Patient: “That was a wonder >aek treatment. Doctor Was it my sacroliar?” Doctor: “No Your suspenders Were twisted. ' THEATRE — WILl-IAMSTON Till KSDM - FK1II V\ "Mrs. Mike" With Dick Powell Kxelyii Keye.» NEWS S\Tl KI> DOI BI.E FEATI RE Johnny VItick Brown "Six Gun Mesa" "Leave It To Henry" With V\ tiller Callelt Kn> moinl \\ tiIitnrii l ast Chapter of Serial "Kiidnr Patrol \ s The S|i\ Kiny” Cartoon SI M) VV - MOM) \ V ami I I KSDM Color b> Technicolor "Ticket To Tomahawk" With Dan Dailey Vntie Kaxlcr News Pete Smith V. I OM SK \V Till KSim - ! KID W "The Big Lifl" With M«Milooincr\ (Hill Piltii If.ill^l.l Wallins Creek, Kv -John L, Osborne, a farmer, who recently celebrated his Sfith birthday, claims to be "the living father oi the largest number of living de scendants in the United States. He has 12 children, 7(i grandchil dren. 163 great-grandchildren and 39 great-great-grandchildren. Adults 20c Ch'ltlrcn 15c SULKS!) U • I Klim "Hellfire" With William Klliolt Mill ie W inilsor SVTIKI)A A DOCBI.K FKATI'RK I im I loll "The Rustlers" "The Raven" • With Moris Karloff llcla Lugosi I.ast Chapter of Serial "I ndersea Kingdom'' Cartoon St M)A1 - MONDAY "Boy From Indiana" With Lon McUallisler Lois Bullet Musical Sport Cartoiyi Tl'KSim ami WKhiSKSDAA 'One Way Street' With James Mason Marla Tori-n Thrill of Music Cartoon Watts Theatre \N illi;mi.-lon, (!. Sunday-Konday-Tuesday, July 2-3-4 Ticket To The . Titillating Time OF YOUR LIFE! 1 TtCHHICOLOR <, Rory Calhoun Walter Brennan t f.'ecp. f-o^'iferibv Richard SAIL Robert BASSLF® ft.-itien 11 X*!, loci and p. J (In Color) LICHT1NC HLDHLAU With Richard Denning And Serial SIND AY - MONDAY July 2 and 3 HOCK ISLAM) I HAIL (In Trueulor) With Forrest Tucker, Adele Mara, Adrian Booth, and Bruce Cabot Also: Comedy TUESDAY, July 4 ]i Kill I HUM ( LI ALLAN!) j! | With George Brent and 1 j | 1.yini Bari , | | INTRODUCING Rusty Tam- ! ! i hlyu and his 30 Godfathers j i | —The CLEVELAND IN- i | | D1ANS BASEBALL TEAM. ! | Also: News and Sport - mvuvwwwwvmwww ■ Kolirrsouvill**, IN. C TONIGHT - FRIDAY June 20 and 30 HARBOR OF MISSINC MI N With Jim Bannon ♦Valter Catlett and Raymond VVaI liuni tunc many laughs in Mono grani’s comedy-drama, "Leave It To Henry,” Saturday at the Watts theatre. and Clifton Kllison with assaults with deadly weapons, Charlie was found not guilty. Adjudged guilty, Clifton was fined $25, plus costs. Yuker Cassell, Jr., was fined $10. plus costs, for assaulting a female. Louis Freeman, facing the court on two counts and pleading not guilty in each, was adjudged guilty. He was sentenced to the roads, six months for non-sup port and two months for assault ing a female, the sentences to run concurrently. ,1’lcading guilty, Charles Lock hart Cooper was fined $25 and Total Of $5,329,266 Spent For Liquors Since July In 1935 -» (Continued from page one' | June, '33 Sept., ’38 (Dec., ’38 Mar., '39 June, ’39 i Sept., '39 i Dec., 39 jMe:\, ’40 June, '40 Sept., ’40 Dec., '40 Mar., '41 June, ’41 j Sept., '41 j Dec., '41 Mar., '42 June, ’42 ! Sept., ’42 Dec., '42 i Mar., '43 June, ’43 j St pt., ’43 Dec., ’43 | Mur., ’44 | June, '44 Sept., '44 | Dec., '44 Mar., '45 June, ’45 S''pt., ’45 Dec., '45 Mar., ’46 June, ’46 Sept., '46 26.968.35 32.502.15 40.710.30 25,407.05 24.174.25 30,539.58 48.481.03 31.719.25 25,625 08 27,561.82 46,283.10 35.124.75 29.043.65 40.601.90 uJ.V.J-t. 7 5 53,152.95 53.607.45 80.357.25 137.476.80 101,665.30 87,011.20 81.148.30 83,330.40 77.100.15 81.098.50 108.752.55 172,526.25 1 15.984.40 102.806.80 146,804.95 217,671.65 182,421.70 155.624.20 181,380.15 5.853.82 7,739.45 11.605.38 5.768.68 5.456.40 6.727.00 10.809.60 7,703.77 5,987.35 6.194.68 12,729 11 9,089.93 6.643.22 10.862.05 i 9.145.70 14,173.95 1,4.635.34 23,177.89 36.750.70 22.476.36 19.572.81 23,301.93 23.050.91 18,913.72 17,975.35 22.260.39 41.479.42 25.438.60 25,374.01 34.445.75 48.249.98 45,081.22 34.415.39 41.301.41 required to pay the costs for op erating