ii THE ENTERPRISE Published Every Tuesday and Thursday by ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. ffn.l JAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA . »T> I SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) One Year ... St* Months IN MARTIN COUNTY 1 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY ® One Year --- £ Six Months _-.. — *5 00 1.71 ! I i i Advertising Rate Card Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. I |1K 1.00 L I i I i 1 a Address all communications to The Enter- $ prise and not individual member* of the j} firm. • fy No Subscription Received Under 6 Month# ^ I Thursday, ,1 uua /.>, I OHO •gitSWifr'. s II iili-li lot i onh tii /ilihi<■ Tricks Judging From 1H<• record regrettablv writ ten in the first campaign. Smith forces in the current l nited State's senatorial race can be expected to stoop to all sorts of enn tomptiple tricks Friends of Smith peddled imaginary cartoons in the last race; they are very likely to do it again. In pulling »ich common and contemptible tricks, the\ hide the true facts. They do not tell the bare truth, for that, would knock the props from under their records showing that Frank P Clraharn has opposed and still opposes the Federal gov ernment forcing non-segregation on states or regions. It is an established fact that at torneys foi the Southern State's, including our own Attorney General McMullan. used the brief prepared by Frank Graham in fighting non-segregation before the United States Supreme Court just a short time ago. It is also an established fact that partly as a result of the foresight of Frank Graham tht' recent ruling by the Supreme Court will make no change in North Carolina. Frank Graham has been accused of many things, but if he was what they accuse him to be. how is it that although he was presi dent of the Universtiy of North Carolina for almost twenty years, segregation is still in force? It would appear that the Smith forces are resorting to contemptible, low-down, com mon sleight of hand tricks to form a curtain, behind which the corporations and tht' privileged ma\ hide their unholy business. Watch out for tricks, and don't ho fooled on June *J-t Sliinilil llarr II ailrtl It was beginning to look as if Willis Smith would wait until the November election to Lake a stand. If he had done that and got into the race 'or the United Stales Senate under ..s Kt jn.iiln e,i banner with his physical being he W( UId have been right where his In art and sen I are and have been since 1 • picked up Ihe corporations’ banner and joined the march against the masses, the working man, the poor man, the farmer, the little fellow. 11 was suggested by men who knew Smith back yonder that he should enter the race as a republican. But, unfortunately, the Re publicans steal into the Democratic Party ranks and parade under a banner forgein to their beliefs and actions. We would have more respect for Mr. Smith today had he chose to run on a Re publican licket. The people have an opportunity to kick him >>ut on June 24, and open the door for a true and aide Democrat of the Jefterson and Roosevelt type who has fought lor De mocracy on the battlefield as well an in peacetime down through the years. Iloltl The Tine While subsides go out to the privileged groups, including the air lines, the railroads, the shipping interests, big manufacturers, and while public utilities arc allowed stipu lated profits and minium wage scales are fixed, there is a concerted effort to knock the props from under agriculture. Just recently, the Republicans with the aid of the Bvrd-type Democrats, moved to cut back immediately price supports on basic farm crops. The move fell short ol its mark by a vote of f>» to 111, but in that vote is a danger signal that must not he ig nored. The fact that two Democratic senators in an adjoining state lined up with the Republi cans to stab the farmer in the back should be sufficient warning for the people to get to gether and hold the line. The trend in the country today is notice- j able. The Tafts,( the Byrds and the Hoeys I are dead set against any plan designed to help the masses. At the same time they work for privileges for the privileged. It :s admit ted that Clyde Hoey of North Carolina has not voted directly against our farmers, but iu> has followed along with the economic royalists so consistently and willingly that when agriculture needs a friend one isn’t to be found. And now we are being asked to send Willis Smith to the Senate. If Smith is sent to the Senate, the farmers and workers will realize that they