacks 37.30 Rev. R. B. Brown, res. Railroad St. 21.70 Tamer Brown, res. Perry St. 13.20 William Elmer Brown, vac. Church St. 1.10 Gouise Bryant, res Railroad 2.20 lolm Chance, res. Sycamore St 14.20 od. Tomato Biscuits 2 cup.-' flour, 1 tsp. salt, 4 tsp. baking powder. 1-4 cup shorten ing. ?-f; cup strained lumatnes <2 lbs. less Ilian 1 (lip). Sift the flour, measure i! and add the salt and baking powder. Cut in shor tening with a dough blender or linger tips until well blended. Add tomato juice. Place on a slightly ; floured board and roll to about 1-2 1 inch thickness. Cut into biscuits and bake in 475 degree oven 10-12 minutes. Jiffy Cheese Biscuits 2 cups flout, 3 tsp. baking powd er, 1-2 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt, 1-4 cup shortening. 1-2 cup grated cheese, l cup buttermilk to make a soft dough. Drop by spoonfuls on greased pan. Bake at 475 degrees about 12 to 15 minutes. III ! II S NAME Oklahoma City. Okla. — The only missing student when diplo mas were passed out at the Hard ing Junior High School was one named: “Never Fail, Jr.” Seth Council, res. Blount St, — 8.20 William Arthur Davis, res. Sycamore St. 14.20 Anna Durkins, vac, Henderson St. 2.20 then Kbron, .res. W. Main St. . 0.00 Rev. Columbus Ebron, res. Sycamore St. 5.86 Janus F Everett, res. Sycamore St. — * 9.80 Nannie Finch, res. Church St. — ... 11.00 Emma Taylor Flowers, res. Hyman St. .. .. - 6.60 Bryant Ga.vnor Estate, res. Railroad St. 6 60 Lenora Giles Estate, vac. Elm St. 3.30 Navin Hawkins, res. Center St. 8.70 Willie Heseoe, res. Sycamore St. 8.80 L C. Hoggard, vac. Washington & Houghton St. 60.50 Herman Johnson, res. and store Sycamore St. 51.90 Walter Johnson, res. and cafe Church St. 34.60 Lillian Slade Jones, vac. Church St. 4.40 Charlie Joyner, res. Church St. ._. 32.90 Spurgeon Lambson, vac. Pearl St. 6.40 Sophronia Latham, res. Main 5.85 David Lee, vac. E. Main St. 4.30 Clarence Lloyd, res. Warren St. ...... 7.3(1 Bessie McIntyre, res. Church St. 11.00 Nancy Mabry, vac. E. Main St. 3.00 Isolene Meeks, res. White St. 2.20 Mary T. Moore, vac. near colored school 2.20 Rosa Bell Moore, res. Faulk St. 11.00 Willie Moore, vac. Washington Rd 3.30 Julia Ormond Estate, res. Center, 2 ten. Center 25.30 Lucinda Ore Ormond, res. Broad St. 9.60 Luke I. Peel. vac. Washington Rd 2 2(1 James Roy Perry, vac. Roanoke Ave. 4.00 Fenner Respass, res. Elm St. 34.52 Rev. George Rite, res. Washington St.13.20 SET: st: I Rosa Roberson, res. an? vac. Broad' "SL ! George Rodgers, res. Hatton St. ! Lonnie Rodgers, res. and 3 vac. Sycamore Roberta Rodgers, vac. Railroad St. | William M. Rodgers, res. & store Main. 2 ten. and 1 vac. (’he11 y St. — George Ben Ruffin, res. Broad Si. - - Louis Ruffin, res. Hamilton ltd -- — Sarah Ruffin. 1 vat. and 1 its. Rhodes St. Willie J. Saunders, vac. Church Si. - - Delia Sherrod Estate, vac. Washington St. Mary Della Sherrod, ten. Blount St. Berissa Slade. I res. and store, Cnurch St. John Slade Estate, ten. Church St Leo Slade, res. Broad St. Turner K. Slade, res. Sycamore St. Daniel R. Smallwood, vac. White St. LeRoy Smith, res. Broad St. Phillis Smith, res. E. Main Magdelene Speller, res. Broad St. Charles A. Spruill, res. Washington Thomas J. Stephenson, res. Andrew Charlie II .Stokes, vac. Washington W. M. & Anna Stokes, res. Washin Sallie Mason Tvson, vac. No. 11 Willie H. Whitfield, res. W. M; •mm Rd. s St. .. . Rd. .Ron St. & 12 Washim in St ton Rd. Alice Williams, res. Jumosvillc Rd. L. D. Williams, vac. E. Main St. Louise Williams, res. Railroad St. Matilda Williams, res. Houghton St. Perlie 1). Williams, vac. Hyman St. Willie & Katie Ruth Williams. 