TOUR BIG DAYS E. 0. N. STARTS WEDNESDAY STORE OPENS AT 9:00 O'CLOCK FOUR BIG DAYS Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday STORE CLOSES WEDNESDAY AT 12:30 REAL HONEY - SAVING BARGAINS SUITS llfuntifnl suits in all si*es and colors. Truly a on«* linu* op portunity. Come early so yon will be sure of getting ex actly what von want. 8.99 - 6.99 9.99 ■ 12.99 DRESSES OUT THEY CO All the fashions for juniors. Misses and women. All the smart new sum mer pastels. You'll want several of these cool crisp summer dresses. All sizes. BLOUSES Dainty Idolises in several styles. All si*es. Whites and pastels with laee and eyelet Irints. $1.50 $1.99 $2.99 A ONK I IMi: OPPORTUNITY PAJAMAS Sanforized fast colors. All sizes. A wonderful buy. Print and seer-sucker. Balcony. $157 DRESSES 6.88 - 5.88 8.88 -18.88 SANDALS — BALLERINAS PLAY SHOES All the smartest styles for summer wear. Assorted colors. Be sure to see our collection of summer shuts for the ladies. Our shoe department is at the back of the store and it is filled with real values. 87c GLASBAKE SETS 10-piece (lubakt sets. Heat resist ant and ideal lor every home. A wonderful buy. 68c KITCHEN STOOLS Metal kitchen stools. Assorted col ors. Another real vahie. 94c Rivvrsitlv TOBACCO TWINE 3 and 4 PLY 60c lb. m Sizes 3 to 6x, 7 to 14. , Make your j little rirl | look neat in } a dress from Belk- , T y I e r ’ s. I Balcony. A WONDERFUL E. O. M. VALUE Lovrly slu*t*r gowns. Fijtnml rayon ami plain rayon. Pink ami him*. An assorl iiumiI of si/.r*. . <; o w n s In stripes and figured designs. Practically all sizes. Be sure to eonie early. Store closes at 12:30 Wed nesday. $1.77 SOFA PILLOWS Large size sola pillows. Several colors, .lust the thing to make your sofa look more inviting. 66e LA DIFS’ HO SF Itayon hose—assorted shades. All sizes. 33c J F W F I. It Y Assorted ear rings and pins. Famous replicas of Jewelry that sold from S3.50 to $15.00. 50c ItATISTK PAJAMAS Stripes and fiRures. Fast colors. All siics. An other real value. HATS SPUN KAYONS One lot of lovely hats and beanies. All sixes. lie sure to see these. Truly a' wonderful buy. $1.57 $1.99 I* I, A Y S If OKS ■’radically all sizes and several colors. Just the shoe for your many adven tures to come during the summer, lie sure to get a pair of these. $1.58 <:IIIU)KKNS I'ANTIKS Itayon panties. White and colors. hi« c» 2 to 12. Band legs—donhlc acat— tst quality. Balcony. 29c 4 for $1.00 Solid colors. 3 \ I. II K S BABY PILLOWS Two tone pink and blue. Only a limited supply of these left so hnn.v down. Balcony. 50c SPORT SHIRTS Toni Sawyer rayon *|n»rl shirts. I .on;: The color* arc i»liic, Ian, anil preen. I’raelic ally all si/.es. Halcon>. $1.00 SPORT SHIRTS Short anil loop sleeve*. Fancy color* anil checks. Ml sizes. See these. Ilalcony. 66c TUBS l.arpe Siae (.alvani/.cil Tubs. ^VwV-V»V»V»V»V^VwVV»*«Vi.V«V*VwV.'i.V-V»VPWWW>Vt.V,