Legislator Tells The Real Story Of Frank Graham (Continued from page one) cessful after four tries when he ] made it into the U S. Marine Corps; his distinguished scholas tic- record, his progress as presi dent of the University; his ser vice under Roosevelt in the In donesian situation and his emi nent national position as U. S. ; Senator from North Carolina. Questions were invited from the floor, and one sought the truth of Wiiiis Smith's reported opposition in 1947 to the 40-cen.t minimum wage, now being de med by Smith forces "It happened that u. 1947 I wasj a signer of bill No. 1 setting this minimum wage, and a member of the Labor Committee before which a hearing was held.'' Urn stead said. "I remember quite well that Willis Smith, acting as lawyer for a client, appeared to protest this minimum wage, as unreason able and unfair." Concerning FEPC. he declared “Frank Gra ham has said he will never vote for any compulsory anti-segre gation law, and he would not lie to gain the U. S Senatorship nor anything else. He has done more than any other man to protect this Stale from such suits as those which recently came up before the Supreme Court by working I hard to assure Negro students oi j facilities equal to those foi | whites, in those splendid school} of their own. North Carolina Col I lege at Durham and A. T. and T iat Greensboro. We have had good ! race relations in this State, and 'if you will look closely at the backgrounds of those injecting the race issue into this campaign, this throwing us 30 vears back in oui progress, you will find that they have no abiding interest in our State and no real love for her." Narco Theatre WILUAIViSTOX, N. (’. Sl \l)U - \IO\im UNIVERSAL INtlRNAllONAl j.irbrnli. BUD LOU } [wofacosm L HUT the KlllER. ft BORIS KARtOFF" j I I ai Beginning Saturday, June 24 VICCAR Watts Theatre Williuiii»loii, N. C. THURSDAY-FRIDAY The true-to-life ,\ best-seller blazes screen ward I unih* uiidi ---— w W wwwvw vwvwVWwwvWWW BOTTLE GAS SERVICE Williamston Bottle Gas Co.* Piimie 2050 W. J. MILLER & SON Officer WESTERN ALTO 116 Muiu Si. Medium-Size Vole Is Predicted For Primary Saturday (Continued from page one) 3,500 or 3,000. The race between Anderson and Corey is certain to have much effect on the size of the vote, but interest in the other contest has subsided eonsiderbly in the miftds of many voters. In the State, it is predicted that the count will hover tn the neighborhood of 400,000 votes. In quite a number of counties there are local contests and the vote is expected to hold up, but in others it is almost certain to drop to a low point. While the county has moved along in a smooth way, the U. S. Senate race has been bogged down in contemptible smearing, warped facts and inflated claims, all designed to add confusion and hide the real issue. Smothered under the mud de luge. quite a few voters declare they are washing their hands of the whole business. Need $150,000 In New Fiscal Year To Operate Town (Continued vrorn page one) 1500.00. Water and Sewer Department: salary of Supt., 1710.00; labor, 10.000. 00; supplies, 3000.00; gas and oil, 1000 (Ml; repairs to equip ment, 1000.00; water analysis, 05.00; tel. and tel., 55.00; conven- i lion. 100.00; sewer expansion, 7400.00; water mains 7500.00; re pair to water tank, 4000.00; new equipment (1 truck, pick-up), 2500.00; new meters, 1500.00. Debt Service: principal on bonds, 14.500.00; interest on bonds, 9.195.00 l.ont- ('.tint• In IIfiinl In Juntivb Of l>t‘tit't’ (.ourI Only one case was heard in the justice ol the peace courts here during the past lew days. J. M. Hardison of Plymouth, charged with being drunk and dis orderly. was sentenced to the roads for thirty days. Justice Mobley suspended the road term upon the payment of the costs. Jimmy Wallace lo Allend Boy Seoul Nalion'l Jamboree Will Serve a.