Ill Caged" Coming To Viccar Next Some of the most realistic and dramatic episodes that take place behind prison walls will he seen in the startling new drama, “Cag ed,” the Warner Bros, film open ing Wednesday at the Viccar Theatre. And “Caged” is that much more unusual in the fact that it is about women jn prison and discloses the shameful plight of first offenders betrayed by men and now Ire hind prison bars. Starring Eleanor Parker and featuring top actresses Agnes Moorehead and Jan Sterling, “Caged" tells of the events that confront a young and beauti ful girl who is committed to a women's state prison. How she makes the gradual transition downward from bewilderment to bitter cynicism, later released to prey on society, forms the basis of some of the most grip ping film fare on such a subject since "I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang." . Virginia Kellogg, who wrote this women-without-men story from which the screenplay was fashioned, voluntarily commit ted herself to prison to get the facts, after Warner Bros, had as signed her the story idea. As an inmate, she lived with the prisoners for months in order to re-create the stark realism for the screen. John Cromwell directed “Cag ed," and Jerry Wald produced for Warner Bros. ► ♦ Why Wait Until The Last Minute? Get your Tohaeeo Flues NOW! WHITE'S ! HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORKS SmilliHick SlrrH Willianislon, N. (!. GASOLINE TAX REFUND PERMITS IT IS TIME TO RENEW REFI NI) l»ER MITS FOR THE PERIOD JULY I. l*i.r,0 TO JUNE HO, 1951. // is necessary that all asers of gasoline for tractors and other farm equipment reneir their permits before they can receive a lax refund . . . We will gluilly assist von in renewing your permit. HARRISON OIL CO rEX A CO living, ami then llicrr hit tiling* you've got to hny anil pay for in tin* future. How niton! those long range expense*? ' on sliouiii Ite saving NOW. possible for n home of your own or Junior'* eilora lion. Guaranty Bank & Trust Company The Cleaners Listed Below Monday & Tuesday July 3rd and 4th Alpha Cleaners Rlae Star Cleaners "Kill the Umpire" To Be Ai Viccar Kill the Umpire," Columbia Pictures' behinrl-the-plate com edy of a constant ly-bchind-the eight-ball diamond arbiter opens Thursday at the Vieear Theatre. William Bondix is starred in this cinematic eulogization of what probably is America's most-ma ligned individual. At that, accord ing to Hollywood report, there’s nothing wrong with Bendix as an umpire that a good seeing-eye |dog couldn’t cure! It's a far cry from his starring role in "The Babe Ruth Story!" Una Merkel, Ray Collins and Gloria Henry top featured sup porting cast of the film, in which Bendix is seen as an ardent base ball fan, whose strident booing of decisions has gotten him tossed out of ball park after ball park, while his too-frequent at tendance at ball games has gotten him tossed out of job after job. Faced by an imminent domestic crisis, with his wife planning to leave him, Bendix decides to com promise: he becomes an umpire, thus receiving a steady salary and, simultaneouly, getting a chance to set1 baseball games. "Kill the Umpire" carries him through the training regimen at the school for umpires in Florida, and then into minor league ball. At the former establishment,-Ben dix finds hilarious difficulty in adjusting his umpire-baiting way of life to the rigid disciplines and techniques which help to make an umpire what he is. On the diamond itself, Bendix does all right until one of his decisions leads to a near riot dur ing a crucial game. Home team fans seriously set out to kill the umpire or, at least, to tar-and feather him, and Bendix goes through a hair-raising series of comedy encounters before one of the hall players involved can clear the air bv his testimony. Frank Tashlin penned the screen play for "Kill the Umpire.” Lloyd Bacon directed and John j Beck produced the film for Co i lumbia Pictures. f • CARD OF THANKS | I would like to thank Dr. V -F, 1 Brown, his nurses, the colored 1 help, the friends that came to see I me, sent flowers, cards, and the | prayers that were offered for me j while 1 was in the hospital May 1 God bless each and every one of them. Mi's. T. V. Davis, JamesviUe Ilick Powell and Evelyn Keyes in the hilarious tooth-pulling scene in “Mrs. Mike”, at the Watts Theatre through I’nited Ar tists release Thursday and Friday. Farmers To Tour Experiment Farm By It. McK. Edwards Negro County A Rent An'angements have boon made for Martin County far mors to tour tbo Uppor Coastal Plain Experi ment Station Friday, Juno 30th, from 9:00 a, m to 12:00 noon. Those making the trip will ho able to observe the following ex periments on tobacco production: Cultivation, source of nitrogen, starter solutions and foliar sprays, variety test, fertilizer experiment, Topping and suokoring, and minor element work. Anyone planning to make the trip should ire there by 9:00 a. m. The station is approximately nine SPIRITUAL PROGRAM TO BE HELD AT RIVER IIILL JULY 2 A spiritual program will hr bold miles south west from Tarboro. On entering Tarlioro from Wil liamston, turn left at the Coast Line Station -that road will lead to the farm. G & W William r-~, Penn BI e n d e d Whiskey t.tuB Prlc» Pint* Filth* 86 Proot ll Takes “Know Hotv" ANI) UK HAVE IT HEATING — ami — Sheet Metal Work HNNOY AIR CONDITIONING Approved