New Film Based On Prize Novel One of the outstanding events of the current movie season, Rob ert Rossen’s production of “All The King’s Men," based on the Pulitzer Prize novel by Robert Penn Warren, will have its local premiere at the Victar Theatre Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Released by Columbia Pictures,1 the powerful film includes in its j principle roles Broderick Craw ford, Joanne Dru, John Ireland, John Derek and Mercredes Me-; Cambridge. The story of a big shot whose world suddenly exploded in his face, "All The King’s Men’’ is said to unfold with mounting intensity j a moving drama of a large scale ; slice of American life. The movie j is reported to be a big one in | every respect, including the ae- ; tion, cast and story. Filmed on location in the three northern! California towns of Suisun, Fair-1 field and Stockton, thousands of townspeople and the actual build ings of these towns were used to f FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES DIAL 2380 WILLIAMS I ON OFFICE SUPPLY CO. give the film an impact and a scope that few films in recent years have achieved. As the big shot politician who, by gift of* tongue and magnetic personality climbs to the political pinnacle of his state, Crawford has the best role of his career. Brutal, forceful and dynamic, he attracts to his service support ers of every stripe including gamblers and crooks, aristocrats and the common people, putting them in his hip pocket, next to the whiskey and the blackjack and the gun. Hungry for power, Crawford's appetites are not appeased by its achievement. Instead, he rides roughshod over all opposition, humbling his opponents in the dust until his villainies force a few decent people to risk rum in order to destroy him. The film is said to be loaded with great acting performances in addition to Crawford’s. There is the portrayal of Miss Dru as a young aristocrat who becomes a worshipper at the shrine of the, “great" man; that of Ireland's as the big shot’s hatchet man who devots himself ultimately to de stroying the legend that sprang up among the faithful; Derek’s as the great one adopted son; and Miss McCambridge’s who comes from the Broadway stage and the radio field to give a bril liant first performance as his earthy secretary. Rossen wrote the screen play and also directed, in what is ac knowledged to be his greatest screen achievement. Ill At Home Here Mrs. D. D. Stalls, Jr., is ill at her home on Ray Street. Have You Forgotten Something? SUNDAY IS FATHER'S DAY and Wr Him1 That <»ifi Voii know Hr Will Apprrrialr ami Knjoy. B. S. Courtney & Son ""Furniture Since 191 I" Dishonor begins at home! Broderick Crawford slaps his son, 1 John Derek, in this scene from Robert Rossen's production of "All The King's Men" at the Viccar Theatre. John Ireland and Anne Seymour also appear in the Columbia picture beginning Sunday. Dance Recital In School on Friday -i>— Miss Annie Lee Powell, danc ing teacher, presented her pu pils in a spring dance recital Fri day evening in the high school auditorium here. Eleven ballet and tap numbers were staged before a large au dience by twenty-six young dan cers in elaborate costumes. The first number, "Tappcttes'’ was danced by Ann Haislip. Judy Riley, Laura Jo Glenn, Judy Bul l luck and Helen Anne Harris. A ballet ensemble in lavender and I blue was danced by Ella Martin I Gaylord, Mary Emma Peele, Jean Trahe.v, Laura Frank Crawford, Patsy Bowling and BiUie Peele. | In a number, entitled "Samba (Tap”, Lillie May Delarrfar, Kath erine Johnson, Jane Brady and I Cherry Garris danced in bright colored Mexican costumes with full-length ruffled slit skirts For the next dance, the stage was set with five white ruffled baby cribs and dolls and Ann Haislip, Judy Riley, Laura Jo Glenn, Judy Bulluck and Helen Anne Harris, dressed in white satin gowns, danced a ballet number entitled “Lullaby Ballet." Lela Frances Harrell, Sharon I Harrison, Lou Godwin, Martha1 Rawls and Ann Woolford danced ! mi stage in lime green coats and top hats and did a tap number to the tune of "Winter Wonderland", Next, Ella Martin Qaylord, Mary Emma Peele, Jean Trahev, Laura Frank Crawford, Patsy Bowling and Billie Peele. wearing red plaid and white dresses and matching wide brimmed hats, danced, using small bicycle bells in their tap routine. A song and dance number, entitled "Balling the Jack", was done by Betsy Davis, Sally Gray Griffin, Mary Frances Martin, Virginia Hollo man and Dianne Cherry. Dress ed as gypsies and carrying tam bourines, Lillie Mae Delamar, Katherine Johnson, Jane Brady and Cherry Garris danced a lively gypsy ballet. This was followed by the only solo of the evening, a ballet solo by Barbara Gurganus who wore a short full-skirted cos tume of dusty rose. Miss Gur ganus was followed by Ann Woolford, Sharon Harrison, Lou Godwin, Maltha llawls and Lcla J Frances Harrell w'ho formed a I ballet ensemble in silver and white. Concluding the program was a ballet, entitled "Skater's Waltz", danced by Mary Frances Martin, Virginia Holloman, Betsy Davis, Sally Gray Griffin and Dianne Cherry who wore brilliant red costumes trimmed with bells Mrs James Ward, pianist, was accompanist for the dancers. I Compare head room qnd leg room. De Soto gives you more. Compare visibility. You see more in De Soto. Compare driving ease. ")e Soto lets you drive without shifting7 Compare safety. No car in America has bigger brakes. Tun. Ill THl GftOUCHO MA*X SHOW, "Yeu B.t Your W.,‘ •very Wednesday night. On all CIS stations. ...SO EASY TO BUY TOO! Step ill ami prl nil Ilif filt h. Wr >011 give you a Kf'iicroiiit ulltMUiiict* on your prrerut car. Ua»y ||l<» III ll I v pM> lllt'lllh. Voii Hill In* Mirpri.