Rams Continue To Set Pace In County League .liiiiK'-'X illc ;iimI Kvcrrllf Art* \Im* On Winning Sidr \ i*sirr«hi\ Afternoon The Robcrsonvillc Rums con tinued to set the. puce in the Mar ti;’. Count.’, league in Wednesday's games but tiic Everetts Cubs also kept their winning streak going by defeating the Oak City Roost ers and pulling to within half a g.mv. of a tie tor third place, a spot now divided between Oak City and Bear Grass each ol these clubs having a .500 average Williamston’s winning streak was cut off at two games when Jumesviile stopped the Martins, -1 to 2 at Jamesvilie. Robersonville used long drives when the bases were occupied to trounce Bear Grass. 17 to 2. and keep the Bears' losing streak go ing. Everetts won over Oak City 4 to 2 and Farm Life and Wash ington will play tlii'ii game on Saturday afternoon FARM LIFE 4 W ASHINGTON 2 Reported as one of the best games played on Kugler Field this season. Farm Lile defeated Washington Sunday afternoon 4 to 2. The. game was a real pitch er's battle w ith Ricks of Farm Life besting Washington's Billy Daw son. Ricks limited the Bees to four well scattered hits while the Farm Life boys reached Dawson for sev en. Both hurlers went the full nine innings. The Bees drew first blood when! they pushed across a run in the first frame but Farm Life knotted I the count with a single tally in tlie third The Bees went ahead again with a run in the bottom of the third but that was all for' PLAY SATURDAY v---i The same between Farm Fife and Washington which had been scheduled for Wed nesday at Farm Life will be played there this Saturday afternoon, it was announced yesterday morning. Williamston wilt play at Farm Life Sunday afternoon in a regularly scheduled con test. them and Farm Life won the con test with two runs in the fifth and added their fourth run in the sixth. Tlit score had been previously reported and taken account of in figuring tlic standings but the box is listed below: Farm Life Manning, ss Ward. If | Terry. If Peele, rf Tice, rf Hardison, S., c Hardison, cf Hayes, 2b Hardison, G.. lb Griffin, 3b Ricks, p All It II F 5 0 0 0 10 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 12 0 4 0 10 4 0 0 0 4 10 0 4 110 4 110 3 0 2 0 Totals Washington Cherry, 3b Tetterton, cf Jackson, ss Woolard, If Smith, rf Galloway, lb Boyd, 2b Hodges, 2b O’Carroll, c Dawson, p 33 4 7 0 All It II E 4 10 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 10 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 10 0 Totals 34 2 4 0 JAMESVILLE 4 WILLIAMSTON 2 In a game featured by good pitching except for some wildness on the part of the Jamesville hurl ers in the last two innings, James - EXPERT - ] Auto Repair I MOTORS REBUILT ! Il’oor lirakes, a eloped radiator. faulty i«:ni*# lion may eause delay . . . and even a serious aeeideui. < lieek oil llial ear troulde today. 24-Hour Service If Necessary [Day Phone 3033 Night Phone 2582 | Vi e i u \ il»' all out patrons and friends to >isit l Us at our new <|iiarlers on tlie James* ille 11 i^li | "ay. just (teyoiid tlie \\ illianiston «'il> limits. [STEVENSON'S AUTO GARAGE | lornierl* operated as \iilo Hospital and lo ealed liehiud tin- (,uaranl\ Itank. On His One Day Of The Year W«- ii.nr on di»|da> a mimher of fine ^if(j. for l)a3 il I ! DESK REcijmm; ciuiks tilt back chains BED LAMPS RADIOS HASSOCKS LOl m;k CHAIRS PLATFORM KOCKKI1S OTTOMANS FOAM PILLOWS SMOKING STANDS electric FANS INNEKSPRIM, mattresses wardrobe SPRING S I I I I PORCH CHAIRS WoolardFurnitureCo. Martin bounty « Lvuding lurnilure Store” jj lUSM l I L'J - ■ l-i'l !'■« vJ >« V Balling Leaders In Softball Are Listed -.■»-, A full 62 percentage points in front of his closest competitor, Fisher Harris of the Methodists is currently setting the batting pace i in the Williamston Church Soft hall League. The figures given below cover all games up to June 10 except for June S’s doublehead cr. In those hitting at a clip of .200; or better, the league-leading j Methodists have fi, the second place Baptists six, the third place I Christians nine and the eellarite I Episcotenans five. : Player G Ah H Pet. Fisher Harris, M 6 21 11 .524 Dink Cherry, C. 5 13 6 .462 Oswald Stalls, M. 6 18 8 .444 Cecil Brown, C. 6 23 10 .435 Vernon Bunting, C. 6 23 10 .435 Jim Lowry, E.