were sold out, for he is tarred with the corporation stick, and he has spoken with his own mouth that he believes like Hoey, that he’ll vote like Hoey, that i he’ll jump when Hoey says jump. And, let there be no mistake about it, Mr. Hoey has j voted more consistently with Republican Taft and Virginia's Byrd that he has with his own party. North Carolina voters have a chance to hold the line on Saturday, June 24, by voting for Frank P. Graham for the United States Senate. lie'll Sot Make It The people of North Carolina don’t want and will not let any one ride to political victory on the Four Horse men of Calumny fear, ignorance, bigotry and smear. Mr. Willis Smith, candidate for the United States Senate, stumbled badly on May 27, I and. we sincerly believe, he'll In- thrown I clear from his infamous steed on June -M. ! He’ll not make it to Washington on the ani mal he has chosen to ride. YOU ARE INVITED TO VOTE FOR A. COREY For The HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SKt.ONI) I’HI.VI VK i JIINK 21111. 2C>.".0 Experienced Efficient Capable Dependable t I His Record He Proved Hi* Ability ami Usefulness in the Last Setision. Why Change from a Tried and True and Take a Chance Non! YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED. CHURCF NEWS PFNTFCOST AL HOLINESS N. J. Ward, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. Sam Whichard, Supt. Morning worship at 11:00. Youth service at 6:30. Evangelistic service at 7:30. Mid week prayer service, Wed nesday night at 7:30. EVERETTS CHRISTIAN Olin Fox, Pastor. Sunday school at 10:00. Mrs. Geo. Taylor, Supt. Christian Youth Fellowship Monday evening at 7:30. Preaching 4'di Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Woman’s Council Saturday af ternoon before first Sunday at 3:30. Visitors are welcome. OAK CITY CHRISTIAN Olin Fox, Pastor. Sunday school at 10:00. Ernest Bunting. Rupt. Preaching 2nd Sunday, 11:00 a. rn. and 7.30 p. in. Woman's Council Wednesday afternoon after second Sunday at, 3:30. Visitors are welcome. METHODIST E. R. Shuller, Minister. 9:45, Church school. Fletcher Thomas, Rupt. 11:00, Morning worship. Ser mon by Mrs. IS. K. Bingham of Roper, N. C. Mrs. Bingham is a splendid preacher and the pub lic is urged to hear her. (1 JO, Youth Fellowships. 8:00, Evening worship. Sermon by Rev. John Goff. 8:00, Monday, the Woman’s So ciety of Christian Service will meet at the church. 8:00, Tuesday, Laymen's Club. 8:00, Wednesday, Bible study followed with choir rehearsal. HOLLY SPRINGS 10:30 a. m„ Sunday school. C. L Daniel, Superintendent. 3:00 p. m., Church service. Ser mon bv Rev. C. F. Hirsehi of Windsor -♦ HAMILTON BAPTIST E. R. Stewart, Pastor. 10 a. m., Bible school H. S. Johnson, Supt. 11 a. m„ Worship service. Fath er’s Day Message.” 7 p. in., Baptist Training Union. Willie Knox, Director. ii:00 p. m . Evening worship. “A Message To Young People.” Take your family and come to church. t 7:30 p. m.. Monday, Bov Scouts meet. tl:()0 p. in.. Wednesday. Prayer services'. 8:00 p. m., Friday night, June 16, Daily Vacation Bible School commencement. The public is cordially invited to all services WILLIAMS ( HAITI AML /.ION Kev. J. I1 Mc'Mullan, Pastor. | Father's Day Program. 10:00 a. in., Sunday school. ) 11:00 a. m., Morning worship. | Sermon by Rev. James E. Watts. [ " 7:30, Evening worship. Sermon | by Rev. James E. Watts, i The public is invited to attend run Ileilig ami Meyers Willucnisloii for llir “Bm/ Bhyi In Furniture99 GUARANTEED r I BLACK PANTHER THEY ARE KILLERS! Black Panther Garden Dust (Contains Rotenone) Use as Dust or Spray. Black Panther Delux Spray Guaranteed to Kill DDT Resistant Flies. Black Panther Insect Spray and 25'. DDT. General Insecticide Co. Inc. Sanford, N. C. Utica, N.¥. . CHRISTIAN John L. Goff, Pastor. Bible school, 9:45. Classes for ; all ages. W. II. Sessoms, Supt. Morning worship and relehra tion of the Lord's Supper 11 00., Sermon subject When You Lose Heart.'' Chi Rho group meets at LOO. C. Y. F. meeting. Co-operative eve ning service ‘1:00 at the Methodist church with Mr Goff speaking on “The Cure For Fear." The follow ing circles meet Monday at 4:00: The Sadie Pec! Circle meets with Mrs. D. M Roberson; The Sarah Manning Circle meets with Mrs. H. L. Barnhill with Miss Eva Irene Peete as joint hostess; The Eva Harrison Circle meets with Mrs. W. O. Griffin with Mrs A R. Dunning as joint hostess. Monday, 8:00, the following circles meet: The Alice Dunning Circle meets with Mrs. F. E Wes ton with Mrs. Woodrow Jones as joint hostess; The Hattie Edmond son Circle meets with Mrs. Bill Cherry with Mis. Walter Cherry as joint hostess. Tuesday, 8:00, choir rehearsal. Wednesday, 8:00, mid-week prayer and praise ser vice in the home of Mr and Mis John Dennis Harrison, Jr. Thf subject for discussion, "Credo " HASSELL CHRISTIAN Olin Fox. Pastor. Sunday school at 10:00. C B Burroughs, Supt. Christian Youth Fellowship at 0:4.r> p. m. Preaching first and third Sun days at 11:00 a m. and 7:30 p. m. The Woman’s Council Wednes day evening after first Sunday at 7:30. Visitors are welcome. WEST I'M) BAPTIST J. Thai! Ashley, Pastor. !):4f> a. in., Sunday school. Bur roughs Taylor, Supt. 11:00 a. in.. Morning worship service. 