Spending Fiw I»a > s He re Mr. and Mr.-. Julian Ramsey of Danville are spending a few days here with Mrs Kate B. York. Mr. Ramsey an employee o< Export Tobacco Company, formerly re sided here. Visiting In Tennessee Mr. and Mi - Russeil Davis of Windsor and M and Mrs J M. Ward arc visiting Mi and Mrs. Bobby Davis in Memphis. Tennes see. this week. Mrs. Bobby Davis js the formei Miss Lib Ward of tJiis city. Spending Week In New Bern Mrs Bob Taylor is spending this week in New Bern with her daughter. Mi.-. W E Warren, and Mr. Warren. lie)urns Home Miss Jeanette Myers returned to her iinira Wednesday from the local hospital where she under went a tonsillectomy. ■-.— Attend I*. 'I'. A. Institute Mrs Marvin Britton and Miss Eva Peele attended tin State P T. A Institute in Greenville yes terday. -« Business Visitor Here Mrs. W L Small of Windsor! was a business visitor here Tues llerc Tuesday Mrs Leslie Hardison, Miss Mel ba Martin and Mrs. Oscar Daven port of Jane sville visited friends here Tuesday evening. Here Front W indsor Misses Minnie Lou and Whit! Gilliam of Windsor visited in town Tuesday. -• In Greenville Tuesday Mesdames A. J Manning and li ving Margolis, Miss lassie Pierce • and Mis Perry Sharpe of Greens ; boro, who is hen visiting Mr and j Ml Dan Sharpe, attended tIn state P T A Institute in Green ville Tuesday. Visit Here Miss Level Ij Grantlwm of Bel fast, Mi-..- Arlene Grantham of Rosewood and Miss Ara belle Grantham of Nahunta have re turned to their respective homes after spending seveial days with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bell. In Washington Tuesday Mi's Walter T Martin and Mrs. John Ashley Hardison and son, Ashley, \ isited in Washington Tuesday morning. Spending Week Here Mrs. Perry Sharpe and daugh- j ers. Barbara and Helen, of | ilreensboro are spending this w. ck with Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. j Shi, rpe. To Visit In Franklinton Mr and Mrs. J. B. Bel! will spend this week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Garland Sandling in Frank linton. They plan to meet their son, James L. Bell, and family of j Charlotte, there. ( lull Winner Mrs. Frank Raynor was the winner of tile sheet club drawing Tuesday morning at B. S. Court ney’s and Son. -o Visit In Windsor Miss Thelma Louise Lilley, dau ghter ol Mi and Mrs. Robert Den- ! 'me Lillev of Route 1, visited her! aunt and unele, Mr. and Mrs. Arrh'ie Ray Mizelle in Windsor ovei the week-end. -<$> Visits Parents Mi and Mrs. Talmadge Selby visited Mr Selby's parents, Mr, and Mrs D. O Selby in Ransont ville Monday evening. They were aeeompanied home by their dau ghter, Deborah, who spent last week-end with her grandparents, and Mr. Selby's brother, Troy Sel by, who is spending this week here. To Visit In Baltimore Mrs. Harold Harper and Mr. Dale Proctor of Baltimore will ar rive here tomorrow to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. B.1 A Criteher and family. Return ing Sunday they will be accom panied by Mrs. H. E. Harrington and son, Edward, who will visit m Baltimore for a week. To Spend Week-end Here Mr. Charles Brady, Jr., of Nash ville, Tennessee, will arrive to morrow morning to spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J Brady. He will be aeeompanied by Mrs. Joseph Le mons and son, who will spend the week-end, and Miss Betty Le mons who will spend several weeks here. To Spend Week at Camp Patricia Harrison, Roberta Har rison, Frankie Everett, B, tty Ilel en Mobley, Gene Copeland, Tom my Parker and Miss Emilyn Wag ner will leave Monday morning tor Ft. Caswell for a week at the State Baptist Camp there. Mrs. Jessup Harrison will accompany the group to camp but will return that day. --<* Recovering In Hospital Mr Julian Jackson is reported to be getting along line following an appendectomy performed 1 uesday at the local hospital - <$>-— Visit Daughter Here Mi and Mrs. W. B. Shoe of Greenville visited their daughter, Mrs. W H. Williams, Jr., and chil i dren over the week-end. In Wilson Sunday ! Mr- Lemon Mobley of Cross I Hoads, Mrs. John L. Wynne and I daughter, Cattie Maiie, Mrs. Nay mon Whitaker, Miss Emma Rawls and Mrs. Johnnie Williams and sons. James Huy wood and Wayne, Everetts, attended Rev. Rubin 1 Jones healing campaign in Wil son last Sunday evening. — «> To Undergo Operation Miss Janie Perry will undergo a thi oat operation in a Washington | hospital today. Mrs. Alcnza .Blind -.nd Ml. Cloudv IWdLui. iare With aer. CHOPLIN-MANNING invitations issued —•— Tin' following invitations have been issued here: Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Edwin Manning request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Lessie Delene, to Marlie Linard Choplin, on Sun day, the twenty-fifth of June, at seven o’clock in the evening. Piney Grove Baptist Church, Wil-' liamston, North Carolina. Business Visitor Here Mr. Billy Clark of Greenville attended to business here yester day afternoon. — ■ o . Announce Birth of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin of North Biggs Street announce the birth of a daughter on Wednes day, June 21, at Brown's Com munity Hospital. Mrs. Griffin is the former Miss Carrie Dell Per ry. -* Attend Convention Mrs. 1. S. Eubanks of Durham and Mr. and Mrs. D V. ion, Sr., attended the Lions Conven tion in Charlotte this Week. Re turning home, they carried Bobby Clayton and Herbert Harrell, who were with the band, to Lake Mishcmowka at Bear Wallow, and toured that section of the State. Mrs. Eubanks returned to Williamston with them and is spending some time here as Mr. and Mrs. Clayton’s guest. Recovering from Operation Mrs. Martha Jones is recover ing from an appendicitis opera tion at the home of her mother, Mrs. L. B. Brown, in Robcrson ville. --O—— Returns To Brooklyn Miss Anne Deutsch has return ed to her home in Brooklyn after | visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. 6. Jones land friends in the county. — -» | Leaving for Charletaon | Wn! K. Davenport, U. S. Navy, j leaves tomorrow for Charletson, iS. C., where he’ll be stationed fol i lowing a furlough spent here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Davenport. — • Visiting in Portsmouth Miss Annie Belle Barber of jjamesville is visiting Mr. and jlvlia, Tiiuiun Modirn in Ports It 7 ukos "hiunr How” AM) YVE HAVE IT HEATING — ami — Sheet Metal Work LENNOX AIR COMHJIOMNG Approved JOHNS-MANN ILLE Roofing < loiitrat tur white's HEATING AM) SHEET METAL WORKS P. O. Box 604 HILUAMSTO.V N. C. PHO'VF Her Escort Slain AUTHORITIES in Eureka, Calif., are seeking Barbara Kelly (above), 17, a waitress, who was reported miss ing after her clothes were found on a lonely ocean beach near the body of Henry Baird, 28, a bakery truck driver. He had been shot once in the back of the head. Police believ e the couple had a date the night be fore the shooting. (International) | BRIDAL-ELECT COUPLE I HONORED AT DINNER | Mesdames Bruce Peele, Joe | Johnson, Jr., Milton James, and Miss Janie Griffin, complimented Miss Lessic Manning and Mr. Marlie Choplin, bridal-elect cou ple of June 26 at a buffet dinner, Saturday evening, June 17, at the home of Miss Griffin. The house was decorated with spring flowers and green and | white color scheme carried throughout. Miss Manning was presented a igift of crystal in her chosen pat tern and a carnation corsage by the hostesses. Mrs. Bruce Peele greeted the guests at the door and showed them to the bride's book where Mrs. Milton James presided. Mrs. Joe Johnson, Jr., and Miss Janie Griffin invited the guests to the dining room where the green and white color scheme was carried out throughout the room. The buffet was banked with ivy and fever few with a miniature bride and groom, flanked on each side by tall burning candles in sil ver candle holders. White carna tions in a silver bowl was the cen terpiece for the dining table. This was flanked by tall burning can dles in silver eandleholders. In dividual wedding cakes, chicken salad on lettuce, open face sand wiches, pickles, ham biscuits, dev iled