How mild can a cigarette be? MORE PEOPLE SMOKE CAMELS than any other cigarette! and amom; the miliums wlw do... PATRICIA MORISON ; Mush-mI remedy liie Camel Hi Day 'Pest made -i-iise to me! Smoking <’muck r« . iil,. i ! \ tti me how tuild ;i t*i: ii t*t f r can be!” L ' KN V v TORI AN* l.jnt Esv.usw Shell’ L _ . ■* A v f P • - v n V r. i OR IA N4 Lunt Colonial Mano*^ Luwt Festival Lunt Mount Vernon Sterling for the bride, or bride-to-be.. .Sterling for the estab lished hostess . . W hatever the occa sion. there is no finer gift than fhe patterns illustrated here ate but a few of the man)' lovely designs to be seen in our Silver Department. Please plan to visit us soon. Sforf with a Plato Sitting or even a tingle piece The most convenient way to huild your service is to buy in units of Place Settings. This unit is com poses! of one each of the following pieces: lea Spoon, Luncheon Fork, Luncheon Knife,Cream Soup Spoon, Salad lork and liutter Spreader. If you prefer you can, of course, start with (ewer pieces or even a single l ea Spoon PEELE’S — JEWELERS Since 121 Main Street Williumslo,, Shop In Air Conditioned Comfort WILLIAM a MARY Lunt Modern Classic Lunt Mary li * y—' — — •— ■— ' <-Z. ' • '— ■ ■\'j>itilit: Mother Here Mr< L. r>. Bailey of Lexington, Va.. is iiei i visiting her mother. Mi, Holliday, for several days. Mrs. Hailevhusband. Ma Baii'.N - an instructor in the Reserve Officers Training Corps in Lexington Visiting Resorts Mi and Mrs A C Bailey and riniight* Lindt' Mi and Min Jos.', Council spent last week vi.s itinu w i an rexirts in th>- moun tains n‘ North Carolina. Virginia and Ti mic-sce Returns Home Mrs. Doug Hammer has re turned t» hi-: Imme in Alexan dria. Vs tallowing a visit here wit'" hi ’ tei M - Neil Ripley, ana family. Visiting In New Jersey M. Effie Sparrow and niece. .Teat C. ini! Cl! if fin. laughter of M John A. Griff n. left Monday hri Red Wood. N. J, where they will visit friends for several days The> were aeeorn panicd - lar as Philadelphia by Miss Am Hardi.-.n Return Home M mu Mi - Km ace Kendrick and girls. Cai olyn and Shirley, re turn' d 1' i1:- ■' limne in Gadsden. Ala . \V. 'u, i.i\ at tei spending two week- heri with Mrs Ken di irk m M Mattie Davis Visited in Norfolk Mr. and Mi- H A. Daniels and boy, t .[; ;n. -vi 1 it. and Mr- W’11 hui Daw-up rt and daughter of Plvn iiut1 v ite-a i heir aunt, M i s. J.T. Niekolson ol Norfolk. Va.. for a few days. Announce Hirth of Daughter Burn to Mr. and Mis. Grovel Nicholson. Jr., of Norfolk, a dau ghter. Virginia Mane, on June 2, 1050. Visiting in Washington. I). ('. Miss June Swinson of James ville is spending some time with relatives in Washington. D. C. Visit in Statesville Miss Joyce Harris of Bear Grass and Mr. Marvin Holliday ol New Bern accompanied hv Mrs. .1. I. Jenkins and baby daughter. Cyn thia. of Cherry Point, visited in Statesville Sunday. Visit At Manten Mr. and Mis Leslie Griffin and son. Jon. were in Manteo and Nags Head this week-end visiting friends and attending the open ing of the "Lost Colony.' Announce Birth of Son Mi and Mrs Rader Simpson of Plymouth announce the birth ol a son. William Rader, on July 3, in a Washington hospital. Mrs. Simp son is the formei Miss Verna Leg gett of Kveretts Announce Adoption of Daughter Rev. and Mis John Hardy of Wilmington announce the adop tion on June 2(1 of a 10-months-old girl. Elizabeth Hill Hardy. They have nnothei daughter. Susan, wlio joined them before they mnv ed from Williamston. They now reside at 311 Red Cross St.. Wil mington. Spend Uni at Morehead Mr and Mrs Jimmy Rogerson spent the fourth ol July at More head City. At Ransomville Tuesday Mr and Mrs. Talmadge Selby and daughter, Deborah spent Tuesday at Ransomville visiting M i St I In'.-, parents Visit Nags Head Landy Griffin and Ben Selby .