Visiting In Alabama Mr. and Mr-. G. P. Hall Mrs.] Gf< A Harris. Jr., and daughter, j Miss Jackie Harris are visiting f'lends in Alabama this week. Visiting In Philadelphia Mr.-. Stu. ’t Maynard and chil dren are voting in Philadelphia.; Attending Convention M' in i Mm J. Sam Getsinger. Mr. and Mrs John A Ward. Sr.. and M:- farl> ic Langley. Sr., are attending the American Legion Convention in Charlotte Here Yesterday Mr and Mrs R A Haislip of Oak Cit> were here yesterday shopping. -tf Spending Pew Hays Here Mr,- Ton. Morris and children ,,j Galax. Va.. are spending a few day- hi i rv 1C her parents. Mi and M i. B. h Pen > Miss Katie Leggette Becomes Bride Of Titus Stuart Critcher Saturday In h formal ceremony' at 5:30, o'clock Saturday Afternoon at the Church of the Advent, the wed ding of Miss Katie Leggette. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Waiter Loggette of Robersonville, and Titus Stuart Gritiaher of Ral eigh. son of Mr. and Mrs, Titus S Critcher of Williamston. was solemnized. The Reverend Thom as I. Hastings officiated at a double ring ceremony A program of. nuptial music was presented by Mrs. J. L. Saunders, organist, and Miss Cla ra Bond of Windsor, soloist. Tl»e bride given in marriage by her brother, L. Nelson Leggette of Williamston, wore a marquis ette and bridal rose lace wedding gown The bodice was lace fea turing a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves ending in cal la points ovci the hands. The skirt had, ap pliques of matching • lace which lengthened into a cathedral train. Hci three-quarter length veil of imporlcd pure silk ! illusion fell ceremony in Church OF THE ADVENT HERE AT FIVE-THIRTY from a cornet crown of seed pearls. She carried a fipthi-eolon ial bouquet of white ' carnations j and gypsqphilia with'white satin' Juanita Coltrain of Williamston, streamers. The Matron of Honor. Mrs. wore a gown of white net over blue taffeta fashioned with a square neckline, shirred bodice, and bouffant skirt. Her head dress was' a sweetheart shaped bonnet of hlue .net She wore white mitts, and carried a bouquet of mixed sumtrier flowers. The bridesmaids, Miss Anne Beasley and Miss Pearl Newbern of Williamston, wore gowns of white net over yellow and nile green taffeta, strapless, with stoles to give a bertha effect and bouffant skirts over hoops. They wore matching hats, .mitts, and bouquets identical to those of the Matron of Honor. Mrs. Parker Peele, mistress of ceremonies, wore a yellow net gown with matching hat and a shoulder corsage of carnations. The bride groom had as his best man, Jim Critoher of’Will lamston. The ushers were: Morton I Critcher, brother of the groom, Tom Brandon. Jr.. Burke Parker, ! and John Miller, all of Williams | ton. The bride was graduated from Hoyles Business College in Ral eigh and for the past three years I has been on the staff of the Mar tin County Welfare Department in Williamston. • Mr. Critcher was graduated from North Carolina'.'State Col lege with a Masters^ Degree in Wildlife Conservationi’and Man agement. He is now with the ' North Carolina' Wildlife Resourc | es Commission. ih."Jjtaleijgh. I Following the, eergmony, the | couple left for a weeding trip to Western Notth Carolina For traveling, the bride changed to a two-piece white suit, with navy and white accessories and the c<« sage taken from her bridal bou quet Upon their return the couple will make their home-in Raleigh. Rehearsal Immediately after the reheasal How mild can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! and amors; the millions who do.. MARGUERITE PIAZZA }: r :i uly of t h * o]mt'i . M;i n:ucrii • si:11«• s "My voice i - hi y living. I mcki <’ i me I s They're tool am mild they agree with my throat!’ Club , v . CENTURY Club STRAIGHT lOUttOI WHISHT $3v. *21 •6 PROOP "• RATIONAL DISTILLERS PROD. CORP„ NEW TOME, N. f. W^ HOI n|l< ^ HlSKl 1 "Mas hr i‘ " ii. ,■!< r Manumit in Williainston handled your Ii-.'i, •; i \..ii would have >.iiiic kind of policy that would rescue us M< < i rf.unly !