Boosters Elected Officers Recently For the New Year (Continued from page one) Barnhirr^n^TundT^ B. A. Critcher, Jr., John Henry Ed wards. Janies Griffin. K P Linds ley. A J. Manning. Wheeici M Manning, Frank Margohs. Ernest Meat's R. E. Peele, and C Urbin Rogers Place Nine Cases On Calendar For Trial Next Week (Continued from page one) sep: t( oi April J. 1948. that no children were born to the union. The defendant, in his an swer, denies most of the allega tions and prays that divorce be demeci. In his suit against Zelma Oliver, L. J. Oliver says they were mar ried on January 13. 11144 and separated on August (i, 11)47. that the one child born of the union as in the custody of the mother CHIROPRACTIC FOR CHRONIC CONDITIONS Dizzy Spells. Heart Conditions, Headaches, Constipation, Neu rasthenia (Nervous Prostra tion ). DR. <i. E. HORNER Williamston. N. C. but supported by the plaintiff. | Wallce C. Moore m his case against Annie E Moore complains that they were married in 1940 and separated in August 1947, that no children were born to the I union and that the defendant is now living in Philadelphia. The divorce ease of Norman against Norman was missing from the files, but it was learned that the plaintiff lived in the lower part of this or ir. Washington County and was represented by j Pete Bell, Negr attorney. !n Durham Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Guy Leggett and 'son well in Durham Sunday vis iting Mr. Leggett's brother, Mr Hoyt Leggett, who continues quite ill in a hospital there. -o Here Yesterday Mrs. Cleil Ward of Roberson ville visited here yesterday. -. —o Doing Field Work Here Completing his junior year in electrical engineering at State College, Mr Nathan Gooding, Jr., of New Bern, is doing field work between terms here this summer with the Virginia Electric and Power Company. "VOICE OF AMERICA” The "jamming" of Voire of [America programs by the Soviet I Union has confirmed the belief thal the broadcasts are reaching a large percentage of the Russian population and are having a dis turbing impact on the Kremlin, 'according to Mucin Delgado, spec ial assistant to the chit f of the In ternational Broadcasting E vision of the State Department, Watts Theatre Williiini^ton, N. C. Wednesday—Thursday—F riday t&m&fimsmv FINALLY, at last/ after a 3 year delay, you can see THE OUTLAW/ STARRING JANE RUSSELI JACK BUETEl ^ THOMAS MITCHELL WAITER HUSTON TOO /V STAtm* ro nsc*M. Minor Accidents On County Roads In Past Few Days (Continued from Page One) to a 1939 Chevrolet driven by Willie Arthur Lane of Pitt County. Driving toward Hamilton on Highway 13,.. cane pulled to the right and stopped on the .shoulder of the road about a mile out of Oak City, and then turned back into the road The Oldsrnobile crashed into the side of the Chev rolet. No one was hurt and dam age to the Olds was estimated at $100 and to the Chevrolet at $50 bv Patrolman U P. Natron who made the investigation. Lane, op erating the ear without driver's license, ran away He was arrested by patrolman Narron about an hour later. Trying to accommodate the driver. Patrolman Naron ear ned Lane to his brother s home near Oak City to arrange bond. Lane went through the front door and right on out the rear door and u)i until late yesterday after noon had not been seen. AGRICl I TCRAL COUNTY COUNCIL MEETS JUNE 14 The Agricultural County Coun cil will held its June meeting Wednesday night, June 14. at H:U0 o'clock in the agricultural build ing. R. McK Edwards, Negro County Agent, has announced. Plans for attending the Farmers and Homemakers Conference and The Upper Coastal Plain Experi ment Station will be discussed. There will also be a discussion on Cotton Insect Control. All fat til ers are urged to be present. --—-— Spending Few Days Here Mrs Pete Eason and son of Farmville are spending a few days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. White. Visit In Ahoskie Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Davis were in Ahoskie Sunday visiting Mr. MiHard Li 1 ley who continues criti cally ill at his home there. • Linoleum • Asphalt Tile • Rubber Tile • Lino-Tile • Cabinet Tops a Specialty Factory Trained Mechanics No Job Too Large or Too Small Contract Prices to Contractors lliiiinimilt I'lirniliirr < .o. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 I ANNOUNCEMENT I TO THE VOTERS OF MARTIN COUNTY I 4-HIIIIOl I'Uell Hilt' ally mi I iiiii n.-inu llii.