■-pent Monday and Tuesday at Nags 1 lead. To Visit lo Candor Mrs Ben I). Courtney and child ren. Ben and Bill, will leave Sun day for Candoi to visit relatives lor several days. Spend l>a\ At Seashore Mr and Mis. Richard Corey and daughter, Nanrv. and Mr and Mrs. Arthur Corey and son Jeffrey, spent Sunday at Nags : Head. At Camp Leach Miss Beth Spivey and Masters Henry Handy, Billy Caistarphen Jimmy Cooke and Joel Muse, and I John Tullos of Rocky Mount left . Monday for Camp Leach to spenc 1 ! wo weeks. ■ Here Over Week-end Miss Ruth Norton of Raleigh spent Sunday and Monday with | Mi and Mrs. W. H. Carstarphen. Spend On* in Kocty Mount Mi. and Mrs Irving Margolis and daughters. Sandra and Gail, i | spent Tuesday in Rocky Mount, i Wins Sheet Contest Mrs. K,d Norton was the winner of tiie sheet club drawing Wednes-; da> morning at Courtney s. At White I.ake .Sunday Mr and Mrs. Julian Speller and Ison. Mr and Mrs Dennis Mobley. I Mrs. David Moore and daughters.' Mi and Mrs. Joe Gurganus and son and Mi and Mrs. Rufus Mob lev of Williamston and Mr and Mrs. J J Speller and Mr. and Mrs A. K. Leggett and children of Windsor spent Sunday at White Lake Visiting In Indianapolis Mrs. John Manning and Mrs. Betty Leggett left last, week for Indianapolis, Ind. to spend some i time w ith then sons and brothers. Johnnie and Clayton Manning. Visits friends at Nags Head Jerry Forehand spent the week , end as the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. li ving Smith and son, Irving, Jr., at their cottage at Nags Head. Spend Day at Beach Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Brady and daughter, Jane, and their week ; end guests, Mrs. M. L. Carr and daughter of LaGrange and Mr and Mrs. Forest Newton of Wash ington. D C spent Sunday al Atlantic Beach Spend Holidays in Norfolk Mi and Mrs. William Myers spent the holidays in Norfolk with Mrs. Myers' father, Mr W |J. Keel, who is visiting there. j Spend Sunday Evening Here Miss Hennie Brown of Lexing ton, Kentucky and Mrs D D Taylor and Miss Nettie Brown of Tarboro spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs Abner Brown Return From Philadelphia Mr and Mrs Me.ver M. Levin and sons, Dick and Ronnie, re turned Tuesday from Philadel phia where they spent the week end. Spend Fourth at Pamlico Mr. and Mrs. II. P. Mobley and family spent the fourth of July at Pamlico Beach. Returns Home Mrs. Elmer Stubbs has returned home after spending some time m Myrtle Beach, S ('., and last week-end with her daughter, Mrs Nicholas Hardison, in Plym outh. l):iv en 1 aeht Mr. and Mrs Jimmy Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Wig Watts. Mr. Henry Harrison and Mr. and Mrs Garland Woolard spent Tuesday near Washington on the Wooiards' vatch. Returning Home Mrs. Theodore Roberson. Mrs. ,J B Barnhill and daughter. Jane, and Miss Barbara Cherry are re turning home today from a visit with relatives in Washington. D. C. On Vacation Mrs. Pauline Letchworth is spending a two week vacation in Richmond Greenville and' Orien tal. - Returns To Home Here Breaking hei hip in a fall last December, Miss Mayo Lamb re turned to her home here Monday after receiving treatment in Duke Hospital and a stay of several months with her brother, Mr. Luke Lamb, and Mrs. Lamb in Wilson. Visit In Sooth Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Verner Harrison and sons, Redmond and Donner. and James Cratt of Bear Grass visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Matties in Georgetown, S. C\. last week. They also visited Myrtle Beach. Spend Holidays at Beach Misses Louise Taylor. Varia Harrison and Lib Cherry and Mr. Thad Hodges and Junior Roger son of Bear Grass spent the holi days at Myrtle Beach, S. C. Spend Week-end in Plymouth Mr. and Mrs. E H Davis and daughters. Peggy and Vicky, of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stinson of Bowling Green, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. Andy Stinson and son of Nashville,, Tenn., spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Davis in Plymouth. Return Home Mrs. W. C. Manning. Jr., has re turned to her home from Duke University where she attended a refresher course in music. Jam and William, III, who visited re latives in Sinithficld while Mrs Manning was in Durham, return ed home with her. Spending Some Time Mere Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Menaugh j and young son of Harrodsburg, Ky.. are spending some time here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cooke. Home From Hospital Mis Tom Barnhill and infant daughter. Virginia Wynne, return ed home last Monday from a Washington hospital. ( In Florida Bobby Harrison, Johnny Wool ard, Norwood Keel ana Hugh Hor ton Jr . are spending a few days in Daytona Beach. Fla. Returns To Station Sgt. Johnnie F Allsbrook re turned to his station at Langley Field yesterday after a visit here with his mother and a short stay with his brothei. Jerry, in Wil mington. Spend Holidays at Beach Mr. and Mrs. James Bulluek and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hamilton spent the holidays at Pamlico, Beach. Visits Mother