TO HOLD FOOD SALE A Food Sale, sponsored by the Sweet Home Church Christian Endeavor, will he held Saturday morning beginning at 10:30 at the Employment Office. Fresh vege tables, cakes and a variety of other foods will be sold. Il Takes “Know lloir" AND WE HAVE IT HEATING — and — Sheet Metal Work LENNOX AIR CONDITIONING Approved JOHNS-M ANMLLE Roofing Contractor WHITE'S HEATING \ND SHEET METAL WORKS T. O. Box (i»4 WILMAMSTON, N. C. PHONE 2;Jf»0 T Local Firm Will Handle Jet Curers i The Farmers Supply l'o. of | Williamston has been appointed i as distributor in this area for the I AMF .let Tobaceo Carer, which | uses the new principle of jet com bustion to cure tobacco automati cally and economically. in contrast to carers familiar to tobacco growers, thi' AMF Jet Tobacco Carer requires no ex haust flues in the barn, because it produces virtually no smoke or soot or other ordinary products of od combustion Engineers of the American Machine and Fotindary Company, who spent three years developing the unit, have found that from lit! to 91) per cent of all the heat value in the oil is extracted. Throughout the test period, which is now entering its fourth year, the AMF Jet Cuter has been used bv practical tobacco growers throughout the flue-cured belt Farmers have reported fuel sav ings of from 30 to 50 percent or more, with "average” barns re quiring from 75 to 100 gallons of No 2 fuel oil, somewhat less ex pensive than the kerosene in com mon use SLAB WOOD FOB SAI.I, CIIKAI*. Dial 2160 Williamson Supply Co. Safety-check: stop lights, signal lights, headlight aim, brake lining tires, front wheel hearings. Correct by machine: wheel align ment for easier steering. Step up performance: cjeun spark plugs, adjust carburetor and distrib utor, tune up engine. Increase tire life: cross-switch all five tires. Improve ride: l.lJHKICAKH “lubri cation-plus” maintenance. SEE YOUR NEAREST BUICK DEALER Storming through savage battles, Hon Randell is featured in Columbia Pictures’ "Tyrant of the Sea," at the Watts Theatre, as an officer aboard a mutinous man-of-war on a “suicide" mis sion in hostile seas. The picture is scheduled for Wednesday only. Oak (.ity Solilier To lake S/ieeial I onise Corporal Ernest Barfield, De tachment “B", BOB 1 st Regional Post Engineer Service Unit, will soon depart for the Air Transport ability Training ('enter where he Solely leatures include an "o leetrie eye”, which shuts off the unit automatically if the spark ignition is interrupted. A fusible link also stops operation of the cuter if the barn temperature rises above curing levels. A standard, 1 11 horsepower electric motor supplies the power The AMK Jet Cuter is being marketed through the American Machine Development Corpora tion, an subsidiary, with offices in Richmond and Raleigh will attend the Cadre Course. This course is designed to teach the correct manner of loading and unloading both men and equip ment for transportation by air Stationi'd in Yokohama, Japan's major port city and seat of head quarters of tin' Eighth Army, Cor petal Hatfield fills all essential assignment with the Army's Oc cupational Forces here as a super visor ol indigenous personnel m the crating section. This section is responsible for the packing and crating of the belongings of Occu pational Personnel departing for the Udited States for reassign ment. Entering the Army in