Martin General Is Maine Selected for The New Hospital (Continued from Page One') of the board of trustees The four doctors who own the budding and lease it to the hospital cor poration. and the corporation, in turn, will rent them office space •arid' facilities Dental offices will be rented to Dr Wm H. Gray, Jr., who will move from his present location on South Haughtori Street to his suite in the new hos pital within the next few weeks. The four doctors have formed a partnership for the practice of medicine under the name of the Williamston Clinic, and will oc cupy the left second story wing of the building. The hospital, built according to modern codes and regulations, has a capacity to accommodate fifty pat ents at one time There are separate wings for white and ; colored patients and a special j section for maternity cases with modern nursery. Its operating rooms, delivery and emergency rooms will be equipped with the latest facilities. The kitchen is modern in every detail. When the hospital is op erating at full capacity, it will employ about forty persons. A home for nurses will not be built at the present time How ever, one is pkinned for the fu ture. No nursing school will be maintained in connection with the. operation of the hospital for the present, but nurses, who have gained their training and expert- ; once elsewhere, will be on the staff The Doctors Ward of Rober sonville along with other citizens there and throughout the county have shown considerable inter- , est in• the new hospital, and have already proferred financial sup- , port The Robei sonivlle doctors, V. A. Wa d, Sr.. Walter E. Ward and Joseph Ward, and Dr. J. S. Rhodes, Si . of Williamston. will be on the courtesy staff Dr. R H. Hackler, member of American Society of Radiology and X-ray, is to serve as a staff consultant. Every effort is being made to ably serve all the people of the county Racial Letters Flooding Parts Of East Carolina (Continued from page one) segregation. He has said time and again over many years that he opposes Federal compulsion in race relations. During his It) years as president of the University, not one Negro ever enrolled. Gra ham's record is consistent." Under the heading. "How Times 1 Change", the Raleigh report con tinues: A few days ago, the Raleigh Times which claims to he in dependent - came out for Willis Smith. l ien - w hat the T1MKS said i' little more Ilian a year ago when j Graham was appointed to the i Senate (after 'raising Ins record 1 s at tile University): “Suffice it I' to say, and this is 10 mere mat i ter of State pride, the caliber of the United States Senate should I be enriched and raised by the I personality of Frank Graham in 1 its body His statesmanship and i his Vision will give pause to those I members who sometimes trade in I the marketplace’’. March Tt. : 1949 t Slight Delay Is Expected In Trial Of Murder Charge (Continued from page one) Four members of the jury were excused, Hubert Roberson and W. C Hopkins on account of illness ill their homes. Hilton Forbes, explaining that he had served on the grand jury a year ending last September and that he and the superintendent were both a way from the Standard Fertili zer plant, was excused. Since she was the only woman on the jury, Mrs Eloise Bennett was also excused. County Resident j Died In Hospital ! . Thursday Night ——— (Continued trout page one) here on West Mam Street Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock by Rev. John L. Goff, pastor of the local Christian Church. Interment was ki WokUIawu Cemetery, ACHESON AND LIE CONFER WITH THE PRESIDENT warwmm. RECENTLY RETURNED from England, Secretary of State Dean Acheron fright) reports to President Truman on the London meeting of foreign ministers. Ache:-on came to the White House accompanied, by United Nations Secretary-General Trygve Lie (second fi<>. \ right) and Hymn Price (standing), UN Assistant Secretary General. Alter the meeting, Lie denied he had brought b; k any mo.--age for the Piesident Loin Josef Stalin, whom he visited in Moscow during his recent ‘'ucc.ce mission through Europe. (International Soundphoto) Chas. Whitehurst Died At His Home Here Late Sunday (Continued trom page one) am, Paul O. Whitehurst of Dur ham; two sisters. Mrs W H. L'layton of Miami, and Mrs J W Runnings of Washington, D. C ; a brother. S. H. Whitehurst of Miami; six g’andchildren and three great-grandchildren. Mr. Whitehurst was employed jy the Saunders and Cox Dumber Company and their successors un il two years ago when he went vith the Williamston Lumber Company. Funeral services are being con lueted this afternoon at .'LOO I'eloek m the Methodist Church it Aurora by Rev. E. R. Shn I Iff, jastor of the Methodist Church lere. Interment will be ill tin \urora Cemetery. Young Nan Hurt By Lightning Bolt In County Monday (Continued front page one) limited to electrical appliances and the wiring system. Hugh Spruill at the local wca Iliei station, said that 1.150 inches il rain fell here during the first aalf of the night. Mr. Spruill ;aid that the storm went around n a circle, striking here