At Atlantic Beach Mr. and Mrs. Garland G. Wool ard are spending some time at Atlantic Bench. %pend Day Here Mr. an^i Mrs. Francis Peelc and daughter, Patra, of Raleigh spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mis. D. R. Davis. Betsy Davis accom panied them home to spend a week Spend Week-end Here Juic and Fred Pollard of Bethel spent the week-end here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barnhill, Sr. # o Visit at Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Brady visited at Washington and Pamlico Beach yesterday. -o Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hollingsworth of Washington, D. C., are visiting Mrs. Clyde Ward this week. -o ^llere From Baltimore Miss Marla Harper of Baltimore is visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Critcher, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Harrington this week. --— Visiting In Bethel Harrell Everett, Jr., is visiting Julc and Fred Pollard in Bethel this week. The three boys will leave together the last of the week ffur Camp Miskcmokowa near Bear Wallow, N. C. Here Sunday Mrs. Gertrud*.' Thomas of Ham ilton spent Sunday here with Mrs. J. E. Edmondson. Here from Winston-Salem Mr. and Mrs. Roland Jones and j Miss Jane Moore of Winston 1 Salem visited relatives and j friends here last week-end. i Visits Father | Mrs. Hilda Dahlsten of Norfolk j spent the week-end here with her j father. Mr. Tom Harrell, near here. . — —• . ■ | Spend Day at Beach Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Harrington and son, Edward, and their guests, Miss Marla Hopper, of Baltimore, J spent Sunday at Morehead Beach and Beaufort. ---» In Norfolk Sunday Mrs. William Myers and Mrs. Bob Taylor visited their father, Mr. W. J. Keel, who is spending some time at the home of his dau ghter in Norfolk, Sunday. -* Return From Beach Miss Marie Mobley and Mrs. E. B. Smith have returned after i spending a week at Myrtle Beach, ; Western North Carolina and Ten | nessee. -<$> Here from Suffolk Mr and Mrs. Ben Hopkins of j Suffolk spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. J. Sam Get | singer. EVERYONE KEEPS MAT«€S COOLER (XyWujM '/i/u&ot ‘ijJtMjjJuy T'om, * YOU KEEP COOLER WIM MATHES COOLER F0£$H-A/0-ACT/0H! YOU KEEP COOLER WTH mathes cooler VA0/A9U SP££P €091901 YOU KEEP COOLER W,TH MATHES COOLER 9tff0S£D A/0-fi0W Heilig-Meyers Furniture Co. Fur Witte Buyers Williuuiaton, N. C. Business Visitor Here Mr. Jack Edmondson of Snow Hill was a business vigjtor here yesterday. Spend Week-end at Nags Head Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ward spent the week-end at Nags Head. — ->» Spending Week in Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. Bob Welch arc | spending this week in Charlotte with relatives. Entered Richmond Hospital Mrs. James Herbert Ward en tered St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Richmond, Sunday for an opera tion. She was accompanied there by Mr. Ward and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gaylord, Jr. :-® Visited in South Carolina Mr. John A. Ward, Jr., joined Mrs. Ward and little daughter last week-end for a visit with relatives in Brunson, South Caro lina. To Make Home Here Miss Alice S. Christopher ar rives today from San Diego, Cali fornia, to make her home here with her father, Mr. Peter Chris topher, proprietor of the Central Cafe. Mrs. Christopher and other members of the family are ex pected here the latter part of next month. Recovering from Operation Mr. Roger A. Critcher, Jr., is recovering from an operation in a Richmond hospital. His mother visited him there Sunday and yesterday. Here from Palmyra Mrs. D. B. Harrison and daugh ter, Miss Ethel Harrison, of Pal myra vi.,ited Mrs. Della Green here yesterday. ——m> To Spend Few Days Here Mrs. N. H Lockhart and daugh ter of Gi ifton arrived here yester day to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Noah Hardison. Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs E. A. Waggoner and daughter, Drew, of Norfolk and Mr and Mrs. F. A. Caporale and daughter, Joellen, of Hart ford, Connecticut, arrived here last week to visit Mrs. Wag goner’s and Mrs. Caporale's moth er, Mrs. Ellen Coburn. Mr. Wag goner and Mr. Caporale returned Sunday to their respective homes. Mrs. Coburn’s daughters and granddaughters will remain with her for several days. In Norfolk Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Biggs and Mrs. Rome Biggs visited relatives in Norfolk Saturday. -* Spend Week-end at Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Manning, Mr and Mrs. Leman Barnhill and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Harrison spent the ! week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. O Manning at their cottage on Pam lico Beach. j Visit In Jamesville Sunday Mrs. H. J. Sawyer and children \ and Mrs. John T. Askew of Ply | mouth visited Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sawyer in Jamesville Sunday. -» Wins First Suit Chas. Siceloff, Jr. won the first suit in Bullocks suit club here yesterday. -• Spends Week-end Here Mr. Billy Myers, now employed in Raleigh, spent the week-end I here with his parents. Mr. and ' Mrs. William Mvers. 