-P. 5 21 9 .429 Bruce Holloman, B. 5 19 8 .421 Darrell Clayton, M. 6 21 8 .381 Jack Sullivan, C. 4 16 6 .375 Bill Thrower, M. 5 17 6 .353 Tom Barnhill, C. 6 24 8 .333 John L Goff, C. 6 18 6 .333 D. B. Rogerson, C. 4 3 1 .333 Elton Hardy, E.-P. 6 15 5 .333 Ben Hopkins, B. 6 16 5 .313 Dillon Cobb, E.-P. 6 26 8 .308 Fitz. Fussell, E.-P. 4 13 4 .308 Clyde Manning, M. 5 13 4 ,308 Jack Manning, B. 6 20 6 .300 Win, Everett, E.-P. 4 11 3 .273 Daniels, M. 4 113 .273 Wilbur Jackson, B. 6 15 4 .267 Herbert Harrell, B. 4 12 3 .250 Frank Weaver, B. 4 10 2 .250 Junie Peel, C. 5 13 3 .231 Rupert Cowan, C. 5 15 3 .200 ville stopped Williarnston’s win ning streak at Jamesville yester day. 4 to 2. The Martins got only two hits but walks gave them a bit of help in the last two innings. Williamston had the bases load ed but could not get their men in and it cost them the ball game. Davis pitched for Jamesville, was relieved by Hardison in the 9th, and he in turn was relieved by Slim Gardner who finished the contest. Wallace Warren pitch ed 8-hit ball for Williamston. | The box: Williamslon T. Perry, 3 b Harrison, 2b Peel, e Davenport, rf Rogers, ss Sullivan, ef Geo. Wynn, lb Whitfield, If Warren, p Hedspeth, If Roberson, H. Wynn, Haislip, 2b Totals Jamesville D. Harris, 3b B. Davenport, 2b E. L. Martin, if E. Brown, ss Belch, ef McCaffity, lb Alexander, rf K Brown, e Davis, p | Hardison, p (9) | Slim Gardner p (9) Ab R H £ 4 0 0 1 3 0 10 3 0 0 1 4 10 0 3 0 0 0 .2 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0; 1 1 0 0; 0 0 0 o' 1 0 0 Oj 1 0 1 01 31 2 2 3 Ab R H E 5 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 4 110 4 0 11 2 10 0 4 12 0 4 10 0 4 0 3 0 4 0 10 0 0 0 0 o o o o; Totals 35 4 8 2 Score by innings: Williumston 000 oOO 011—2 Jamesville 000 102 01x-4 ROBERSON VII,LE 17 BEAR GRASS 2 Aided by two towering home runs by Tom Brown, one of then traveling 387 feet to clear the een tei field fence and turn in one rur ahead of him and the other goin* 395 feet and over the right centei field fence with two on base, th< Roberijpnville Rams Wednesdaj afternoon (ripped the Bear Grass Bears 17 to 2 as Ben Scott allowed 11 bits which he Kept scattered si that even a homer by Glenn Perk ins in the eighth brought only oni run for the Bears. Guy t orbes also hit a long dou blc with the bases loaded to adc to the Ram's scoring total. The box: SCHEDULE ... , Friday, June IS Oiik City at Willianiston , Saturday, June 17 Washington at Farm Life, after noon. •Robersoimlle at Jamesville Denotes night games. Sunday, June II Williams ton at Farm Life Washington at Jamesville Robcrsonville at Oak City Everetts vs Bear Grass, at Wil humslon park. RESULTS Wednesday, June 14 Robersonville 17, Bear Grass 2. Everetts 6, Oak City 4. Jamesville 4, Willianiston 2. Washington at Farm Life, post poned u.,t.i isalurdsy afternoon. 1 | MOVE GAME v/ Announcement was made yesterday that the Sunday Eame between Bear Grass and veretts which was scheduled to he played at Bear Grass, is to be played in the Williams ton park instead. Everetts will be trying to keep its recent winning streak alive while the Bears are de termined to break back into the winning column again af ter running into difficulty in their recent games. A game and a half separates the two teams In the standings. Bear Grass j Smith, rf, ss Perkins, cl Wobblcton. c Roebuck, lb Roberson, 3b Peaks, 2b Wynne, ss A. B, Rogers, If, p _ Williford, p, If J. Terry, p . Harris, rf . Ah R H E 5 0 5 1 4 4 4 4 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 10 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 „ 2 Totals Robersonville Warren, S„ ss E. Forbes, 2b, ss W. Cherry, c Brown, lb - Ross, cf _ Matthews, If Barnhill, rf Forbes, G„ 3b Scott, p D. Cherry, lb M. Croom, 2b . 38 2 11 1 AbRR E 4 5 5 4 - 5 4 _ 3 . 5 . 