Visiting In Glouihester. Mr and Mrs B G. Stewart and family are .spending this week at Gkmehester ——*■ Visiting In Goldsboro Mi K -<i MeDaniel. Jr. is Alien > parents. Mr and Mrs. spending some time with rela tive? in Goldsboro Spending Week At Pamlico I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Manning; and children left yesterday for Pain lien Beach to spend a week at their cot’- ye. -« To Visit In Beaufort Mr and Mrs. Joel Muse and children will spend Sunday with Miss Amy Muse in Beaufort vw jfan'll find your heart's desire among our collection of fine SI K It M \ (i SI LIEU patterns Outstanding in out* collection are these ti\e (inn! dimension Jjeauty designs created exclusively by . . . Wimi’E SILVEISIIT1S • Come in and let u» show you how the hand wrought full formed beauty of sculpture has been captured in Ster ling Silver by WALLACE Ada ter Craftsmen. 1 (ere Tuesday Mi s Lerov Dal I and son, Joe, and Mr. Fred Worrell of New some. Virginia, and Mr. Elmer Worrell and son, Edward, of W’il mington were guests of Mr. and Mrs K D Worrell Tuesday. —-o Return From Plymouth Mrs. Randolph Allen and child ren, Randy and Mancie, have re lumed from Plymouth where they spent several days with Mrs. Robert Campbell. -# Returns to Charlotte Miss Alyce Wynne has returned to Charlotte after spending her vacation here with her parents, Mi and Mrs. Sylvester Wynne. Her mother and brother accom panied her. In County This Week Mrs Charles B. Kelio and trip lets. Ann. Anna and Bobby and Charles III of Norfolk are spend ing a few days with Mrs. Kello's sisters, Mrs Kenneth Harrington and Mrs Fenner Hardison at Farm Life. Spending Summer In Nashville Mrs. Hubert Biggs and father, Mr, John D. Li I lev, returned Tuesday afternoon from Nash ville, Tennessee, where they visi ted Mrs. Joseph Olschner, the for mer Miss Evelyn Lilley of here, and Mr.Olsehner. Miss Jane Gray Biggs who accompanied them to Nashville remained to visit the )lsc hirers for the summer. — —’'i.' ■ — Returns Home Mr. and Mrs J. W. Watts and Mrs Joanna Martin and child ren are spending some time in Beaufort. • . Visit In W'ilson Mrs. Elbert S. Peele, Mrs. F. M. Manning and Mrs. Tom Skinner visited relatives in Wilson Wed nesday afternoon. Eye Classes Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 fd WORRIED? \BOI I YOl K TOBACCO CUKKR \l K\ll> YOI'R TOBACCO WILL HI DVM \CKO? THEN CONSIDER THE NEW 1950 MODEL oi The HENRY VAN QUICK HEAT TOBACCO CURER Vfler I ^ r;u> of Pro- i ysc-' in tin- Mann- I furtnri' anil Sail* of | i) i‘ ;» <• n il ablr < Ml i Burning Toliarro fni'ini: *'\sli,in» — !'!><• Ilr-in \ ami ini' f>aiu<‘<l lln* 'Trust ami < onl iili ncc of \ll. Tobacco cannot be damaged by a Henry Van Curing System That Is Properly Installed And Operated TOBACCO TWINE Tobacco TRUCKS The HENRY VANN Lnrer Has Never Reni Eritieixed Hv a Slate Offieial. Was Fust to Re Approved By the N. C. Deparlnienl of Apxienltnre. I ses Less Oil Thao \ny Other Oil Born- | iiift Tobaeeo ('.orin*' System On the Market. ^ Proven and Tested hv Farmers. ly Co. Miss Lessie Manning, whose marriage to Marlie Linard Chop lin of Raleigh was solemnized last Sunday evening in the Pinev Grove Baptist Church, was hon ored at a party given bv Misses Susie Manning, Mary Dean Hardi son and Melba Manning on Mon day night. June 19, at the Farm Life lunchroom. Upon her arrival, the honoree received a corsage of gardenias and the hostesses presented her with a silver chest. Enjoyable games were played during the evening. From a table centered with an arrangement of white feverfew j the hostesses served ice cream, | cake, punch, mints and salted i nuts to the honoree, Mesdames* S. E. Manning, Bruce Peele, Her I bert Manning. Rufus Hardison, Perlie Roberson, Urban Lilley, Milton James, Joe Johnson, Jr., Stand I Hardison, Oscar Tice, Eu gene Roberson, Raymond Gur kin, Margaret R. Revels and Misses Leda Fave Manning, Ly nette Coltrain, Earline Coltrain, Daisy Coltrain, Elizabeth Man ning, Frances Roberson, Nannie I M. Roberson, Miriam Peele, Sarah Revels, Bessie Manning, Shirley Corey, Janie Griffin and Leona Hardison. MARRIED IN NEW BERN -■» Miss Elizabeth Cowan, daugh ter of Mrs. Della Cowan, and Garland Manning of Stokes, son of Mi and Mrs. Nan Manning, were married Saturday afternoon, June 24. in New Bern at the home of Justice of the Peace Gib son, who officiated. The couple have returned from a short wedding trip and are mak ing their home home with the bridegroom’s parents in Stokes MARRIED SUNDAY Mrs. Hazel Price Long of Rox boio, daughter of Ml'. Norwood W. Price and the late Mrs. Price of Durham, and Mr. Edgar J. I Harvey of Roxboro, son of Mr. j and Mrs. Raleigh C. Harvey of ! Phoenix, Virginia, were married I here Sunday at the home of Mrs. I Long’s sister, Mrs. Thad Ashley. Rev. Thad Ashley officiated at the ceremony, which was per formed in the presence of rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey left im mediately after the ceremony for a trip in Western Virginia, Attend Meeting left yesterday for Raleigh