Recipes Of The Week y Miss EVELYN HANCOCK Home Service Director Virginia Electric and Power Company COFFEE HOUR > Coffee is a favorite American •verage - be it Junt or January, 'r an informal get-to-gether of tghboring homemakers, or an ernoon or evening occasion for reshments try coffee hot if i prefer or in one of its summer •sions with a variety of tempt ; accompaniments. Iced Coffee •""or iced coffee make fresh *fee double instrength by your ial method. Instant or frozen !fee may be used. Pour the hot fee into glasses filled with ice. retain desired strength, coffee lead of water may be frozen d used to replace plain ice bes. Serve with sugar and ■am if desired. Coffee Punch Combine chilled coffee of de ed strength and vanilla ice (am in punch bowl. (Use ap Dximately 1 quart of ice cream ► • each half-gallon of coffee.) p generously with sweetened lip- cream and serve in punch i>s. “Accompaniments for Coffee Beverages Koiatchies .... Mix together' P. sugar, 1 T. flour, 1 T. canned (am, 1 1-2 Yeast Cake. In an-] ter bowl cream 1 C. shorten- j !■ 2 egg yolks, and alternately ! 2 1-2 cups flour and 3-4 cups canned cream ar,d pinch of salt. Combine with other mixture. Roll out to 1 -4" thickness and cut in 4" squares. On center of each square place 1 -2 canned apricot, pinch corners and edges of square together and let rise one hour. Bake in 375 to 400 degree oven for about 20 minutes. When cool, ice with icing made of confection ers' sugar and water. Other suggestions are: 1. Tiny Cream Puffs . . Make them bite size. Fill with cream filling, whip ped cream or chocolate whipped cream. 2. Tea (drop) Doughnuts. 3. Coffee Cake. Colonial Coffee Cake 1 cup scalded milk 1 yeast cake (dissolved in 1-4 cup luke warm water) 1-2 cups shortening 1 cup sugar 3 eggs well beaten Rind and juice of 1-2 lemon 1 tsp. cinnamon ltsp. salt 6 cups sifted all purpose flour 1-2 cup chopped nuts 3-4 cup raisins 1-4 cup chopped citron Scald milk; cream shortening, add sugar, well beaten eggs, lem on juice, rind, and mix thorough ly. Add flour which has been sifted with salt and cinnamon. Gradually stir in milk, and dis solved yeast. Mix thoroughly. Transfer to a greased bowl, cover and let rise overnight in a warm place. Add nuts, raisons, citron and knead slightly. Divide and shape dough into three strips about 18 inches long and braid. Place on a greased baking sheet and let rise 2-21-2 hours. Bake in a 4oo F. oven for 30 minutes. Spread with melted butter and ice with confectioners sugar and a few tsp. of boiling water. . ’UR STORAGE ai LEDERRROS. FOR COMPLETE HOME REFRIGERATION SERVICE ^HOT POINT OMIINATION REFRIGERATOR AND FOOD FREEZER Compare Refrigerator* with all the other* and you’ll agree Hotpoint i* year* ahead in value. Hotpoint'* brilliant Combination give* you a real food freezer plu* a full-aiae refrigerator in a single kitchen unit. Frees* lag compartment hold* up to 70 pounds of frozen foods, and the refrigerator compartment never needs defrosting. Deluxe model* give you America's most* wanted feature* — butter conditioner, leftover rack, bi-humidity drawers and hiany more. All Hotpoint taodels are outstanding among fine refrigerators in Quality, beauty and price' ybStiy't Pointing to llulpOlIlt nnwiRATOM B. S. Courtney & Son Furniture Since 1914 Open Friday Evening ’lil 9:00 State (if North Carolina Department of State PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Presents May Come —- Greeting: Whereas, it a pears to my .satis faction, by duly authenticated re cord of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in mv of fice, that the Standard Fertilizer Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is sit uated in the Town of Williamston, County of Martin, State of North Carolina (C. Godwin Crockett be ing the agent therein and in : charge thereof, upon whom pro- I cess may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 55. Genera’ Statutes, entitled "Corporations,” preliminary to the . issuing of this Certificate of Dis solution : Now Therefore, I, Tliad Eure, Secretary oi Mate of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify! that the said corporation did, on: tire 5th day of June, 1950, file in mv office a duly executed and at tested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation,! executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 5th day of June, A. D. 1950. Thad Eure, Secretary of State, je 8-15-22-29 NOTICE OF SALE i North Carolina, Martin County. : The Board of Commissioners of Martin County, under and by au thority of law conferred Upon • them, will, on Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1950, at 12 o'clock noon in front of the courthouse door in the Town of Willinniston, offer for