«3T> Complete Stock SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Hardware for Every Need WOOLARD HARDWARE CO. Ih'st Sloal.x and Son food Central Cafe ** *’***» ■* * A * SPA7/MS A a ' m In Every Department Always At Martin Supply COMPANY IQ er ' For Quick. Dependable SERVICE SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION DARDEN'S Dept. Store Quality Wearing Apparel Reasonable Prices From J. Lawrence Peele Your Dependable Jeweler GROCERIES 1 Staple nml Fniu-y (Jrot'ories Food - Sood • Forlilisor Moore Grocery USED CARS Cadillac Distributor Buick - Pontiac - Oldsmobile ( HAS. H. JENKINS & COMPANY Dotluo anti Plymouth Solos & Sorvirr Dixie Motor COMPANY HR Wi ll 15 WRING AM) TIU ST CO. Your S:ifp Everutor Don'/ bnrroie from yonr \oighhor. Siil)srril>«* Toiluy Enterprise l’l’HUSHING CO. i electrical Contractors Ayers Electric COMPANY - If* _ W i«t«» To Shop \| ZF.MOYS Ki*aily-lo-W»‘iir Wearing Apparel for The Family SUPPLIES FOR HOMF. AND FARM FARMERS srm.Y COMPANY JEWELRY From Peele's Jewelers Since 1K!I<> Dial 2311 Uedtly Kilowatt Your Electric Servant Virginia FJeelric anil Power (ionipanv GUARANTY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Your Patronage 11 nays .1 pprecinlotl i. •( l Ilulldinr Supplies and Material c; & H BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY Top Price!* Always Paid Here W1LLIAMSTON PEANUT GO. sssiana She’s frightened. She’s seeing the ^ world for the first time through dark glasses. •. It’s no wonder you and I are fright % 7 ened. Ever since we were old enough ,, , / to reason, we have been seeing the /A v wor^ through dark glasses. It’s just tA\\ Paul said ! as Paul said: “Now we see through a glass, darkly; 11 j but then face to face.” i We spend our years wondering why v things happen as they do ... why hatred , A flourishes and love withers ... why sorrow seems inevitable and joy so rare. Apparently, , we were not meant'^to , understand . . . not here! Some truths God has revealed to us; / these our Churches teach. Other truths \ God will not reveal until another day; to prepare us for that day our Churches strive. Until at length we gain that complete vision, we are happiest and strongest when we live faithfully in the truth already revealed. * Even with dark glasses a man can see as long as he walks toward the Light. x,yr, CHURCH for arr for THE^(CHTm ins b0u!!&o/ strong Churr)°USe 0> sP'ritual vnl ‘°C',1Zan «" ^trChThTher d8^'-X r,or V/,'h0 everV Person A ,ar* '°ur SOuL 9'l’,,izc °nd supporf lh® ~U'd attend servihes0180"3 OWn sake. (2) Vo,? Urch They ar' ,,^uh o/ his? ^ h,s children's , ? f0 For of ,he ChmTni'y a"d nat n k" /3) F°z and mnterirw °h ‘(self, which <4) F°f iady and ^ead?P°rl Pl<>" Vt* '";i *ad your Bible daily church res J S'/hi/i itilli i onfiilrnrr mu! II V«r II ilh Vritlt* Itest Quality Coal And Wood |{. I.. Wuril Coal anil \\ noil I o. ifuJihi FEED Feed Completely llal.tneed and Mineralized M VIM IN Fi:KI) Mills Feed and Seeds of all Kind. Also Paint and Farm Necessities Marlin F. C. X. Building Supplies Dressed Lumber Williamsion Supply Co. Brine Your Ford Home For Service WILLIAMSTON MOTOR COMPANY For Wise Buyers Heilig-Meyers FURNITURE CO. Williamston, N. C. BAKER OIL CO For Quick Service Dial 2323 Alpha Cleaners All Accounts Insured Up To $5,000.00 ML C. BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Martin County’s Leading Furniture Store WOOLARD FURNITURE CO. AMOCO Amnco and American (ias Amoco Automotive and Industrial Lubricants WIIXIAMSTON OIL COMPANY fJaJ SPECIALTY SHOP Williamston Specializing In Fine Quality Ladies' Amiarel Sales and Service John Deere Tractors Si Agricultural Implements Lindsley Ice Company Car and Truck. Genuine Chevrolet Parts HOANOKi; CHKYROLKT CO. Gasoline — Motor Oils Greases Harrison Oil COMPANY < ' Hr luurr CRO-VIORE Product* Standard ' Fertilizer Co. Insurance Is The Best Policy Dial 2118 W. G. Peele Better Values Belk-Tyler's