Novem her, 1042, Corporal Harl'icld serv ed in France and Germany during tpan in the war. He arrived in .1 JUST ARRIVED SOI III TIM IN C Vl{ LOAD Channel-Drain Roofing WILLIAMSTON SUPPLY CO. \,u(f//icaif aIiavpu . AinnU . «aaa«ii cherry * pineapple • cocoanut ICE CREAM L0%r^!fs/ i i A Inseinn* Mend of cliorry, |tinea|»|d<» and eoeoaiinl uilli extra smooth ice (ream. Imi joy Sweetheart Ice dream often during the rohiantie inonlli of June. taki: s<mi iiomi: toiuy: Maola Ice Cream Co. Washington, N. C. Returns For His First I isil Here In .'13 Years < W. C. White, colored employee of the old Williamston Telephone Company when operated by the) late VV C Manning, was in town j this week renewing old ari|uain tanees Whim tiow lives in Raleigh j anil it was lus first visit here in | 33 years. A native of llertie] County he stated that he hardly j recognised the town and met hut 1 very few people that he remem bored V.'T. I. Institute Tit lie In Rreenville Next II <•<•/>! A Parents Teachers Association Institute will tie held at K. C T C. in tlrccnville next week A1 though the program has not been i August 1940 and was assigned to his present duty. Corporal Barfield is the son of! Mrs. Lizzina Barfield of Oak City, North Carolina. released as yet, it is understood that interesting sessions are to be held Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday and provision is being \ made for any one attending to sta> on the campus during the three da.s - at veto reasonable1 rates. The president of the local unit is asking that any member who can attend any 01 all of the ses sions of the institute get in touch with Mrs, Irving Margoiis. elutir man of the institute committee. Mrs W K Thornton attended the institute at (IrOensboro last vrai and reported it was a very enjoyable one She re polls that she will not l>o able to attend tins year but urges anyone who can to go over I'm some of the .e Ions at least. Opening irl i'.ullrvy In Plymouth Ttnnorroir Mr W H’rith Winslow of Ply mouth has extended an invitation, through the president of the !o cal Womans Club, to all club members and interested friends to attend the opening of his Art. Gallery on Friday, June Ifith from 3:00 pm to 3:00 p m The g:illers i liicated at 10-1 Jeffer on Street over Swain Bin. k i‘..rnpaiiv tin Plymouth Mr. Winslow was the guest speaker at the February meeting of the Womans Club and gave an interesting talk on '.'Ut from the | Artist-". Point of Vied* His art •alleiv will be ,,f interest to all | \v ho ran attend. G*W SEVEN STAR Blondod whltkoy. "7h« whlskiot <jr» 4 )Mn or mor* old. 37h* atralght wMtkty. *3V4% ;M«lnl spirit* dutiihM •raw grain. 1S% tlraighl vklikty 4 yoart old. 11% straight whltkoy 9 yoart old. 7)4% ttralght whlskoy 4 yoart old." $^40 4# 4/5 «T. \n\% APT. 90 PROOF OOODIRHAM A WORTS IIMITID, MO* I A, ILLINOIS For Sunday Dinner! cur- up. . .ready for the pah/ PLUMP FRESH TEMPTINGLY TENDER Lb. _53c LUNCH meat - 59c ARMOt'K'K STAR SPH’HI SLI( I l) UK A V V WESTERN PROPERLY TRIM WED BEE E CHUCK ROAST i>> 67c C SIKH) VOIN1I HFKP LIVER ib AKMttl It's SIAR SKINLESS __ FRANKS ib » Armour Star Slirnl BACON, III. (i.'tr KIB UNO Boneless Stev BEEF 77c lb Omiii-f’rrv/i AV*« T««*# Small EI.OHNOER, II. 2">< Speeklr THOIT, ll» !."».