Pfc. Rex Singleton, stationed at Langley Field, Va„ spent last week-end here with his mother, Mrs. Perlie Gardner, and family. Returning Today Mr. and Mrs. Died Darden and daughter, Anne, will return to day from Topsail Beach near Camp Davis where they spent a week, ■ ■ _=--11. Ffere From Florida Mis.' Barbara Ann Cosev of Lakeland. Fla., visited Mr. and VIrs. J. A. Leggett here last week. At Pamlico Yesterday Miss Rosalee Hardison, Mi's. Llyde Waters, Miss Bessie Malone ind Mrs. Jessie Melson spent ves :erday afternoon at Pamlico Beach. Return From West Virginia Miss Ernestine Gardner and Mr. fames Mullins returned last, Fri iay from a two-week visit with VIr. Mullins' parents in Charles on, W. Va. 'lass Meeting The Phiiathea Class of the Me morial Baptist Church will meet with Mrs. Arthur Perry Friday right at 8 o’clock. Upturns rrom vacation Mr. Ernest Mears has returned from a vacation at Nags Head. He was accompanied />n his trip bv his family of Rocky Mount. Spend Day At Beach Misses Elizabeth Manning,: Fences Raynor, Thelma John son and Georgia Dean Roberson spent Sunday at Atlantic Beach. Attend "The Lost Colony” Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Courtney spent the week end at Manteo and attended the opening per formance of "The Lost Colony runmuic Mr. Ben Courtney will leave Sunday to attend the High Point furniture show. Eye Glasses Broken? We maintain a complete optical service. Lens, temples and frames replaced and repaired Quick service. Peele’s — Jewelers 121 Main St. Tel. 2311 G*W SEVEN STAR V liintfttf whlskay. *Tht straight whlsklss srs 4 >nn ar mars *14. J7V4H •might whlskay. MV4M •astral spirits dlstiMRS (ram grain. 1 S% straight whlskay 4 yaari aid. 11% straight whlskay § yaara al4. 7V4H straight 1 whlskay • yaars aU.~ OOODIRHAM ft WORTS LIMITID, RIORIA, ILLINOIS I SAFE!!! ;g^!|njat’ra*fine word and makes yon feel wood .whether you are playing baseball or the game of life. Nevertheless, it is a much more -difficult thing to be Vafe in your everyday life than it is when the baseball ^impire makes his decision. While insurance cannot k'eepjyou1! from being hurt or from having your property stolen or destroyed, it can see that you are ‘safe from monetary loss. The many types of insurance "protection available to you todav make it imperative that vou consult a good insurance agency. OUR ADVICE .COSTS YOU NOTHING HARRISON AND CARSTARPHEN a I .*111 New, All-Time Record! Users Now Buying We and all other Chevrolet Dealers have delivered 40,001 Chevrolet trucks — an average of 1530 a day —in a single month!* That's an all tawd. that no other truck even approaches. That's the best possible “buy-sign” for you. It tells you that Chevrolet trucks are first in user preference because they’re first in value. Ir tells you that Chevrolet trucks are the proved leaders on all kinds of roads for all kinds of loads. It tells you that Chevrolet trucks will haul your goods more miles at less cost per mile. Come in and get all the money-saving factsl »losod on official dtalor-roportod salo« during fhg lost full month for which flguroi ora availablg, ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS ► Performance Leaders -v Chevrolet's newest and most powerful trucki f»a lure an improved 9J-h.p. Thriftmaster Valve-in. Head engine and a brand-new 105-h.p. Load mailer Valve-in-Heod engine. Smooth, quick acceleration it provided by Chevrolet’! new Power-Jet carburetor. Synchro-Meih transmission •nablei driver to ihift with greater eare and tafely. j Payload Leaders Chevrolet Irucki deliver Ihe goods at low soil par mile—and deliver them fasti Fea tures like Chevrolet's Diaphragm Spring dutch for smooth engagement and Double Articulated brakes for complete driver control enable you to meet the mosl demanding road schedules. Popularity Leaders Chevrolet Advance-Design Irucki are America's biggest sellers! That's because users recognise the value of such Chevrolet features as Hypoid rear axles that are 5 timet more durable than spiral bevel typo end Unit-Design cab and bodies that are built lot added strength and durability. Price Leaders Chevrolet's rock-bottom initial cost, economy of operation and upkeep and high trade-in value add up to the lowest price for you. Compare valeesl Compare what you get far the price you pay. You'll find everything favors Chevrolet truck* Roanoke Chevrolet Company — Williams! on, N. C. ■v

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