Funeral Today In Local Church For Samuel E. Jones (Continued from page one) was a regular little fellow in school and at play'and the typi cal American boy. He attended the Baptist Sunday School and was active in Cub .Scout work. Surviving besides his parents are two brothels. Garland Doug las Jones. Jr., and Philip Wayne Jones; two sisters. June Gail and Margie Yvonne Junes, all of the home. Funeral services are being con ducted in the Baptist church here this afternoon at ,1:110 u elo*.os b.v Rev. W. B. Harrington, the fam ily pastor; assisted by Rev. Stew art B. Simms, pastor of the church. Interment will he in Wi lodlawn Cemetary. The pool wlil not he open at all today (Thursday) it was announc ed yesterday. Draw Jurymen for Court Qn Monday Twelve Martin County men were drawn for jury duty in the Martin County Recorder's Court next Monday when two drunken driving cases are scheduled for trial. The defendant * are. Aaron Council of the Hassell area, and N. Russell Kveretl uT Farmvillc It was reported a short time ago that Kveretl was ill, and there is some doubt if he'll he able to appear in court next Monday Names of citizens drawn for jury duty next Monday: Jamesvilie, F. C Stallings. Les lie W Hardison and James 11 Bar her. Wilhamston. Larry S Bullock Griffins, Garland C Tuv, Roheisonville, J. R. Winslow, D B. Mobley and Joseph 1. Will iams. Hamilton, J G Forbes, P C F.dmondsun and J. II Lilian!. Goose Nest, John W Williams WantS FOR SALE: Eol R LSEI) ELEC trie ranges A 1 condition. Finn $35.00 to $00.00. 'Wbfrel! .tf$S unci1 Company, Jo 29 2 ATHLETE'S FOOT N* Alcohol — Ho Acid — No Stin« fot quick relief and good result! get *0 famous VICTOKY OINTMENT. Ile ^*010^1 for tho boys In the Arinv, Hour fho homo follu. Get VICTORY—Get silo. Also for rirsl Aid snd lulling, i «o qao on onj port ^f Hie body. Sold in Wilhamston by Claik’: Drug Store and Davis Pharmacy or your hometown druggist. G & W William Penn \lw| Blended j \ Whiskey tmtaD Price 86 Prool TMi fTBAMH? WHltKIYf IN THU PdOOUCT AM 4 mil ot MOM out »sn »I« AiOHT «Mtm, 44» NEUT0AI iPUUTt, OUluxAA FIOM MAIN. GUARANTEED black PANTHER THEY ARE KILLERS! Black Panther Garden Dust (Contains Rotenone) Use as Dust or Spray. Black Panther Delux Spray Guaranteed to Kill DDT Resistant Flies. Black Panther Insect 1 Spray and 25' i DDT. General Insecticide Co. Inc. Sanford, N. C. Utica, N. Y. ROBUST ADVENTURE . . . in :i scene from "'ihc Uighlin?; Ken tuckian.' Republic film which starts a two-day engagement Thursday at the Marco Theatre. Vera Ralston and John Wavne are starred. FOR KENT OR SALE—NURN ey's Service Station, residence and lot of five acres on Highway fi-t, five miles east of Williamston. If L. Coburn, Williamston, N. C. je 29 2t WE WILL BE CLOSED FOR A two-day holiday on Tuesday and Wednesday. July 4 and 5. The Outlet Store, Williamston, N. C. PARKER'S SELF - SERVICE Laundry will be closed on Tues day, Jul> 4th, only. FOR SALE: CHICKENS, KKOIL ers and fryers See N, C Ever ett, Jr,, or call 5171. Robersonville. FOR SALE: FOUR USED KEFRI gerators. From $51)01) to $05.00. Won ell Appliance Co. je 29 3t H C SIN ESS OPPORTUNITIES: Look f/>i my ad on business op-1 portunities in News and Observe: Sunday. July 2nd, 9th, Kith and 2;ird. 1) L. Turnage, Realtor, L. F Turnage, Jr., Assistant, 511 Kvans St Phone 2715, Greenville. N <-’• je 29 jy 6-13-21 GOOD FILLING STATION FOR lent in Oak City. See Harrison Oil Company je 29 4t I OPENING SOON: M ANSON’S Florist. 412 Washington Street, Thursday, July il, 7 u> !) p. m. Free corsages to the first ten per sons arriving. Refreshments. FOR RENT: 3 ROOMS WITH lights and \vator*and hath. Dial 24911 or see W. R. Cherry. 