-nl al how ca>ih lliir beautiful nrw Hr Solo ran lie jour*. ONLY DE SOTO GIVES YOU VALUES LIKE THIS! • Smart Naw Styling • High-Cemprertian Pawermastat tngiaa • li| IJiaih Italiat Tip-Tea Hydraulic Shift leu Yaw Driva Without Shifting {Standard on Custom Moe/c/i. Optional at ortro toft on Do luno Scuff-resistant Cylinder Well* linger Gloss Areo losy, Shock-free Sleeting * Woterpieef Ignitiee Modoh.) • fnll-Ciodled Ride DeSOTO and ^^OOTHoty GRIFFIN MOTOR CO. 403 Wueiiiuglun Si reel WILLIAMSTON, IN'. C. To Visit in Smithfield Jane and William Manning will spend next week in Snuthfield with their aunt. Mis. Albert Far mer. and Mr. Farmer. CARO OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbors for the many kind things they did for us during our illness. And we especially desire to thank the people of Macedonia and Maple Grove for the nice eon- | tribution they sent us. They will 1 long be remembered. May God bless you all. Mrs. Francis Lilley and Children. State of North Carolina Department of State PRELIMINAK V ( ERTIFICATE OF 1HSSOLLTION To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, it apears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated re cord of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my of fice. that the Standard Fertilizer Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is sit uated in the Town of Williamston. Counts of Martin, Stale of North Carolina (C Godwin Crockett be inn the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom pro cess may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 35. General Statutes, entitled “Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dis solution : Now Therefore, I, Thad Eure. Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 5th day of June, 1050, file in my office a duly executed and at tested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings are now on file in my said office as provided by law In testimony whereof, I have hereto set. my hand and affixed mv official sea! at Raleigh, this 5th day of June, A. 1) 1950 Thad Eure, Secretary «>f State. .It' 8-15-22-29 NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. The Board of Commissioners of Martin County, under and by au thority of law conferred upon them, will, on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1950, at 12 o'clock noon in front of the courthouse door in the Town of Williamston, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at public auction the following described properly, to | mm $1acc I Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey FULL 4 YEARS OLD *6 PROOF. KENTUCKY SIRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. THE STAGG DISTILLING CO., FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. # wit: Beginning at corner of Jones' house and lot on Main Street in the Town of Williamston, thence along Main Street 55 feet,, thence a line parallel with Main Street 160 feet to a stub, thence a line paral lel with Mam Street 55 feet to Jones line, thence along Jones’ line lilt) feet to the beginning, this being the same premises convey ed to W J. Griffin by B. A. Crit eher and wife, O/elia, by deed dated Dec. 1st, 1910. and of record in Book D-2, page 105 of the Public Registry of Martin County, and also being the same premises conveved to Julius S. Peel by W. J Griffin and wife, Mary E. Grif fin, and also being the same land deeded to Martin County by Les lie Fowden and others, of record in Book D-2, page 571. The bid will lay open for a per iod of ten day« for a raise of bid, and ’1 anybody des;ri s to raise the bid, bid may be raised with J. Sam Getsinger, Clerk of'the Hoard of County Commissioners, or with Peel & Peel, County Attorneys. The successful bidder will be required to make a deposit of 10 percent. f This the 2nd dav of June, 1050 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF MARTIN COUNTY B.v J. Sam Getsinger, Clerk. Peel &. Peel. Attvs., Williamston. N. C je 8-15-22-29 USE T-4-L FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT IECAUSE— It has greater PENETRATING Pmw. With 90% undiluted alcohol ha«»«, tf carrfr* the active medication DEEPLV. to kill thf» germ on contact. Grfc happy relic# IN ONE HOUR or your 40a back • t any drug store. Today at Sold in Williamston by Clark’s Drug Store and Davis Pharmacy, Summer Begins June 21st Sln|» ami lake iu\entni'v ol your house ami garden need-. Vliikc I'rrlain tlial von arc • mII\ menaied for llie lm( «lavthat lie ahead. SUMMER SCREENING Screen Wire Window Screens Screen Doors FLY SPRAY FLY SPRAY-DDT-25 CL 0 GARDEN HOSE LAWN MOWERS Woolard Hdw. Co. Paint Haadiftutrlar* SHOP Value Priced Bargains —Sale Starts Fri ini|M>ri*'<l (Jiiiiii (in|» ami Sauc«*r Delicate n— unusual beauty __ and i|Uality — mM mM mm Standard si/a- M- M flj (iet several. Motiud shaped or antic flavored Jelly dipped in while ir itis. SPECIAL, lb. FtATfWE i \mi;s cotton sui»s IIUIMNC I* VM S White Colton Knit with Kayon Stripes. Clastic Top, double rroteh '! ti Saninrizcd 2-sore, eyelet embroidery t< (i and bottom. White — Sizes 32 to 40. Hollywood brief style in 2 bar tricot knit with elasth les- White, pink. blue. Popu lar sizes.'sc 2IKII) ineli size, heavy quali ty in lift lit pastel colors. A Cannon t{vality product. 2 pair 73c <C«ATU*E Ladies' Rayon Panties 2 Pairs 29c Ladies' Rayon Slips 5'i0 ■gZxJb 130 STORES SERVING 5 SOUTHERN STATES

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