- melliod of contact to solicit your vole mid sii|i |M»rl in {Jo* -croud j.rimmy d:r House Of Representatives I Main lo assure rvrrj oik* dial I |iro|»osc lo represent llieni faille fnlly. fairly and ini|iarlially. \\ illi inv many years i>\pprirm>e in legislative work I pledge myself lo represent tin* |m*«»|»I«* ii» your representative, just as I have always ami more parlieiilarly in tin* Iasi session. I shall noi let any person or p'roop ilimi or dictate my arls ami I In* whole people of llie County ami Slate shall have my undi vided ami impartial serviee. I pou liiis iiasis I solicit your vole ami support as represen tative in the general assembly. . COREY EVERETTS 4. OAK CITY 0 In a same featured by good pitching, the Everetts Cubs Sun day afternoon defeated Oak City’s Roosters 4 to 0 R Williford allow ed the Roosters just three hits as his mates collected only seven scattered bingles off R Manning of Oak City. The Cubs got their runs at the rate of one per inning, in the third, fifth, sixth and sev enth frames. Bobby Bullock of Everetts and and Tyson of Oak City got two hits each in the game hut no other players could do better than one. Hassell got the only other Oak ^ City binglc. it was the second in a row for S the Clubs over the Roosters as they went extra innings Saturday! night to get a 5-4 decision in the Williamston park. Finding that it was taking too much of his time, Morris .Stalls re-] signed last week as manager at Everetts and a manager is to be named this week to replace him. Sunday’s box: if Oak City Manning, Ji Hassell. 2b Keel. 3b Worsley, B , Tyson, e Worsley, F Moore, lb Strickland, ss Manning, R.. p Ab K If cf E 0 0 1 0 0 Totals Everetts Bullock, B., ss Wynn, 2b Fleming, cf Stalls, Jr., 3b Meeks. s„ rf Rawls, rf (0) White, lb Stails, J. M . If Keel, J.. c Williford, R„ p 30 0 3 4 Ab K H E 5 12 0 4 0 0 0 3 110 3 0 0 0 3 0 10 1 i j. 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 10 3 0 0 0 4 111 Totals 34 4 7 1 Score by innings: 1 Oak City 000 000 000--0 Everetts 001 011 lOx 4 WantS STRAYEIJ: A SOW AND SEVEN shouts weighing about 35 or 40 pounds have strayed from my pre mises. Finder please notify John Hadley, Williamston KFD. FOR RENT: NEWLY < ON strueted, well equipped service station in Oak City on highway 125. If interested call or eontaet Baker Oil Company, Williamston. je 13 2t FOR RENT—BRICK STORE and warehouse. North Railroad Street. Robersonvillc. C. L. Wil son. je 13 4t MAN WITH CAR WANTED FOR route work. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Steady. Write today. Mr. McVey, Candler Bldg.. Baltimore 2, Md. POTATO SPROUTS FROM CER filled Porto Rican stock. $2.00 I per 1000. Bedding potatoes were 5 treated witn Senesan Bel. John , Gorkin, Ji . Dial 20442. je 11 2t _ Hi Y WITH CONFIDENCE. BC$ | from a company with a gram r reputation. Brown Memorial Com I pany, Rocky Mount. N. C. R [ Sherrod Corev, representative I Williamston, N. C„ Dial 29493. i je U 4 GLADIOLUS FOR SALE. 75c per Dozen. Dial 29407. Mis. Archie Coltrain. je 11 2t WILL THE FINDER OF BROWN leather wallet belonging to Charles Lanoy, please return pa pers and cards to Enterprise office , and keep money as reward, j 11 2t RECOVERED: BOY’S PAINTED over bicycle. Wheel was found by police in backlot about a month ago. Owner may get wheel by calling at police department. | WANTED TO BUY— GOOD US ed automobile. Late model. | Cash. Phone 2739. my 9 tf I PARKER'S SELF-SERVICE I Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. j in. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. j to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for , a quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf FOR SALE: 1938 FORD TRUCK. Good engine. See Mis. J. L. Holliday or telephone 2-9414. j8 3t FOR RENT: 4-ROOM APART ment in Birmingham Apart ments. See R L. Coburn. j 8 tf ONE USED T CUBIC FOOT RE frigerator. Good condition. $75.00. Western Auto Store. W. J. Miller and Son. je 8 2t FOUR USED GAS RANGES. Good condition. $50.00 to $125.00 Western Auto Store, W. J. Miller and Son. je 8 2t FOR SALE: THE T. W. FEARING residence on Franklin Street, l Williamston. Will be shown by appointment only. je 8 2t TWO HOMES FOR SALE AT1 West End and located on the old fair grounds. See or call Clar- ] ence Griffin. je 8 2t USED LUMBER FOR SALE: Large stock lumber and metal roofing from removal of Birming ham warehouse on Watts Street. See or call R. L. Coburn. je 8 2t FOR SALE: ONE HOUSE AND lot in West End. Lot 50 ft. x 339 ft. See O. S. Cowan or tele phone 2593. je 