F ARM LIFE 6. WASHINGTON 5 After each team had scored three runs in the very first inning Washington and Farm Life battled through five and a half scoreless innings before Farm Life won the decision with three more runs in the last of the seventh. The visit ing Bees came back for two runs in the first of the eighth but the rally fell short. Ricks went all the way for the Farm Life team while Woolard started !..» Washington and was 1 relieved .n the late innings by Dawson. Farm Life got 8 hits, the Bees 7. Farm Life made the only error of the game and only tvu’ men got urge than one safety in the contest. Galloway of the Bees gut two for five and Tom Tice of Farm Life got two for three. The game was played at Farm Life Saturday afternoon instead of Wednesday. Th box: Washington Galloway, cf Andreolia. 2b Gaylord, ss Wallace, lb Smith, 3b Dawson, If. p Woolard. p. If Brown, e Roberson, rf Ab K H E 5 12 0 5 10 0 4 110 4 0 10 5 0 0 0 3 0 10 3 110 4 0 0 0 4 110 Totals Farm Life Manning, ss G. Hardison, 1 b G. Tice. T. Tice, rf Ward. If S. Hardison, cf Stan. Hardison. If. F. Grill in, 3b Hayes. 2b S wee 1. c Ricks, p 37 5 7 Ab R H 2 2 0 3 0 1 1 0 1 3 1 2 1 0 0 4 1 1 lb 4 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 0 E 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 29 6 8 1 Score by innings. Washington 300 000 020—5 Farm Lite 300 000 30x—6 One-tenth of the entire world's rorn crop last year was pro duced m the State of Iowa. NOTICE OF SALE Undei and by virtue of the pow er of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust executed to the undersigned substituted Trustee m May 17. 1929, and of record in the Registet of Deeds Office Mar lin County in Book R-2, page 493, to secur* certain notes of even date therewith and the stipula tions in said Deed of Trust not having been complied with, and it the request of the holder of -aid notes, the undersigned substi tuted Trustee will, on the 30th dav of June, 1950, at 12 o'clock, Noon, in front of the Courthouse door -n Wiiliamston. N. C.. offer for i,ale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described pro perty : < A house and lot situate in the Town of Hamilton, N C, and known as the Charlie Mann lot, icing on Front Street, running We'st to Blake Watson line, thence South along Watson line to La ayette Staton line, thence East along Lafayette Staton line to Front Street, thence North along Front Street to the beginning. Containing 1-2 acre, mo'e or less, and being the same lot as situated x-tween die Masonic Hall and Lafavettc Staton's lot Th- da- of Mav 1950 A Cri teller, Substituted Trustee. h- t>-13-2(1-27 NOTICE of administration Having this dav qualified as Ad 'umistrator of the estate of Robert Gee, Sr., deceased, this is to notifv all persons having claims against this estate to present them to the undersigned within t w e I v e months from date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons owing any debt to the estate will please make imme diate payment This the 12th day ot June, 1950 Flftfu Men's Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD S SHOE SHOP G & W William Penn Blended Whiskey fetal Price Bruce Gee. Administrator of j the estate of Robert Gee. Sr. Lie 13-20-27 jfy 4 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Second Floor Addition Williamston High School Martin t ount.v, North Carolina Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Education of Mar tin County, Williamston, North Carolina, at the Martin County Court House, Williamston, North Carolina, up to 2:00 P. M„ June 23. 1950, and immediately thereafter publicly opened and read at the said office for: a. The General Construction b. The Electrical System c The Plumbing System d. The Heating System Plans and specifications and bid ding blanks are on file at the of fice of James W Griffith, Jr , Ar chitect. Greenville. N. C . and may be obtained from him upon de posit of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00). Bidders who submit a bona fide and reasonably bid will be refund ed the full amount of the deposit upon return of same in good eon dition within five (5) days after letting date. Cost of printing and handling will be retained on all others. All Contractors are hereby noti kVWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW |fied that any and all pertinent provisions of the General Statutes