-,as a eoir.pletc- Insurance ser vice.' Tribute to Remembrance When a memorial is pleasing in con* tour and beautiful in enrichment it is • a tribute to remembrance which justi i ties the time and consideration neces sary to produce it. When it ts exe cuted in a material that has withstood * the test o! time it is monument te perpetuate a name tor posterity. * ☆ * Appropriateness ot JcMin, tgreful se lection ot material and shill in fabrica tion all insure a distinctive memorial. These are assured to you by thil or ganization. MIMOIl'Al SfO fit NDH K I M«VI fAJ^T ¥ ■L V ii — nr— ; BIGGS FUNERAL HOME ' Telephone 2326 WilliuuiMton, N. C, AUTHMMJEFB OFAl.e* OEOROLW^MARMl * mrmn»i »rm ji i > vrrr*«rrrrrr riinini'rn; l>iitMi***' i» band-carved,- Uaad-painied and gla*e-|»rotrcled. Op** >i#«i m a variety #C piece*. Pi-idf'i • Jiui'vlerg Since l»99 ; 121 Main WUUamsUm < «».—awUi iHummi Saturday evening. Mi. and Mrs. S E. Manning, entertained at a rake c utting. Mrs. Julius’ Manning invited the guests to the bride’s register where Mrs. Erwin Man ning presided. Mrs. Eugene Rob erson showed the guests to the gift room. The guests were invited to-the dining room, where the rainbow color scheme was carried throughout. Since these were the chosen colors for the wedding. A tier#vase of gladiolus banked with fern and fever few was the center piece for the table, this flanked on each side by silver eandelabras with tail burning candles. From the centerpiece rainbow ribbon was draped a round the table and to the corners where large bows emphasised each corner. At one end of the table was the wedding cake, cross shaped, topped with a minuture bride and groom and twelve fav ors attached to white ribbons. After the honored couple cut the first slice, the attendants pulled the ribbons. Mrs. Perlie Roberson served the cake and Mesdames B. R. Manning, Urban Lilley and Betty Manning assisted in serving ice cream, nuts, mints, and punch to the wedding party, Mrs. Joe Johnson, Jr., Mrs. T E Morris, Heni'y Leggett, Nathan Roberson, Henry Roberson, Wil ford Griffin, Erwin Manning, Milton James, Bruce Peele, Julius Manning, George C. Griffin, B. R. Manning, and John Truitt of San ford, N. C. Cake Cutting Following wedding rehearsal, Friday night, June 22, Mrs. T. F. Davenport, Jr., Mrs. Nelson Leg gette and Mrs. Tilmon Coltrain entertained Miss Katie Leggett and Mr. Stuart Critcher at a Cake Cutting at the home of Mrs. Col train on Haughton St. The bride’s table was decorated with a cen terpiece of white gladioli and fern and crystal candelabra. Re freshments were served by Mrs. Titus Critcher, mother of the groom and Miss Anne Benjamin, cousin of the bride. The honoree was presented a corsage of car nations. About {orty guests called. Dinner Party Mrs. T. B. Brandem, Jr., Mrs. Parker Peele and Miss Anne Beas ley were hostesses at Saleeby’s in Washington, N. C. Thursday night at a dinner party in honor of Miss Katie Legetle, bride-elect ol Stuart Critcher. The Avolon Room was decora ted with an arrangment of all white bridal flowers and place cards carried out the bridal motif The honored guest received a corsage of carnations and a gift of china from the hostess. Guest included Miss Leggelte and Mr. Critcher, Mr. and Mrs John Miller, Jim Critcher, Tilmor Coltrain, Nelson Leggette, Misses Pearl Newbern, Clara Bond, Jo anne Peele and Messrs. Burke : Parker, E. J. Pruden, Jr., Edgai Gurganus, and Morton Critcher : Parker Peele, Tom Brandon, Jr Spending Few Days Here Mrs. Carolou Johnston of New j York City is spending a few days here with her sister, Mrs. T. B Brandon, and family. Mrs. John ! stun and Mi s. Brandon will leav< Thursday for a visit with thei; 'sister, Mrs James Brady, in At i lanta. Returns From Richmond i Mr. Roger Critcher. Jr., return- J ed from a RScWtnond hospitdl Sun- j day. making the trip in Y Biggs ambulance. He*li be confined to j his "Red for several weeks. |1 Attend Wedding Among those front Williamston attending the wedding of Miss j Katherine Johnson to Mr. Leon Rodgers in Scotland Neck Satur- ( day evening were Mrs. Javan Rog- « ers. Mrs. Dewey Leggett, Mr. and |' Mrs. A. B. Ayers. Jr., Mr. and Mrs j! Leroy Harrison and daughter, Mr.!' and Mrs.