sale to the highest hid del1 fur cash nt public auction th^ following described property, to wit: Beginning, at corner of Jones' house and lot on Main Street in the Town of Williamston. thence along Main Street 55 feet, thence a | line parallel with Main Street UK) feet to a stoh, thence a line parol lei with Mam Street 55 feet to Jones' line, thence along Jones' : line 1(10 feet to the beginning, this ! being the same premises convey i ed to W. ,1. (b iffin by It, A. Oil cher anti wife. Ozella, by deed dated Dec. 1st, 1»ih, and of record in Book D-2, page 105 of the Public Registry of Martin County, and also being the same premises conveyed to Julius S Peel by W .1 Griffin and wife, Mary K Grit' tin, and also being the same land deeded lo Martin ('minty bv I ,< lie lo or ill'll and other , ol reo n d in lb u >K 1) 2, page 571, The bid will las' open for a pei iod of ten day. for a raise of bid, and it anybody desires lo raise the bid, bid may be raised with J. Sam Getsinger, Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners, or with Feel & Peel, County Attorneys, The successful bidder will be -required to make a deposit of 10 percent. l io the 2nd dav of June, 1950 F.i j.\ki) of commissioners oF MARTIN COUNTY F,\ .1 Sam Cetsino r, Clerk. Feel A- Feel, Attys , William-.ton, N. C i ie !! I :> 22 2!) Dennis Morgan and Ginger Rogers team romantically for the new Warner Bros, film, “Perfect Strangers,” yhich begins its engagement at the Viccar Theatre on Sunday. Morgan and Miss Rogers shared the romantic leads in “Kitty Foyle," a few years ago. Ttfafo The Foldable baby Stroller • Walker $14.95 Merit** Itlkt* $1.41 Mtrt Wtlght only 10 Ibi. FOLDS LIKE MAGIC IN 2 SECONDS Sturdy Aluminum Comtructlon Sanitary Removable Tray Suspended Posture Seat Self Olllna Bearings Adjustable Handle J CONVMTI INTO WAIKU WoolardFurnitureCo. “Martin County's landing Furniture Store” ftNiAfa HENRY /, TAYlCf, ABC Network, every Monday evening. m }: Crossings should be Seen and not Felt HEN the sign soys "Stop, TT Look *nd Listen,’’ the pru dent driver does. But otter that whatP Must you still move forward ut a cautious crawl or pay toll in jar, jitter and jounce? Not, good sir, when you’re at n Buiek’s wheel. You step on the throttle, move eas ily, swiftly forward. Your wheels dance—your tires drum-roll over rail and plank. But four gentle coil springs, one on each wheel, are working their magic—and you hear rather thun feel the rough spot you have crossed. 1 hut, of course, is only one kind of roof'll f{oitifJ you can meet in your (ravels. It’s only one kind of discomfort your Huick's built to master. I’or beside fjentle coil springing, every Buick rides on soft, low pressure tir s. Ivvery one is stead ied by u ri^iil torque-tube, b'verv one boasts a rigid, weuveproof frame—soft, sure shock absorbers — even special engine mountings to minimi/.e vibration. They can liuve the special added smoothness of Dynallow Drive,* cushioning power-thrust in spin ning oil. S<t roof'll spots seem to level out t Standard on HoAltAJASTh'H, optional al extra vo»t on SI /Jt-.t{ and SPh't’IAL itwdrln. nt your coming. Boulevards take oil u new smoothness. ^ ou know what riding eomlort is — whv llie Buiek title is called matehless. So how about it? (.iime climb into a Buiek and see lor youi sell w hat w e mean. ^ oil'll gel a style-thrill and a power-tlu ill along with vour ride-thrill—and a story on price that eliminates sour last excuse lot not trawling in the Buiek mannei! Only BVICK has and with it goes: higncr-comhiks SION Fireball valve in head power in three engines. (New F 263 engine in SUPER models.) • NEW-PATTERN STYLING, with MULTI-GUARD forefront, taper through fenden. double hubhl*" taillights • WIDE-ANGLE VISIBILITY, dose up road view both forward and back • TRAFFIC HANDY SIZE, less over all length for easier parking and garaging, short turning radius • tXTRA-WIDE Sf ATS cradled between the axles • SOFT BUICK RIDE, from all coil springing, Safety Ride rims, low pressure tires, ride steadying torque tube • WIDE ARRAY OF MODELS with Body by Fisher. ) ~w Kry u Ga" mil Vaiuf r ova-wat roaaraoMT Thii rvggod front md (I) toll tho tlylo nolo, (2) tor or on ropmr coih—vortical ban ara mdividu allj roplucooblo, (3) avoid) "locking harm," (dt makdi parking and garaging outior. Chas. H. Jenkins & Co. Of Williamston, Inc. Highway 17 Phone 2147 Willia.nslon, N. C. WHIN BITfU AUTOMOIIlll AM BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THIM P~5 >- .~ ~rr-; • ■ JOIN THE FIGHT FOR Southern Democracy Join The Thousands Of New Smith Supporters SWITCH TO SMITH Vote For Willis Smith For United States Senator Martin colnty committee for willis smith

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