Close Contests Feature Play In County League Last Sunday Single Run Wins In Three Games Eear Crass, F arm Life And Hams Take Two Each I'.wrrl!' I ,<»>«• I n K«‘;ir (>rii»* On Snniiu) \fU‘riiooii ->' One run was the margin of vh tory in thru of the four games played in the Martin. County League Sunday afternoon. The closest contest ot all was the 2 1 vie!, ry Washington scored iMlV I I OKU I I \ ><:kk limn tv Pafimnl and Danrr Wulnoflax Nisilsl June 2 I H:15 Hix-i'sl mill ltr*l Ever Il>hl: r SCHEDULE s •N A Wedncsdav, June 21 harm Life at Williamston Jaim villc at Washington 'Bear Grass at Everetts Oak City at Robersonville Friday, June 23 •Jamesville at Everetts Saturday, June 24 Everetts at Farm Life Sunday, June 25 Bear Grass at Farm Life Oak City at Jamesville Everetts at Washington Robersonville at Williamston i.vei Jamesville in 11 innings. In Oak City the Roosters lost on er roi > tcj Robersonville s Rams, 3-z, despite a four-hit effort by Floyd Moore. A big rally by Everetts’ Cubs pulled them to within one run of the Bear Grass Bears who won the game 8-7. The exception to the rule was the Wiliiamston-Farm Life game which Farm Life took 8-5. Some of the games during the latter part of last week were not so close. Bear Grass taking Wash ington Thursday night on Kugler Field, 12-4. Williamston defeating Oak City Friday night in Wil liamston. 11-4, and Robersonville topping Jamesville 17-7 on Satur day night. An afternoon game on 1 NATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORF, NEW YORK. M. T, Saturday in Farm Life saw the Farm Life boys take the Washing ton Bees into camp in a close ball game, 6-5. The nice playing weather has enabled the league teams to get a lot of their playing done and some of the clubs art? almost up to schedule at present. The game between Roberson ville and Farm Life which was scheduled for tonight has been postponed. BEAR GRASS *, EVERETTS 7 Picking up eight runs in the first four innings while Everetts Was getting but two, Bear Grass managed to stave off an eighth in ning rally by the Cubs and defeat ed them 8 to 7 in Williamston on Sunday afternoon. The big eighth inning was feat ured by a horne run by Darrel Taylor which cleared the center field fence and rolled around on the newly surfaced tennis courts. Bobby Bullock and Fleming got triples to help out the Everetts' cause along with Taylor’s homer. Smith, Perkins and Roberson hit doubles for the Bears while Roe buck hit for a double and triple. Williford (G.) went all the way for Bear Grass while Kason, Keel and Red Williford did the hurling for the Cubs. Everetts advanced a notch in the standings despite the loss as Oak City lost its second of the week-end Sunday atfernoon. The box: Everetts Bullock, B„ ss Wynne, 2b Stalls, Jr., ,1b Taylor, lb Stalls, J. M„ rf Keel, C. R„ If Rawls, If Fleming, cf Keel, c Kason, p Keel, p Williford (Red), p Ab . 5 5 5 3 4 4 0 4 4 0 2 2 H 3 2 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 Totals Bear Grass Smith, ss Perkins, cf Roebuck, lb Roberson, 3b Gurganus, If Harris, rf Rogerson, J. B., If, rf Rawls, J. C., c Hodges, Ben, 2b Williford (Goat), p 38 7 11 1 Ab R H E 5 2 2 0 4 110 4 3 2 0 3 12 1 2 0 2 1 10 0 0 4 0 10 3 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 4 110 34 8 13 2 Totals SINCLAIR DRILLS 2 MILES, DEEP TO HELP MEET RECORD OIL DEMAND 1 2-MIIC CORKSCRIW. Drilling as deep ai two miles into the earth, with ultra-modern equipment and new scientific meth ods, Sinclair is tapping new oil pools to help meet the record demand lor petroleum products.' This intensified devel opment of new crude oil sources is but a small part of Sinclair's $150,000, 000, expansion program. Sinclair’s program alto includes, new pipelines and new, improved refin ing facilities. In the future as in the past, look to Sinclair for.Better J’roducts, Better Services N. C. GREEN, Agent Williamstuu, N. C. •MMBrtHMWMiHiialiMliM _ ---r FARM LIFE », WILLIAMSTON 5 Scoring five runs in the first [ inning, Farm Life won its game against the Williamston Martins at Farm Life Sunday afternoon by scoring a single run in the second. The final score was 8-5, Williams Iton getting two runs in the third and three in the fourth while the Farm Life boys chalked up a cou ple of marginal runs in the fifth. Stancil Hardison pitched the victory for Farm Life. Ed Row land was the starter and loser for Williamston. Wallace Warren re lieved him on the mound. The box: Williamston Ab R H E Whitehurst, ss - .3 0 0 0 Harrison, 2b . 4 1 0 0 Perry, S., If 3 0 10 H. Wynne, c . 4 0 1 0 j Davenport, rf 4 0 0 0 Rogers, 3b . 4 0 0 1 Stalls, lb . ...4110 Whitfield, cf 4 2 2 0 Rowland, p 0 0 0 0 Warren, p_ 4 110 xT. Perry, _ 10 0 0 Totals 35 5 6 1 xbatted for Whitfield in 9th. Farm Life Ab R H E Manning, P., ss_5 1 1 0 G. Hardison, lb _.4 2 2 0 T. Tice, rf .... .. 5 1 1 Oi S. Hardison, cf .. 3 1 1 0 Ricks, If _ 3 2 2 0 F. Griffin, 3b ...3 1 1 2 Hayes, 2b 3 0 0 0 Sweel, c . .4010 Stan. Hardison, p .. 4 0 0 0 Totals..34 8 9 2 Score by innings: Williamston . 002 300 000—5 Farm Life 510 020 OOx—8 WASHINGTON 2 JAMESVILLE 1 Washington and Jamesvillc went 11 innings in Jamesville on Sunday afternoon before the Bees broke a one-all tie to take a 2-1 decision in a regular Martin County League game. Washing ton scored the first run in the top of the second inning but James-! ville came right back in the last half of the same frame to knot the count and the goose eggs started rolling on the scoreboard. Davis of Jamesville and Daw son of Washington fought the mound duel over the full 11 in Score by innings: Everetts .100 100 050—7 Bear Grass 302 300 000—8 ning.s without relief. Each team made two errors fend Jamesville led in hits 9 to 6. It was one of the three league games Sunday which were decid ed by one-run margins. The box: Washington Ab K H E Galloway. If .... .4010 Cherry, c . 5 0 0 0 Gaylord, ss 5 12 0 Wallace, lb 4 110 Jackson, 3b 5 0 2 1 Woolard, f 5 0 0 0 Tetterton, cf 4 0 0 1 Andeoli, 2b 3 0 0 0 Dawson, p 3 0 0 0 Totals 38 Jamesville Ab E. Brown, ss _5 E. L. Martin, If 5 C. Brown, c 5 Belch, cf 4 McCaffity, lb 5 Windom, 2b 3 Harris, 3b .4 Alexander, rf 3 Davis, p 4 Hardison, cf 1 Davenport, 3b 1 D. Gaines, x, 2b 1 2 6 2 It H E 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals , 41 1 9 2 Score by innings: Washington 010 000 000 01—2 Jamesville 010 000 000 00—1 ROBERSON VILLE 3 OAK CITY 2 Although they got only four hits and had nine batters go down on strikes, the Robersonville Rams took advantage of Oak City errors to defeat the Roosters in Oak City Sunday afternoon, 3 to 2. The Roosters got 7 hits off James while he was fanning 6. Floyd Moore did the hurling for Oak City. The loss caused Oak City to slip back a rung in the league stand ings since they lost two during the week-end while Everetts had only one to play and lose. Billy Worsley got a triple for Oak City. The box: Robersonville Warren, S., ss Forbes, E., 2b Cherry, c Brown, lb Matthews, If . Taylor, rf Ross, cf Forbes, G„ 3b James, p Ab It II E 3 10 0 3 10 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 110 3 0 0 0 4 0 1 ‘0 Contemptnble A Graham supporter in the first primary and a father of five small children was told a few days ago to join up with the Smith forces or lose his job. No, it wasn't in Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Moscow. Sadly, it must be admitted that it happened right here in Marlin County. Many down-right common and contemptible things have been said and done, but the op position reached a new low when that stunt was pulled. Such practices are damnable and the Graham forces are cer tain to do something about it on Saturday, June 24, when they visit the polls and send Willis Smith sailing back into the vel vet laps of his twenty-six cor porations. MARTIN COUNTY COMMITTEE FOR GRAHAM I * • f xWarren, rf xxBarnhill, - i o o o; .0 O 0 0 Totals 30 3 4 < i xrcplaced Taylor in 5th. ! xxbattcd for G. Forbes in 9th. | Oak City | Hassell, 2b | Keel, 3b j Ross, ss Tyson, R., c Worsley, B., rf Worsley, F„ 1/ Tyson, G„ lb Liverman, J., cf Moore, p zManning,- 2b zzJohnson Ab R H E .2010 3 0 10 .4 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 4 12 0 4 0 10 4 10 0 2 0 11 3 0 10 2 0 0 1 10 0 0 Totals 33 2 7 3 zreplaced Hassell in 6th. zzbatted for Liverman in 9th. Score by innings: Robersonville 100 001 100—3 Oak City 000 000 002—2 HAMILTON INDEPENDENTS DEFEAT R’VILLE WARRENS Playing without the manager the Hamilton Hornets defeated the Robersonville Warrens Satur day afternoon by a score of 3 to 2 in eleven hard innings of baseball. Hamilton got eight hits and Rob ersonville six. The winning pitch er Walter Scott and the loser Joe Johnson. Scott was also the best hitter for Hamilton, getting two for four. Hamilton has won four games in a row. Both teams are independents. Why Wait Until The Last Minute? Gel your Tobacco Flues NOW! WHITE'S HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORKS Smith wick Street WillianiMtoiL N. C. Completing His Tour of Duty With Sixth Fleet Scheduled to return to the Unit i ed States June 26 after a Mediter ranean cruise aboard the destroy er tender USS Sierra is John A. Griffin, chief pipefitter, USN. hus band of Mrs. Ruth Griffin of 1017 North Haughton street. Wiliiams ton, who will complete a four month tour of duty with the Sixth Fleet when the Sierra arrives in Norfolk. During the cruise, crew mem bers of the destroyer tender visit ed various countries in Europe, Asia and Africa. The Sierra was touring the Mediterranean area as an instrument for strengthening American prestige in the nations bordering the sea between the Rock of Gibraltar and the Suez Canal. -o - walLet makes trip DANVILLi *Pa., — Eight months ago Mason Lemon, em ployed in the crating department of the Kennedy Van-Saun Com pany, lost his wallet, containing $1 and some papers. Giving it up for lost, Lemon was suprised to receive a letter from Southhamp ton, England, notifying him that the wallet had been found and was being returned to him. The billfold apparently had dropped into a crate and was shipped overseas to Foster Wheeler, Limi ted, a Southhampton firm. 1 s4U my Ufa Vue let my r)ttwtfutce rfyettcU my WORRYING 1 overheard a man say that the other day and while 1 don’t know the gentleman, I said to myself—“Good for you. There would he a lot less illness, fewer financial troubles, fewer pre mature deaths, and a heap more peace of mind in this peculiar world of ours, if everybody did that same thing.’' Well hr glad to do your worrying. OUlt ADVICE COSTS YOU NOTHING HARRISON AND CARSTARPHEN Dial 2111 J I I 3 ■W UdbuAt fQ^| 0MA&4— /HbfEcanst "foiHE prink Sparkiinq-Qnodfh KM WHy TAKE LESS WHEN PEPSI'S BKrf 2 FULL SOWINGS M EACH &G- tZoz-BOntif Under Appointment From Pepai-Cola Company, N. Y. Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company oft Greenville. “UniN TO ‘COUNTt*.5PV-TUESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS. Y0U2 ABC ilktiQHn