1103 N. Uaughton Street. Williamston. N. C. ,ie 29 2t PINE TIMBER WANTED. WE pay Top Prices for standing tim ber and pine logs. Williamston Supply Co. Phone 2400. jo 20 tf WANTED: CORN IN SHIRK. truckload lots, at farm, any where. Write or call, 1,. N. James, The Corn House. Bethel, N. C. ap 1(1 tf k#0«VPlUMBIN6& EDGE WOODAVC. • PMOMf JWf WILLIAMSTON, N.C. APARTMENT FOR RENT: FOI'R rooms and bath. Tar Heel Build ing. J. S. Whitley, Phone 2460 2339. je 29 3t WANTED: 100 HEAD FEEDER pigs. Top prices. See .1 S Whitley, 2460 or 2339. jc 29 4t EXPERT lD DY AND FENDER repair. Reasonable prices and Satisfactory Service is our aim. Roanoke Chevrolet Company, Willianrston. N. C. je 22 tf RESTORE YOl'R CAR'S PAINT to i*s original lustre and bril liance with a new Paint Job. Roanoke Chevrolet Company, Willianrston, N. C. je 22 tf WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR all types of high quality hard wood logs. WeUs-Oates Lu I tuber Company, Frank E. Weston, man ager, Williamston, N. C. je 8 tf FOR RENT: SANDING MACM ine. Refinish your floors your self and do a first class job of sanding and polishing your worn dingy floors. We will rent and show you how to operate the ma chine. Its easy and rental costs are low. Worrell Appliance Com pany. Dial 2057. no 8 tf YORK RADIO SERVICE FOR repairs, parts, tubes and bat teries. Rhone 2818. Turn right at Free/er Locker. no 3 tf lUKCl.VY Till: IK) VRI) in assorted colors for bath room and kitchens. We have all aeeessoi'ies for installing the above. Chrome, cap strips, baseboard, etc. This tdo hoard is 3 lti' thick. Our price 3V per sq fl F O li. Bethel. Iliinnieriil! Titi*iiiIiii*«' (!o. Bethel, N. C. — Phone 2211 FREE APPRAISALS ON Al 1 Body and Fonder Repairs with. no obligations. Roanoke Chevi'o let Co.. Williamston. N. C. jo 22 tf WE nrv, SELL AND WIRE Oi l) oil lamps. Rring us your lamps for estimate or to be wired. Wor rell Appliance Company. Din! 2057, Williamston. no 8 tf DEAD AND DISABLED HORSES Mules, Cows and hogs removed promptly. No charge. Phone Greenville, N. C., 3101. Norfolk TaUmv Company. no 8 t. CLARK'S R1IEI MATISM COM pound for positive relief ol aches and pains. Guaranteed re rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, neuritis, neuralgia and muscular lief or money hack. Clark Phnr rv>hpy. 22 ?f WANTED TO Bl V— GOOD l fl ed automobile. Late model. Cash. Phone 2739. my 9 if PARKER S SELF S E l{ V I C E Laundry. Hours 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday. 8 a. m. to 12 noon on Saturday. Try us for a quick and economical wash ser vice. je 8 tf V • Linoleum • Asphalt Tile • Rubber Tile • Lino-Tile • Cabinet Tops a Specialty Facin' y Trained Mechanics No Job Too Larpo or Too Small Contract Prices to Contractors lliiniiit'Ciilt I'limituri* < o. Bethel, N. (’. — Phone T1U IF IT’S GAS Then Ifs V, . Southern Butane f The Extra Value Gas For Your COOKING HEATING WATER HEATING COMPARE IT WITH ALL OTHERS / As Low As 41-2 Cents Per Pound NO MINIMUM CHARGE We Have A Plan For Every Pocketbook WE INSTALL 250 GALLON SYSTEMS FOR. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS Also $75.00 Ranges, Water Heaters, Heating Equipment On EASY TERMS Southern Butane Gas Corn. WILMINGTON. N. C. NEW BKKN, N. (.. MIMRKKTON. N. C. For Information Call Elaine Bennett, 2510, Loral Representative. I OK SAKE: I‘>3H CHEV ROI.ET 7 door coach, $157. 1937 Chevro let 3-door coach, $200 Cars arc beiny sold for repair bdl Steven son's Auto Ce .loiee- ville Highway. je 27 2t 1 OK KEXT I ROOM \R\KT merit in Ri; miivih; m Apart ments. See R. I, Cehurn j 8 tf \v \\ ri:i) t si o n i:tii i/i:i; Bays, washed and ;n . od run I’ition. W T. Ros W.i iiinyton Road, near WillianistoV, n--22 It WVWWWWVWVWMVVMMVVVI FOR tOLR CUSTOM . MADE Venetian blinds, awnings for the home nr store, see us. W<- have the famous Floxa!um aluminum slats: also beautiful colors in wood. Henry Harrison, Wiiliarns ton au 26 tf rot: KIM': ,1 ROOM APART (rent on Hassell Street. Newly painted and wallpapered. Build in t for lent on N Houghton Street that can be used fur dwell in'. ;,i ston Henry I). Harrison. j < 2 7 t (UVVtMMUMMVVWVUVWUVVMWV for su.i: me f>wk.f In good condition. Call je 27 2 Lawn Mowers Sharpened Wo Sell and Repair. Bicycles-Trir.veins. Tlar Motor cycle Sales and Service. 01 in vs MOTOFU YCTF SHOP Washington St,, Dial M