conservative element of the Demo cratic Party in North Carolina with an emp ty victory tucked under their shirts, are call ing upon all Democrats to rally behind the party banner and work foi victory in No vembei There is little doubt but what the call will be heeded, and that ninety-nine and forty lour one-hundreths of those who voted for Prank tlraham m the recent pri mary will stick by the Party in spirit and practice, too. How different it would have been had the tide turned the other way in the June 24 primary. Judging from past voting rec ords. the party banner would have been trampled into dust by an unholy rush to the Hepubliian ranks. iclioii it Tin Toft There’s a sweet little powwow under way in Knglatid where the international mar keteers are discussing a pact to “stabilize' world markets. Nothing has been said about the traders meeting there to stabilize the markets. But if action was taken to stabilize production, it would be hailed as a move strictly social ist ic. Possibly the action is necessary, but will planning at the top extend its benefits to the bottom when' men, women and children labor in the fields’.’ I m font ii ii I I1', loci in iis The recent primary elections in Florida t _ and North Carolina are taking on more im portance in the light o( close votes on larm legislation in Congress. Legislation, calling for an increase of two billions of dollars for farm price support, was passed only alter Vice President Bark lev voted for it. breaking a 2f> all vole. Silent The administration has been charged with piling “cold war" to boost claims for addi tional appropriations at the hands of Con gress. ■*Sn far the critics have been silent a bunt accusing the adi .'lustration ol taking part m the shooting over in Korea just to alter tax bills and up appropriations. j Pre - Market Inventory SPECIALS — On Walnut and Mahogany Bed~oom Suites Odd Chairs — Base Rockers SIMMONS Sofa Beds and Hide-A-Beds SIMMONS BEAUTYREST Springs and Mattresses Chaise Lounges And AH Porch and Lawn Furniture Breakfast Room, Dinette Suites Linoleum Rugs — Wool Rugs Kneehole Desks — S ecretaries Heilig—Meyers Furniture Co. for Wise Buyer* WilliaiiiHton. N. C. RHNN CHURCF NEWS PFXTFCOS'trAI, HOI.INFSS N. J Ward, Pastor. Sunday school a! 9:45. Sum Whichard, Supt. Morning worship at 11:00. Youth service at 6:30. Evangelistic service at 7:30. Mid week prayer set vice, Wed ispsdav night at 7.30. -———** iMHirrs Christian Ohn Fox, Pastor. Sunday school at 10:00. Mrs. wo. Taylor, Supt. Christian Youth Fellowship Monday evening at 7:30. Preaching 4th Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Woman’s Council Saturday af ternoon before first Sunday at 3:30. Visitors are welcome. OAK CITY CHRISTIAN Oliri Fox, Pastor Sunday school at 10:00. Ernest Bunting, Supt. Preaching 2nd Sunday, l!:00 a m, and 7 ,30 p. m. Woman’s Council Wednesday afternoon after second Sunday at 3:30. Visitors are welcome. HASSELL CHRISTIAN Otin Fox, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 00. C B Burroughs, Supt. Christian Youth Fellowship at 6:45 p. m. Preaching first and third Sun days a1 11:00 a. in. and 7:30 p. rn. The Woman's Council Wednes day evening after first Sunday at 7:30. Visitors are welcome. famesville BaDtist W. H. Harrington, Pastor. Regular services will be held at Jamesville Baptist Church Sun day night at it:00 o'clock. All members an urged to be present and the publie is invited CHRISTIAN John L. Goff, Pastor. Bible* school, 9:45. Classes for all ace W. 1! S'-ssoms, Supt. Morning worship and eelebra hull of the I.■ >i ■ 1 ’■ Supper, 11.00 Sermon aitajert. "True National I'ro pprilN ’ CVP and Chi Rho "itiiip meet at 7:00. Co-operative service ill the First Methodist at Iron with Mr. Goff speaking on the subject: "United We Stand." Monday 0.0(1, Christian Worn oil’s Fellowship at the church Tuesday, f: 00, choir rehearsal. Wednesday, JJ-00. in: I week pray er and praisi < i vice in the home of Mi and Mrs Ed Hardison on South 1 laoi'ldoii Street Subject fm disc ie ion: "Moral Invasions," < liurHi Of The Advent (Episcopal) The Rev. Thomas Hustings, Rector Weekday Morning and Evening Prayer, 8 and f>. Sunday, July 2, Fourth Sunday alter Trinity. 7:80 a. m„ Holy Communion. II 45 a m.. Church School. I I (ill a. m., !Inly Communion Tuesday, .lull 1, Independence Day. 10:20 a nr. Holy Communion. Sunday Collect: () God, the protector of all that trust in thee, without whom nothing is strong,; nothing i holy; Increase and mill liply upon us Ihy mercy: that, lliou being our ruler and guide, we may so pass through things eternal. (!rani this. (> heavenly Father, for Hie sake of Jesus i ’hn I our Lord.” I ndoperideiu r I )ay t 'ol leet O Eternal (cad, through whose mighty power our lathers won Iheii liberties oi old; Grant, we beseech thee, that we and all the people of thi: land may have gran- to maintain these liberties ill i iglltrniigiiess and peace: I liroiigh Jesus ('In igi our I,ord CEUAlt BRANCH BAPTIST W. ii I larringlon, Pastor Regular services will he held at Cedar Branch Baptist Church Sunday at II 00 o'clock. The 1) V J>. School will have charge of the song service. All members are urged to In- present and the pub lic is invited Lois Butler, of ‘ Mickey" fame, and Lon MacCailister eo-star in (he outdoor musical drama “Bov From Indiana," opening Sun day al the Marco Theatre. - MACEDONIA CHRISTIAN Church service Saturday morn inn by I) C. Gurkins. Bible school at It). .1 S. llolli (hiy. Supt. Chnrcti service at 11 P. E. ('avion, Pa tor. Morning sei nion: ' 'I’hc Almost Christian." Murk 1:;-t. Evening u vice at It. - —,v—— WIST KM) BAPTIST J. Thud Ashley, Pastor. 