five or <ix times at. more or less, regu ar intervals. State Ranks 8th In Breeding Work I. A. Arcs, in charge of dairy fork for tlio State College Kx ension service* announced this week that North Carolina now anks eight in the nation in the lumber of artificial breeding as .Delations and in the number o! lairy herds being served under lus program. Aiey's figures came from a re >ort released by the U S lie lartment of Agrieulture The le ant showed that North Carolina | anked first in the South in num- j >er of associations and herds lowever, Tennessee, Louisiana ind Kentucky all rank ahead of he Tar Heel State in number il Cult's being served. Apparent y North Carolina associations are nore scattered and serve smaller lords, says A rev. North Carolina has 50 assoeia lons serving >», IHti herds and It)..'122 cows Twenty-four bulls ire used in supplying the assoeia ions. Wisconsin leads the nation with 111,566 cows enrolled, followed Narco Theatre i WHXIAMSTON, N. C. THI HSDAV . FRIDAY MfTCHVM uMnCTttNBiCKf 1 Panu\ "trrtCHHlCOLOfC 1 « lf#*5 MUCI'TONt ^OOUCTION i ~ LOUIS CM.HE** . STAUOWC* ] a ttjyiuc rfto&ucno*_ ■ Program Extends Technical Help —'»— Some thirty countries are ex pected to contribute about $20, 000,000 to continue t technical as sistance program that has been launched by the United Nations. The United States will give the largest share — about half — and the other countries will make up the balance Sixteen nations have already applied for assistance in a couple of dozen different fields. Already specialists have gone to Ecuador to take a census, to help Haiti fight disease and to help the Philippines make paper. The backlog of requests, it is hoped, will be taken care of under the expanded program. In addition to the dispatch of experts to assist in the promotion of beneficial programs in the var ious countries. the United Nations has arranged for sixty-eight spec ialists to be trained and has sponsored training centers in var ious places. The scope of the projects, it seems, parallels the of the Point Four in _ President Truman's program ot world re habilitation. Results will natural ly be slow because it is impos sible to change the customs and habits of peoples overnight. None thcless, for the amount of money to be spent, the program offers promise ot promoting the wel fare ot under developed peoples by assisting them m enterprises that will eventually achieve per manent results. Conducting Census In The Americas Census enumerators, trained in ; the United States, have been busy ! — — —------t by New York with 287.044 cows, j Other high ranking states were j Pennsylvania, Ohio, Iowa, Minne sota, and Michigan. The total number of dair\ row. ' enrolled in the associations in 1941) approached the three million mark One cow in nine is expected to be artificially bred in 1050. Associations are now operating in 47 states and Alaska. AdultH 20c Children 15c Tl'KSDAY and WGDNKSDAY "I Was a Male War Bride" With Cary Grant Ann Sheridan Cartoon THURSDAY - FRIDAY "The Red Pony" With Robert Mitchiim Myrna Coy CARTOON I in the twenty-two American re [publics, to complete the first hemisphere census in history, ac cording to the U. S. Census Bu reau. Seven of the nations, including this country, have, practically completed their count of people. Dr. Calvert Derick estimates, that the human inventory will reveal 325,000,000 persons in North, South and Central America. About half of the population is located in the United States but Latin-America is growing at the rate of approximately three million persons a year. The Unit ed States has an increase of about two million people annually. The coordinated census is ex pected to provide government and business with information here tofore unobtainable about popu lation. housing, agriculture, in dustry, business, resources and needs. WantS FOR SALE: tWO USED OIL stove*. $15.00 and $30.00. West ern Auto Associate Stole. W. J. Miller and Son. jo 20 2t PINE 1IMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2400. je 20 tf FOR SALE: ONE USED ICEBOX good condition. $15,00. Western Auto A soeiate Store. W. J. Miller and Son. je 20 2t T1IEATKE — WILLIAMSTON LAM TIME TUESDAY "Buccaneer's Girl" With Yvonih* <le Uarlo I'liilip Friend Color by Technicolor Special Cartoon WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "Wagon Wheels Westward" With N\ il<! Hill Lliioll "Tyrant of the Sea" With lltm Itandell K!i>> W illiams Cartoon THURSDAY - FRIDAY "Please Believe Me" With Deborah Kerr Roller! Walker NEWS CARTOON [Di i nun i Dti J from a company with a grand reputation. Brown Memorial Com | pany. Rocky Mount. N. C. R. Sherrod Corey, representative, Williamston, N. C„ Dial 29493. je 11 4t FOR SALE: THREE USED GAS ranges. $50.00 to $100.00. Wes tern Auto Associate Store. W. J. Miller and Son. je 20 2t4 MAN OR WOMAN TO TAKi over route of established Wat kins customers in the city of Wil liamstun. Full time income aver ages $45 weekly. No investment ! necessary. We will help you get started. Write J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. S-3. Richmond, Va. FOR SALE. TWO