* Publicity Man For The Fast Carolina ('.oimeil Recreation Director Jimmy Wallace announced today mat. he has been asked to go to Valley Forge to the National Boy Scout iJamboree on the Regional Staff j representing the South-eastern states, and he has decided to ae-1 !eept the position to serve in the J idouble capacity of Medical Aid [and Publicity man for the East i Carolina Council The Jamboree, a get-together of Scouts from all over the nation , takes; place every fifteen of twen ty years. The last one was held in Washington in 1937. President Harry S. Truman will make an address at the Jamboree on the openmg day. Other dignitaries will wander over the grounds of Valley Forge Park just outside Philadelphia during the 10-day event compriinising 47,000 Boy Scouts from Puget Sound to Key West. Jimmy had previously planned to go to Camp Charles, and re grets that he has been called elsewhere. However, he is asking someone to sustitute for him, and is contacting Mr. Kelly Abeyou nis, local teacher who will be at Camp Charles at that time. As a general rule, most of the boys go to Camp Charles are unaccom panied hv adults and it is the practice of the camp officials to assign a Junior Leader to each group. In the past, this routine has been highly successful. Longest-Time; Shortest Life The longest time interval ever measured is 1,500.000,000,000, 000,000,000 years. Don't ask us how it was done but the scien tists tell us that the substance tellurium, once considered stable, is radioactive, shedding half its atoms in that many years. Not content with this accom plishment the scientists also ad vise that the life-span of a neutral meson lasts just one-ten-trillion th of a second. Once again, we say. don't ask us how it was done. Readers should not get the idea, however, that these things were not done. Just because some of us do not understand the pro cesses involved does not mean that hard-working and intelligent men of science do not know what they are doing. -o ('.all S/naial Mvvtiuf! Of Sk wear key Masons A special meeting of Skewar key Masons will be held in the lodge hall here Friday night at TOO for work in the second de gree. All master Masons are asked to attend. Visit at Camp I.ejeime Miss Martha Vivian Whitehurst of Bethel and Mrs. George White hurst visited Mi > Harrell Hargett at Camp Lejeune Sunday. WantS FOR SALE: TWO USED OIL stoves. $15.00 and £30.00. West-1 ern Auto Associate Store. W. J. Miller and Son. je 20 2t • Linoleum • Asphalt Tile • Rubber Tile • Lino-Tile • Cabinet Tops a Specialty Factory Trained Mechanics No Job Too Largo or Too Small Contract Prices to Contractors Hunuieeiitt Furniture Bethel, N. C, — Phone 2211 Green Wave Band Draws First Place Tie At Charlotte (Continued from page one) A band to represent the State I at the national convention in Chi | eago has not been selected by the j Lions as vet, it was said. Unless I a ruling concerning the number of ! instruments should exclude W.I | liamston, it still has a chance at ! the bid. PINK TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2400. ,ie 20 tf WANTED USED FERTILIZER Bags, washed and in good con dition. W T. Ross. Washington Road, near Williamston. je-22 4t FOR SALE: ONE USED ICEBOX good condition, $15.00. Western Auto Associate Store. W. J. Miller and Son. je 20 2t EXPERT BODY AND FENDER repair Reasonable prices and Satisfactory Service is our aim. Roanoke Chevrolet Company. Williamston, N. C. je 22 tf FREE APPRAISALS ON ALL Body and Fender Repairs with no obligations. Roanoke Chevro let Co., Williamston. N. C. je 22 tf RESTORE YOUR CAR S PAINT to its original lustre and bril liance with a new Paint Job. Roanoke Chevrolet Company, Williamston, N. C. je 22 tf FOR SALE: TWO USED BICY cles, 24" and 26". Western Auto Associate Store. W. J. Miller and Son. je 20 2t FOR SALE: SEVERAL BUSHELS of Roanoke Soy Beans. Priced right. T. W. Holliday, Jamesville, N. C. je 20 2t I FOR SALE: THREE USED GAS ranges. $50.00 to $100.00. Wes tern Auto Associate Store. W. J. Miller and Son. je 20 2t FOR RENT—BRICK STORE and warehouse. North Railroad Street. Robersonville. C. L. Wil