eggs, mints, carrot sticks and punch was served to the follow ing: Miss Lessie Manning and Mr. Marlie Choplin, the honored cou ple, Misses Melba Manning, Shir ley Corey, Miriam Peele, Nan Ro berson, Sarah Revels, Mary Dean Hardison, Frances Roberson, Susie Manning, Lloyd Ward, Tupper Perry, Nathan Roberson, S. E. Manning, Jr., Wilford Griffin, i Russell Roberson, J. T. Griffin, Dallas Griffin, N. R. Peele, Jr., Henry Roberson, Milton James, ■ Bruce Peele, Mr. and Mrs. Loon Earl Griffin and daughters, Vickie and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roberson, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Manning, Mrs. Ludie Roberson, Mrs. George C. Griffin, Jr., and Mr. George C. Griffin. WHITE-DRAKE WEDDING Here Last Saturday Miss Frances Drake of CJreen vilJe and Mr. James White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Palmer White of Williamston, were married in the home of his parents here on Beech Street on Saturday, June 17, at 8:00 o’clock. Rev. N. J. Ward, pastor of the Williamston Pentecostal Holiness Church, per formed the ceremony. A wedding party was given im mediately after the ceremony in the White home. Following a short wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. White will be at home in Green ville. Here from Alabama Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roger son and children of Gadsden, Alabama, are visiting relatives in the county. -■»,, - In Mt. Airy Messrs. T. C. and J. C. Cooke are on a business trip to Mt. Airy. Recovering from Operation Undergoing a major operation on his spine in a Richmond hos pital last Thursday, Mr. Roger Critcher, Jr., was reported this morning to be improving and is expected home in a few days. He will continue in a cast for weeks, however. Mrs. Critcher and his mother are returning to Rich mond tomorrow. -,—.—_ «,— Make Speech Over Radio For Graham Wednesday Nighi (Continued from page one) I. Their war service should not be an issue, but if Willis Smith was inducted into service July 29, 1918, and was out 11 days after Nov. 11, 1918. Frank Gra ham volunteered in the Marines July 1917 and served until July 1919. 4 months against 24 months. Short time service here in Amer ica against fighting in the trench es and on foreign fields. Smith says that Frank Graham is a socialist or that his views and the Democratic trend is to ward Socialism. They called Jef ferson a Socialist. They called William Jennings Bryan a Soc ialist. They called Franklin D. Roosevelt a Socialist. Every man in modern history that has raised his voice in behalf of the common man has been called Socialist. Every liberal Democrat in my generation that has opened his mouth in behalf of the farmer, laborer or the small business man has been called Socialist. If soc ialism means 45 cent tobacco, de cent wages, good roads, social se curity, and the kind of Democrat progress and security that we now have, give me that and Frank Graham and give Willis Smith back to the days before Frank lin Roosevelt. Let Herbert Hoo ver and sound conservative gov ernment as defined by Judge Vas ser have Willis Smith. More than that, Willis Smith has gone back to the dark ages of North Carolina’s political his tory and resurrected the old ghost of racial prejudice. To fool you, to defeat a man whose life has been dedicated to service in North Carolina, to satisfy his de sire to sit in the United States Senate as the tool of the rich and the hired man of intrenched privilege, Willis Smith is singing the old forgotten song of racial hatred and seeking to rekindle the long extinguished fire of ra cial sUik\ Every alleged fact i that he sets forth in this respect as a basis for his attacks has been refuted in this campaign again and again and again. Yet he comes back and makes these changes over and over and over. Senator Hoey says that Willis Smith’s campaign is the meanest and dirtiest he has ever seen in North Carolina. Men and women of North Caro lina, you that love your State, that cherish the record of its pro