5 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals . . .42 17 18 1 Score by innings: Bear Grass 000 010 010— 2 Robersonville 000 362 60x—17 Announce Revival At Church Near Palmyra -t Beginning Sunday night at 8:00 o’clock, the pastor, Rev. W. B. Sherman will conduct a series of revival services in the Williams Chapel Methodist Church beween Hamilton and Palmyra. The ser vices will continue through June 27. The public is cordially invited to attend. Boy Scouts Report Their Activities » Cub Scouts, Den 1 Don 1 met with Mrs. Copeland Monday at 3 o’clock. She carried us out to Mrs. Leslie Gurganus for our regular meeting. The roll was called and the dues were collected. Each Cub said a Bible ver^e, after which Billy Marshall led us in the Lord's Prayer. The boys made ice cream for re freshments. Then we had a ball game which was enjoyed by all. Plans were made for camping out next Monday night. There will be no Monday afternoon meeting. Parents will be notified about the camping trip by the den mother. We wish to thank Mrs. Gur ganus for inviting us out. We had a nice trip. Gene Copeland, den chief. {ATHLITI'S FOOT m MhW — tu JUU — K. SNfe« Sold in W^Uiamston~by Clark’s Drug Store and Davis Pharmacy; or your hometown druggist. % HAVE YOU JOINED THE SUIT CLUB BULLUCK'S IF NOT, DROP IN TODAY AND SION UP! It’s a wonderful op* portunity to get that new suit you’ve beeu wanting! HURRY!!! 1st Drawing Monday, June 19th BULLUCK'S Range Rider Monte Hale and his faithful steed face danger in a scene from the thrill-packed Republic saga, “The Vanishing Westerner,” which plays at the Watts Theatre Saturday only. STANDINGS f V— ■ _) MARTIN COUNTY LEAGUE (Games through June 14) W. L. Pet 3 .786 3 .700 4 .555 6 .500 5 .500; 7 .460! 9 .2501 7 .2221 Roberson ville 11 Farm Life 7 Washington 5 Bear Grass 6 Oak City 5 Everetts 6 Williamston 3 Jamesville . 2 Services Continue In Tent In North Ktul Successful religious services are being conducted in the little brown tent in North End each evening at 8:00 o'clock. A special service will be held Sunday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock when the minister will have for his message text, "Five Things Hell Has that America Needs To day' There'll be no Sunday night service, it has rendered. Young Nan From County Describes Crop In So. Africa (Continued from page one) about fifty acres. The average is 150 acres per farmer. "These tobacco farmers make more money here in one year than our farmers make in five years. These people don't believe in hard work. They depend on the natives to do all of the work . . ! “The tobacco auctions begin here in April and finish about ■the first week in October. There are about 15 of us Americans out here—five auctioneers, one sale starter and the rest are buyers. Six of us are from North Caro lina, one from Kentucky and the rest from Virginia. The tobacco Men’s Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP G & W William 86 Prooi na ITRAMHT WNIIKIYt IN AM 4 YIARt OR MORI OID. MMOT, UK NEUTRAL *FII FROM MAIN. FATHER IS EXPECTIN’ I Ttyis Sunday is FuIIht's Day — Juue 18lh. Whether you re member him with a kiss, a pal on llu* back, or with an appro priate* gift — remember him! tkMQOtisdwtkw companies that are represented out here are imperial tobacco and export tobacco companies. ’'They grow about the same type tobacco as we do back home, but not quite as good quality. In fact, most of the seeds come from America.” A NEW WAY i TO CURE ) TOBACCO ( A SURE WAY BIGGER TOBACCO J ^CURER Now You Can Curs Sataiy and Easily With Oi[... at tho ► Lowest Cost Yeti HERE s real curing economy-at last. AMF Jet Tobacco Curer -ar. cut vour fuel costs from 30 to 50 percent or more Tobacco growers have proved it in three yeats of tests on their own farms AMF Jet Curer is the finely engineered, precision-built, economi cal oil-burning cuier you've waited for Its clean, smokeless, sootiest heat Rives your tobacco a bri(htness that brinRs top prices on the auction mar ket-and its fully automatic, safe and easy to operate. Take the time now to return the coupon below-and start yourself on the way to real curing economy this coming season. IP#* Arc I n stall inf: One Oi These Curers TODAY Al I !«> J. Kol><‘i>oir«> Farm. FARMERS SUPPLY CO. ■ fairjmdfcoolcr. you’ll be in a < J > JUNIOR that follows the dotted line to chic! y > As seen in GLAMOUR »10« SUNDAY AFTERNOON, a dotted Swiss charm* " er climaxed with dark organdy! Behold the triple rows of scalloped embroidery on the wonderful skirt. Junior sites 7 to 13. ' < other Carole King Juniors from $g9$ Darden’s Dept. Store vv