"The Big Lilt" Filmed in Berlin The Berlin Airlift, which made . news headlines in 1948 and 1949, is making movie headlines in 1950. For what many consider the outstanding air acheivement of all time has now been brought to the screen in "The Big Lift,” filmed i in Berlin, starring Montgomery Clift and Paul Douglas, and com ing on Wednesday July oth to the Watts Theatre. That Twentieth Ceniury-Fox, producers of the "The Big Lift,” ! should think the Berlin Airlift worthy of cinematic treatment is not surprising. For although | history has been repeating it ' self for thousands of years, noth ing quit like the airlift ever hap pened before. The two and a quarter million residents of the i three Western-power sectors of Berlin, cut off from the it sources 'of supply, were kept alive with i goods from the air for over eiev ■ en months, from June, 194!!, to May, 1949. With an average of T Straight Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey FULL 4 YEARS OLD $340 $910 W 4/S QT. JL PINT \Y *6 PROOF. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. THE S1AGG DISTILLING CO., FRANK!ORE, KENTUCKY. Johnny Mack Brown prepares to defend lovely Gail l>avis from outlaw vengeance in monogram's "Six Gun Mesa," playing at the Watts Theatre Saturday. Kilev Hill. Leonard Penn and Milhuriie Morante have feature roles in the oNtdoor drama. Racing Story At Narco Sunday A miitcli quarter mile race in which ail Arizona cow pony heat one of California's fastest thorofiithbreds, with a waiter of $.ill.1)00 at stake, was responsible for the makin;; of the picture, "Bov from Indianna," in starrini’ Bon McCallisler ami I.ois Butler Billie Burke and (looi'yc C'leve land are feiilured in tlu Ka)>lo Lion Films release cumin,l; to Ihe Marco Theiilre on Sunday and Monday, The race took plane at Holly wood Bail, one niorniny a year aqo and when I’rodueer Blank IliOO plains laden with coal and food kindini; in Berlin every day , the constant droninj> overhead spelt life itself to citizens of the German eapitol. Melford, veteran producer, heard about it lie decided that quarter horses were exciting enough to feature ui a niution picture. Four years ayo some Arizona stork men tried to yet some Cali fornia racim; men to brine a thoroughbred sprinter to 1'ucson lor a race niiainst a quarter horse," sa.vs Melford. "That didn't work out, so, finally, a year afio, Itarbara It, a quarter horse, was bronchi to California for a match race against Fair Truckle, one of C S Howard's host sprinters, at Hollywood I ’ark, Itarbara It, then four years old and since retired, belonged to Ho,\ llill, a wealthy rancher. Roy SI,Alt W OOD FOII SALK CIIF.AP. Dial 2160 VI illianislon Supply Co. Comparative Test PROVES VALUE ol AIROVAC Oxford, N. C, Air Control, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. In 1949 the tobacco cured with AIROVAC sold for $260.00 more per acre than tobacco cured without Airovac. Yet, all the tobacco came out of the same field, was the same grade, variety and kind* -It was all cultivated and fertilized alike, so we feel and KNOW that AIROVAC was responsible for obtain ing the higher and better price. (Signed) /?• W. Danie Here’s the nrlual experience of a successful farmer whe lias used the AIROVAC method of "aring tobacco fot two wars and found it highly satisfactory. Tobacco cored in llii- bam uilh AlROv AC hrnnulil a much hifthn (nice Iliaa tobacco run’ll without AIROVAC. This conipaiatiw test shows that AIROVAC provides the only scientific method of bringing tobacco to its be-t color and <|iiality. By definite control of the air which circulates up through the tobacco leaves, curing can lie done without sweating, sponging or anv of the old hit or miss methods of the past. NOTK cut-away section of barn showing how air is taken in. circulated and expelled. I.et us show you how AIROVAC can make your tobacco worth more. Call, write or come hv today for full information. Planters Warehouse ASHLEY I). WYNN Dial 3381 Rolimonvill^, N. C. 1 MlfNi iMlIfD fOR Adams, who since committed suicide, was th- nan who really brought the race about. Adams was a colorful character, once world's champion calf roper, who made and lost a doren fortunes Most of the money lhat rode with j Barbara R was his. 1 do not think Howard himself bet on ids own j horse—others were too eager to j cover Adams' money. “Johnny I.ongdon rode Fair i Truckle and Barbara IVs jockey i was Tony I.icutn. As they flashed past the quarter mile finish line Barbara B was two clear lengths ahead. “Oddly, I he debate about whether those cow ponies who work six days a week and race on Sunday are faster than thorough broils stdi rafVs. Occasionally, I'm told, a thoroughbred sprinter will