Recipes Of The Week By Miss EVELYN HANCOCK Home Service Director Virginia Electric and Power Company Sweet Potato Supremes 3med si?e sweet potatoes, cooked 1 T. Butter Marshmallows 2 T. sugar Nut meats, chopped Mash sweet potatoes, add sea- j sorting. Place a marshmallow m ; center of each potato ball and I roll in chopped nut meats Chill. French String Beans Cut cooked string beans length wise and place in bottom of broil- | or pan. Add enough liquid to cover bottom of pan. Add desired amount of salt to season. During the broiling period, the beans will heat and the drippings from the meat will sesaon them. Serve pineapple and lettuce salad with meal French String Beans Fresh Vegetable, such as to matoes, onions, and mushrooms combine well with broiled meats. j They should be put on the broiler j rack when the meat is turned. | Fruits, either fresh or canned, 1 are a deligntful addition to a broiler meal and add a special tang to any meat course. Pme- , apple and apple slices, bananas. BRANCH SERVICE IS ALL TOR YOU — Usr all of it that vita ran llraneb Itauk faeilitie* liave been made as eomplete us pos sible for your Ixm-fil. Wlieu eoufrooled with any fiuaueial ihtiI or problem your fir*! lliou^lil should be lo eouie to llie llraueb bank. We xeleome every opportunity to be of ner vier lo VOU. Accounts Checking Loans Savings Accounts Travelers' C.lieques Branch Banking & Trust Co. Dane Clark and Ruth Roman star in Warner Bros. “Barri cade,” a colorful western action drama centering about a gold mining camp in the middle of a western desert, beginning Wed nesday at the Viccar Theatre. — orange, grapefruit, peach, apri cot, and pear halves are especi ally adapted to broiler meals. Brush them with melted butter, season, add them to the rack when the meat is turned. While broiling leave the door open at the stop position in order to keep the broiler unit operating through the required period of ■ .. time and to prevent excessive smoking. The broiler need not be preheated unless it is done under pyrex glass for which you would preheat for 5 minutes, o It is June - School is out - Va cation’s here. Theis is the month when young graduates are feted, , brides are showered .... last “I'll let him ride for 1-2 fare but no one should be 1-2 in sured. Why don’t you call 2426 and let Wheeler Manning here in Williamston arrange a complete Insurance pro gram for both of you.” SAY MOTORISTS FROM COAST TO COAST •lOOiR VAIUII How convenient lo hue a luggage rompartmenl I hat's realty big! Plenty e( extra usable space. glOGM VAIUII Dodge team are "knee-level" to give real support la your leg*. Your present cor may never again be worth what we’ll give NOWI Ve have more kyyer* for Used cars than ever. >o, today we're back again with the be>l opportunity for you to make a good deal on your present ear. Don’t delay—act now, let’s trade! YOU COULD PAY $1000 MORE and still not match Dodge for roominess and ruggedness Here’* v*i.ii you ran see—value you ran feel at yon drive—value you nolire in your porkelbook! Dodge sleek, well-bred beauty it apparent lo all. Dodge eomparl de sign oi'tmdc given you an rasier handling rar—a rar that’s easier to park and garage. Vet inside there’s a world ol roominess—extra head room, shoulder room, leg room, too. Slop in at your nrarliy Dodge deal er’s and rherk Dodge VALUE for yourself. Kxperienre the flashing pirk-up of the hig, high-ronipres sion “Get-Away” Engine the super smoothness of Dodge gyrol Huid Drive. We’ll leave it to you «hirli car give* most for your money. GYRO-MATIC LOWIST-PRICID AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION mi row mom tmrriMO AvwHaU* m CawM MWW) •a ttfrm Ccaa NEW BIGGER VALUE 90D6E Jutt a faw dollar! mart than tha lawatt-pritad tart I DIXIE MOTOR COMPANY, Inc.— W UJiainslon, N. C. minute get-togethers before the crowd separates for the summer and bon voyage parties for friends leaving on vacation trips. Refreshing beverages, cookies and dainty sandwiches are al ways welcome. Ginger Ale Delight (Serves 20) 1 1-2 cups water. 