gress and pray for the peace and happiness of its future, stop and think. This is little politics, this is dirty politics, but infinitely worse, this is dangerous politics. For 50 years. North Carolina's noblest sons, Aycock, Kitchen, Craig, Bickett, Morrison, Gardner, Eringhouse, Broughton, Scott, Frank Graham and thousands of others have labored to make this State a place where the white man and the colored man could live and work with mutual re spect for each other. They have achieved the North Carolina way, the Frank Graham way of hand ling this problem which our At torney cited in his recent briefs in the cases before the Supreme Court of the United States. Win or lose, the sober, mature verdict of history will condemn Willis Smith for making these unwar rumeu aitu refuted aUaciu> upvh a i.-:Z a Christian gentleman and Statesman as ever lived in any state. On June 24th, we go forth a gain to do battle in the age old struggle for the rights of the lit tle man, for Democracy, for pro- j gress, for the American way of j life. Willis Smith, the corpora-1 tion lawyer and lobbyist, the I friend of the rich and the tool of' wealth, is alligning his forces. On the other side Frank Graham, the servant of all the people, sounds his call. Voters of North Carolina, find your place on this battlefield. Shoulder your musket, but let it be a Democratic musket, fix your bayonet, but let it be a liberal bayonet. Strike your blow, but let it be a blow for freedom. Level your sights, but level them on the palaces of privilege. Shoot your shot, but let it be a shot heard around the world in behalf of the rights of the common man. Do this. Do this and you will vote for Frank Graham. 1 BIRTHDAY IN THE U.S. TREASURY PUFFING OUT a lone candle, Mrs. Georgia Neese Clark celebrates her first anniversary as Treasurer of the U.S. during a party in Washington. With My;. Clark is her boss, Treasury Secretary John W. Snyder. The •ignatures of the two people appear on U.S. currency. (International) Expand Program For Recreation The expanded recreation pro- ; gram for Williamston which wasj held down for two weeks because ! of the Union Daily Vacation Bible I School has now been put into op- j eration with baseball and similar activity at the high school park from 9:30 to 12:00 Monday, Wed nesday, Friday and Saturday, un der the supervision of Bobby Rog ers who doubles as life guard at j the swimming pool during other hours. Coach Stuart Maynard, director of the program, reports that pa tronage of the swimming pool has j been good and it is expected that ! admissions and season tickets will take care of expenses of operation j not only of the pool but of tne , “non-paying" parts of the pro- j gram as well. Rogers hopes to have enough out for baseball to make puss blv four complete teams. This v ill provide recreation for the young sters and also give them training in the sport that will help them later on. GRADUATED Headquarters Air University, Maxwell AF Base, Ala., June 16.— Maj. Oscar S. Anderson, Jr., of 214 Main Street, Williamston, was graduated this morning from the sixth regular course of the Air University’s Air Command and Staff School at this base. Major Anderson was a member of Plans Section, Air Tactical School, Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, prior to coming to school at Maxwell. \ During World War II he served ov%rseas in the European Theater of Operations from May 1943 to August ^945. Decorations awarded him in clude the Bronze Star. He is the son of Mr. O. S. And erson also of Williamston, North Carolina, and the late Mrs. Fannie Biggs Martin Anderson. | An effort is being made by the director to provide instruction in swimming at the pool during the time when the pool will be open i only to non-swimmers Attention was also called again i to the schedule of hours at the pool which is open in the morn ing only on Tuesday and Thurs dey. Evening hours are from 2 to 5:30 and 7 to 9 every day ex cept Wednesday Saturday and Sunday. The pool is not open