-lfrbin Rogers,..Mr. Pete J Rogers. Mr. Gene'Rogers,-Mr- and < Mrs. Rush Bondurtmt„ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Rawls, Mrs. J: L. Parker. : Jr., Mr. anti Mrs. Dick Slade, Mr, and Mrs. Bill Howell, Mr. and Mrs. J. O.'Manning, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Bill Coppage, Mr. Dan.Peele, Mrs. Maud Peeld, and Mr. ‘Dillon Cherry. -♦ Return Home Sunday Mrs. Paul Simpson and children returned home Sunday from a visit with relatives in Suffolk. Home From Asheville Mr. Paul Simpson returned last week-end from an insurance meeting in Asheville where he was a guest of the Security Life Insurance Company. Attend Wfedding Sunday Mrs. Daisey W. Pope, Mrs. John R. Peel and Miss Joan Peel attend ed the wedding of Miss Katherine Bradley, former teacher' in the Williamston schools, to Mr. Rich ard Murphy of Amhurst, Va., in Rocky Mount Sunday. ■ ■ ■ Return From Tour of Mountains Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Hoell, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Nichols'on, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lee have re lumed from a trip to the Bl^e Ridge Mountains, Great Smpky Mountains and the Linville Cav erns. Home From Alaska Cecil E. Long has returned to his home here after spending 12 months in Alaska. He is to spend a 25-day furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Long, in Jamesville. In Raleigh Thursday Miss Mary Louise Taylor and Mrs. Daisey Pope spent Thursday in Raleigh where.they attended a luncheon given by Misses^Graoe Talton and Mary Whifley^ honor ing Miss Katherine Bradley whose1 marriage to Richard Murphy of Amhurst. Va., took place on Sun day. Visiting Relatives Mrs. Mamie Rogerson of New pSrt News is spending some time with relatives in Williamston and Bear Grass. -0 Visit Pamlico Beach Mr. and Mrs. BUJ Baj'ber .were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James , Bailey Peele at their cottage on ; Pamlico Beach Sunday. Little Albert BY GKO. nURGANrS I vows spoken Satur day evening At EIGHT O'CLOCK Miss Katherine Richardson Johnson | Weds Leon Rogers In Scotland Neck' Scotland Neck. — The wedding >f Miss Katherine Richardson ^ iohnson and John Leon Rogers j y uras solemnized at eight o clock j, Saturday evening, June 24 at; g rrinity 4 Episcopal Church, Scot- j land Week, in a formal ceremony1, jf much beauty and splendor. L The Rev. John W. Drake, Jr.,L rector of the ' church officiated; at -the wedding. A program ofjs nupital music was rendered by , Mrs. D. F. Bryant, organist, and j Mrs Van Martin of Tarboro, so- s loist, wlrio sang “Ave Maria” prior ] to the' wedding ceremony, and , "The Lord’s Prayer” as a final ( benediction. - ] Cathedral candles in branched , candelabra and white gladioli in the altar vases were on the altar, j The chancel of the church was , decoritpd with floor baskets fill- , ed with white gladioli with wood- ( wadria fern gracefully arranged j, ds a background. |; The bride entered with her j father, Robert Lee Johnson, by , whom she was given in marriage, ] ■ She wore with comely grace her] dress ■ of Skinner’sh slipper satin j fashioned with yoke of trartspa- ] rent marquisette with two folds of satin around the yoke which gave the drop-shoulder effect, j Her sleeves ended in points over1 the hands and her molded bodice was accented by the skirt of elaborate fullness which termi nated in a full circular train. Her] fingertip veil of illusion fell fromj a striking coronet of seed pearls, j The bride’s bouquet was of ] valley lilies centered with pur ple-throated white orchids fram ed against a white net heart and showered with valley lilies. Mrs. Herbert Johnson, II was matron of honor and bridesmaids were Misses Onie Shields of Charlottesville, Va., Miss Ann Hickory, Miss Roxie Edge of Richmond. Va. and