USED BICY* clcs, 24” and 26". Western Auto j Associate Store. W. J. Miller and: Son. je 20 2t I SPECIAL TUESDAY AND WED-j nesday. Cocker Spaniels, $15.00' each. 2 blond males. See Mary W. Taylor. FOR SALE: SEVERAL BUSHELS of Roanoke Soy Beans. Priced ■ right.. T. W. Holliday, Jamesville, ] N. C. je 20 2t j FOR SALE: ONE USED WEST-j 1 inghouse electric range. Cheap, j * $50.00. Western Auto Associate | ‘ Store. W. J. Miller and Son. j 20 2t WANTED: 3 ROOM APART ment with bath. Call 2484 after 5:30 p. rn. Call 3016 daytime. FOR RENT—BRICK STORE and warehouse. North Railroad Street, Robersonville. C. L. Wil son. je 13 4t wOMVPLUMBING/2 EDGE WOOD AVC . • PWONI 2J09 WIUIAMUON,N.C Sir Ctbh+1 Nil SON HIGH m fc*4 Arf*»u WILLIAM fAWCm hu«h raottft •f Si# L«nc«l«* I CIS HAll •« ik# l«Jy *1 rfc# !•*« mi r TABLE pit#. t< d h\*. «dfev I | >»** **i:man | j B«‘^iiiiiing ] SATURDAY June 24 VICCAR !WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOI all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulrhbei Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 ti CLARKS RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief ol aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism , sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar macy. m 22 tf DOES YOUR COAt7 sCTT OR skirt fit? They dont! Then bring them to BuIIulk's for expert alt erations. rn 14 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACH ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf k’ORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat eries. Phone 2818. Turn right at rree/er Lot-leer. no 8 tf •ARKER’S SELF S E R VICE Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. n. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m.l o 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf BARCLAY TILE BOARD in assorted colors for bath room and kitchens. We have all accessories for installing the above. Chrome, cap strips, baseboard,'- etc. l"his tile board is 3-16" thick. Our price 35c per sq. ft. F. O. B. Bethel. Illlliuicrtltt Furniture Co. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 TRIO Robertouville, N. C. TONIGHT In Beautiful Technicolor OUTRIDERS With Joel McCrea, Arlene Dahl, Barry Sullivan and Claude Jarman, Jr. News and Short WEDNESDAY, June 21 THE BLACK HAND With Gene Kelly and J. Carrol Naish Plus: Three Stooges Comedy and Serial THURSDAY - FRIDAY June 22-23 REFORMER AND THE REDHEAD Watts Theatre WilliuimUm, N. C. THURSDAY and FRIDAY WHAT 4 He tried the moon light-tropic-beach and-you approach! I He used the you’ve I |ot-everythin|-l' ' went line! \ His wis the million; minks-ind- min swns tKhniquc! J Pettr Uwford 1 it vtry dost 1 ... but does 1 h«»rinh»f?? ' JAMES WHITMORE * I. CAKKOl NAISH. $•«**•< smwmwky utwhh ww* WWW nm • WIUHIW. 4 wr*e-&<HewmjU''« how •THIS WEEK: GLADIOLI, ONE dollar a dozen. Cash and carry. York's Florist. WANTED"TO BUY— GOOD [!S ed automobile. Late model. Cash. Phone 2739. my 9 tf FOR RENT: 4-ROOM APART ment in Birmingham Apart ments. See Ft. L. Coburn. j 8 tf WANT TO BUY CORN IN shuck at your farm. What kind and how much do you have? Write or call L. N. James Corn Houte, Bethel, N. C. ap 38 tf WE BUy7 SELI. AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057, Williamston. no 8 tf FOR TOUR CUSTOM - MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. Wr have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; al30 beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 26 tf Lawn Mowers Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Tricycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE shop Washington St., Dial 2384 j APARTMENT FOR RENT — lo cated behind Martin’s Bakery, | Four rooms, completely finished, ! shower bath, hot and cold water. Man and his wife only. J. M.' Mitchell. Telephone 2204. je 20-27 dead and disabled horses Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 tf • Linoleum • Asphalt Tile • Rubber Tile • Lino-Tile • Cabinet Tops a Specially Factory Trained Mechanics No Job Too Large or Too Small Contract Prices to Contractors Hiinnieciitt Furniture <]«>. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 < WINNER BEST PICTURE \ BEST ACTOR \ Broderick CRAW-FORD ^ 'BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESSx Mercedes McCAMBP.IDGE \ (OlUMUt HUlillJ I0IEIT I8SSEN S PRODUCTION All TheKjngSIIen Inti upon the Mitaf Prat Noetl "All The Amp's Men by Robert Pton Worren „ RroAonck CRAWfOKO Joorme MU John IRELAND John DtRIK Monties McUMWOtt •im h. i« w- m b«M * ROHM ROSSUt VICCAR—Last Time Today I iW^ij^ii(>itiiii><iMriifniwriYrmYi'ifiYitfRnn K>Ss<-SW>':S!ix-^:-x-*S; Tuc Ton IS MOO,000,000 ft YEAR *riwswo«»«ira Today’s most alarming crime ring... blasted by a man who dared murder - and a woman who defied blackmail's shame! > r SCOn BRADY MONA FREEMAN ANDREA RING • ANTHONY CURTIS • CHARLES DRAKE Story tr.fl ScrtcrtpUj by tSWN GttlGUO ' fortCiM Ol CHANiU UMfrNI • PfOwwccfl by LtONARD UOiDiil'N VIC C A R - WEDNESDAY ONLY FREE DISHES TO EACH LADY accompanied by another paid ad mission ticket. 4

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