Taking Insurance ('nurse John E. Pape. Jr., who re -rived the bachelor of science in com meivi ;.ri iui;. a; tie Inm. -ny of North Carolina. Chapel Hill, entered U. N. C. last week for an insurance course. Behirnbe from '-ays Head Mi - Ruth Ward and Mr. Clar ence Griffin will return Thursday . tltM spending sev. ra! days with friends in Nags Head. Spends W eek at Beat'll Master Jeffrey Simpson, son of Mr. and Mrs Paul Simpson, spent last week at Pamlico Beach with Mrs Asa Crawford and family. --» On Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Tahnadge Selby, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert Wynne of Elizabeth City, left Saturday night for a week’s va cation in South Carolina. Mr anti Mrs. Selby s little daughter. Deb orah. is spending a week with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Selby m Ransomville. Spends Day In Durham Mi . Simon Lilley spent Friday in Durham where he received medical treatment at a hospital. From Durham he vrent to Wins ton-Salem where he is visiting his daughter for a few days. -- Hack On the Job Mr Ernest Mears, manager of t,h(- iocal Bell; Tyler store, is back at work after having been ill at Park View Hospital and his home in Rocky Mount for several weeks. - Spend Week-end in Parmelc Mr and Mrs. Arthur Adams of Norfolk spent last week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Adams, in Parmelc. -« Taking Two Weeks’ Training Assistant County Agent D. W. Brady is spending two weeks in army reserve training at Fort Bragg. Mrs D. W. Brady and daughter, Jane, are spending two weeks with relatives in Grifton. Visiting Mother Mrs. Frank Robinson of Norfolk is visiting her mother, Mi s. Fannie Wynne, here this week. I Tulergoes Operation Undergoing a tnroat operation in Duke Hospital last Friday to correct a speech defect, Master Ira Price, Jr . was reported to be getting along as well as could be expected yesterday. He is expect ed home in about two weeks. ——su spends Week-end Here Mi. Oscar Terry of St. Pauls, N. C . spent last week-end here with his brother, Mr. Bonnie Terry, and Mrs. Terry. ' In Washington Hospital Master A. P Griffin, son 01 Mrs. Henry F. Mizelle, Jr., is a patient in a Washington hospital where he is receiving treatment for a leg infection. He is expected to be able to return to his home with in the next few days. Here From Norfolk Mrs Frances Abbitt and Mr. Lamar Rogers of Norfolk were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. U. Bunting Sunday. -<*> Spends Week-end in New Bern Miss Betty Rhodes Taylor spent the week-end in New Born with her sister, Mrs. W. E. Smith, and Mr. Smith. -<*— Here Last W'cck Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bulluck and son of Cleveland, Ohio, visit ed Mr. Bulluck's brother, Mr. James Bulluck, and family here last week. -o Returns To Norfolk Miss Anne Mizelle, accom panied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mizelle, returned Sunday to Norfolk after spending a ten day vacation here. She left Norfolk Sunday night by boat for Johns Hopkins Hospital in Balti more where she will receive spe cial training for the next three months. -n Continues in Hospital Mr. Junior Revels, son of Mr. Slade Revels, continues ill in a Washington hospital where he is being treated for a broken leg re ceived recently while logging. Spends Week-end Here Mr. John G. Wadsworth of Dal las, Texas, spent the week-end here with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Watts, and Mr. Watts. o | Spend Day In Greenville Mr. and Mrs. Mack Gilbert ; Wynne spent Sunday in Green ville with Mr. Wynne’s mother, Mrs. IX B. Lanier. ■■■ » At Nags Head Friday Mr. Howard Bulluck of Cleve land, Ohio, and his brother, Mr. James Bulluck, spent Friday at Nags Head. Attend June German Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Leggette, j Misses Dorothy Peel and Barbara | Margolis and Messrs. Joe Vann and Pete Rogers attended the! June German in Rocky Mount: Friday night. -♦ To Sail For Europe Mr. John Watts left Monday for I New York from where he will sail for Europe on Friday of this week. He was accompanied to New York by his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth' Watts, and Mrs. Joanna Martin. Here From Oklahoma | Miss Charleen Greer of Tulsa, Oklahoma, is visiting Mrs. J. H. j Saunders. Home for Summer Miss Della Jane Mobley, teach er in the Hopewell, Va„ schools, is home for the summer holidays. -a Attending Meeting Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Spivey and Mrs. Henry D Harrison are at- j tending an Eastern Star meeting in Greensboro. Leaves For Extended Tour John Watts left yesterday for; Chapel Hill where he will join Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Lyons and daugh ter and continue to New York where they will sail for a Euro- i pean tour. Visit In Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Manning, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Rogerson i visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rog erson in Petersburg Sunday. Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Jaiwis Edgerton and son, John, of Kenly spent the week-end here with Mrs. Eddie! Trahey. -* Spending Week in Parmele Bobby Green, 10-year-old Lon don boy who arrived in this coun try a short time ago, is spending this week with his step-grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Adams, in Parmele. -♦— - Here Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mobley of Portsmouth visited relatives here Saturday. -r—. At Nags Head Over Week-end Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carstarphen and son, Billy, and Mrs. Rita Ev erett spent the Week-end at Nags Head. To Attend Wedding Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fusscll and children, Miss Marilyn and Bud dy, will attend the Peacock-Sabis ton wedding in Jacksonville, N. C„ tomorrow. -# Visit At Pamlico Beach Mr. Hildreth Mobley and dau ghters visited friends at Pamlico Beach Sunday. <" RECENT BRIDE Mrs. John Joseph Sebera, who before her recent marri age in Petersburg, was Miss Mary Evelyn Hadley, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hadley of near Williamston. Visit In Grifton Mrs. J. D Woolaicl, Jr., and son, j Jodie, of Ahosk'e and Mrs. Clyde i Waters visited in Grifton Sunday. In Elizabeth City Sunday Mrs. John Peel, ivxiss Joanne Peel, Miss Julia Laughinghouse and Mrs. Jesse Melson visited in Elizabeth City Sunday. -■*>— Visiting Relatives j Miss Bessie Malone left Sunday 1 for Washington, D. C., where she will spend a week with relatives and friends. Spends Week-end at Beach Mrs. Paul Jones spent the week end at Virginia Beach. She was accompanied home by Miss Iola Eagle of Lancaster, Kentucky. To Spend Few Days Here Mrs. R. D. Woodward and chil dren of Virginia Beach will arrive Wednesday to spend a few days here with Mr and Mrs. R. L. Co burn -»—^— Spend Week-end in Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brandon, Jr., spent the week-end in Nogfolk. Attend Graduation Exercises Mcsdames Andrew Griffin and B. R. Manning, Misses Sarah Rev els and Bessie Manning and Messrs. Jim Manning and Dallas Griffin attended the graduation exercises of the State School for the Blind in Raleigh last Thurs day. July Bride-To-Be Feted AT PARTY IN WILSON ’ Wilson, N. C— A green and white color scheme was used at the party given by Miss Hazel Spell Thursday night, June 1st, honoring Miss Isabelle Anderson, bride-elect of July. Miss Spell entertained at the home of Mrs. U. R. Simpkins on West Nash street. White magnolia blossoms and leaves banked the bowl of lime punch, and the color scheme was carried out throughout the j room. Individual wedding cakes,! nuts, potato chips and open face | sandwiches were served buffet! style from another table. Miss ] ! Spell presided at the punch bowl ’ Miss Anderson was presented a gift of china in her chosen pattern by the hostess, and the guests remembered her with a sterling silver vegetable dish. Lon Braxton, whose marriage to Miss Nell Crenshaw of Bur lington takes place June 25, also was presented a sterling silver vegetable dish by the guests. Those attending this party were the honoree, Miss Ander son, Miss Grace Ross, Miss Lucille Credle, Miss Christine Smith, Miss Jennie Martin, Miss Edith Ride out, Miss Ola Mac Kearney, Miss; Lela Aycock, Lon Braxton, Tom Collins, Elmer Goodwin and Bill Massengill. - - - — ■ Vacationing Here Miss Alvce Wynne, student nurse at Charlotte Memorial Hos pital in Charlotte, is spending some time here on vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sylves ter Wynne. — In Ahoskie Saturday Mr. and Mrs. James Bulluck and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Mil lard Lilley in Ahoskie Saturday. Spend Day at Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. Ben D Courtney and son, Ben, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Worrell at their cottage on Pamlico Beach. Visits In Jamesville Miss Barbara Mizengo of Bel Arthur visited Miss Johnnie May Sawyer in Jamesville over the week-end. Visit Parents Misses Vernelle and Celia Gard ner of Norfolk visited their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Gardner, in Jamesville over the week-end. -<* Spend Day at Beach Mr. John Henry Edwards and son. Jack Edwards, spent Sunday at Pamlico Beach. 