Social News Returns Home Mrs Margaret Hollingsworth returned to her home in Washing ton. D C . Sunday after spending a week her; with Mrs. Clyde Ward. Moving To Richmond Mrs. Irving Hull arid children. Paulann and Frank, left here Sun day for Richmond where they will make their home. They were ac companied by Mrs. Calvin Sluder who will spend a week with them. Visit Ileilig and Meyers Williaiustou for the Buys In Furniture99 GUARANTEED BLACK 1 PANTHER THEY ARE KILLERS! Black Panther Garden Dust (Contains Rotenone) Use as Dust or Spray. Black Panther Delux Spray Guaranteed to Kill DDT Resistant Flies. Black Panther Insect Spray and 25U DDT. General Insecticide Co. Inc. Sanford, N. t\ Utica, N. Y. Candlelight Ceremony Sunday Unites | Miss Lessie Manning and Mr. Choplin 1 ning, Jr. brother of the bride; Joe Choplin, Lewis Choplin, and Elton Choplin. brothers of the bridegroom. For traveling, the bride wore a white Palm Beach suit with linen accessories and the orchid from her prayer book. The bride was graduated from the Farm Life High School and attended E. C. T. C. of Green [ ville and Louisburg College. For the past year she has been em ployed in Virginia Electric and Power Company in Williamgton. The bridegroom was graduated j from Youngsvilic School and at tended Louisburg College and Wake Forest College and at pre sent is employed in the BurPing North Carolina. ton Textile Mills near Raleigh, The couple will be at Jiome in Raleigh. Visit Daughter Here Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenstone of! Stanton, Virginia, returned Sun- I day to their home after visiting ! their daughter, Mrs. Samuel Ze mon, and Mr. Zemon, for a few days. Men's Dress and Work Shoes For Less. WILLARD’S SHOE SHOP Spending Week in Durham Miss Ann Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Harrison, is spending this week in Durham -» with Miss Evelyn Harrison. Spends Week-end Here Mrs. Rex Foster of Norfolk spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick T'ay-1 ,or- __ ‘ I Spend Week at White Lake Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Harris and j children, Janet and A. D., Jr., i spent last week at White Lake. j ! Here Over Week-end ! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coltrain of j Raleigh visited Mr. and Mrs. j Thurman Matthews here over the week-end. Visiting Here Dr. and Mis. J. L. Spencer and children of Portsmouth arrived here over the week-end to visit Mrs. Spencer's mother, Mrs. J. W. Andrews. Dr. Spencer returned home Sunday and Mrs. Spencer and children will visit here for two weeks. ■ Spend Week-end at Beach Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Baker and 'daughters. Joyce and Dixie, spent ! the week-end a'. Morehead City and Atlantic Beach. Visiting Daughter Here Mrs. Lizzie Allen of Farrnvillc is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. M. Baker, and family this week. 1 j Continues Qnitc III I Mrs. Archie Coltrain continues quite ill in a Washington hospital. vows Spoken in piney Grove Baptist CHURCH Dutch caps of white net, matching [gloves and carried nose gays of j carnations with matching ribbons I to that of their gowns. Little Miss ! cs Sandra Manning and Clara Ruth Morris attended the bride as flower girls. They were dressed in blue and pink organdie and carried blue and pink baskets I from which they strewed rose ! petals. The honorary bridesmaids were Miss Janie Sue Griffin, Miss Bess ie Manning, Miss Earline Col | train, Miss Janice Hardison, and j Miss Shirley Corey. Their dresses i were of pastel shades. Mrs. Bruce Peelc, mistress of ceremony, wore a gown of lime green and a corsage of pink ear nations. Mrs. Manning, mother of the! bride, was attired in a chiffon dress of floral design with white accessories. Her corsage was of white carnations. Mrs. Choplin, mother of the j bridegroom, was attaired in a, navy blue and white crepe dress j with white accessories. Her cor sage was of white carnations. The bridegroom had as his best man, Barrett Mitchel of Youngs ville. The ushers were S. E. Man ■ Now Is The Time to go to COURTNEY’S For FURNITURE t Miss Lcssie Delenc Manning (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Edwin Manning of Williamsion Route 1, became the bride ol 1 Marine Linard Choplin, con of ’ Mr and Mrs. J. W Choplin ol Youngsvillc, in a candlelight cere mony soiemized Sunday evening, June 25, at 7 o’clock in the Piney I Grove Baptist Church. The Rev. W B Harrington, pastor of the I bride officiated, using the double ring ceremony. Prior to the ceremony a pro gram of wedding music was pre sented by Miss Mary Dean Hardi son, pianist. J T. Griffin, solist, sang "The Pledge’', "Always", “Because”, and “The Lord’s Pray er”, The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a formal wed ding gown of white