of North Caroline governing the letting of public building con tracts, subsequent amendments and enactments pertaining to the licensing, registration and regula tion of their respective professions and trades will be observed in the receipt of bids and the award of the work. All bidders must be duiv licensed as Contractors by the State of North Carolina at the time of submitting their bid and as provided by G S 105-a4, Sub section B. before undertaking to execute any contract. A bidders' certified check for ,V, of the bid must accompany each bid. (In lieu thereof a bidder may offer a certified cheek tor 2' ■ of the bid plus a bid bond of 3'> of the bid.) As required by law. all certified checks submitted with prop/-als shall hi' drawn on a Bank or, Trust Company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Said deposit to be retained by the Owner as liquidat ed damages in event of a failure of the successful bidder to execute the Contract within ten days after the award or to give satisfactory surety as required by law A performance bond is required VVWViaWtAMVVVWWVVVWVVV*l| BRANCH SERVICE IS ALL FOR YOU — (Ksr all of it that you ran Itranrli Hank facilities lia\i* hern made ax roni|drle a« |»os sihle for your benefit. When eonfronled with any finaneial need or prohlrin your first thought should be lo mine lo llic llraneli think. We nrlroiiir r\rry o|»|»ortiinily lo hr of scr> \ in* to \oil. icronnls ('.liwliing Loons Savings Accou nls Tru valors' (lir 15 fields on wliieli rvvoiiiiiivndations were followed prodiieed 515 pounds of lint. 15 ad joining field on wliieli no control praelives were followed produced 177 pounds of lint. Ivxperiniental tests with insecticides, where a complete control program followed, show in creases of 101 in 1.10 percent (1-2 to 5-1- of a hah' per acre). Total cost of the insecti cides used in these tests amounted lo about $10 lo $15 for the season. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE CONTROL OF COTTON INSECTS tllM'l'lS 1 I’,oil Weevil Aphid (Plant louse) I) Tlurps, Kleahopper. and Plant Bugs 4 Boll worm •r). Bed Spider I' !.. rttVorm Insecticides :Pi simma BHC*-.V» I)DT or 20c( Toxaphene or 10r; Chlordane, 5% DDT** 3C( jjamma HHC-5% DDT gamma BHC-5% DDT or ‘JO1. Toxaphene nr 5% DDT Pi gamma BHC-.Vi DDT or 20’. Toxaphene Sulphur 3r; gamma Bill-a*-", DDT nr 20p! Toxaphene AfPl.M ATION Where weevils are a problem each year make 3 applica tions, (i-8 lb. per acre, at 5-7 day intervals starting when squaring begins; watch conditions and if infestation rises to 10% make 2 or 3 additional applications using 10-15 lb. per acre a( 5 day intervals. 10 lb. pet acre, at 5 day intervals, for heavy infestation. Us ually one application will bring pests under control. May need to be applied very early. Treatment for boll weevil should hold population in check. *10 lb. per acre, as necessary (control usually achieved when dusting for other insects.) Same as above B- It) lb. per acre, at 5 diy intervals, when 4-5 worms found per 100 terminals. Same as above. 20 lb. per acre in ease of outbreak (control usually achiev ed where sulphur is included with BHO, Toxaphene or Chlordane.) 10 Ih. per acre, as necessary (control usually achieved when dusting for other inserts.) Same as above ’’•Sri?nem»?^mT h**ach,oridf ,r -'"taming 3% of tin gamma iwm.et elective * ’ v‘,riable 1,1 *"»»' ""'as results have been quite A Martin County F C X Service Williamslon, N. (1, i Mklyler BARGAINS FOR WEDNESOAY Six More Reasons Why You Should Shop At Belk-Tyler's READ EVERY WORD “V . '•* Unbelievable But It’s True ALUMINUM SALE French fryers, double boilers, dish pans, large covered pots, round roasters, sauce puns and kettles. Practically every kind of cooking utensil yoii need to have in your kitchen. This is indeed a wonder ful bargain. Come early. OIL CLOTH Beautiful patterns and designs. Florals and solids. Our piece goods department is well supplied with every thing you will need to make sewing a pleasure. SALE! SHOES Sandals, ballerinas. All colors and practically all sixes. Shoe Ocpl. Store closes at 12:30. Come early and get your share of these un believable bargains. J S|^ ' M" Dishes, bowls, plates, sugars anil creamers. Lovely designs, truly a wonderful buy. Only a few left so come early. i’b White T-Shirts. All »i*es. Men's dept. Regular 79 cents ue. Get a year's supply.