1 Bride-Elect of July HONORED AT PARTY Miss Dorothy B. Manning, bride-elect of George W. Shoe, on July 16, was complimented Friday evening. June 2, at a dessert bridge by Mrs. Tilmon Coltrain, Miss Mary Rodgerson and Mrs. T. F Davenport, Jr., at the home of Mrs. John L. Rodgerson on West Main Street. The house was decorated with spring flowers and green and white color scheme carried throughout. Four progressions were played with Miss Ruth Man ning capturing high score and Mrs. Grc-y Griffin was awarded low. The honoree was presented a lovely white Dr da! Memory Book and a carnation corsage by the hostesses. Mrs. S. W. Manning, Sr., mother of the prospective bride and Mrs. W. B. Shoe, of Greenville, mother of the prospective bride-groom, Mrs. Gertie M. Clark, Mrs. Robert Shoe, of Greenville, Mrs. W. H. Williams, Mrs. Calvin Sluder, Mrs. Nelson Leggette and Mrs. Parker Peel, joined the guests for refresh ments. Music for the evening was furn ished by Mrs. Calvin Sluder. Those enjoying bridge were, Miss Manning, Mrs. Dillon Cobb, Ruth Ward, Mrs. W. L. Howell, Mrs. Richard G. Slade, Mrs. W. O. Abbitt, Mrs. Wheeler Manning, Mrs. George Mahler, Mrs. J. C. Manning, Ruth Manning, Mrs. Hoke S. Roberson, Mrs. Exum L. Ward, Jr., Mrs. Carroll Jones, Mrs. Tom Skinner, Mrs. David G. Mod lin, Mrs. James Bulluck, Mrs. Fletcher Thomas, Mrs. Luther Peel, Jr , Mrs. Jack Hardison, Mrs. D. L. Simmons, Martha Leggett, Mrs. C. H. Godwin, Jr., Mrs. J. Paul Simpson, Edna Barnhill. Pearl Nev.'Bern, Mrs. W. T. Ross, Mrs. William H. Griffin, Mrs J. A. Manning. Jr., Mrs. W. L. Throv|^r® Mrs. Grey Griffin, Mrs. J. C. Eu i banks, Mrs. Oswald D. Stall: Marjorie Lindsley; Mrs. Clintoij House, Mrs. D. D. Roberson. Mr: J, R. Matthews. Mrs. Philip KeeJ; of Robersonville; Mrs. Bob Pearo of Greenville, and Mrs. Fred Hos kins, of Colerain. In Bear Grass Over Week-end Miss Doris Rogers of Ralcigl spent the week-end in Bear Gras: ■ with her mother, Mrs. Effie Rog ers. *- 9 * ! Return Home Mr. and Mrs. Howard Doner of Baltimore have returned to theii spending several day: the county visiting relatives Visits In Fayetteville Mr. Earl L Sawyer of Janies ville visited in Fayetteville ovei the week-end. Return Home Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barber re-f turned home Sunday after +A week’s vacation at Pamlico Beachi -* — Home from Hospital Mrs. John E. Keel returned til her home here Friday after recup crating from an operation per formed at a Washington hospital last Tuesday. -* | Will Return To Duke Master Johnny Wayne Keel will ■ return to Duke Hospital Tli# s j | day to have changes made in the i leg cast he is required to wear foi the next six weeks. . riMOOOSOOOOOC IOI l{ \\l.l k tl.HW l)\NCK SLMMLK SCHOOL I2lli llirou^li July lOlli I DAYS I'KK WEEK I LESSON DAILY (lasses Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ENROLL NOW .lime mil through June 15th Willi.mislon Grammar School — Primary Bldg. row i;i i dam:k studio ^Koooooooeooooosocoooseoeeooeeeetl \ AKDLEY SETS RAZOR SETS IUEI. FOLDS SHAVING BRUSHES HUM AIN PENS HONSON LIGHTERS PIPES AND TOBAGGO Davis Pharmacy S«*«- Display In l.olihy One Of AMERICA'S Most BEAUTIFUL SETS Verified Value' $69.00 Sohl throughout the Country in the finest Department Stores. VICCAR THEATRE !'"•«• to larli lady every Wednesday. Matinee and Evening Accompanied hy Another Person With a Paid Admission Ticket. STARTS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21ST Uun't Ming’betting Thu Ueuuiiful Williamtburg Sel Handsome gifts showing indi viduality and good taste tha} Dad will be thrilled and proud to receive. And with each pur chase goes a long term guaran tee. Ctgarel Lighter Wide selection of fine wrist watches in hand , some gold cases, newest wrist-band sty les. Cuff link* ami slutl set with simu lated kIuuvs. If you ure uiicer tain about a selec tion ... let our clerk* kelp you. Sterling silver ash trav Hiul mateli lmhler set with insignia. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. 0 Peele’s — Jeweler* 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 I am indeed grateful for the support given me in the reeeul Demo eratie Primary. While expressing my uppreeialion I also wish to FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Second Primary, June 24 If ujuiinated I will serve my constituents honestly and sincerely