■ BIJTTKRFISII, puuml 2."»r pf.kcii limn, n. PORK ROAST lb. 49c Fresh Ground BEEF 57c Lb Check These lf)<* Valut s PARK PLACE BRAND TOILET TISSUE 4 Ml KRAY'S S AVERT VANILLA WAFERS SI ANDAkU .U. NkthlllNS or G’FRUIT 2 RE I KLSHING Will It. HOC MB .APPLE JUICE 2 LANG'S SWEET MIXED PICKLES PHILLIP S BRAND BE ANS AND FRANKS BROCK'S CANDY MARSHMALLOW PEANUTS MELLOW AAHimiOt't APPIE SAUCE 2 I S FANCY I I T GREEN BEANS SILKELfS IOMVIO CATSUP Rail* Pop. Brands Chewing GUM 6 5 i L 20c^ Brill's Spanish RICE 19* WITH TOMATO SAKE—HEINZ PORK A BEANS STANDARD MED RIPE Tomatoes 2 WHOLE KERNEL WHITE KlIOl PEG CS CORN I K FANCY EIUII COCKTAIL (a. MAIL HUSH Cl I I Vint K PICKLES KELLOGG* RICE KKlfcPIE* CEREAL LIBBY* TASTY SI IK I# BEETS l7i-Oi HOMEMAKER HELPS NVo/,c/i, v I izi!;:..'---‘r rrie.i " - Slntril I 1 -‘‘l** ui iih i, ... TmX,7 ‘,,d >Ul, r' »“.iidleii lllclu.0 . pretty a, »•'», ,u 1W.e, I hut ""•re-, 1,7, ‘ ,r »'»•» riifx „ !*■ fur ,und 1,.. i... . ° fur KLAUT No 2’ Can 19 f"r mtndwirhr, , , , J»ui l,,„Uv Fleu.e iiidke meul plan ill ne , * ’ • • “ "ti frit dilrkeu oft, ii * ", h fc* srtv «ie.nSW,iTm BV ' R,, n ^,< ki:n »r»h,,wf:.r ij"?, ,„r "»'* «mf pepper « **»'»“rtl .ill. ‘"d, ,u, V!"? C R I AM V GO! 01 N CK1 \ >1 CORN no a 19c STOKI I Y S Ti ll NIP GREENS .? inch Of tAt Pit HuUh rookifi*. |Uini. Uri* ,,f4* *•> hr"*n evenly. ||ri|l "* So 4,1:1 ( Plere it^rnUh " * _ PUllrr u in • wifii u.irslc v l> **'••• «r»»y. mill, ll,e ,1,,,' Ulp he (flipping, scAu.orui <h,(kin ? r"l*« rooked ehiekeu <«l» (hopped celery • tftule,poonx inineed pur.l.. ! leuspooii, “ p* *'*r . S,'«***lr beulen ■ <;«P> chick-,, „„V eruitibt „„d ' “<■•*««. eele,,. add sol, 'i I'euyed ,4, Iharoujhly 1 tlfeken. Set r.„er„l. , “ ,’"ur “ye, »“rr „„d hake |„ “ , 1,1 uf hot M ".‘Ill art atiout “d ,* ' “v,u '■'•in >» » *" ‘-dr Serve, p No 217 19c DLL MOM I I V III Y <. AlllO N SPINACH no 2 19c LYNNHA\IN PREPARED MUSTARD N \ K1 SCO I’ll! Mll M CRACKERS \V A\l l» I* \l*l It CUT-RITE IIEINZ I OAI \ I (> KETCH1 Cl AIM' S 1 I II AIM I* Qt 19c ib 25c Ron 21a M o? 25c BABY FOOD 3 29c I'M \ RLE S I K \l N I O HONEY N OH Till UN PAPER TOWELS iib 33« Roll 15c " (ivniitm r«p. cubed rhlek.i, 1 1,‘M ‘bopped eel. <“P majonnabe Kk.y K u f N fa'<rri/»n Vicet.l ‘.up “ffrd almond, ‘f ripe oil,,, * t ouibiue dill ken . ■ ^dd dluiond, Vld ".-*'“11 ‘““"d ““ lettuce lu„ *.‘fure aer.i,,, •flb rip, ullt,. p* *‘.d fanti.i. PEAS 17 Os. Can 19 Gowiefi'frusfi Rrerfuce! FOR CRISP BAltDEN-FRESH YKUETARLKS WII l.l S( U)lTS FRESH FRF FI'S YOl (ANT BEAT ( (M.OM VI.’S PRODFFK FANE! AT ('OI.ONIAI, YOl ARE VSSFREO OE HK.HEST CRIAUTY PROIRTK AT EVERYOAY IONS PRICKS;. SWEET RIPE BED TO THE RIND WATERMELONS titor titin uifi vni CANTALOUPES I REKH TIM)! R GKIIN CROWDER peas TENDER (.KEEN DKI.K IOI K CORN-on-the-cob I AM Y HARD III AO ( III I N CABBAGE F. 2 ibt 4 3 far« lbs $1.29 25c 25c 23c 13c U S No 1 White POTATOES 5 21c Extra Kaitf.v (iret-n Tup (liOTols, 2 Imurlips 17c June it EXTRA LGE CALIF SUNKIST Lemons d»». 13c Dairy Month MPIkklNk bit AMIS LIMAGRANDS •■o*. 10c Hll L’K—ALL-Ml A T DOG FOOD 2 co... 25c tjM ■ i IV \ Triangle Pure ‘EOII E l SOAP WOODBURY HEALTH SOAP LIFEBUOY WEI H bOLII M RINSO BATH MZL He LUX SOAP Guess Work Lliminoled Ily plainly price marking rvi ry Item In your Colonial Store, you have posi tive proof of what you pay! I*»irsi TIVK I*KOOK of roi k lioltom prieea every clay. Not just we k eml "ape" but everytlay low priees . . . LOOK FOR THE CS ROOSTER

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