Miss Doris Rogers, sister of Vie groom of Raleigh. Their dresses of nile green, were styled with^a por trait neckline formed by a ber tha of frosted design. The bodices j were fitted' and the full skirts Were ti'immed with the same ffoirted mafeirjal as the berthas. The matron of honor carried a bouquet of lavender paidted dai sies with a lavender net heart for the background. The other attendants curried similar ar rangements of pastel painted dai sies; against rose heartshaped net for a background. Short white gloves and cornets of painted dai sies worn in their hair-t jmpleted their costume. The groom >had as his best man ■ ^ia brotiic^j Vrbin Rogers of Will iamston. Ushers were Javan Rog ers, both brothers of the groom of Williamston, Herbert Johnson, Attending Conference Miss P.uth Haislip. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Haislip of Has sell, is in Kings Mountain this week attending the Regional Youth Planning Conference. 0 — I In Durham Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Handy and son, Henry, Jr., and Mrs. A. R. Dunning were in Durham yester day. Mr. Handy was there to complete a series of treatments in Duke Hospital. ■ •- 41 i Here This Week Miss Erma Benson of Benson is visiting Mr. arid Mrs. C. D. Car starphen he' e this week. No* before you it life'* •hared joys ... in thrilling enjoyiiienl of your own home . . . in entertaining your frirndt... in the .election of thinjfs thill fount most. And one of llie joys of on engage ment it ■ housing your he luted Ourhain* Sterling pat tern. Our ttide showing of fiorham designs awaits your choice , . . see them now. [, brother of the bride, and Gra- ’ am Whitehead. I The mother of the bride was ttired in a becoming gown of < rtiite nylon marquisette with 1 mbroidered trimming on the < raist, full skirt and a matching < acket. She wore an orchid cor- 1 age. Immediately after the cere-11 nony, the parents of the bi ide i ntertained at a reception at their lome. The bride chose for her going iway outfit a Claire McCardell original dress of citron color. With this she wore red acces sories. She is the daughter of Vlr. and Mrs. Robert Lee John son and is a graduate of Woman's College, University of North Car ina. For the past several years she has taught in the state. The groom is the son of Mrs. Javan Rogers of Williamston and the late Mr. Rogers. He is a grad jate of the University of North Carolina where he was a memoer if Phi Kappa Alpha fraternity. During World War II he served in the U. S Armed Forces and saw action in the European Theatre. After a southern wedding trip I they will make their home in Scotland Neck where My. Rogers is owner and manager of Com munity Lumber Co. Spend Week-end At Beach Mrs. Miller Harrell and daugh ter, Mrs. J. M. Bowen and Cap tain and Mrs. J. D. Bowen and son, spent the week-end at At lantic Beach. Visiting In Baltimore Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Woolard, Jr., and son, Jodie, and Mrs. J. D. Woolard, Sr., are visiting relatives in Baltimore for a few days. -9 Visiting Here Mr. and Mrs. Dred Darden and daughter, Anne, visited Mr. Dar den’s brother, Mr. Larry Darden, in Eureka Sunday. Miss Joanne Darden of Stantonsburg returned with them to visit here with Miss Anne Darden. -• Here From Baltimore Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Nichol son and son, Cornelius, of Balti more are here visiting Mrs. J. C. [ Crawford. -• Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs Ernest Hunley ol Rocky Mount spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Dear Speight. -♦ - Spends Day in Rocky Mount Mrs. Bessie Hampton spell Sunday with relatives in Rocki Mount. -• Visit In Pamlico Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Hollomai and daughter, Virginia Bruce, vis ited Pamlico Sunday. «■ ■■ .. - ~Sl - &.T V, JT* ~\ ■*-***+ The Tortures of Trying on Clothes Htwe Been Converted Ton Pleasure With Air Conditioning• Shop Any Hoar of the Day and Enjoy 11m Pleasures of Cooling Comfort. A