0:45 a. m., Sunday school. Bur roughs Taylor, Supt. 1 1:()() a. m., Morning worship. V ru p. m , Training Union. The mid-week prayer’ service will In held Wednesday evening at i> o'clock. The public is invited to wot hip with i ; r,t all service:; IIUV1IITON BAPTIST E I! Stewart. Pastor, 10 a m„ Bible school. II S Johnson, Supt. 1 I a. m., Morning worship. 7 p rn Baptist training union Willie Knox, director. 0 p. in.. Evening worship. 7:00 p. in.. Boy Keouts meet. !t p m Wednesday, prayer ser vices, followed by choir practice We welcome all to all ser vices. EVERETTS BAPTIST K. R. Stewart, Pastor. 10 a. m., Bible school. G. H. Forbes, Supt. 7 p. m., Baptist Training Union. Paul Bailey. Director. !! p. m., Thursday. Prayer ser vices. Followed by choir prac lice. All members urged to at lend, and visitor;; are welcomed BAPTIST 9:45. Supdav school. 11:00, Worship. 7:00, Training Union. !i:00. Worship. Monday: 4:00, General W. M. S. meeting at the church; (1:00, Stan ley Smith K. A. meeting. Tuesday: 4.00, Junior G. A. meeting with Nancy Wynne. Wednesday 8:0(1, Midweek ser vice. Thursday: 8:00, Adult choir * practice. Friday: 8:00, Philathea Class meeting with Mm. Arthur Perry. 8:00, Deacon’s meeting. State of North Carolina Department of State PRKLIMINARY ( liRTIKK ATIi OF DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, it apcars to my satis faction, by duly authenticated re cord of the oroeeedilies for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders deposited in my of fice, that the Standard Fertilizer Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is sit uated in the Town of Williamaton, County of Martin, State of North Carolina (C. Godwin Crockett be ing the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom pro cess may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 55, General Statutes, entitled “Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dis solution: Now Therefore, I, Thad Eure. Secretary or state of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 5th day of June, 1950, file in my office a duly executed and at tested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings tire now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 5th day of June, A. D. 1950. Thad Eure. Secretary <>f State, jo 8-15-22-29 It Tokos “Knoir tlmr" AND WF, HAVE IT HEATING — and — Sheet Metal Work LENNOX AIK CONDITIONING Approved JOI1NS-M ANVII.LE Itool'iiii! Conlrarlor WHITES HEATING AND SHEET METAL WORKS P. O. Box 004 WIIXIAMSTON. N. C. PHONE 2220 =1 Th* FUatlin* D* lux* 4-Door Ssdart Drive home the tacts... and you’ll drive home in a new Chevrolet Drive home this ffactl First anal Finest for thrills and thrift Yes, Chevrolet brings you the finest combination ol thrills am! thrift . . . with its great new 105-h.p. Valve-in-ltead Engine* or its highly improved, more powerful standard Valve-in Head Engine . , . exclusive to Chevrolet and higher-priced cars! Drive home this fact! First and finest at lowest cost! There’s nothing like making your own tests-gettiug your own facts—and being your own judge of value before buying any product! That's why we invite you to come to our showroom, take out a new Chevrolet without any obligation whatever, and learn from your own expci ience why more people buy Chevrolets than any other make of car. Look at the new Chevrolet from every angle! Let your own eyes tell you it’s more beautiful . .inside and out! And then press the accelerator, glide forth and experience a combination of driving and riding ease, performance and economy, and roadability and safety exclusive to this one low-priced car! Yes, we cordially invite you to drive home the fact* of Chevrolet superiority in your own way and at your own pace; for we know when you do this you'll decide to drive home in a new Chevrolet! Com* In.,, drlv* a Chovrolot... and you’ll know why It’s AMERICA’S BEST SELLER... AMERICA'S BEST BUY I Drive home this factl First and Finest for driving pnd riding ease al lowest cost Only Chevrolet offers finest no-sliift driving, with Powergiide Automatic Transmission teamed with 105-h.p. Valve-in-Head Engine* . . . and finest standard driving, with highly improved standard Valve-in-Head Engine teamed with Synchro-Mesh Transmission ... at lowest cost. *Omti»tUkn of Powergiide Automatic Tr.mimiaion and . 10i-h.p. Engine optional on De Lust models al extra (otl. Drive heme this fact! First and finest for all-round safety at lowest cost Chevrolet is the only low-priced car offering this five-fold safety-protection: (1) Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility (2) Fisher Unisteel Body <3) Safety Plate Glass (4) Uni* t'zeU Knee-Action Ride (5) Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes! First and Finest for styling and comfort at lowest cost Chevrolet’s Style-Star Bodies by Fisher bring you extra-wide form-fitting seats—extra-generous ne:»d. leg and elbow room—extra value in every detail of styling and comfort in this longest and heaviest of all low-priced cars! Roanoke Chevrolet Company — Williams! on, N. C. i A