JOIINS-M ANVILLE Roofing Contractor WHITE'S HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORKS P. O. Box 004 WILLI AMSTON, N. C. P1IONE 2220 Tfs Limlslry Spoii Center !for your best buy in tennis equipment FAMOUS WILSON STRATA-BOW TENNIS RACKETS #20.00 to #6.00 Models: Boh- \ by Ifiggs, I Jon Budge, A I it c Marble and Mary Hardwit k ... in a range of prices . . . all vsiili ihe famous Wilson Strata-How ft a me. WILSON CHAMPIONSHIP TENNIS BALLS ,,r can af 3 boll. Deep, durable nap for more sect of belter tennis. Pres sure packed—.1 o> a can. Hash markings. TENNIS SHOES White canvas with molded rubber $3.4*5 sides. Huiit-in arch Supports. RACKET PRESS $1.20 Hardwood franu? with winded nut stress for erven tension. LINDSLEY Sport Center Social News Attend Church in Vanrehoro Mrs. Palmer White, Rev. and Mi's. N. .1 Wald, Mr. and Mr< Paul Whii-hard and Mr. Sam Whichard am’ son attended church Saturday night in Vance boro where Kirin White is holding a two week revival Uetiirn From Beach Mr. and Mrs. Garland Woodard have returned to’ their home after spending several days at Atlantic Reach. Spend Week-end at Rnnsomville Mr and Mrs. Talmadge Selhv and daughter, Deborah, spent the week-end with Mr Selin's par ents, Mr. and Mrs D. O. Selby, in Ransomville. They were aeeotu panied home by PoUv Kay Selby who will spend a wei k here. Sunday, July I. at 8:00 p m. at the River Hill Disciples Church Eddie Mack Davis will he in charge of the program and Leroy Johnson and others will furnish special music. W. D. Speller is superintendent and J R Stelly will act as Bible Teacher All members are urged to come out for the program and the public is cordially invited to attend. On Trip T > Bermuda Mrs. Daisy Purvis left yesterday] for New York where she will be joined by her son, Whit Purvis, Jr., for a two-week trip to Per mode Here Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey F. Shark ell of Charlotte and Miss Reuben stein of Now York City visited here a short while yesterday. Returning Tomorrow j Messrs. Brvnnt 1!. and Sutton | ('.u'st.iiphot. return tomom>u front a three day trip to Washine ton, I) (' ;_.... _ Spend Day At Virginia Beach Mr. and Mrs Marshall Wilson and sun, David, Mr. and Mrs, “Bud” Leggett and little daugh ter, Linda, Mr. and Mis. James Staton Whiteiiui t and on, Don nie arid Mr. and Mr WinfortJ Mi'Ider and little daughter, San dra. spent last Thursday at Vir ginia Bearh arid Ocean View Here Sunday Mr and Mr Clyde Hardison olt Plymouth and M Della Hardi son of Fa I m Life visited Mr. and Mi John S Hardison here Sun | day. 1 Your Car Deserves The Best! . . . Anil that's what it will get right here! Regular check on radi ator, battery, oil, tires at no extra charge! AUTOS THRIVE ON OUR SF.HVH'E! I Sinclair Service Station ooooopoflqocaoooQoex»&ex»e>3<: BRANCH SERVICE IS ALL FOR YOU Rranrh Rnnk farililirs havr hern niadr a* complrlr as pos siltl«* fill* your hrnrfil. W In n ronlYonlrd uilii am financial need or problem \nur first thought should In* lo come lo llir Rranrh Rank. Wr nelcotne every opportunity lo hr of ser vice lo von. | ! Brandi Banking & r ter aunts 1 '.becking l.oana Savings tecimnts Travelers' I liei/nes MUMfUWIUWMMAMIAAAAIUUIMAMUUUV SAMMWIAMUIMM^ I IrOVB-WAY FOREFRONT This rugged front end (1) sett the style note, (2) saves on repair costs—vertical bars are individually replaceable, (3) avoids "locking horns,"(4) makes perking ond garaging easier. Rides uke a million // DELIVERS FOR ONLY 2,023 POWER? Sure! Ilere’s a whole honnetful of Fireball straight eight power. Hoorn? Plenty—ill birf, sofu-witle seats and generous room for el bows and shoulders. Style? Well take a iook—see any thing on the roud today that is so smart, sosleek.soquickly spotted? But that’s just a start in this beauty. Here you’re going to meet the "ride of a lifetime” — smooth, level-going comfort* in the quite matchless Buick manner. lust see why this is Most curs now ride on low-pres sure tires. Huick adds to them Safety-Hide rims to cut heel-over and swuy. Most curs drive through the rear springs, which means they have to he stiff. Huick drives through a firm torque-tube that takes up driving thrust and roughness. Ant! no other car — no, not n single one —has all these comfort extras plus husky frames plus lti-Poised engine mountings plus niiddle-of-the-car seating plus the extra silkiness ol Dyna flow Drive.* ^Standard on KttAUMASTh'H, ‘•“litt/iitl ut extra rout on S l/htJH a nil Sl't.'C !At> model*. Optional equipment, state and local taxes if any, additional Paces may vary slightly in arJ/oming communities due to shipping charges All pnceg rubject to change without notice. Worth somethin,i;? You bet it is; Hut it’s riding luxury that doesn't show uf> in the ftrice lugs. Figures start ut levels lower than oil many sixes —yet every litiiek has this matchless array of ride fea tures, Better come learn about them— by firsthand trial, (am you seO your Buick dealer today? Most cars have coil springs in front. Ruick hus them all around. WHATEVER YOUR PRICE RANGE Twit In HENM J, lAYlCt, ABC Nttwari, ivtry .vsr.iniy. VMVA-' ■ . ••••••• :■ :x. y ' •' "Beltertoy 8u/ck tf t.m. ::n:;..' Chas. H. Jenkins & Co. Of Williamston, Inc. Highway 17 Phone 2147 r:-~-'• ■■■; f WHIN BITTER AUTOMOBILES All BURT BUICK Will BUKO THEM ST* WilIiaui*lou, N. f!. SM

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