( Secure I.icense A niamaso license was issued in the niunly this week to Dewey L.-s Edvard* o! Williamston and Ethel Lan Speller of KFD 4. Windsor. Here Tuesday Mr and Mrs Waltei Kennedy ol Kinston visited Mr and Mrs. Marvin Cnlti.hr. here foi a short while Tuesday. Here Wednesday Mr Henry G. Shelton, district highway commissioner, of Speed, was a business visitor here yester day. Mr Shelton was accom panied In Harry Weseott of the State Utilities Commission. ■ Austir^jNichols CLUB RESERVE t BLENDED WHISKEY $2.101 pint - $3.35 j fifth I I I Vba StrargM Wh.sVay; In Ihit pro4wfT in $ I — jfion or mon old, SttQtqh! Whiiktv. 40% ■ 1 tram Niutral Spirits, 84 8 proof. I Return!! To Home His condition much improved following treatment in a Rocky Mount hospital. Mi John Bland returned to hi.* home near here this week. Returns To Rich Square Mrs. Edwin Holding returned to her home in Rich Square yester day after a short visit here with' relatives. In Greenville Yesterday Mrs C. H. Godwin. Sr., and Mrs. W. F. Coppage visited in Greenville yesterday. Building Home Mr and Mrs. W. L. Howell are starling the construction of a home on the corner of Lee 'and, Vance Streets near the new hos pital. Visits Here Mi N. C. Everett of Roberson-; ville visited here yesterday after noon. Spends Day Here Mrs. Walton White of Norfolk spent Tuesday here with Mr. and Mrs George Harrison, Jr. Spend Day in Beiltaveii Mr and Mrs. C J. Brady. Mrs. W H Belssing and Mr. and Mrs Bruce Holloman spent Wednesday in Belhaven. Attend Graduation Exercises Mi and Mrs. Carlyle Langley, Jr. have returned from Cullo whre where they attended the graduation of their son, Carlyle Langley, 111. from W. C T C. The young man was graduated with a bachelor of science degree. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. i Peele’s — Jeweler* 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 ! Business V’isilor Here Mi . M. F VanNortwick of Rob ersonville was a business visitor hero yesterday. To Attend Meeting Mi. ahri. Mrs. Wheeler Martin, Mi. and Mrs. C.ofr-tez.Gr-eeri. Mi. and Mr- Fiartk Margolis. . Bar bara and Richard .Margolis , and Mrs. Earl Wynn will - leave Sun • day- morning for Virginia '-Beach where they ;w.il) -attend a three day meeting of the North Carolina Building and Loan League - Tour Mountains Mr. and Mrs. Rubin-Bailey, Mr. and Mrs June Beach and:daugh ter. Diahne, and Mrs. Nellie-Hardy toured the mountains in Virginia last week-end, driving through the Sky Line Drive. Returns To Base Pfc. Rex Singleton of'the U. S. Air Force, has. returned to his-base at- Shaw Field. Sumter. S C., for reassembly after a forty-day• fur lough spent here with his mother. Mrs. Perlid.Gardner and family. Receives Degree Mi Robert Bryan Jones was graduated -with a bachelor of sci ence degree from W. C. T C., in C'ullowhee last week-end. Visiting Parents William K. Lilley, Jr., who has returned recently from Seanda navia, is spending some time near here with his parents. Mr -and Mrs. Kader Lilley before going to Ins new station in Georgetown. British Guiana. Announce Birth of Daughter I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Van ; Landingham announce the birth of a .daughter, Elizabeth Diahne. j on Wednesday, June 7, in a .Wash j mgton hospital. Mrs. Van Lynd j ingham is the former Miss Mar garet Moulin of Plymouth. In Kitty Hawk Yesterday Attorney Robert H. Cowen at |tended to business in Kitty Hawk yesterday. June is dairy Month i IT WOULD be difficult to estimate how ?m*It kmMbm'e lnqh stdiiJaid ui health is diiecdy due to