Gallantry Display In 'Sir Galahad' Based upon the stirring days of the warrior heroes who sallied forth from Kiny Arthur's Court to rescue a fair maiden in dis tress or pursue some other equal I ly fcariess quest, Columbia Pic ! tures has produced a rousing super-serial that comes storming ; to the Viccar Theatre's screen i Saturday Succeeding episodes can be seen each Saturday. Sir Galahad, the Boldest Knight of the Round Table, is, the swashbuckling hero of the ! new super-serial and his quest' for Excalibur, King Arthur's won derful sword which possesses the quality of making its wearer in vincible, results in the perilous mtr'gue, slashing swordplay and swashbuckling thrills which jam j the new ehapter-play. “Adventures of Sir Galahad"* ) rolls from one suspenseful mei | dent to another as pitched battles I vigorous sword combats, am wondrous teats of magic per ! formed by Merlin, the Magician ! follow in fast succession. All the • color and romance of a spectacu lar and brawling age are caught in the new super-serial. The first chapter, titled. “The Stolen Sword.” opens with Sir Galahad starting his adventurous quest tor Excahbur Shortly thereafter, the Saxons, under King Ulric, invade Britain Gala had proceeds through the En chanted Forest, Merlin's special preserve, and is warned to leave >y tne magician, who then causes i tree to imprison Galahad and i ring of fire to close in on him! With this spectacular begin- j ling, the characters oi the super- i crial such as George Reeves in ( he title role; Nelson Leigh as1 King Arthur: William Fawcett as Merlin: Hush Prosser as Sir Lan celot and' Lois Hall as the Lady of the Lake make their appear ances and participate in the fas cinating story. Worth the price of admission alone arc such fascinating sights as the Enchanted Forest, the mystic Ring of Fire, the Seige of Camelot, the Tournament Combat at the court; and a thousand other spectacular scenes to de light adventure enthusiasts. Spencer Bennet directed for producer Sam Kaizman from a script penned by George H. Plympton, Lewis Clay and David Mathews. continuing with a bang. For two months now industrial output has matched 1948’s record-smrshing rate; employment is bounding along at a clip that may set a postwar high this summer; and — most of all for the nation's re tailers — consumer spending is rocketing ahead at a record $180, 000,000,000-a-year rate. With a few exceptions (farm income is skidding, manufactors' new orders dipped 10 per cent in I April), the news .is good all up I and down the line. Housing is! still riding the construction crest, i refrigerator sales are breaking all i records, home washers in May j topped April by 73 percent, TV! and other appliance sales are roll-! ing in high, latest fertilizer sales j figures (a clue to the vigor of j the farm market) the highest in j history. Understandably, the bus- j iness analysts are nearly unani mous in feeling that there’s little' to worry about for the rest of the year. Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE Do We Want An Extra Tax On Our Homes, Farms and Busi ness Properly For State Pur poses? I here Mil* such ii proposal made al I lie Iasi session, the finance eoniniiltee of which I was a member declined lo approve such a lax. Vie have been able lo make •'real progress in all stale departments without il. NX r lirlirvr nitli rarrfnl rnlrnlalin^ and planning dial «r ran rnn linur In rarr\ nn anil nnl rrlanl nr liimlrr any prn^rrss nr arc mm making. If >nil Milr for ami nnniinalr mi* in llii* primary. I propnsr in nsr all nn inflnrin r anil aiiilili In lirlp llir Slalr ..nil In ..linn in all ilf ilrparlinrnl*. I fnrllirr prnpnsr dial I nill nnl favnr nr Mippnrt am mruMirr In plan- an