win but not often enough to ere-1 ate any monotony." The deeper Melford dug into the subject of quarter horses the more he became convinced that Announce Birth Mr and Mrs. Tom Barnhill an nounce the birth of a daughter in a Washington hospital on Wed nesday, June 2li, SMI It 1 HI sit Bill (Charity X1 Cluldreiil I)i Wall passed along lius elev er quotation lo us: "A wise hus band will buy his wife .such fine china that she won't trust him to wash the dishes." here was material tor a good picture lie learned that there are 1-4.ODD registered quarter horses m this country, that they were established m Virginia in 1 titifi, a ero.s: between Spanish and native Knglisli sloek “Boy from Indiana" primarily is a modern romance which in volves I .on Mot’a I lister, t.ois But ler, Billie Burke and George Cleveland, but there's also a lot about quarter horses, the fastest VETERANS ( OEORED TEAM TO PEAV MEANDER HERE The Williurmtnn Veterans Col ored baseball tram will plav the Aulandet Klut.rri Saturday all ernonn at a p m, '1‘iir parre will hr played on the William-don diu mend Returns E rom (Irrmsborn Mrs. U I. Swain returned from (»1‘rrnstioiat Wedm alav whVri' .hr vr 'ti'd Mr and Mr l1' E Bunn, Jr., and their sun, David David, who is suffering from a rarr virus infection of the jaw hone, is ported eonsidera.hlv improved USE T-4-L FOR ATHLETE'S FOOT BECAUSE— It bus ir.at.r PENETRATING Pow»r. With 90u9 undiluted alcohol bate, It carries tha active meditation DEEPLY, to kill the germ on contact. Get happy relief IN ONE HOUR or your 40s back • t any drug stora. Today at Sold in Williamston by Clark's Drug Store and Davis Pharmacy ~ - Local Guardsmen To Camp Aug. 6th (Continued rrnm page one) ■ mi I;.iv mend s rherrvTwin Ham I! (I rvlowi. .1, Arthur G. Sheph. nd .u.d Albf-rt I.aey Simtli; i ■ icT-.' (I. ii K I’tinrh, William N. (’!,(•■ . J .. |). Our «ami Ui>1'.< rt I C«ur*aiUH«. Siitv ud K t Hi] ; a Thaddeus F. H a i " I ■ K i I 1 lymart, l.cKnv MiH.11 ,Ji Alton Ii Pleas ■ ud .I.iii I> ... i ii. Prank S. Weaver, Reuben C Williams. Gar land !'. W.ynni .md .lames M. Stalls Men's Dress ami Work Shoes Tor I.ess. Wil l,AUD'S SHOE SHOP ■WWW I————l i i Holiday Ahead—and for t (rand and glorlotif 4tli you'll fmd that Picnic Shopping IS a picnic at Colonial. Such big selection* — ao carefully arranged for your ahuppln* eoo vcntencel And. to guaranty* the sihicess of your picnic—delicious, freshly baked, breads and cakes from our own big, sunshiny ba keries. Wlielher you celebrate Indoors or In your own backyard, at the seashore or In the country, you are sure to find the foods you want—priced low at Cotonlall 4-6 LBS. AVG. WT. Tender Short Shank Smoked PICNICS - 45c mRSH PRESSED AND DRAWN ^ FRYERS WHOLE OR CUT UP ARMOUR'S STAR OK SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRANKFURTERS ( AROI.INA ERESII DRESSED A DR HV\ TURKEYS 8 12 LBS. AVG. WL ii» 31 r* ib, :»:><• ib »>."►<* Iv i ultl rn/v « FOR PICNIC ,fl*' SANDWICHES AKMOl'R’S I,OAF OF P1CKI.E A PIMIENTO ib ARMOUR'S STAR SI.H'F.O BOLOGNA Lb, to, ARMOUR'S SI.lrF.D I.IVFR CHEESE Lb •"><><■ ARMOUR'S STAR SI.ICFO l-:> ||, HAM 2 OILED 'Picnic Shoppinq \% a picnic at Colonial !* I I \R,1I RIPF REO-TO-TIIF RINO Watermelons 69c FANCY FIKI.D Riri NTn Cantaloupes 2 Lb> 21c KXTRA I.AHOE JI'IC'T CALIFORNIA Slinkist Lemons doi 43c AT YOUR FRI NDLY COLONIAL S' ORE OPEN TIL 8:30 E 'ERY Saturday VoR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE FEATURE . From 7:00 p, fvi. i is 8:30 P Saturday NIGHT, Jlll> 1 ONLY 6 BOT I'LE C ARTON SOFT DRINKS of Your Choice ABSOLUTEU FREE ! WITH TOTAL PURCHASES OF $5.00 OR MORE ir vnt f D BEEp,L a*;1' iSs ttc \/\l S'l Hnti: v, ' v,, in U, •"•'H-.ioZ o °"i* 6.0/1. a* «i. f°"'* 6.00 . W Vv/», . ***. 1)0,1 ft: ilk f'l ' **• III, ***« *Bf 0N n« ,#°/irs ««4r. — '■ ‘V, #/ Foils''*'* *4'0'-1 BUHs *• 01 a **iSBrs 10C 12c mestiom rumor OUR PM0$ BMM (CAKiSTOO/J ''' II. n. (I •••n> °H° 6:00 o !'z ii '• 'a. Ioho 7:00 SANsi"£na A* fo /*• hi. . . . ' J"h In,. \Wn m . Mf*«y • ‘ ’ ''-r/ i*‘ / "////'*. *'* «»/r> *e» ™w*4rc fRay fif Nros fi/ andatcj fu d °r G fruit RFftc; 4Tf WHlTi l Lb. f>k c OS co1DfN sw,frs *wa 25 6 O; Xir 3 '* °* Cans *-2 121 o'b 03, I N KI( Ilf l» I Y U'Oit A III* CS MILK 3 C-. 330 STOKII.YS PARTY $WEET peas 17 ox. 27c OS( wt MAY Fit—PI \IN OK llAK B (| WEINERS c 45* '<IM ( Ilf It N (til l> ( ( I OKI II MARGARINE > 39c 0(1 AN SPRAY ( IMNCtllKY SAUCE ub. 17c -^p'eS ' ii-i .i (i < rt.v BITE AK MOTR’S STAR COIIVKII BEEF 1 Lb PL4 12 Or On Annan i: s st \H coKSi n BEEF HiiSH > AHMOI R’S I I Si'll MF \T SHEET AKMOI li S STAR \ I W \ SAUSAGE AHMOI R S ST *R CHOfPrn HUM 12 Oi No $ 12 Oi On 32c 43c 35c 43c 18« 49c 1

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