where they are attending a state board Rev. and Mrs. John L. Goff meeting of the Disciples of Christ. -o , Returns To School i Miss Nancy Hix of Oxford is I spending several days here with | her grandmother, Mrs. Mary B. | I Gurganus. Attend Wedding Among those attending the wedding of Miss Peggy Hopkins of Oak City and Dr. William Gray of Robersonville in Oak City Sunday were Mr. and Mis. John Hatton Gurganus, Mr. and Mrs Charles Manning, Dr. and Mrs J. T. Llewellyn, Dr. and Mrs, Charles 1. Harris, Mrs S. W. Man , ning and daughter, Miss Dorothy ' Manning, Mrs Joseph Griffir t and children, Mrs. Harry Jones and daughter, Betty, Mi«s A nr | Beasley, Mr. Edgar Gurganus Mr. Robert H. Cowen, Miss Anni | Bell Privott and Mr. Elbert S , Peel, Jr. I -o | Visiting in Beaufort r Mrs. Clara Worrell has return Ied to her home in Newsome. Vir ginia after spending two day here with her son, Mr. K. D Worrell, and Mrs. Worrell. - ♦ .. To Visit .Morehead Mr and Mrs Leman Barnhil .md Mr. Sind Mr,. Vernon Bunt mg will leave this week-end fo a week's stay at Moreheod City Attend Funeral Here Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bryan am John Oakley of Portsmouth at tended the funeral of Mrs. Johi W. York here yesterday after noon. « Returning Tu Albemarle Mrs. Harry Harris and daugh tors, Judith and Allyson, are re turning to their home in Albt marie today after a visit her with Mrs. Harris’ sister, Mr Bill Glover, and family. Visiting In New York Mr. Eugene Rice visited Ne' York City this week. •-♦ In Local Hospital Critically injured in an aut< mobile accident near here c Tuesday of last week, Mrs. Hem Steffen of New York City eoi linues to improve in the loc hospital and plans to leave f< home sometime next week. - Here From High Point Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coffie of High Point are visiting re tives and friends here for a ft Marta Toren ami James Mason are co-starred with Dan Duryea in Universal-International’s ‘‘One Way Street.” a new film offer ing which entertainingly combines suspense and romance against the colorful background of Mexico. "One Way Street” was di rected by Hugo Fregonese and marks the Hollywood film debut of Rodolfo Acosta, popular Mexican character actor. Leonard Goldstein is the producer. The film shows at the Marco Theatre Tuesday and Wednesday. IRMA GOES WEST Playing at the Viccar Theatre Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. To Visit New York Mi. and Mrs. Frank Marsalis will leave Sunday for a trip to ! New York. I - " - ' ' 1 • Going to Virginia Mr. and Mis. John Hatten Gur ganus and children, Judy and Johnny will leave Sunday for Cheriton, Va. where they will spend the holidays. Here From Norfolk Mrs. Addie Hatton of Norfolk is here spending some time with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary E. Gurganus In Loral Hospital * Mr. Bob Everett, in declining health for several years, entered the local hospital Tuesday after noon for treatment. He was mov ed from the home of his daughter, Mrs J. O. Manning, Jr., on Vance Street, in a Biggs amulance. Here From Oxford Richard Marfeolis will leave to morrow tor Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. 1 -4 Here From Wilson Miss Mary Lawrence of Wilson is spending some time here with ' Miss Lilybet Muse. Leaves For Florida Miss Betsy Horton left today for Daytona Beach to visit her aunt, Mrs. Leona Robinson -» — Here Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. George D. Ward of Robersonville were in town Tuesday shopping. _ cherry * pineapple •cecoanux ( ICE CREAM M \ A luscious blend of rlierry, pineapple and eocoannt with extra smooth ice cream. Enjoy Sweetheart lee (.ream often during . the romanlie month of June. TAKE SOME HOME TODAY! Maola Ice Cream Co. Washington, A. C. A gives you more I I . i of everything you want! 1 toomler Interiors. You’re never cramped in a De Soto. You have lots more head room and leg room. * Longer Wheelbase for better riding, but no * greater over-all length I for ease of handling). » Drive Without Shifting, thanks to Tip-Toe Hydraulic Shift and gyro/ Fluid Drive. Greater Economy. Let us tell you how easy n it is to own and operate a new De Soto. y Tun* in THI GROUCMO MARX SHOW, ' You (at Your Lifn,“ a»*fy " , * W.dn.iday night. On all CBS stations. GRIFFIN 403 Washington Street ■mDC SOTO and flYMQOTH^ ...SO EASY TO BUY TOO! Sltp In and rH all the fads. We will give you a grurmus allowance on your i»ret*enl tar. Easy monthly |»ayinenls. You will lie sur|»ri*e«l at how ea»il> this l»eaulifu! new De Soto can be >our*. ONLY DE SOTO GIVES YOU VALUES LIKE THISI • Smart Haw Styling * Tip-Tun Hydraulic Shill * Scaft-rasistaat • High-Campracsiaa' Engina a tig 17-inch Irahai • Watarpraai igaitiaa tail Yau Driua With.ul Cyliadar Walls Shifting ( an . liggar Glass Araa Custom Models- Optional at extra cost an De luxe a full-Cradlad Rida • lasy, Shach-lraa Slaariag MOTOR CO. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.

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