ail>alnrnili lax nn nnr prnprrly fnr Slalr*. I Solicit Your Vote and Support In Saturday's Primary A. COREY ! STAR REPORTED IN TRAGIC ROLE HOLLYWOOD WAS SHOCKED by a Los Angeles newspaper story In which screen star Judy Garland was reported to have slashed her throat with a razor blade. The actress, who has been in ill health, was suspended by her studio tor a second time recently for failing to report for work. In this recent photo, she is pictured with her husband, Vincente Minnelli, and their daughter, Liza, in Hollywood. (International Soundphoto) & SAVE 15% In Our Summer Installation" Special On Floor Furnaces • H'« Automatic: Burns oil. No fire-tending, no shoveling of ashes. • l»'i Clean! No fuel-grime or dirt. • It's Real Automatic Furnace Heat! Powerful—heats up to 4 or 5 rooms with “warm-floor” comfort. • Needs No Basement —No Ducts — we can install without “tearing up” your house. • Wide Range of Sites and Models to suit your partic ular needs : .See us for tlie right installation for your home. We're making this offer to induce you to buy in our slow season instead of in our Fall rush. See us now — save money — get this better heat: low Down Payment ■-Easy Terms! Offer Good Until July 31st Only Dixie Motor Co. \\ n.sliin^loii StrtM‘1 Willium*loii, IN. (!. Outperforms 131 other cars in grueling Texas-to• Guatemala test! Tl*lo». Tif mtip nf I hr rniin*. \ | ri(llt, ttmnrkml Wrl.riflnMJhnOUtmnhiW’tlR." TEXAS ,*WT * l»oof of the brilliant pprlormaiue and ru"gpd dr pend a hi lilt of ihr "Rocket ”>»" Oldsmnbilr. In * -KR-inil. endurance run. down ilir full length of M. xi.o on the ik-wIv opened Pan-\nirri< ld«mobile! Make v^m date Hitli a bucket 8 at ,vo«r nearest Oldstnohile dealer*! CHAS. H WILLIAMS I ON 51* tOUK NEAREST OLDSMOBILI DEALER JENK1 NS & COMPANY — AHOSKIL — ALL AiNULK — EUt/M'ON _ WINDSOR Business Boom Is Holding Us Own f -<0 New York. — Business blues shouters are subsiding to a thin voiced minority these days. Most of the economic crystal balls now are more rose-tinted than ever, j I and the blue mood of early 1950 j looks like a sure bet to do a ; i complete fade-out. The boom is I Employer: “How long did you work at your last position?” Applicant: "Eighteen years, sir.” Employer: "Why did you quit?” Applicant: "I didn’t quit. I was paroled." * * * A robust woman who Ins! her thumb in a bus accident consulted her lawyer. Lawyer: "But why do you think your thumb is worth $20,000'.’" Woman: “Because that’s the thumb I kept my husband under.” Men's Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP You Save at LEDER BROTHERS Lower Prices WEEK—END SPECIALS HERE THEY ARE! A choice group of hot weather items at record breaking prices. Bring a friend and save at LEDER BROS. SUNBACK DRESSES; / Not just sunhaek ilrcsst*!* hut tfant “convertible” fashion*. The bare-top dresses are fun for sunning when they’re worn alone. Topped bv tin* erisp, [fresh bolero, they are pretty en ough for any (laytime or even-/ iiift adventure. Stripes, plaids' ) and solid colors. Size 12 •«> 20. ^ ! $2.95 $3.95 Cool, Washable BEMBERG PRINTS Kvrrylliing liipli fashion ileerees . . every tiling; liipli temperatures de inaiul, al a money-sav ingc price. Sheer, lovely, beiuberg print^ that are guurauleeil washable. Six es to fit you. 12 to 20— 16 1-2 to 2 4 1-2. $4.95 i SATIN LASTKX SWIM SUITS Satin Isaxlrx mmiii MiiU in on«> and Inn |)i(‘C)> slyh-s. Wi ll Iliad*1 ami fit licanti fullv. OE OAR7ME/VT STORES TUNE IN WRRF FOR LEOER BROTHERS PROGRAM—Listen lo Loner Brothers’ New Radio Show — Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians — 15-Minute Entertainment Every Sunday Afternoon, 1:30 to 1.45—Over WRRF. Washington, N. C.—9:30 on your dial. Shop WUh Confidence — Wear With Pride