Social News —*— GRAY-HOPKINS RITES SCHEDULED SUNDAY Mr ind Mr? James Herbert Hopkins request the honor of vour presence at the marriage of their daughter. Peggy Joyce, m Doctor William Henry Gray. Jr., on Sun dry. June 25. at five o'clock m the Baptist Church at Oak City. North Carolina Imitations roe not being mailed in Williamston and Oak City The public 's invited to attend. DANCE TO KK HEM) IN JAMESVIM.E ON FRIDAY Sponsored by the Woman's Club ;r dance will he held in Jamesville Friday night. June 23. Music will be furnished b> John Piland of Scotland Neck and the price per couple has been placed at $1.50. Visit Here Sunday M: arid M S Felton of Roekv Mount \ -del their daughter, Mrs. L T Fowden. Jr., and fam ily her e Sunday. DON'T FOKGKT J VYCKK lira illy Pageant and Dance W v Ni^liI June 21 R: I Iti{!i>t’st mill lh>sl / re/ Ihlii: Announce Engagement l -*— Mi. and Mrs. Joseph Earl Joy ner of Greenville announce the engagement of his daughter. Lil lian Corine to Mi. John Edward Pope. Jr., son of Mr. John Ed ward P >pe and the lat* Mr> Pope of Williamston The wedding will take place in August Visit In Oak City Mr. and Mrs J S. Ayers and daughter. Judy, and Mi and Mrs. Paul J ines visited in Oak City Su nda.v. Returns Home Mr. Runnel Gardner of near Witliamston has returned to his home after spending some time with Ins sister. Mrs. li ving Good- ; man. in Norfolk. Visiting In South Carolina Mi s. Elmei Stubbs left Saturday night for a two-week stay with re latives and friends in Darlington, S. C. Spending Week in Durham Mrs Vietor Brown is spending this week in Durham with her son. Carlyle, who is receiving medical treatment at Duke Hospital. Spending Week Here Mrs J D Woolard, Jr., and son. Jodie, ol Ahoskie, are spending a week here with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Woolard. Jr., and Mrs. Clyde Waters. -• Returns from Winston Mrs L T Fowden, Sr., return ed Saturday from a two-week visit with her daughter. Mrs. Roland Jones, and Mr. Jones in Winston-Salem. Your Car Deserves The Best! . . . And Unit's what it will get right here! Itegular cheek cm radi ator. battery, oil. tires at no extra charge! AUTOS THRIVE ON OUR SERVICE! Sinclair Service Station ! KwocwooooBooocogeooooaca 'Shoplifter'Film Comes To Yiccar “T Was A Shoplifter." which is showing tomorrow at the Viccor Theatre, is the latest of a hard hitting group of Universal- In ternational semi - documentary productions exposing the rackets Actually filmed in the envir ons called for in the script, in cluding an exciting chase be tween a police airplane and a across the Mexican border, the film was made under the techni cal supervision of a la>s Angles j policewomen attached to the j shoplifting detail Skillful and finely etched per formances throughout are topped by Scott Brady, who plays a young detective operating with a gang of professional shoplifters in order to nab the key man. In a story which calls for him to make a pretended play for An drea King, the trainer of poten tial shoplifters, while actually falling in love with Mona Free man, the gangs victim, Brady manages to keep his performance clear cut. registering as a lead ing man of great versatility. Miss King is always at her best when portraying a vicious but appealing woman. Her abil ity to make believable a female who is in command of an all male mob is extraordinary. Miss Freeman, in the most sympathetic role of the film, gives great credence to her por trayal of a frustrated klepto maniac Action highlights this story of a well-bred young female klep tomaniac who is forced into pro fessional shoplifting The young detective who is trying to corner tlic mob lets her operate in the accustomed manner even though she is in great danger. When he, posing as a shoplifter, is finally discovered a chase ensues with the young ladv being held by the gang. Charles Lamont is responsible for the dynamic direction of the film which was produced by Leonard Goldstein Did Not Know, Eh? \ little-known radio commentator. slipping into Norlli Caro lina from \rkansas. ami hally honing the Guile And Gull Of Monopoly *aid a few days ago that the people did not know lliut Willi.* Smith worked III- v*aj through enllei'c. Gregg I.berry, former governor who paroled more IVritrorn irom prison llian any oilier in the history of North t.arolina. in a radio talk for VS illis Smilli said ilia! Smith wa$ a |»oor hoy. the son ol a widowed mother, that he knew him in college. V short biographical skeleli. a|»|»arenlly written by Mr. Smith himself and before he derided lo run or was invited bv the corpora lion* lo run for the l . S. Senate, tells that Mr. Smith was born in Yirs'iuiu on December l<). 