1 vae. oil Main St. Joseph Wilson, Pressing c lub and vac. Warren St 2.26 22.56 3 30 45.10 12 70 7.90 4 9ft 3.20 2.20 3.30 20.110 12.10 16.110 19.74 1.10 29.40 14 30 4 40 26.40 64 04 3 30 11.10 5.50 25.10 4.40 1.10 13.76 4 40 10.10 2.20 23.26 Ue&Comes Ife Bride! \ / Young Homemakers likj their mothers-find shopping easier, quicker, more convenient at Colonial! j Check-Hit of “Pantry-Starters” 1 Thp first step toward planning smooth meaU is planning a BASIC FANIRY. You sa\e time, money and guesswork 1 - you simplify j*uur shopping from day to day when yaw keep these NECES SITIES on hand. ARM A HAMMER BAKING SODA 4 > oi 17c KCMIORD BAKING POWDER c.n 23c McCOKMICKK BLACK PEPPER 4 oz 69c MeCOKMICK S VANU.I.A EXTRACT 2 o* 39c WAXED PAPER CUT-RITE Ron 21c SWIFT’S SHORTENING JEWEL 4 Lb. 83c HOUSEHOLD CLEANER TEXIZE pi 39c LIQCID STARCH TEXIZE ot 19c GRANULATED CANE SUGAR s-Lb. 45c g RED BAND PLAIN 1 FLOUR »o Lb. 99c STOKKLY’S TOMATO l CATSUP <40r 19c HEIN/. “57” SAUCE >•’ 25c “BiHlget-fof-two BargatnBvys Today’s bride ran find an exciting va riety of foods packed to make COOK ING -FOR-TWO a Joy and BUDGET 1NO-POR-TWO a simp]# matter. Have, lor example on these Colonial fea tures! 1 LIBBY’S YELLOW CLING PEACHES 2 > ox 25c LIBBY’S BARTLETT PEARS sox 15c VAN CAMP'S POKK * BEANS 2 s ox 17c STOHELY'S CUT CiKEEN BEANS 2 s o. 25c STUHKI.t » PAH I* PEAS 2 s ox 29c VAN CAMP'S SPANISH RICE * ox 13c l i Mjibbfjm ifolo ' if orjpiNEi CRUSHED NO. 2 CAN 27 REDGATE WHITE OR GOLDEN CREAM corn WHOLE KERNEL WHITE SHOE PEIS CS CORN ORANGE. GRAPEFRUIT OH BU NKED JUICE 3 KRAFT'S MARACOM AND CHEESE DINNERS FRANCO-AMERICAN TASTY SPAGHETTI No 2 Can 60i. Cant SOFT ABSORBENT FACIAL TISSCE KLEENEX 2 10* 19* 20* 13* 14* 7J-Oz Pkg 15 j-Oz Can SLICE FOR SANDWICHES—SPAM HORMEL 'c?: 42* i AKMOI'K'S STAR TASTY TREET r 42* TAMOI'R'S STAR TINY VIENNA SAUSAGE Nc ‘ 17* AKMOI'K'S STAR I I.AVORI I L CHOPPED ham c: 49* 12 Oz Can OSCAR MAYER—PLAIN OR WITH BAR-B-Q SAI'CE WEINERS - 45* Knnk Kids! 6 SWELL COMIC BOOKS FOR 15c And One Bax Top From Oxydol or Dreft or 2 Largo Size Ivory Wrappers ORDER BLANKS AVAILABLE AT ALL COLONIAL STORES OXYDOl LARGE PK6. 27c DREfT I IVORY LARGE PKG. 27c 2 bath 25c nr th>t 3inn to IPPLE SLICED nc°an2 29c Del Monte Golden Cream CORN ,7c°' 176 SKINNER'S LONG MACARONI 2 7 o*. 23c SKINNER'S RAISIN BRAN 15c PUSS W BOOTS CAT rOOD 2 »Oz 17c RIBBON LONG GRAIN RICE 3-Lb c®fi« 45c SI NSIUNK KRISPY CRACKERS ^ 25c «r>F|«KK’H STRAINED BABY rOOD 3 29c DEODORAN T SOAP DIAL 2 •-« 37c TOILET SOAP IVORY 8c SOAP FLAKES IVORY i.- 27c WONDERFUL IVORY SNOW Larg* Pkg 27c TOILET SOAP—BATH lie CAMAY 2 ^g ISc JUKI IS MIRV MONTH Mild American CHEESE ik 43c M(S Filbert's Colored MARGARINE ill. Q’rs. T1 Fancy Laan Cantar /Cut Pork CHOPS - 75c Tmr* meat* m** .. . kim i:*» ! *>IN 'i'.Nft ROAST - 49c - 51c ARMOUR'S BANNER BRAND _ SLICED BACON - 49c HEAVY WESTERN BONEIKSS BEEF RIB STEAK “ 99c ARMOIR'S STAR THIS SltCED BOI/-ED HAM - 99c Armour’s Star ■ r 1 SLICED BOLOGNA pomul >'c FRESH GROUND BEEF ib. 57c !-■ i FRESH PORK CUTLETS ib 69c Ocean-Fresh Seafood Mil Gray Trout 25c Perch Fillet, lh 35c Star Butterfish 27c LOOK FOR THB CS ROOSTEf? IbH fljdw-Fresh ^reduce Fancy Crisp Green Iceberg LETTUCE 2 Hd 23c Ripe Red To The Rind WATERMELONS ouch $1.19 FRESH TENDtB GREEN GORN-on-the-cob 3 21c TENDER GREEN NEW CROP i BUTTER beans 2 33c LARGE CALIFORNIA RING CHERRIES » 39c Washington state winesap APPLES 2 - 35c U. S. No. 1 Kiln-Dried YAMS, 5 pounds 13c I). S. NO. 1 CALIF. LONG WHITE POTATOES 5 - 29c DIE TO DAILY MARKET CHANGES PRODITE PRICES GOOD THRU SAT.. Jl NE I*. ONLY.

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