son. je 13 4t WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. Wells-Oates Lulmber Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tf FOR RENT: 4-ROOM APART* ment in Birmingham Apart ments. See R. L. Coburn, j 8 tf PARKER’S SELF - S E R VIC E Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf WANTED TO BUY— GOOD US ed automobile. Late model. Cash. Phone 2739. my 9 tf DOES YOUR COAtTsUIT OR skirt fit.? They dont! Then bring them to Bullucx’s for expert'alt erations. m 14 tf For RENT: SANDING MACH* ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR j repairs, parts, tubes and bat tel ies. Phone 2818. Turn right at Freezer Locbcr. no 8 tf FOR SALE: ONE USED WEST inghouse electric range. Cheap. $50.00. Western Auto Associate Store. W. J. Miller and Son. j 20 2t WANT TO BUY CORN IN shuck at your farm. What kind and how much do you have? W’rite or call L. N. James Corn House, Bethel, N. C. ap 18 tf WE BUY, SELL AND WIRE OLD oil lamps. Bring us your lamps for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Dial 2057, Williamston. m 8 tf FOR TOUR CUSTOM - MAJOR Venetian blinds, awnings for the home or store, see us. Wr have the famous Flexalum aluminum slats; also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Williams ton. au 26 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk Tallow Company. no 8 ti BUY WITH CONFIDENCE. BUY from a company with a grand reputation. Brown Memorial Com pany. Rocky Mount. N. C. R. Sherrod Corey, representative, Williamston, N. C., Dial 29493. je 11 4t ; CLARK'S RHEUMATISM COM pound for positive relief of aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money back. Clark Phar i macy. m 22 tf Adults 20c Children 15c THURSDAY - FRIDAY "The Red Pony" With Robert Mil* hunt Myrua Uny CARTOON SATURDAY OOUBCE FEATURE "Desert Vigilante" With (diaries Slarrett Smiley Burnette Also "Hideout" With Adrian Hootli Ulovd Undoes Chapter No. 11 of Serial CARTOON SUNDAY - MONDAY “Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer" With Rud Abbott \ Uou Costello March of Time Cartoon TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "Tarzan Triumphs" With Johnny \\ cissniullcr Rremla Joyce Cartoon Lawn Mower* Sharpened We Sell and Repair. Bieyelcs-T licycles. Harley-Davidson Motor cycle Sales and Service. QUINN’S MOTORCYCLE SHOP Washington St., Dial 2384 THEATRE — WILLIAMSTON THURSDAY • FRIDAY ! "Please Believe i Me" ! With Deborah Kerr Koherl Walker NEWS CARTOON SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "Colorado Rangers" With The Rlaek Hitler Also "Killer Shark" With .'IcJtly McDowell Chap. No. ii of Serial Cartoon SUNDAY - MONDAY TUESDAY "Three Came Home" With Claudette Colbert Piurif Knowles NEWS WEDNESDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "Girl From San Lorenzo" With The Cisco Kill Also "Federal Agent At Large" • With Dorothy Patrick Itoherl Rockwell Cartoon BARCLAY TILE BOARD in assorted colors for bath room and kitchens. We have all accessories for installing the above. Chrome, cap strips, baseboard, etc. This tile board is 3-16" thick. Our price 35e per sq. ft. F. O. B. Bethel. Huiinicciill Furniture Co. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 VICCAR THEATRE WILLI AMSTON THURSDAY - FRIDAY “SO PROUDLY WE HAIL” Claudette Colbert Paulette Goddard Veronica Lake Cartoon ti Latest News " -. w < SATURDAY Double Feature “Prairie Schooner” Wild Bill Elliott “Yanks Ahoy” East Side Kids NEW SERIAL “ADVENTURES OF SIR GALAHAD” If you do not have your “Sir Galahad Club Card” entit ling: yo uto see the last chap ter free, call for it today at the Viccar. Watts Theatre Williamston, N. C. SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY THIS IS THE TRUE STORY... THE NAKED STORY... AS ONE WOMAN LIVED IT... SURVIVED IT...AND TOLD |> GINGER mm DENNIS Rogers Morgan TMC LOVERS OF* KITTY FOYLE * IN ANOTHER HIT AS GREAT! 1* f. POLO A NO BEAUTIFUL PICTURE FROM WARNER BwOS!] I •""THELMA RITTER "«***«•, JERRY WALD •^"'’RRFTAI^NF WIN HI l