w+ UK a w j flIXTY SIGE -he wants ter know, Ef it takes a feller 4-5 year to larn how to drive a railroad er, jm over ther rails, hadn’t it ort to take longer than 4 5 days, or 4-5 hours praetis anil rules larnin, herfore he is turrit loos with a automobile’’ Yassar, a man has got to sarve 4-5 year prentiship at liandlin a railroad iiijin that he rant drive no vvhars hut to follei ther track berfore lies low d to take other folks lives in Ins hands But ther teen-agers, and sum a little older, kin hop in a auto-eyar, pres a but ton. twist a wheel, and start on down ther turn-pike or crowded street with mitv little praetis or rule checkin on tha.v kno-how Ther open drive way aint lak ther railroad rails that guides a enjin a sartin way. but a autodriver kin go strait, or crooked, or eros-ways, or he.kin stop, or git over on ther tuther fellers side, he kin keep goin slow or fast, or park rat ber side anuther cyar. and block ther street, all cordin to how much gumption he has gathered en durin them short lessons he has pirkd up to git by ther in-specter and land his lieens. And we aint had even that much check on 'ini fer long Anil rat now thar aint many folks that pays much tcn tion to rcgerlashuns, lessen thay secs a cop stat in cm in ther eye. Jest tuther day I seed a feller start up on ther corner, and stop short in ther middel ol ther street, side of a cyar that was parked ginst ther curb, and wait to pick up a walker frum tuther side of ther street, whilst ther balance of ther rears that had waited fer ther ■green, piled up berhind 'im with brakes screechin, ruther than push over on left side whilst he picked up his man. Now that fel ler curl hav drived 10 foot further and parked side ther curb, but no, he rund ther risk of havin his back-side bumped into a big size cost, and cf them uther cyars had bin movin fastern 1. per. hit would1 hav lialpend. Not long ergo, l| | seed a bus driver prop a mdgyzene up berfore 'im, sos he eud read (her picturs as he driv erlong ther hi-wav. —One time 2 school boys was raslin on ther edg of ther hi way by tha.v school, and a bus driver had to slo down, cross to ther left side, and creep by them | boy's not knowin whay tha.v would fall. Nuthcr tirye I seed two school busses takin ther whole road, raein side by side, nary one gittin ber-head of ther uther fer 1-4 mile, and dis-a-peer in over a hill-top. Ef ther devel didn’t take keer of ’em on ther down slope, I never heerd what did. Hit sho looks luk ef ther lows and ther forrement of ther laws, dont lai n cm more bout how to drive safe, all ther ear dealers air a-gom to loose tliav gooses that pays fer tliay rolin eggs. And most folks that cares to sav eny thing, lays it to speed, ignorense, and dnnt-kenv and linker Nhuir whos a-goin to do what, bout whats now hein dun, that don't need to he dun? FUR STORAGE ai LEDER BROS. THE FROZEN AGE it here. This June's com will taste mighty fresh nest lanuary. And even " * "* though the head of the house is above shoot ing a bird or catching a fish out of season, you can enjoy quail and brook trout the year 'round! To say nothing of those tender young fryers you can buy by the doien when the price is most alluring! What's more, your own food freeser will save those tiresome shopping trips in all kinds of weather . . . you'll always be ready for "unexpected" guests ... your family will enjoy better meals at lower cost, with less work I Whether yours is an apartment kitchenette or a big larm kitchen . , . there's a food ireeier styled and sised for your needs. Record Catch Made In County Shown above is I'riah Leggett of Robersonville with his prize eatch, a ten pound Bass taken from Mobley’s Mill. The Bass is one of the largest ever eaught there. SLAB WOOD FOR SALE CHEAP. Dinl 2160 WillinniRton Supply Co. Shriner airen CHOSEN “Miss Cleopatra" at tli. “1,001 Nights Vageanl,” Miss Mari ]yn Lindberg will reign over 1h. Shrine Convention in Los Angelet The 1950 “siren" contest was spon sored by a Shrine Club In Beverl; Hills, Calif. (International, Claudette Colbert suffers indignity at the will of a Jap soldier in the true story of prisoners of-war, Agnes Newton Keith’s "Three Came home,” Twentieth CenMiry-Fox film that is the attraction at the Watts Theatre Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Patric Knowles, Florence Desmond and Sessue Hayakawa are featured in the Nunnatly Johnson production written for the screen by him and directed by Jean Negulesco. Ginger Rogers and Morgan In Film It's a safe wager that not many j moviegoer s know what