8 2t FOR SALE: 1946 DODGE PICK-; up truck in good condition. Col onial Frozen Foods. Williamston, N. C. je 8-13 NOW IS THE TIME TO FILL | your locker with fryers. The surplus season is here. Store now j and save. Wc- have an ample sup- j plv. Colonial Frozen Foods. June 8 2t MR. FARMER: WE ARE NOW prepared to store your cured meat to protect it from flies and skippers. Pi ices reasonable. Col-, onial Frozen Foods. je 8 2t POTATO SLIPS FOR SAIL— Now, any time. See A. L. Crisp. ! near Batts Cross Roads, Washing ton, N. C. jo 8 3t i CALL MRS. HOKE ROBERSON1 or Mrs. Joe Glenn for cakes, j pies, chicken salad, mints, and I candies. Made to order. je 8 2t > LET PARKER S SELF-SERVICE Laundry ease your washday I worries. Nine pounds of clothes washed for 35c We also wash blankets, small rugs, bed spreads,i slip covers, etc. se 27 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular aches and pains. Guaranteed re lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmber Company, Frank E Weston, man ager, Williamston. N. C. je 8 tf WANT TO BUY CORN IN shuck at your farm. What kind and how much do you have? Write or call L. N. James Corn House. Bethel, N. C. ap 18 tf DOES YOI R COAT, SLIT OR skirt fit? They dont! Then bring them to Bulluek’s for expert alt erations. ni 14 tt FOR RENtT SANDING MACH ine Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf FOR SALE: SEV ERAL USED oil stoves in good condition. B. S. Courtney and Sen. my 16 lOt YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Loelfer. no 8 tf WE BUY, SeLl AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps ! for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial j 2057, Williamston. no 8 tf FOR YOL'R CUSTOM - MAOS Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. Wc have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 26 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and ho^s removed promptly. No charge. Phone ; Greenville, N. C„ 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 tl -— ■. TRIO Kolx-rsouville, N. C. Tl'ESDAl June 13 (I Day Only) CARNEGIE HALL With Vaughn Monroe and Marsha Hunt WEDNESDAY, June 14 Double Feature Program WESTERN PACIFIC AGENT With Kent Taylor and Sheila Kyan INNER SANCTUM With Mary Keth Hughes and Charles Russell THURSDAY - FRIDAY DEAR WIFE With Joan Caulfield and William Holden SATURDAY. June 17 Double Feature Program VANISHING WESTERNER Starring Monte Hale FLYING SAUCER With Mikel Conrad and Pat Garrison Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bieyeles-Ti icyclos. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 MEMORIALS m' OF ENDURING^BEAUT DOT HWEILL IMMORTAL MEMORY Memory is a fragile thing. Unless it it carefully tended and kept vivid it will gradually fade with the years. A truly ^ effective memorial is a bulwark against the fading effects of time. Standing in dignity in a hallowed place it perpetuates the memory of love and is a source of inspiration throughout the years. ★ ★ ★ Design, material and cral Ismanshtp are ihe three things which insure beautiful and permanent memorials. You get them when you place yout confidence in an established dealer* BIGGS FUNERAL HOME f I M WillianiiMoii, IN. ('.. IVIeplioiH* 2H2(> AUTHORIZED DFAI.E* GEORGLW^MARBLE .. S' S’ S’ S’ ’** w W £ 0r!5! • #>!« »R» »!♦!« »ki r5 {«! W IA« »A» IA H >JK E E m y M a *!!* it? y # TwKoI^wSIw.m'^ y We Are Now Prepared To B Cover Your Floors With w s'.r I Rubber Tile E H m See lit Tinlay Far ljuolaliont. E E h WoolurdFurnitureCo >lt< I! at< •0 •if u j 81 :U ¥ B B i» « *«: !» I B at at 'Marlin l.ounly't Leading Furniture Store ^ lit MARCO Children 15c Adults 20c TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 'End of the River' With Sahu Variety Cartoon THURSDAY • FRIDAY "Montana" With Errtd Flynn Alexis Smilli Sport Cartoon BARCLAY TILE BOAIU) in U-d colors It bath room and kitchens. We have all accessories f.n installing the above. Chrome, cap strips, baseboard, etc. This tile board is 3-10" thick. Our price 35c per sq. It. K O. LS. Bethel. Iliiiliiircult Furniture Co. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2311 THEATRE — WILL1AMSTON LAST TIME TUESDAY "The Big Hangover" Willi \ an Johnson Lli/alutli Taylor News Cartoon WKDNKSD \Y THURSDAY - FRIDAY "The Outlaw" With Janr \V iilii'r Houston Cartoon •:! run*-* 1 (j \ 1 5 \ DIRECTED •* ;Ti*i\ PETER GODFREY TXSXS*™, VICCAR - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

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