satin, with flounces of sheer lace edging the bertha-like collar.A fitted bodice! pointed to a full skirt with di agonally designed ruffles of lace held out panier style and fell in to a circular train. Her fingertip veil of illusion fell from a satin Juliet cap embroidered with seed ed pearls. She carried a white prat er book topped with a purple throated orchid and showered with white ribbons. Miss Thelma Clyde Manning, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore a gown of or chid under a net stole. The gown had a frosted Swiss embroidered organdy bodice, and full skirt of white net veiled over taffetta. She wore a Dutch cap of white net, matching gloves and carried a nose gay of orchid carnations with matching ribbon. Misses Susie Manning, Melba Manning, Frances Roberson, and Mrs. Milton James were brides maids Their gowns of rainbow colors were fashioned after that ol the maid of honor. They wore Si SAVE 15% In Cur Summer Installation" Special Floor Furnaces • H*i Automatic) Burnt oil. No fire-tending, no shoveling of Mbes. • If* Cleoni No fuel-grime or dirt. • It's Reel Automatic Furnace Haett Powerful—heats up to 4 or h rooms with "warm-floor” comfort. • Need* Na Bacement — Na • acts—we can install without "tearing up” your house. • Wide Range ef Slses end Medals to suit your partic ular needs: See us for the right installation for your home. We're making this offer to induce you to buy in our slow season instead of in our Fall rush. See us now — save money —get this hotter heat: G*W SEVEN STAR i ■iraifM wM*Um «r» 4 (MnwMridiirHV «ml«M wfclikay. it 4* •NMl tpM't tfltHfe* vkliitf 4 Ttan tl4. 11% »>I|M wfclifcay I IfMi «M. D4% Mralal* Mllibr 4 fH« *14? INo mutter where you live you ean enjoy the finest rooking on “America’s easiest range to keep clean”. B. S. Courtney & Son Furniture Since 1914 * Open Friday Evening 'til 9:00 low Down Paymonff — Easy Termsl Offer Good Until July 31st Only Dixie Motor Co. Wu*hiti£lon Si ml W illianihloii. N. (1. Summary Of Uniform Budget Estimate Of Martin County, North Carolina For the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 1950, and Ending June SO, 1951. Cubliahed in Compliance with Requirement of the l I NI) COLUMN 1 COLUMN 2 COLUMN 3 COLUMN 4 COLUMN 5 COLUMN <i COLUMN 7 COLUMN 8 ■*> n £ T3 g 3 6 CO V ** t-C 2 Z o o O c aP ' S? _Oj *o 33 * I2 .§< (jointly General Fund.$118,083.00 County Home . 8,968.00 1 w . 17,000.00 llcallli Fund . 16,820.00 BuimI Interest and Sinking Fund_ 12,530.00 Fuhlie Welfare Administration. 18,175.00 Old Age Assistance . 15,300.00 Aid To Dependent Children. 8,750.00 Aid To The Blind. 1,998.00 Total (Other than Schools) . . . FOB PUBLIC SCHOOLS: wsS 8 90,750.00 8 28,133.00 8,968.00 01 3 £ -Ox Seng S 0_ 3 mi j E kQ -s|§-» <5 « — & w <2 c >. ^ D > W $ 1,000.Ml 8 29,133.00 6,930.00 2,600.00 6,816.18) 1,000.00 3,400.00 50.00 10,050.(8) 16,320.(8) 39,930.(8) 11,359.00 11,3(8).(8> 5,350.(8) 1,948.00 442.(8) 525.00 320.(81 2,1881.00 566.(81 565.00 265.(8) l(8).(8) 9,41 (MSI 10.575.00 17.140.00 41,930.(8) 11.925.(8) IIJS65.00 5.615.00 2,048.(8) 821.500,000.(8) 21,500,000.(8) 2I,500,(88).(8) 2I,5(8),(88).I8) 21,500,000.(8) 21.500.000. (8) 21,5(8),(88).(8) 21.500.000. 00 21,5(8),000.00 .11 .05 .076 .22 .05 .058 .028 .(8)8 8247,924.00 8114,566.00 8133,358.00 $ 6,283.(8) 8139,641,00 21,500,000.(8) .65 .183 c'mUal Sr;vSR|,'7' .8 56,968.00 8 43,18048) 8 2,130.(8) 8 45,330.(8) , 21,500,000.00 .21 l)«4,i Service Fuml"* 29,00000 ^,000.00 3,750.00 78,750.00 21,500,000.00 .3675 .335 . _ 14,600.00 14,600.00 730.00 15,330.00 21,500,000.00 .0725 .082 0,1,1,0''hchools ,8218,748.00 8 85,968.00 8132,780.00 8 ZfrtO.IH) 8I39.4KM8) 21,500,000.00 .65 TOTAL (f„r all purpose) 8466,672.00 8200,534.(8) 8266,138.00 812.930.(8) 8279.051 (81 *2)300000 00 . a, .60 Retired During Year Outstanding June 30, 1950 !w-N.!)/,)' AIX,) °, M1H INDEBTEDNESS Outstanding Ol MARTIN COUNTY, JUNE 3, 1950s June 30* 1949 Couiuv'seho::! RB°l|d*t-#302,000.00 $31,000.00 $271,000.00 Sia loa «7 .- 69,000.00 10,000.00 59,000.00 State Uhuu to School- 5.100.00 2,900.00 2,200.00 -$376,100.00 $43,900.00 $332,200.00 1.20 Tolal lO^ NSflli* HOAD BONDSt Cross Beads-$ 30,000.00 lldindlou -_ 18,000.00 Total $ 3.000.00 $ 27,000.00 2,0OQ.OO 16,006.00 I, J. Sum Getsinger, County Accountant, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true statement of the budget estimates fur Martin County fur the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951, as tentatively ap proved by the Board of Commissioners of Martin County on June 1st, 1950; uud that the statement as to bonded indebtedness is cor rect and true. $ 48,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 43,000.00 This June 30, 1950. J. SAM GETSINGER, County Accountant ,4 .*

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