goes on j among tne 12 people of a jury j thrown together b.y the law for a lenghty murder trial. Well they’ll soon see when “Perfect Strang ers," the long-awaited Warner Bros, comedy drama starring Gin ger Rogers and Dennis Morgan, comes into the Viccar Theatre on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. That these two ‘perfect strang ers’ fall in love is a foregone con clusion, the situation of two at- j tractive people side by side for I so many weeks proving too much ■ for their romantic imaginations. I But how their romance plays a big part in arriving at a verdict in the actual trial is something I most legal minds would rather not contemplate. Amusing complications which result from such a situation are made to order for the two stars who a number of years back I scored such personal triumphs in “Kitty Foyle," the film which brought (linger an Academy A ward also served to bring Mor gan to the first rank of Holly wood stars The film also fea tures Margate Gillmore, one of Broadway’s leading stars On trial for murder in "Per fect Strangers” is a man ac cused uf doing away with his wife in order to marry his secre tary. With the jury close to a verdict of guilty, it is Ginger who demonstrates by revealing her own feeling for a fellow juryman that it is possible to fall in love with another per son while still married, and that it is not necessarily a criminal thing. Which may be something for, judges and psychiatrists to figure out, but in "Perfect Strangers” it simply results in a highly absorbing situation for a motion picture. INCOME The Commerce Department re ports that personal incomes rose in April to an annual rate of $212,800,000,000 and wages and salaries were at a rate of $136, 700,000,000. _ 'Job For Business To Do Is Outlined —®— Suggesting a fresh appraisal of American competition as the basis for a “realistic clarification” of the anti-trust laws, Secretary of Commerce Charles'Sawyer points lout that ‘vast economic and busi ness changes" have taken place in the sixty years since the Sher man Anti-Trust Act was passed, i Mr. Sawyer admits that "the, rulings, the judical decisions and the thinking” upon the subject i are conflicting and confusing. He would have a study made to se if the legal situation conforms! to the real-life facts. The idea has some merit. If would seem possible for out standing and public-spirited busi ness men of the nation to get to gether, survey the business situa tion and formulate a policy, ad justed to the needs of modern mas', production amt existing so cial needs. Bods temperature generally reaches its highest point at about .1 p. m. _ run Heilig mid Meyers Willinimton for the “Hp»t Buys In Furniture” G & W William Penn 1 v i * Blended Whiskey Ittal Fries $1.95 Pints •6 Proot TUB Ml I MOM (HD Ilf llll _ NWTIA1 Ml MOM MAM, I OLD $TAGG Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey FULL 4 YEARS OLD f $040 $OI0 W 4/S OT. Mm PINT 16 PROOF. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. ^ THE STAGG DISTILLING CO., FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY. BOTTLE GAS SERVICE — It Cooks — It Heats — It Makes Ice — Courtney Gas Co., Inc. Dial 2572 » -■ 1. (ionuniinist Front Organizations 12. Socialist leanings Racial Views I. Serv ice In Demoeratic Party 5. Business Experience Willis Smith § None i # None # Relieves present Sy'SlCIll of “wparaU' ImiI equal" facili ties for while ami colored will kiT|> and promote ra cial harmony. § Against I’KI'C in any form. # Elected to 3 terms in State Legislature. # Fleeted Speaker of House of Representatives # Elected Chairman of Stale Democratic Convention. 0 Delegate to National Demo cratic Convention. • 35 years experience as law yer and in business. • Always earned living against competition. Frank Graham Associated with 111 "roups labeled ('oiUTtlllllisI H'lOllls; hy l In-Aniericun Vctivitics < Poniinillcc. ' Studied under Harold Ijis ki. Kurland's Icadine; Social isl. \'ot4*«l slcailily with “left wingers" Pepper anil ke fanver. long recognized as a “soc-•, | ial-planncr". Always favored an end lo sc- i "legation of while negro. :* Signed <'i\ iI Mights Itcporl ill I‘)I7 which incliuleil lire. Hi«l nol join oilier Southern Senators in * their fight against l-’KIT, In 1949 voted on Kasllanil Amendment u^iin-l all Sou* iheru Senators except Pep per and Kefnuver. Appointed hy M . Kerr Seott 'j to Senate. 9 None 9 Always on pnhiie payroll. Elect Willis Smith Jane 24th MARTIN COUNTY COMMITTEE FOR WILLIS SMITH

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