7:30 p. in., Vacation Bible School Commencement Program. The Vacation Bible School clos es Friday afternoon, June 16, and the Commencement Program will be presented Sunday evening at 7:30. There will be a Sandwich , Supper at the church Sunday eve j ning at 6:30, and all parents, chil dren, and anyone interested in the [ Bible School are invited to attend. The mid-week prayer service will bo held Wednesday evening at 8:00 p. m. The R. A s will meet with Les Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY'S For FURNITURE lie Gurganus Thursday evening at j 8 o’clock at the church. Mr. Gur ganus urges all boys to attend this meeting. The public is invited to worship with us at all services. -» BAPTIST 11:45, Sunday schor i. 11:00, Worship. 7:00, Training Union. 8:00, Worship The nursery will be open dur ing the morning services. Monday: 4 00. Fannie Biggs
attend. The church with a warm vvel : come invites you to its services. CEDAR BRANCH BAPTIST W. 11. Harrington. Pastor. Regular services will he held at 1'Vdar Branch Baptist Church Sunday night at 0:00 o'clock. Ail 'mernlieis are urged to be present and-1 he public is Invited. CARD OF THANKS We acknowledge with grateful appreciation the many acts of ! kindness ami the expressions of [sympathy shown us and the lovely floral offerings sent at the death i of our husband and son. Richard Raynor. Mrs Louise Raynor. Mrs. Fannie Raynor. Revival Resinning Monday At Riddick's ('•rove Church The revival meeting will begin at Riddick's Grove Baptist church Monday night at 7-15 o'clock and will continue through the week, i each night closing on the follow ling Sunday Rev. Stewart R ; Simms will he the preachei. The members will meet on Sun 1,lay night for prayer and song ser vice. All members are urged to he present. The public is invited. Jamesville Baptist w. B. Han melon. Pastor. . Ih-e.ut.ir .-e:vieos at .lainesville Baptist Glv,irrli Sunday at UdlO o'clock. All members are urged to be present and the public is in vited. « modern design electric range yT "to OKI /New 'Tuck-Away' space l for my (tffchen stool!" TERMS:»’"s Down- 18 Vlonths to Pay Wfestinghouse ^ ELECTRIC RANGE This new range with “Tuck-Away room brings new spaciousness to the modern kitchen! The newest lpok in range design . . . Bit! range capacity —4 “Corox” Units, extra-large 1 nie Temp Oven and Storage Drawer. Its the smart range buy of the year. you CAM te SURE..IF rriWestin^iouse Worrell Appliance Co. Dollar IbrDollar you cant beat a POMTIAC Amrricu'* l.oireiti-Hrlred Siraiyhi dyhl l.ou'eal-Hrlred Car ullh HM Hydra-Motif Hr iff Optional nu oil models at extra tost. Hotrer-Parked SUrer Streak Haylnet —Chaire at Six or Ciyhl World Heaoirued Hoad Herord tor Kroaoniy aad t uny Lite The Maul Mrautllul Thlay on Wheela A Wonderful Performer -at a Wonderful Prlee! Almost everybody has a good word for the im mensely popular Pontiac. Hut the only one who really knows the whole wonderful story of this great car is the person behind the wheel. lie is the one who knows how thoroughly good Pohtiac is. He is the one who can relax and enjoy Pontiac’s eager power, its effortless, easy-going stride in traffic and on the highway. He, too, has the deepest appreciation of Pontiac's size and roominess, and its depend ability, mile after mile. Ves, it’s behind the wheel of a Pontiac—and only there—that you can know the deep pride of driving the most beautiful thing on wheels. In fact it is only behind the wheel that you can fully understand how impressive Pontiac's price is—for that is where you know for sure that dollar for dollar, yon can't beat a Pontiac! DELIVEKED HIKE 5-Passenger Streamliner Six-Cylinder Sedan Coupe Stale a Hi/ local taxes, if any. license, rational equipment and accessories— extra. Prices subject to change u ithftut notice. Prices mar can in mr round - tug communities due to trans portation differentials. CHAS. H. JENKINS AND COMPANY WILUAMSTON — AHOSKIE - AULANDER - EDEN TON — WINDSOR