a wenly-five Cases Slated For Trial In Superior Court (Continued from page one) are charged with trying to victim ize Goldie Hvman in the old flim flam game Unable to arrange $200 bonds, both men have been in jail since May 10. Clarence Wiggins is charged with breaking into the home of Andrew Wiggins last Sundae night. The following five casts are booked for trial on Tuesday. June 20: Adjudged guilty ot setting woods on fire on tin lands ol O. P. Roberson and R. B Nelson on April 19. Murray Boyd appealed from the county court judgment, and is now at liberty unriei $250 bond. Charged with assaulting Wil liam Williams with a deadly wea pon. Dave Melton had his ease booked in the "big" court when he appealed from a judgment in the county court Bond was arranged in the sum of $500. Robert Jasper Rogers is charged with non-support. Appealing from a lower court judgment, Rogers did not report for trial hist March after the case was continued at the December term The case charging John E. Wal ker with passing a worthless check was continued last term un der praver tor judgment. In addition to the Early murder trial, one other case is on the docket for Wednesday William Quincy James is charged with drunken driving as of last Nov ember 1 lie appealed from the lower court judgment and the case was continued last March. Hundreds Attend Concert Here By Green Wave Band (Continued from page one) they picked up the color guard and majorettes to form a march ing circle around the drum sec tion. After returning to regular foi motion the\ came to attention TUESDAY • WEDNESDAY Narco Theatre Wll.l.IAMSTON, N. (', MMMMAMAMMMMMUMAm VICCAR THEATRE WILLI AMSTON TH l.’RSDAY - FRIDAY ‘"BARRICADE” Color by Technicolor Ruth Roman Dane Clark Cartoon and News SATCRDAY Double Feature ‘INDIAN AGENT’ Tim Holt “MR. WISE Gl'Y” East Side Kids Serial and Cartoon I WIWWIWIMMWMWWWW 1 before Mr Butler who directed them in playing the national an them. One of the most impressive of the several maneuvers was the rapid wav in which the band in creased and decreased front, ap parently with perfect co-ordina tion. The band leaves for Charlotte at H:00 o'clock Sunday morning, will spend the night in Davidson, go Charlotte for the parade Mon day. spend Monday night in Dav idson. returning to Williamston Tuesday Travel will be by two chartered busses and several private ears. Phony Race Issue Rejected Ry The Voters In State (Continued from Page One) 'vas raised by Graham's opponents simply ail h ruse to get votes, and not because this State is facing any crisis in its race relations. “This is doing a great disservice to our State," he commented, "and I am sure all thinking people join me in resenting it.” WantS FOR RENT: NEWLY CON structed. well equipped serviee station in Oak City on highway I2ii. II interested call or contact Baker Od Company, Williamston. je 13 2t ( LOSING FOR SEASON: THE Williamston warehouse of the Smith-Oou glass Company will close for the season on July 1. Please contact our agent if we can be of set vice in meeting your fer tilizer needs. Large stock cuter parts Smith-Douglass Co, J. E. i Coley, Agent. Planleis Warehouse i Williamston. • Linoleum • Asphalt Tile • Kubber Tile • Lino-Tile • Cabinet Tops a Specialty Factory Trained Mechanics Nu Job Too Large or Too Small Contract Prices to Contractors lliiiiniecutt Furniture do. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 TRI Kobcrsouville, N. C. THURSDAY FRIDAY mv\K WJFK With Joan Caulfield and William Holden SATURDAY. June 17 Double Feature Program VANISHING WESTERN KK Starring Monte Hale ki.ying sajcj;k With Mike! Conrad and Pat Carrison SUNDAY. June 18 C A G K I) With Fleanor Parker (Women in Prison) Also: Comedy MONDAY - TUESDAY June 18-20 In Beautiful Teelinieolor OIJTKIDKKS With Joel MeCrea, Arlene Dahl. Barry Sullivan and j Claude Jarman, Jr. t News and Shoit Johnson said it was significant that the decisions in the Texas and Oklahoma cases, which in effect upheld a segregation law that had been on the books for 55 years, were unanimous. Justice Clark of Texas and Justice Black of Alabama concurred in the de cisions which were written by another Southerner, Chief Justice Vinson of Kentucky. Flay Hrrr Friday ISight The Oak City Roosters will ! clash with the Williamston Mar tins in the local park tomorrow, ! Friday night at 8:0(1 o’clock. FOR RENT—BRICK STOKE and warehouse. Nin th Railroad j Street. Itobersonville C. L. Wil- . son. je 13 4t j BUY WITH CONFIDENCE. BUY from a company with a grand ' reputation. Brown Memorial Com- ! pany. Rocky Mount, N. C. R. Sherrod Corey, representative, Williamston, N. C„ Dial 29493, je 11 4t' WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard ; wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmberl Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager. Williamston, N. C. je 8 tf CLARK’S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf .Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycies-T rieycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QIJINN’S MOTORCVCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 lMARCOp Children 15c Adults 20c THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Montana" With ICrrol Flynn Alexis Smith Sport Cartoon SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "Sheriff Of Cimmaron" With Sunset ('.arson Also "Duke Of Chicago" With Tom Brown Chapter No. 10 of Serial Cartoon SUNDAY - MONDAY "Sands Of Iwo Jima" With John Wayne Vdele Mara John A pair Also Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "1 Was a Male War Bride" With Cary Crnnt Ann Sheridan Cartoon »OTVWWVWWWVWWVWWWVWVWWVVWVWWVVWWMWVWWVWWVVWWWV BQTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co. Hioiie 2050 W. J. MILLER & SON 116 Main St. Office WESTERN AL IO w POTATO SLIPS FOR SALE— Now, any time. See A. L. Crisp, near Batts Cross Roads. Washing ton. N. C. jc 8 3t NOW IS THE TIME TO FILL j your locker with fryers. The surplus season is here. Store now and save. We have an ample sup ply. Colonial Frozen Foods. June 8 2t DOES VOI R COAT, SLIT OR skirt fit? They dont! Then bring them to Bullu. a s for expert alt erations. n» H tf t'Oll RENT. SANDING MACK ine Itcfinish your floors your u-ir and do n first class job of binding and polishing your worn linii' floors We will-rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf FOR SALE: SEVERAL USED oil stoves in good condition. B. S. Courtney and Sen. my 16 lOt YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locl»cr. no 8 tf PARKER’S SELF-SERVICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 neon on Saturday. Try us for a qui; k and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf BARCLAY TILE BOARD in assorted colors for bath room and kitchens. We have all accessories for installing the above. Chrome, cap strips, baseboard, etc. This tile board is 3-lti" thick Our price 35c per sq. ft. F. O. B. Bethel. Hiimiicciitt Furniture Co. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 THEATRE — WIEL1AMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY "The Outlaw" Waller Houston Cartoon SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "The Vanishing Westerner" "Square Dance ■t . n With Vera Vague Jimmy Davis Chapter No'. 10 ol Serial Cartoon SUNDAY • MONDAY TUESDAY "Buccaneer's Mi Iff With \ * otiue il<‘ < .arlo I’liilip Frieml Color bv Technicolor Special Cartoon With Jam* Russell With Monte Hale Also Girl WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "Wagon Wheels Westward" With Wild Hill Elliott Also "Tyrant of the Sea" With K|)n Rumltdl Rli\ s Williams Cartoon Friendly enemies! Much to the disgust of Ann Sheridan, Cary Grant displays a tell-tale pair of nylons in this scene from “I Was A "Male War Bride,” the hilarious Twentieth Century-Fox comedy at the Marco Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday. It was the beginning of a frenzied romance that took the pair across oc cupied Germany and back, where the picture was filmed by 1)1" rector Howard Hawks. GLADIOLI FOR SALE FOR Father’s Day. 50e per dozen. Phone 2007. WANTED TO BUY— GOOD US ed automobile. Late model. Cash. Phone 2739. my 9 tf FOR RENT: 4-ROOM APART ment in Birmingham Apart ments. See R. L. Coburn. j 8 tf FOR SALE: 1938 FORD TRUCK. Good engine. See Mrs. J. L. Holliday or telephone 2-9414. j8 3t Watts Theatre ftOBtlrt DOUGl* LSMBHC«tSTt» MlDlll* K'W WillJiiinslon, N. C. Sunday - Monday - Tuesday YVONNE Qe CMtt.® PHI^ nm Screenplay by HAROLD SHUMATE and JOSEPH H Off MAN Directed by FREDERICK de CORDOVA Produced by ROBERT "ARTHUR | WANT TO BUY CORN IN shack at your farm. What kind 1 and how much do you have? Write or call L. N James Corn Houte. Bethel, N. C. ap 18 tf WE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial | 2057, Williamston. no 8 tf FOB HOUR CUSTOM . MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the nome or store, see us. Wc have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams i ton au 26 tf - - -- DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 tf kfo«V PLUMBING^ EDGE WOOD AVE • PHONE 2)09 WllllAMVrON,N.C. C0LUM1I* PICTURES presents ROBERT ROSSEN’S PRODUCTION el h. | >LL iHE KlN^S iVlBN ||H< «H* tin Pulitzer Prill Navel "All The King s Men" by Robert Penn Warree with •reNki CtAKIORO■ Jeanne DRU-Jeh* IRELAND• John DEREK• Mercedes McCAMBRIOGE Orittee lor tin 5;:;:; an> bktctiO b) ROBERT ROSSEN ‘1 VICCAR - Sun., Monday & Tuesday SALE — SALE Begins Friday, June 16th A Eur^c Slock of LADIES. MISSES, AND JUNIOR DRESSES (Irepes, Itciiilici^. Sliuiilim^. Toll Silks mid Doited Swi>s. Also, A Iteautiful Lino Of SUNBACK DRESSES In all color* anil style*. Prices Irom $2.97 to $7.95 Mr. Davis I kin just returned from the northern market where lit* selwted a largo stork of these dresses. Yoii run make your selection In all colors ami styles. We invite you to come to the Outlet Store for your sum mer dresses. You Mill be astonished to see the values you get for your money as »e buy them cheap and sell them cheap. ' You can pel a beautiful dress from $2.97 to $12.95 iallied from $7.00 to #20.00. Sizes 9 to 15, 12 to 20 ami 40 to 52, aUo, we have a large assortment of half sizes, 16 1-2 to 24 1-2. We Huv** A Big Assortment of While Toppers 1-2 Price ITV Have .4 Coinplele Lint' of Summer Underwear For Women und Miates Don't let anything keep yon away; pome to see this money saving opportunity on summer dresses. See ns first for the wonderful things we ean offer you. We invite you, one and all, to come and see the wonderful values at . . . THE OUTLET STORE WiiHliinglmi Street T"s*“ ^ illiumsloti, IN. <

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