1 1-2 cups sugar, 2 qts. ginger ale, crush ed ice, 1 stick of cinnamon, 1-4 tsp. nutmeg, 5 whole cloves, 2 cups orange juice, 1 cup pineapple juice, 1 cup grape fruit juice, i-2 cup lemon juice. Boil sugar and water A) mm., add spices to hot syrup and let stand for hours. Strain, add fruit juices, ice cubes and last of all, ginger ale yjust bc-mre serving). (You may prefer to freeze some ‘ of the ginger ale in cubes and serve in the punch.) Tropical Cookies 1 cup shortening, 1 1-4 cups sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tea spoon grated lemon rind, 2 tea spoons grated orange rind, 1 table spoon lemon juice, 2 eggs, un beaten, 2 1-4 cups sifted all purpose flour, 1 1-11 cups shredded coconut. Combine shortening, sugar, salt, rinds, and juice, and eggs and beat thoroughly - Add flour to first mixture and mix well - Add coconut and blend - Drop rounded tablespoons of dough on greased baking sheets - Bake in moderately hot oven (375 degrees F.) 12-15 minutes - Makes 3 dozen. Cheese Cornelias 2 cups flour, 1-2 lb. grated sharp-cheese, 1-2 lb. butter. Cream butter and flour, add grated cheese Make into roll. Store in refrigerator. Slice and bake as icebox cookies. Bake at 425 degrees for 12 minutes. Avocado Dip 1 Avocado pear, 1 small pkg. cream-cheese, 2 tbs mayonaise, 1-2 tsp salt, 1-4 tsp. garlic salt, 2 tsp grated onion. Beat all in gredients together and use as a dip for potato chips Krill Clinch (Serves 50) 2 quarts lime ice (do not use shebert), 1-2 cup lemon juice, 1-2 cup sugar, 1 cup water, (1 qts sparkling water Boil sugar and water and chill m refrigerator. Pour syrup mixed with lemon juice over the lime ice and add sparkling water Cranberry Punch (Serves 15) 1 qi. sweetened cranberry juice, 1 qt. ginger ale. 1-2 cup orange juice, 1-2 cup lemon juice Blend fruit juices and chill Add crushed ice and ginger ale when ready to serve. 11 Talus "Kiioh //” ANI) W1: HAVE IT HEATING — ami — Sheet Metal Work IJONNOX AIK rOMHTIOMM; \ I »l >ri»\«*«f jOlli\S..\l VAN ILLK Knotiii” (atiHrui-lor WHITE'S iii;atii\<; vino siii:i;t iVIKi'AL WORKS I*. O. Box (ill i IV1LUAM8TON, N. C. 1‘IIONE Lillie* AIImtI by (iEo. Kwnutm s \ l WNQMBKr* vpev mwimoNmjito*' MAPTINCOUNTy PLUMBING&HEATING GAS* 2 P*OM* ataa/r\ 3/ WASHINGTON ST #.C, Insect Damage Costs Millions Cotton insect damage in North j Carolina in 19-49 amounted to an estimated $37,743,100, B. C. Line herger, chairman of 'the North Carolina-Virginia unit of the Na-j tional Cotton Council revealed here today in releasing statistics! compiled by the Council and has- { ed ,-n the final 1949 cotton produc tion report of the U. S. Depart ment of Agricuiiuiv, Losses in North Carolina last! year exceeded by 13,842,100 those] estimated bv the Cotton Council m u preliminary, unofficial report prepared early last fall before the final cotton production estimate in December. Boll weevil reduced the full, yield in North Carolina approxi mately 27 percent, destroying an j estimated 224,19(1 bales of cotton , and 94,982 tons of cottonseed. The toll exacted by pests in 1949 was nearly four times as great as da ! mage in 1948 when North Caro j lina losses were estimated to have : been $9,622,000. Across the Cotton Belt last year •' icvoiiet losses, in terms of dollars ,and cents, were the highest in his. ! j lory, amounting to an estimated* $161,874,186. United States wells have annu ally yielded nearly two-thirds o£ all the world’s petroleum for al most a century. Visit Heili" and Meyers Wiliianialon for the “Best Buys In Furniture” Shop ai BULLUCK'S for Gifts tfcabDgd would choose, himself. SUNDAY June 18th llv II isr GIVE DAD TIES A beautiful assortment «f Ties llial will please any Dad. New *lyl«“s and colors by One of America's foremost l it* Designers . . . Coplan . . . Be sure In see nnr array of Ties before buying. $1.00 - $1.50 STYLE-MART SUITS for Dad 4>ive Dad a pdf I llial will please liim all sum mer long. A veri-cool Style-Mart Suit. These eonie in beautiful designed styles and lovely eolors. One and Two trousers with these soils. Very reasonably prieed. dome down and look litem over. GIFT BELTS by PIONEER He will remember you all year long. Top <|iinlity bailor (lie newest designs. Belt and Buekle sets loo. Remember Dad with a Bell from our large selection. $1.50 - $3.50 CDT JEWELRY Beautiful 4 aiff I .inks and lie Bars by I’ioneer. Designed with Dad in mind. Newest designs in reasonably prieed jowelrv. ItniM'inhcr l>a