a motor vehicle without a driver’s license. VICCAR Theatre Thursday-Friday "KILL THE UMPIRE'" /■ ratminti II illiuin Hendix 'iNE-CHtLUNG THR/llS.. .1 m the monster-ridden world beneath the sea! Filmed in Startling ANSCO COLOR! “•wAmKi-nKAyMer Saturday, July 1st Also "BEYOND THE PECOS" \\ il!i Kod < laineron And 2nd (Jiapler of Sir (ialaltatl Serial i. bock *ith ,rmo| and h«r O°"0 " in their jif newest WW hit. • • -f * r 1i JOHN itorrinp CORINNE DIANA LUND-CALVET-LYNN DEAN MARTIN ^ JERRY LEWIS Amtrico’i Che mpion Scrtam-Ttoml with marie WILSON as lrm» * HAL WALLIS p«odAiction v>ho makes a monkey out of Jerryl Screenplay by CY HOWARD and PARKE LEVY VICCAR - Sun., Non., Tues. & Wed. i Dec., '46 Mar., ’47 June, ’47 Sept., ’47 Dee., ’47 _ Mar., ’48 June, ’48 Sept., ’48 Dec., 48 Mar. ’49 June, '49 Sept.. '49 Dec., '49 Mar, '50 279.578.90 192.829.45 157,694.75 161.769.25 216,903.30 167.936.60 128.296.45 149.140.60 190.892.05 134.146.70 102.906.10 120.378.60 $ 153.889.10 98,260.55 65,803.37 49,498 22 38,291.46 33,562.99 49,944.28 39,109.69 27.060.14 33,835.08 41,864.53 30.384.14 22.375.63 25.535.64 32.557.10 21.784.23 $5,329,476 85,1,251.880.88 Nearly one million acres of idle land in North Carolina is in immediate need of planting to forest trees. This land is not suited for agriculture and is con tributing nothing to the' v-eaith of the State. ammmwiwiMiHWT Take !t Easy On | July Fourth And Be Alive On Fifth • ♦ -: (Continued from page one) they can’t police every mile of every highway. The individual I must police himself. “If everyone would keep .in : mind the words ‘Take It Easy on | the Fourth - Be Alive on the i Fifth,’ this Fourth of July would ; bring much less tragedy and much more pleasure.’’ -- Move To New Home Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peel and fam ily moved into their new home on East Simmons Avenue this week. vnzxnzR-xxKrrxzzxxsTxxF Patrol Reports Hay Activities (Continued from Page One) 416.15 was from costs turned into county general tunds in counties where cases were tried. Highway revenue collected on overloaded and improperly licensed trucks amounted to $4,572.51. - , - “Yes," said the specialist as he stood at the1 bedside of the sick purchasing agent, "I can cure you.” ' What will it cost?” asked the sick man faintly "Five hundred dollars." "You'd have to shave your price a little," replied the purchasing agent. "I had a better bid from the inder taker.” tBsnfiimxinfmimixxmmn'' At LEDER BROS, you’ll find just the tiling von need for the July 1th holidays. If its a trip to the beach or at home in the shade, Leder Bros, can supply your every need. BLOUSES llraiitiful, sheer summer blouses in several styles. White with laer| ami eyelet trim. from $1.98 SHORTS Jtisl llic tiling for liol miiii nn*r tlays. Several slylo ami rol oi>. from $1.98 Ladle*'. Snnknrts DRESSES-from $2.95 H uter-Proof BEACH BAGS-$1.00 Skirt, Urn, Shorts 3-Piece PLAY SUITS - $3.95 Lallies' Knit "T SHIRTS-from $1.29 Children's SWIM SUITS - - from 97c fmrmrrnmmum <$JrGamim*r Oold Medal Award Jwimiylt Bathing Suits Such famous brands as “(ianlner.” "Surf and Sand" in a beautiful array of col ors and styles. from $3.95 SWIM TRUNKS Men’s Boxer Style Trunks, in solid and printed patterns. $1.98 imBnmgnimi |j Mali's Short Sloevo £ SPORT SHIRTS-$1.49 Moira II aslinhlo __ DRESS PANTS-- $2.95 Mon's hi no Quality STRAW HATS-$1.59 Itovs' Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS - - - $1.00 Hoys' (ialiariline SWIM TRUNKS-99c (hildi rn \s Sun DRESSES Oisp, cool miii dresses. Beautiful, washable prints. Size 5 to 14. $1.29 to $2.95 # fmmnz TUNE IN WRRF FOR LEDER BROTHERS PROGRAM—l isten tu 1 eder Brothers’ New Radio Show — Guy Lombardo and His Roytl Canadians — 15 Minute Entertainment Everv Sunday Afternoon, 1:30 to 1:45—Over WRRF, Washington, N. 9:30 on your dial. DEPARTMENT STORES Shop With Confidence — Wear With Pride " r rrrr t tt jjj ct:t j tt t jttt .tjttjtt.ttt’ \ zSt