1887. Although be was a poor boy. the *011 of a widowed mother. Willis Smith attended private fM-lmol in Mi/.aheth>, l‘ossihl\ tin* public schools were not flood enough for the future corporation lawyer. At Trinity ( olli*|te. now Duke l niversity. Mr. (.Iierry said he (Smith) was a poor boy, but unlike tin* blabbering radio eouinu*utalor. he diil not suv anything about Smith hii\iii{i to work his wav through college. The biographical sketch, appearing in the Murtindale-lluhhle laiw Directory, says Vt i 11 is Smith belonged to three fraternities. We do not know what the initiation fees were at old Trinity, but others say that the cost was SI00, plus dues running from a few to $30 a month. Now, it is all right to joiu fraternities, but they were, for the most part, clos ed lo ‘■‘poor** boys. I he radio commentator ami Mr. Glierry are not playing fair with tin* people htf not telling all the story. Apparently tin* people on May 27 did know Mr. Smith, and that's the reason he trailed Frank Graham by more than 53,000 votes. Marlin County Committee ior Frank Graham. Jaycees Present Beauty Pageant The Tavcees will proudly pre sent their annual "Miss Williams ton Pageant aud Sweetie Pie Con test" Wednesday evening. The pageant chairman. Ja.vcee Davis VanNortwick, announced that plans developing as anticipated. The Jaycees wish to express their thanks and appreciation foi the cooperation of the merchants and business men in the sponsorship of the contestants for “Miss Wil liamston of 1950." Entries and sponsors are: Nor ma Fagan. Miss Manning Truck Line; -Helen Davenport. Miss Lions - Club; Barbara Margolis, Miss Davis Pharmacy; Ruby Har rison. Miss Westinghouse: Joyce Harrell, Miss Baker Oil Company; Barbara-Ann Grimes. Miss R. L. Smith Co.; Edna Mo/inga, Miss A. O. Roberson & Co.; Lena Price, Miss Belk-Tyler Co.; Mary Dean Hardison, Miss A. J. Manning; Della Jane Mobley, Miss Margolis Bros.; Carrie Lou Biown. Miss Woolard Furniture; Jeanette Thomas. Miss Dixie Motor Co.; Frances Raynor, Miss Chas. H. Jenkins; Susie Manning. Miss Williumston Hardware; Doris An drews. Miss Kiwanis Club; Leona Hardison. Miss Western Auto Store. Another feature of the pageant equally important is the "Miss “So Proudly We Hail,'' starring Claudette Colbert, Paulette God dard and Veronica Cake, brought back by popular demand, will be shown Thursday and Friday at the Viccar Theatre. Sweetie Pie" contest. Those en tering are: Alice Stalls, Ella Martin Gay lord. Ann Baldree, Roberta El liott. Mary Beth Elliott. Mary Lou Cherry, Judy Bullock, Nancy Ro berson. Linda Kay Roberson, Lou Ann Windley, Linda Harrell, Cora Jane Tice, Mary Lane Davis,. Kay Liverman. Kitty Roberson, Laura Joe Glenn. Phvlis McKnight, Cheryie Wvnn. Nancy Woolford, and Linda Ruth Gurganus. Here from Vass Mr. and Mrs. Bud Crockett and children of Vass are spending a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Crockett. i Janesville Club i Officers Elected -• ■ At a recent meeting of the Jamesville Woman’s Club, the following officers were elected for the coming year: President, | Mrs. Howard Gaylord; Vice President, Mrs. Effie Holliday; j Recording Secretary, Mrs. Milton Griffen; Corresponding Secre - tarv, Mrs. Andrew Holliday, Jr.; Treasure, Mrs. Wendell Griffen. i The Standing Committees ap 1 pointed were: Library, Mrs. Gra dy Davenport: Social Service, i Mrs. F. A. Rawles: Finance, Mrs. I Leslie Hardison; Publicity, Mrs. '¥$ Margolis Brothers CELEBRATES ANNUAL \ DCVll IZOfV 'Week JUNE 19th to 24th \ I* WITH TWIN SPECIALS! \ '* Your 2 Favorite . Barbizon Slips °n|y $06 5 Each.J FOk ONE WEEK ONLY! '« You'll want several or tnese wondertuI "Jaunty' y slips at this low saving price. Buy one to wear under every summer outfit you own! Remember, this special offer is for Barbizon Week only... next week they'll be back at their regular price! Styled with famous Barbizon "Body Contour"* fit, the straight cut skirt is action free.. .won’t ride up, pull or twist. Come money nowl i / / / ‘ “JAUNTY NT" in-Barbizon's'Tamout cool, crisp rayon crept, with embroidered • nylon trimming. - ■ Pi»k, Whi-it - off! Black. In "Body Contour" Dress Sizes...] Miss (10 20); Lady (38-44). Little Miss' (9-15); Little Lady (14'/,-26'/;,). "JAUNTY RITE" in Barbizon's own softly glowing rayon satin with embroi dered nylon trim. Petal Pink, White, Bach elor Blue. "Body Contour" Dress Sizes.. * Miss (10-20); Lady (38-42); Little Miss (9-15); Little Lady (H'/,-22'/»). k 'ft*. V. S. P*i. Of. Oscar Davenport; Scrap Book. Mrs. Georgie Martin. The department chairmen ap pointed were: American Home. Mrs. Vaden Hairr; Public Wel fare, Mrs. Lucy M. Martin; Litera ture, Mrs. Jim Brown Holliday; Music, C. A. Askew: Art. Mrs. Clara Alexander: Education, Mrs. Eugene Ange: and International Relations, Melba Martin. Changing Times -o—— A lot of the churches these days! have provided nurseries where j small children are parked while parents attend the services, and -- ~ i Vhit Jfeilig aiul Meyers Williamston for the “Beat Buy* In Furniture99 that is a lot better than the kin dred arrangement—all to preval ent—wherby the kiddies go to Sunday school and church while parents are parked at home. — Jackson Daily News. How mild can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! end among tht millions who do... FRAN WARREN Popular record ing artist reports: "I appreciate cig arette mildness. I smoke Camels. They agree with my throat — they’re mild and taste grand!” I -- Thi^YBAR at ALWAYSJot-BS YEARS- —' i Play Suit Sots Bathing Suits Gay Separates GAY, FRIVOLOUS FASH IONS AT THE BEACH OR MOUNTAINS. Fashions of easy-to-tend cotton that will help you fly off on a holiday week-end for sun and fun with a minimum of packing detail. Swim Suits One and two piece tailored or dress maker swim soits. Originals by Maur« ire Handler and Sea Goddess by Shep herd. All colors and sizes? . . . yes, in deed! SUNBACKS So pponlar ... so practi \ cal . . . our own new col flection of jacket dresses. Cottons and crepes in gay colors. Sizes 9 to 46 and 12 1-2 to 24 1-2.