1 Spends Hay In Washington Miss Johnnie May Sawyer of Jamesville spent Saturday in Washington. Here From Greenville Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Garner of Greenville spent the week-end here with Mrs. Garner's parents, Mr. and'Mrs. W. O. Gritfin. -o Visit Here Friday Mrs. Sam Everett and Mrs. Jim Roebuck visited their daughter and sister, Mrs, W. H. Harrison, F riday. In Kirhmonri This Week Misses Frances and Louise Grif , tin and Mrs. Roy Griffin spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Rich mond. > Leaves For Charlotte Mrs. Anna Harrison left Sunday for Charlotte and Lancaster, S. j C., where she will visit relatives for several days. Visit In Washington Mrs H. E. Harrington and son, Edward, and Miss Marla Harper visited Miss Cora Proctor, patient in a Washington hospital, yester day afternoon. With Band Mesdames J. D. Page, George Peel and W T Ross are in Char lotte this week with the Williams ton High School band. Trapped! Beautiful Dorothy Patrick and Robert Rockwell are pictured above in a suspense-rilled scene from Republic's thrill ing new melodrama of gold smuggling across the Mexican bor der, "Federal Agent At Large," which starts a one-dav run Wed nesday at the Watts Theatre. Here From Bethel Mr. and Mrs. F. f Pollard of Bethel visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barnhill, Sr.. Sunday. Spend Day In Norfolk Mrs. Thessie Barnhill, Miss Ber nice Ward and Mrs. Clyde Ward and her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jim I Hollingsworth of Washington, D C.. spent yesterday in Norfolk. — ■ — Spending Week at Cottage Mrs. K. D. Worrell and her father, Mr. H. Odom of Ahoskie, are spending this week at their cottage on Pamlico Beach. -- In Hdenton for Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mizolle at tended the funeral of Mrs. Mi llie’s aunt, Mrs. Alice Smith, in Edenton Sunday. Visiting In Dunn Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Snead are spending today and tomorrow with relatives in Dunn. GASOLINE TAX REFUND PERMITS • I ,s TIME TO RENEW llliHIM) |»|.;r. WITS FOR THE PERIOD Jl |.Y I, 1950 TO JUNE 30, 1951. Il is neeessary that all users of gasoline for traitors and other farm et/ui/nnenl remit their permits before they etm receive a tax refund ... We Mill gliully assist you in rrncwing your prrniii. HARRISON OIL CO. I E X .4 < n il Visiting At Wrightsville Mr. and Mrs. R. C Malone are spending three days at Wrights ville B ach where Mr. Malone is attending a Farm Bureau Insur ance meeting. Visiting In South Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Died Darden and daughter, Ann. accompanied Mrs. Darden's mother. Mrs. Ballanee, hack to her home in Charleston, S, C., Sunday. They will return home Wednesday. SLAB W OOD FOR SALK Cl I LAI*. Dial 2160 W iiIittin-.1 on Supply Co. ] Spend Evening Here Misses Louise Eubanks and Ruth AM mine of Danville, K.v., Misses Nanny Asbee and Jean As bee if Richmond, Ky.. and M ss to'a Eagle of Louisville, Ky., < n route from Virginia Beach to their espective homes, spent Thursday evening here with Mr, and Mrs. Paul J >nes. Returns To Home Mrs. Marvin Coburn has return ■d to her home hcic after a four weeks stay in a Washington hos pital. Attends Wedding Mrs Roy Ward spent last Tues day in Elizabeth Cit.v and attend ed the Palmer-Hat ding wedding ind reception -* Spend l»av Here Mrs. Hilton Carson and son of Robersonvilie spent last Tuesday here with Mis. Roy Yelverton. Homo from Hospital His condition much improved after weeks of treatment in a Rocky Mount hospital. Dr. W. C. Mercer returned to his home here last week and is getting along very well now. He plans to re turn to his office in about an other week or ten days. DON’T FORGET JAYCEE limn tv Pageant ami Dance WrtliM-sdiiv i\i«dit - “ June 21 It: 15 Itiu-ivsl and llext Ever Held! \Mt44re M I better cull 2426 in Williamston and get some extra Fire Insurance trom Wheeler Manning or maybe you better increase vour Life Insurance." ^**%£m*k»*J**!♦-**w<*v«»v»*'Jr*ivitv<»vitv)IV»*| 4 STATEMENT I _>«5 m m M m m M ?«♦: M m M M M I have mil In-on allii'm-il nitli nor nlili<;aleil lo an\ |m-i>oii nor lo am eamlnlntc in lliis rani|iai<'n. I Am A Democrat I In* nominee in llii* |iriinar\ Salnr »la\ u ill In* m\ Senator. m a B ll is my effort anil [iiirpose in Ilii> rainpai^n In Im- nnminalrtl mi llial I ina> hr able In serve llir people of Marlin Cuunlv ami Stair of INnrlli (lai'olina. 9 y y N 9 8 ;J£r : * • -n . . I shall liavr a Slalnnrnl nil llir Tax Issues in llir Nrxl Issues nf the |>si|iers don't miss il. I Knlieil ^ nur \ ule ami Sup purl in I his raiii|iai^u Saturday's I’riniary A. COREY ... .... JOIN THE FIGHT FOR Southern Democracy Join The Thousands Of New Smith Supporters SWITCH TO SMITH Vote For Willis Smith For United States Senator mm MARTI IN COUNTY COMMIT! KF FOR WILMS SMITH